If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Oh yeah forgot to say. If we somehow had lots of money to do shit with, i'd probably mod myself to look like my character. Looks something like:

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a leithan over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 10 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 3.05 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using a small frilly pink bikini bottom for underwear, and girding your upper body with a small frilly pink bikini top.

Your face is fairly human in shape, but is covered in gray scales over gray skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with shapely lips decorated with a pair of lip piercings, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes each feature a secondary pupil, forming an intensely striking symbol of infinity nestled as they are amongst a single brilliantly bright blue iris. A pair of floppy rabbit ears stick up out of your ass-length, raven quill-hair, bouncing around as you lope. In addition, six-inch long pointed elfin ears jut out below them, giving you exceptional hearing. Your mouth contains a narrow but flexible tongue that, if you so desire, can extend a good distance out from your mouth. Its tip is forked, and you are capable of moving it around in an almost prehensile manner. Two curled ram horns twist back from your forehead, curling over your ears like a satyr out of terran legend.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of gray scales, and a pair of large bat-like demon-wings fold behind your shoulders. With a muscle-twitch, you can extend them, and use them to soar gracefully through the air. Swirls of glittering black trace brighter accents across much of your form. Small claws protrude from the tips of your fingers in place of fingernails, and your arms are covered from fingertip to elbow with a thick layer of chitinous plates. From the waist down, you have a powerful, six-legged body that looks like a crossbreed of a lizard and a horse. Your big-but-tight ass gives hints of just how much muscle you could put into a kick. To highlight your vulgarity, a tattoo is permanently printed on your lower back, advertising how much of a slut you are to anyone who sees it. A sinuous, almost snake-like tail waves behind you, covered in gray scales like the rest of you except at the tip. There, it terminates in a supple, stretchy, wiggly cunt that always seems to crave fresh sperm. Your reptile-like legs end in clawed feet, tipped with three long toes and a small hind-claw on the back.

Your paunched middle would just barely push past the waistband of a pair of pants. It’s a little bit of a muffin-top. The ever-growing TamaniCorp egg inside you moves ever so slightly with every step, making you shiver with pleasure almost constantly.

You have two fluid-filled breasts, capped with one pliable nipple-cunt each. The average-sized areolae are pink. While you may appear to have inverted nipples, your chest actually houses wet, slippery secrets. A finger or cock could easily slip inside you to give and get as much pleasure as any crotch-couched cunt. Your lactating mammaries are producing milk but are nowhere near full at the moment. You could easily fill a DD-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is no longer below your waist, but instead at the back of your tauric hindquarters. Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown your two, inhumanly distended, inhuman pricks:
Your first bulging snake-shaft is 36 inches long and six inches in diameter. It’s a deep, iridescent purple in color. Unlike a human penis, the shaft is patterned with multiple bulbous bumps to stimulate potential partners, and the whole of its length is glossy and smooth. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. A small knot of thicker flesh is near the base of your bulbous snake-cock, ready to expand to help you lodge it inside a female. The knot is 7.5 inches wide when at full size.
Your next imposing, ophidian tool is 36 inches long and six inches wide. It’s a deep, iridescent purple in color. Unlike a human penis, the shaft is patterned with multiple bulbous bumps to stimulate potential partners, and the whole of its length is glossy and smooth. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. A small knot of thicker flesh is near the base of your bulbous dong, ready to expand to help you lodge it inside a female. The knot is 7.5 inches wide when at full size.
Each of your manhoods naturally retract into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid.

Your scaly sack hugs your two baseball-sized, cute testicles tightly against your body. You estimate each of them to be about nine inches around and 2.7 inches across.

You have three constricting, stretchy, pheromone-laden pussies,  all similar in appearance.
Your first entrance is a pheromone-laden pussy with one 0.5-inch clit, still virginal in appearance.
The second slit is an inhuman honeypot with one 0.5-inch clit, still virginal in appearance.
The third and final vagina is a swollen cunt with one 0.5-inch clit, still virginal in appearance.
Each vagina’s exterior lips are fat and swollen. They could easily be described as rubbery, and they often shine with a wet sheen, regardless of your arousal. When you’re aroused, you’re told that they wink. Their lips and insides are covered in numerous nub-like protrusions.

You have one narrow asshole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with thick streams of lubricant oozing constantly from the orifice quite liberally.

Because why not?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oh yeah forgot to say. If we somehow had lots of money to do shit with, i'd probably mod myself to look like my character. Looks something like:

Because why not?

Well doesn't then my vision of living in TiTS world fitting here? As CEO of Xenogen this would be a child play to get ^^

But that possibilities would be only secondary I would look after still -_-'


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah I wouldn't want to hurt her despite my dislike of her. I love all the interesting characters and their stories. Some of the stuff is clearly not finished yet, like Inessa's wardrobe issue but that just makes me want to see how they'll be resolved.

...fine.  But if she gets violent, I get violent. 

Any how back on topic, I'd probably visit some untouched planet light years from the current rush and declare it my own personal resort.


Jan 8, 2016
I would get paranoid and fear everyone would try to TF/rape/Impregnate me... without money I would be quite fucked (well...) and with money I would try to live a secure and sexually fulfilled life with lots of ausar herms and bitches as bodyguards/servants.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Probably whore myself at Beth's to afford sweet cybernetic implants but wind up a sex slave instead.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Realistically? Probably would still be a completly unremarkable person doing nothing important. But I'd probably save up money to buy myself some Estrobloom and maybe some Tittyblossom. If I live on Tavros I'd probably also become Sera's subby little b*tch after buying said stuff from her. Actually that doesn't sound to bad.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Uh well I don't know what the exchange rate for dollars to credits is, but I'd probably be the same except saving my money to buy feminizing mods. I'd also have pigtails since hair seems incredibly easy to maintain and change in this universe. 


Aug 26, 2015
Credits can only be exchanged for Bison Dollars.

I'd basically be the same.  Tech writer, somewhat frugal spender with a focus on avoiding debt, frequent writer of internet porn.  Might consider some cosmetic adjustments but nothing major.  There's a reason I never play these sorts of games as "me".


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2016
I'd become a Nyrean female and probably run/work at some random store on a core world.

Unimaginative, I know, but I'd get to be a qt3.14 bug-woman with a huge egg-dick. 

Though, I'd probably end up working under Sera's desk if I had a say in it. Or Xanthe. A spehss dom would be pretty rad.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
If I lived in TiTs land I'd probably be slaving in the kitchen at Anon's bar, not too different from my real job. Though I'd for sure try and cop a freebie from Sellesy after my shift.
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Oct 1, 2015
Ooooh, if ONLY I could live in the TiT's universe! xD

1) Mod the shit out of myself, preferably to become my Steele Character but if that proved to be too expensive or risky (No save scumming in a real life situation) I'd aim to find the mods that allow me the option to shape-shift however I choose. Preferably a Polymorph like Fyn or use Galomax if I am able to somehow manipulate how 'solid' I can be. I'd hate to be a sticky goo all the time. I'd like to be able to impersonate other people, but I'd happily accept the ability to turn myself into a monster if given the option.
2) Get a decently sized frigate, one with comfortable living quarters, a hull and enough room to store another ship allowing for short distance transport. Even if I have to steal one and renovate it with extra guns or something it'll be fine.
3) Get an AI to control the ship while I'm away, If I have time; I'd find it a cyborg body for it, and teach it what love is and why it shouldn't kill all the humans.
4) Become a master Forger and Smuggler. I could be a space trucker and transport things legally, but this would be more profitable and
I could also get work from Kiro or Shade. Playing on both sides of the law like a good adventurer would be fun!
5) Live. I have no ambitions like becoming king of an indigenous race, a Pirate Lord or a CEO of a company. I'm perfectly content with living a life of fun and excitement, free of everything that would otherwise tie me down. My identity is fluid, I could choose to help or hinder whoever I meet and the law cannot catch me, I can explore the furthest reaches of the universe, discover new things and document my adventures. I could make new friends, learn new things and even fall in love if I'm lucky. I'd be free. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Well I got two options, the realistic one and the ideal:

Realistic one is work as a history professor teaching at a community college, giving all them space aliens an in-depth understanding on Earth cultures and shiz. Nothing too special, maybe try to get a few mods here and there, but over all be a normal human.

For the ideal life in the TiT's verse? Be an aristocrat living the high-life, without a worry or care in the world. Might end up joining the Anatae because they are the best option for someone who wants to be old money, though I'd dislike the idea of being a bird person. Might instead end up an Ausar then, since they're option two for that sort of lifestyle.

Depending on how expensive mods actually are, I might try living a year in the opposite sex's shoes to see how its like. If I enjoy I'd then try out being a herm, if not I'd stick with being a male then.

Maybe get involved in starting a colony during the rush if I was rich enough. I like the idea of being a space imperialist with the land to back up any fancy titles I decide to bestow upon myself. Delusions of grandeur for the win!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Considering millenias to pass... Likely in a gray goo body, as it most realistic canonic option for someone from that era to live long enough. And what to do... Likely playing all that games bought on Steam sales.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Having enough cash to buy large enough stash of antiaging stuff would work too to live long. Wasn't it implied that CEO of Xenogen living already quite long as for human?

So cuz of that 'additional' time I would if given chance live in TiTSverse make use of it (problem how would my there get first cash for it as after it whenever I got enough Steam games or not would be secondary issue).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Having enough cash to buy large enough stash of antiaging stuff would work too to live long. Wasn't it implied that CEO of Xenogen living already quite long as for human?

So cuz of that 'additional' time I would if given chance live in TiTSverse make use of it (problem how would my there get first cash for it as after it whenever I got enough Steam games or not would be secondary issue).

Considering Vic died after all,  you can't buy immortality without getting rid of organic body. They are, after all, so vulnerable to accidents...

Though it is an "live through millenias from nowdays up to ingame timeline". Getting there directly... Really depends on "how". And if there are decent adaptation program for refugees from outside UGC.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Considering Vic died after all,  you can't buy immortality without getting rid of organic body.

Didn't Vic only die because he overdosed himself with crappy alien Transformation mods until his DNA was to dmaged for the anti-aging mods to work properly?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Didn't Vic only die because he overdosed himself with crappy alien Transformation mods until his DNA was to dmaged for the anti-aging mods to work properly?

It likely helped a lot, but I don't think that I've seen any reference to really old characters aside Nova's goo crew.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
It likely helped a lot, but I don't think that I've seen any reference to really old characters aside Nova's goo crew.

You can meet Jarvis during Seras party. He's been around for at least 4 planet rushes. And Victor was only around for the last one, which was 200 years ago, so I guess that's probably about a 800 years old if not more.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can meet Jarvis during Seras party. He's been around for at least 4 planet rushes. And Victor was only around for the last one, which was 200 years ago, so I guess that's probably about a 800 years old if not more.

Hm, Sera's content is one I'm totally avoiding... But it doesn't look like he lived so long using just something simple money could buy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Hm, Sera's content is one I'm totally avoiding... But it doesn't look like he lived so long using just something simple money could buy.

His dialogue:

“And that was your first frontier rush?” you ask, desperately changing the subject. He laughs.

“This will be the fourth I’ve sat through, darling. Your father’s weakness was impulsiveness, and that’s what did for him in the end. If you don’t tamper with your genes too much, acquire wealth via patience and prudence and - of course - eat your greens, you can live for quite some time.” He sighs, stubbing out his cigarette. “Too long, for most. I am the oldest human I know, and it’s not because I lived healthier than everybody I knew of my generation. To live this long, you need... not to get too upset about seeing the same patterns emerge, over and over again. To love the sight of young people finding things out and applying it, even if you’ve seen it a million times before. To never feel that you’ve experienced everything the galaxy has to offer, even if that might be the most pleasant fiction of all. And, yes... develop a few hobbies.”

Seems like the biggest problem is to not get bored too much.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Seems like the biggest problem is to not get bored too much.

Looked into his lines... Looks a lot like background I've planned for character set to be connecting link for CoC and TiTS verses... Boredom and weariness as immortal's main threat seems to be quite obvious choise :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Seems like the biggest problem is to not get bored too much.

Well that why Etis TiTSverse alterego would have all those Steam games library to not die from...boredom.

Anyway seems many people here looking up to try out at least few of TF itmes that game have. Well if it not gonna mess my genes too much and shorten...lifesan would probably too try few mods/Tf items, probably specificaly the ones to make me psionic :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Huh.........Probably get raped a lot by oversexed women fortunately males in the TiTs universe aren't exceptionally rapey. Unfortunately almost 70% of the female population seem to have gotten modded with dongs. I'd hate my life in the TiTs universe probably. Because there just wouldn't be enough all-woman women for me. 

I doubt I'd get modded, modifying my character is one thing modifying my body however is another. Maybe experiment a little as long as I had something to revert the changes afterwards but all in all I like being me and don't need another 10inches on my cock from horse/bull mods. Though I'd consider mods for my eyes....get some slit pupils. Though if the daily rape situation was bad I'd probably get some mods to grow some horns add a foot of height and bulk out for revenge dickings.

I'd probaby end up a space rusher trying to earn a buck. Assuming I could even get a ship and some basic weapons to begin with. Alternatively sign on with the void pirates stash some loot and disappear as quietly as possible and transition into a legit businessman spending the rest of my days hoping they don't come looking to pull me back in. Or...maybe go to new texas and try to talk zephyr into getting rid of her cock so I can breed her properly. Myrellion might also be a place I'd visit alternating between trying futilely to impregnant the most likely infertile red women while trying to find one of their queens to find out if human/myr hybrids are possible and trying to avoid getting nyrea eggs laid in my ass because I'd much prefer using nyreans as a cocksleeve.

...Man there aren't alot of good jobs if you're male and unwilling to eat a dick in TiTs are there? Somebody should do something about that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Huh.........Probably get raped a lot by oversexed women fortunately males in the TiTs universe aren't exceptionally rapey. Unfortunately almost 70% of the female population seem to have gotten modded with dongs. I'd hate my life in the TiTs universe probably. Because there just wouldn't be enough all-woman women for me. 

I doubt I'd get modded, modifying my character is one thing modifying my body however is another. Maybe experiment a little as long as I had something to revert the changes afterwards but all in all I like being me and don't need another 10inches on my cock from horse/bull mods. Though I'd consider mods for my eyes....get some slit pupils. Though if the daily rape situation was bad I'd probably get some mods to grow some horns add a foot of height and bulk out for revenge dickings.

I'd probaby end up a space rusher trying to earn a buck. Assuming I could even get a ship and some basic weapons to begin with. Alternatively sign on with the void pirates stash some loot and disappear as quietly as possible and transition into a legit businessman spending the rest of my days hoping they don't come looking to pull me back in. Or...maybe go to new texas and try to talk zephyr into getting rid of her cock so I can breed her properly. Myrellion might also be a place I'd visit alternating between trying futilely to impregnant the most likely infertile red women while trying to find one of their queens to find out if human/myr hybrids are possible and trying to avoid getting nyrea eggs laid in my ass because I'd much prefer using nyreans as a cocksleeve.

...Man there aren't alot of good jobs if you're male and unwilling to eat a dick in TiTs are there? Somebody should do something about that.

Hey you...get out of my head.

Also I notice a trend in how in TiTSivers the word "gender" is very rapidly losing its meaning and usefulness, everyone you bump into seems to be a herm or planning to be one. I bet after the the next planet rush being single gendered is going to be looked down upon. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I doubt I'd get modded, modifying my character is one thing modifying my body however is another. Maybe experiment a little as long as I had something to revert the changes afterwards but all in all I like being me and don't need another 10inches on my cock from horse/bull mods. Though I'd consider mods for my eyes....get some slit pupils. Though if the daily rape situation was bad I'd probably get some mods to grow some horns add a foot of height and bulk out for revenge dickings.

Am I only one who actually would likely prefer cybernetics? It feels more promising than organic cosmetic mods.

Also I notice a trend in how in TiTSivers the word "gender" is very rapidly losing its meaning and usefulness, everyone you bump into seems to be a herm or planning to be one.

That's... Understandable. Something which one pill can change is barely something signigicant.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Am I only one who actually would likely prefer cybernetics? It feels more promising than organic cosmetic mods.

Eh, that'd mean losing your perfectly fine organic limbs though. I'm not OK with that. I mean if I got hurt like Saendra sure, let's go cybrog. But I'm not about to go chopping parts off just to find out if cybernetics is the thing for me. 

Also I forgot to mention I'd probably get a VI those things seem awesome. I wonder if some ghost in the shell style full dives are possible in TiTs....either through cybernetics or some form of VR interface to display the data....that'd probably be something I'd be interested in experimenting with too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
I might mod myself to get a horse cock - just so I can better please bigger ladies like Ellie and Centaurs like Aina.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, that'd mean losing your perfectly fine organic limbs though. I'm not OK with that. I mean if I got hurt like Saendra sure, let's go cybrog. But I'm not about to go chopping parts off just to find out if cybernetics is the thing for me.

Yes, it is sort of hard decision, but when you can as easily grow new one back (as long as you have money, ofc) it is not that hard.

Also I forgot to mention I'd probably get a VI those things seem awesome. I wonder if some ghost in the shell style full dives are possible in TiTs....either through cybernetics or some form of VR interface to display the data....that'd probably be something I'd be interested in experimenting with too.

Not sure I understood you right here.

I might mod myself to get a horse cock - just so I can better please bigger ladies like Ellie and Centaurs like Aina.

Meh... I've always appreciated smaller things...


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
I would be too poor to explore the universe and too poor to love the planet i live on.