[Implemented] Erra the Puppy + [Implemented] Expansion


Jul 11, 2016
Now, witness the fire power of my fully armed and operational writing-boner.
Please help I can't stop writing about slutpuppies I think something is wrong.

This is what I've been writing recently:

Erra (working name, due to it sounding like other names, yet I've grown very fond of it) is an Ausar pilot working for Reaper Armaments. She's fond of meeting new people wherever she docks to carry out her fantasies of being a fuck-pet with. She's a very self-confident puppy, a bit too full of herself at times, but still rather submissive when it comes to the actual sexing.

I started writing Erra because I felt like the game could use some dedicated pet-play stuff, and I kinda feel bad writing for other people's puppies. She's definitely going to end up smaller than Brandy and the Syri pet-play project, but will probably get expanded on in the future with more stuff. So what's planned outline is what's there.

All of Erra's planned scenes are done, you can look at em' here:

Erra the Puppy

Hope you guys like it!

Hey, hey! Would ya' look at that! Erra's been implemented! Which means work on her expansion will probably start soon. Here's some things I have planned for it:

  • Furthering Steele and Erra's relationship, with Dee acting as an ambassador for Erra's feelings about Steele.
  • Public pets at the bar, more pets in private, and a walkies scene which may or may not feature a beej.
  • Possible perma-collaring/personalized collar gift.
  • Erra's Super Secret Cuddle Scene


I don't feel like polluting this subforum with more of my threads so I'm just gonna shove Erra's expansion in here for now. Most of the expansion is written up excluding the whole collar scenario, because I still need to figure out whether I want to do it and how to do it. If you'll notice above, it does say possible.

Otherwise it features all the things mentioned above, including a rather nice heart-to-heart with Dee about Erra that got a lot bigger than I intended. Things still need editing so any help with that, or any other feedback would be very much appreciated.

Erra's Expansion

Hope you guys like it!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
TFW people post fun stuff while you're supposed to be studying...I'm gonna fail this exam...

I love the concept.
Definitely gonna give this a read later on. :)
Maybe tonight.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
While I do like the idea of an npc that is mainly petplay, don't burn yourself out on this stuff, this is like the third petplay puppyslut you're working on, as well as a cowgirl. Also I like Dee, and hope to see her more, even if its silly mode only, and she makes little quips while you're leaving or something.


Jul 11, 2016
While I do like the idea of an npc that is mainly petplay, don't burn yourself out on this stuff, this is like the third petplay puppyslut you're working on, as well as a cowgirl.

Thanks for the concern, the thing I really burnt myself out on was the Syri stuff (10,000 words of ass-fuckery), hence why I took a break to write that Anno scene. I generally just write when I want, because it's become a pastime for me, and even then I only write things I like; i.e. putting doggirls in collars, so I don't get burnt out too easily, so long as I never feel like I'm being forced too write. As for the cowgirl, she's done, until I feel like writing her expansion, of course.

Also I like Dee, and hope to see her more, even if its silly mode only, and she makes little quips while you're leaving or something.

Definitely this, she'll be taking note on how often Steele shows up on Erra's ship.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I have to admit that I like Erra a lot. Physical and psychological features alike. The name just is a bit weird, since I can not tell at a glance what language it is derived from (if any), and that is a bit unnerving. But I guess I can get used to it :D.


Jul 11, 2016
TFW people post fun stuff while you're supposed to be studying...I'm gonna fail this exam...

I'm sorry, but I seem to remember you writing 2500 words of sexy cowgirl dreams before this.

I have to admit that I like Erra a lot. Physical and psychological features alike. The name just is a bit weird, since I can not tell at a glance what language it is derived from (if any), and that is a bit unnerving. But I guess I can get used to it :D.

Thanks! The name isn't really derived from anything, just an idea that I came up with while listening to one of my favorite albums of all time:

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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
>tfw more comptetent writers join


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
H A W T!!!
And I haven´t even read the sex scenes yet.
I like the character. She´s got a nice body, a nice introduction, and let me guess a fantastic personality, I´m sure :p (I couldn´t help myself. I really do like her personality)
She´s the black magic woman who I wish would turn her (gropeable) back on me.

I don´t really have much to add except what others have said, and my failed anonymous suggestion...
(I was too lazy to log onto my other account. Please forgive me)

Edit: I dedicated part of this post to a good song, and a nice character. I´m satisfied with this as my 1111th.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Good news! My exams are over!

Also good news: I thought it'd be fun to write up Erra's repeatable sex intro, and I was right. Erra's turning out to be an enjoyable character to write.

Here's the doc: Erra the Puppy
The repeatable scene seems good to me.
I came with two comments though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2016
Loving the writing so far! Can't wait to see the rest


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hehe I getting Good/Bad Girl options but...then the Vanilla took me by suprise. Looking to see what it will be. Also that onboard AI is funny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Hehe I getting Good/Bad Girl options but...then the Vanilla took me by suprise. Looking to see what it will be. Also that onboard AI is funny.
It's obviously giving her a "vanilla" flavoured "popsicle". :p

That or just ordinary petplay. Scratching behind ears, rubbing of tummies, maybe some ordinary playing etc.
'tis what I think it is in the very least.
I'm optimistic it will be good either way.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As said either Hugs will tell is soon or just write so then we would see what it's about.


Jul 11, 2016
I'm not 100% on the vanilla scene yet. The idea I have for it is nice, but I don't know if I want Erra to be exclusively pet-play or not. The scene itself would unlock after [Good Girl] and [Bad Girl] are done, so I'm gonna focus on those for now.

Especially that bad-girl scene: pin Erra against a wall and go in dry with plenty of leash tugging mmmmmm.

Speaking of, is there a parser for hardlight strap-ons, or do I need to come up with a bunch of way to describe the PC's light saber dink?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Especially that bag-girl scene: pin Erra against a wall and go in dry with plenty of leash tugging mmmmmm.
Speaking of, is there a parser for hardlight strap-ons, or do I need to come up with a bunch of way to describe the PC's light saber dink?
It´s not on the parser doc, so I assume it´s not created yet.
This is what I responded to misty when she asked about hardlight descriptions herself:
Besides using "hardlight strap-on", you could go for different variants of hardlight dick/cock etc.
Maybe you should read Savin´s hardlight scenes. Or just a couple of hardlight scenes in general. I´ve seen some interesting descriptions like glowing-dick and energy-cock.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Living somewhere in Uruguay.
Especially that bad-girl scene: pin Erra against a wall and go in dry with plenty of leash tugging mmmmmm.

Hnnng, hard sex against the wall with a leash.
My god Hugs, if you with keep doing pet-plays, you will become the 'The Master of Pet-Play writing."

Anyways, so far I have reading, I like Erra. She is a pretty interesting character with a good design (Black haired Ausar :smuggo:) and whose AI is funny and charismatic. (And by some reason reminds me of Iddi (Paige's personal AI.))

Also: "how much damage could {annoCrew: another //Else: an} Ausar girl cause?"
Did you just use the comment I left you? (Because if you did, I willl feel really honoured :))
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Vanilla? psh

Also that title is too long, try again.


Jul 11, 2016
Also: "how much damage could {annoCrew: another //Else: an} Ausar girl cause?"
Did you just use the comment I left you? (Because if you did, I willl feel really honoured :))

Indeed I did, thanks for that, by the way.

Vanilla? psh

It'd essentially be there for Erra's character more than anything, see how she acts in the sack when there isn't a collar around her neck.

Also, why do people keep suggesting I get a title?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pet-Player as title maybe?

Also is that parsers gdoc actual or may be slight outdated?
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Living somewhere in Uruguay.
Indeed I did, thanks for that, by the way.


Also, [pc.hardlight], [pc.hardlightType], or something like that, could work for as a Parser Tag for Hugs?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
how she acts in the sack when there isn't a collar around her neck
If you're referring to cuddles, two things: we already expect that from you and, cuddling is pretty lewd bro.

Anyway, no one wants you to have a title; check your privilege.


Jul 11, 2016
If you're referring to cuddles, two things: we already expect that from you and, cuddling is pretty lewd bro.

Oh, there's cuddles in her pet-play scenes. The vanilla scene would've gone something like: "If I can't have my fun with a collar, I'm gonna have it fucking your brains out," and then she tops you, fucking said brains out until she cums way too early.

Anyway, no one wants you to have a title

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