lol ya'll are squabbling over the lore of this item and series stuff while I'm over here like "I'm just really just excited for multi-tits"
It's serious business here. :catbert:
lol ya'll are squabbling over the lore of this item and series stuff while I'm over here like "I'm just really just excited for multi-tits"
lol ya'll are squabbling over the lore of this item and series stuff while I'm over here like "I'm just really just excited for multi-tits"
i really take this all too serious as if Ausars at large don't like this item in-universe I can't get over the fact it'd be kinda OOC for my Steele to take it.
yeah, but what if your Steele is kind of an Ausar-weeaboo that is fixated on their Dogness and over-compensating?
yeah, but what if your Steele is kind of an Ausar-weeaboo that is fixated on their Dogness and over-compensating?
Dogness? Ausars are just posers. Go to the true furry side!
I've barely gotten to the point where I can look past the furriness of full-furs to still enjoy sex scenes with them, I don't think I'll be having any fursonas any time soon ^___^;
Count yourself fortunate, then, that most of the game's races are humans with animal parts tacked on. I'm in much the opposite situation. People have criticized Mass Effect for, despite having a galaxy's worth of genetic diversity to explore, most of its races being pretty much humanoid (Esp. the Asari). Well, Mass Effect's got nothing on TiTs in that regardBut I still find the whole thing highly enjoyable, despite this.
You had your turn in CoC, now it is time for the humanoid lovers to be the majority xD
Count yourself fortunate, then, that most of the game's races are humans with animal parts tacked on. I'm in much the opposite situation. People have criticized Mass Effect for, despite having a galaxy's worth of genetic diversity to explore, most of its races being pretty much humanoid (Esp. the Asari). Well, Mass Effect's got nothing on TiTs in that regardBut I still find the whole thing highly enjoyable, despite this.
You'd prefer everyone wrote in different directions and nothing interconnected, or worse, we had contradictions? That wouldn't make for a very good story.
Hanar on elcor action? :3
@JDeko the point Trogdor is making is that too much is humanoid. Furries are humanoid, hence the commonly used "anthro" to indicate basically humans with animal features. Explaining this in this community feels weird.
A thought just crossed my mind: I don't think we have a single instance of a non-human alien (like a Leithan or Ovir or something) taking gene mods to become more or completely human.
Count yourself fortunate, then, that most of the game's races are humans with animal parts tacked on.
the point Trogdor is making is that too much is humanoid. Furries are humanoid, hence the commonly used "anthro" to indicate basically humans with animal features.
It's just too bad we're not getting aliens in an aliens game because, hey, how could we muster and, gasp, screw them?
It's just too bad we're not getting aliens in an aliens game because, hey, how could we muster and, gasp, screw them?
lol ya'll are squabbling over the lore of this item and series stuff while I'm over here like "I'm just really just excited for multi-tits"
Saddest part is: the game alludes to their existence on several occasions, but we haven't interacted with them and probably never will.
Back to them rails: Canid morphs are long overdue and I'd be very pleased when this TF will make it, especially if the subspecies portion will remain in one form or another.
Well to explain the reason why I went this way with the lore, is because of the story bible. It directly states that there are lots of legal battles(or wars) over between lots of super-corps, but that concept is never truly explored in the game. It's just a background note to explain why Steele Tech is a small super corp. I wanted to bring that concept to the forefront with this set of items with a lot of damage to most involved beings. Changing that to Ausar being offended, would feel weak and not enough to break a supercorp
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]This product was originally created by Wolf&Castle Inc., but, because of later advertising campaigns that encouraged teenagers to take this transformative as a form of rebellion against their parents, the corporation was set with lengthy and expensive court proceedings that eventually drove it to bankruptcy. To pay off their debts, the patents for these transformatives and their variants were sold to the Bluecrab corp. However, because of the contracts they had with their xeno-geneticists and contradicting copyright laws of several different governments, this only resulted in more expensive and lengthy court battles where Bluecrab fought for what they bought. Only recently, when the Bluecrab corporation filed for bankruptcy after some intentionally self-destructive actions by its own CEO, did the battles over copyright begin to die down, long after any of original complainers had died.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Only the original product survived these court proceedings intact, being bought by Steele Tech and sold as a remake. The other variants were split into various copyrights that Steele Tech can't buy, either because those who own them don't want to sell or have been bought by competing companies that didn't want the full product to be sold. Steele Tech occasionally releases promotions where parts of these variants are sold in the same package as the remake.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]This product was invented by Wolf&Castle Inc., but due to industrial espionage the Bluecrab corp copyrighted and released the product first. Wolf&Castle launched an internal investigation to search for the source of the leak, but was unable to find it for several years as the product grew in popularity and profitability. When they did find the leak and brought it to justice, Wolf&Castle set their sights on regaining control over their stolen property by bringing Bluecrab corp to court. Both corporations fought fervently through lengthy and expensive court battles, which lasted for several years. Even Wolf&Castle's eventual bankruptcy did not stop the legal proceedings as the descendants of the xeno-geneticists continued to fight for it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]But, after a series of intentional extremely bad investments, the CEO of Bluecrab Corb bankrupted the company, only then did the battles over copyright begin to die down, long after any of original claimants had died. Most of the original patent survived these court proceedings intact, being quickly bought by Steele Tech and sold as a remake. The derivative products were not so lucky as Steele Tech only managed to get bits and pieces of the original formula, either because those who own them don't want to sell them, or they have already been sold to competing companies that didn't want the full product to be sold. Steele Tech occasionally releases promotions where parts of these variants that they managed to purchase are sold in the same package as the remake.[/SIZE]
The subset of the playerbase that wants crazier alien designs would have to meet writers halfway. Humanoid anatomy is always going to be present in the majority of races. Always. Mammalian traits like breasts of some form, phallic arrangements, internal wombs and vaginal arrangements, and stuff like that are going to be common. Being mammalian doesn't necessarily make something an uncreative or unbelievable alien design, either. A great many earth animals have mammaries in some shape or form, as well as penises and vaginas that follow the same basic logic as human genitals, because that's what nature determined was the best way to make babies and care for babies. There's reason to believe that real-life aliens may have similar anatomies if they evolved on Earth-like planets or in Earth-like conditions. Which, given what we know about physics and the narrow conditions in which carbon-based life can be sustained, seems pretty reasonable. Encountering an alien race that looks and behaves in a manner similar to humans is just as likely, if not more likely, than finding some crazy Tholian-esque race.@Lashcharge: Doggie Snausages has more lore than pretty much any other TF in the game save the Treatment. Even stuff like Gush and Dumbfuck only have short little blurbs about what they did to the market and consumers when they came out. Don't be afraid to generalize some of your lore a little bit if you feel like you need to. It seems the focus of this project would be to get a TF out there, so don't get too hung up on the little stuff. Unless you're planning some broader story arc involving this and the lore it establishes, I suppose.
but more that they have a crystalline biology and can't survive in temps other than nearly 500 Kelvin
Dear lord! I was talking about the appearance of them that I didn't mind, but that biology is insane. So are they basically walking superheated sentient crystal's?
You feel a warm trickle down your bright red, animalistic shaft from her deflowering as she wraps her arms around your neck.