I don't wanna be a boytoy!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"I don't wanna be a boytoy!" is a text based choose your own adventure style game built in Twine.  Your player character is captured by a group of sorceress amazons and transformed into their ideal mate, the titular boytoy.  Try to navigate your way through their society while building up what capabilities you have left in order to find some way to escape from your slavery.  Along the way you have the chance to start sexual relationships with various amazons and another boytoy like yourself.

Mandatory fetishes: Transformation into a male pretty boy, minor mind control.

Optional fetishes:  m/f, m/m, h/m, femdom, futanari, masturbation, muscular women, heavy mind control.

Planned content: threesomes.

Current version 0.07, early version but has several sex scenes.

Link to design doc for the game.  You can find out more about the world the game takes place in and what characters you can expect to run into along the way.

This, and my other interactive experiences, are funded on my Patreon.  If you want to support my work and get a say in what I work on next, please check it out.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
femdom muscular women and possible futa? sign me the fuck up!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
guaranteed to play a trap that gets dom'd by ladies? oh boy... oh boy! OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Had a hunch you'll show up eventually, JD.

Back to the topic: TDM, do you plan on doing endings that would allow the protagonist to either become fully accustomed to their status or regain their freedom while choosing to stay as pretty trap living among the amazons' tribe?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Had a hunch you'll show up eventually, JD.

Back to the topic: TDM, do you plan on doing endings that would allow the protagonist to either become fully accustomed to their status or regain their freedom while choosing to stay as pretty trap living among the amazons' tribe?

Current plan is that you will have that option if you max out your relationship with any of the major characters but that might change.  I haven't figured out exactly how the gameplay will work yet, but I'm thinking you'll sort of have a timelimit to finish the game.  Maybe something like escape before winter, or else you're sort of forced to just settle down until spring.  One of the escape options might end up being what happens if you max relationship with one of the characters, though I can guarantee it would only be with the boytoy or the friend.  Your mistress, the matriarch, and the bodyguard aren't going to have any interest in running away or helping you escape.

Endings I want to include for sure right now (spoilers, tags don't seem to work):

For sure I want you to be able to escape if you can find a route and learn enough about the transformation on you to undo it.  For sure I want you to be able to convince the matriarch to outlaw the practice of enslaving people and transforming them (in turn letting you be transformed back and released).  For sure I want you to be able to make friends with and fall in love with your mistress, then accept your present status.  The rest we'll have to wait and see.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sorry that I can't give any feedback TDM, as the Mind Control content-flag is a serious nope for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm sorry that I can't give any feedback TDM, as the Mind Control content-flag is a serious nope for me.

The control is basically that the PC has been made to find some things more enjoyable and have a stronger fear response when given orders.  The other stuff will be completely optional.  If that's no good, then I understand.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
If I can choose to remain as a cute Shota-esque character I'm very intrigued.

Typo: After having Sex with Desponia, she says "Kilisand" instead of "Kitisand" - or maybe it mistakenly said "Kitisand" earlier, not sure.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Typo: After having Sex with Desponia, she says "Kilisand" instead of "Kitisand" - or maybe it mistakenly said "Kitisand" earlier, not sure.

Sorry, missed your edit first time around.  When I first started writing this I called it kitisand, after that I was off for three weeks on a work term before I came back to it.  Then I got the name mixed up with kilisand, it should be Kitisand.  I'll try to get all these fixed for the next version.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Sorry, missed your edit first time around.  When I first started writing this I called it kitisand, after that I was off for three weeks on a work term before I came back to it.  Then I got the name mixed up with kilisand, it should be Kitisand.  I'll try to get all these fixed for the next version.

Yeah, not a high priority matter but it was confusing because I backtracked to see if I didn't just misread it before.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
I, for one, welcome our new amazonian overlords.

Seriously hope you see this through to the end, Dark- concept's ticking all my boxes so far :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
New version is up.  Adds several more scenes including a couple more sex scenes.  The emphasis I was going for here was about just how helpless the player is and how little control they have.  Link is in the OP.

Changelog Version 0.02

  • Corrected all instances of kilisand to kitisand, also a few other typoes and missing quotation marks.
  • Implemented everything up to the end of the post-capture introduction (day 0), this includes:

    Exploring your room and choosing what to wear
  • Despoina reacting to you either wearing the clothes she left you or not
  • An optional masturbation scene

[*]Implemented the start of day 1, this includes:

  • Giving Despoina a bath
  • Short sex scene with Despoina if her relationship was enabled
  • Helping her dress and styling hair.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2015
Sounds great, I'll definitely be following this

Also in the scene where you first get dressed, you describe the toga as 'opake' rather than 'opaque'

Great so far, looking forward to more
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Wow this has got the start of something really interesting, hope you keep with it. Also I get to be a former bandit? Sweet! Just so long as I get to choose my history as a non-brutal sort of bandit. But yeah, great stuff man I hope to see more.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wow this has got the start of something really interesting, hope you keep with it. Also I get to be a former bandit? Sweet! Just so long as I get to choose my history as a non-brutal sort of bandit. But yeah, great stuff man I hope to see more.

Glad to hear you like it.  I haven't nailed down what the backgrounds are going to be exactly yet, but my current plan for the bandit is to be that you mostly just rob people by intimidating them.  I won't be going into detail though, since it will be a few hours in the camp, a bit of info on your current band's leader, then the camp getting raided by the amazons and you getting captured.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I really love the game so far, only gripe is that it seems like your character has sorta big nuts for a trappy character. otherwise this is the game I always wished would get made.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I really love the game so far, only gripe is that it seems like your character has sorta big nuts for a trappy character. otherwise this is the game I always wished would get made.

Well, you aren't really a trap, more like a male elf or pretty boy.  I probably wouldn't enjoy writing the game as much if you were a trap.  Though, obviously you can imagine things however you want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Fair enough, I don't see the two as being too different but won't belabor the point if its a contentious one. I suppose as long as the size of your gonads doesn't come up too much there's no issue. 


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Glad to hear you like it.  I haven't nailed down what the backgrounds are going to be exactly yet, but my current plan for the bandit is to be that you mostly just rob people by intimidating them.  I won't be going into detail though, since it will be a few hours in the camp, a bit of info on your current band's leader, then the camp getting raided by the amazons and you getting captured.

Well that's good, I always seem to identify more with the outlaws. Also why do they turn a female PC into a man/boy? I get why for the male PC but it seems to go against Amazon laws, seeing as a rival could be turned into a man and pretty much lose all their rights.

Also just a side question nothing important but is there going to be a storyline that maybe another Amazon wants you and tries to take you away from Des? Like you might realize that life was better with Des? I don't know why I ask this because the main woman is enough but eh... I guess I just want to know more lol!

Well, you aren't really a trap, more like a male elf or pretty boy.  I probably wouldn't enjoy writing the game as much if you were a trap.  Though, obviously you can imagine things however you want.

Male elf? Wheres muh ears? JK JK


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well that's good, I always seem to identify more with the outlaws. Also why do they turn a female PC into a man/boy? I get why for the male PC but it seems to go against Amazon laws, seeing as a rival could be turned into a man and pretty much lose all their rights.

Also just a side question nothing important but is there going to be a storyline that maybe another Amazon wants you and tries to take you away from Des? Like you might realize that life was better with Des? I don't know why I ask this because the main woman is enough but eh... I guess I just want to know more lol!

If you're not born an amagissa, you're no better than a man.  With their current laws and culture, foreigners get no protections against getting transformed.  Transforming an amagissa into a man would deprive them of both their rights and their magic, which is why that's considered a fate worse than death.  Only the most vile of amagissas would ever do such a thing, and any who were caught or convicted of doing that would be promptly executed.

There may be a sub-plot where the PC ends up someone else's kitisand, but that would almost certainly simply be a game over sequence.  I have a few ideas for this sort of thing bouncing around in my mind right now, but nothing concrete.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
If you're not born an amagissa, you're no better than a man.  With their current laws and culture, foreigners get no protections against getting transformed.  Transforming an amagissa into a man would deprive them of both their rights and their magic, which is why that's considered a fate worse than death.  Only the most vile of amagissas would ever do such a thing, and any who were caught or convicted of doing that would be promptly executed.

There may be a sub-plot where the PC ends up someone else's kitisand, but that would almost certainly simply be a game over sequence.  I have a few ideas for this sort of thing bouncing around in my mind right now, but nothing concrete.

Oh, well thanks for clarifying. I guess I've got no more questions, well at least ones that aren't stupid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
One problem I've been having so far while writing this game has been coming up choices for the player to make.  For this I mean choices that actually affect things like their relationships between characters or attributes.  When dealing with your mistress, a lot of the time there is no reason that the player shouldn't just do what they're told to, since defiance or doing a mediocre job would do nothing but annoy her and reduce your relationship with her.  There's no benefit for a negative relationship with characters, so I thought I'd bring this up here and see if anyone has any suggestions or ideas on what I could add to the game to give the player more decisions to make instead of just having big text blocks of reading.  Now there are some meaningless decisions, that's intentional, but I already have enough of those and am looking for other things.

For those wondering about progress, I'm more than half way through the next update.  Adoni and Ries will be the main stars of this one, they're the game's futanari and male characters respectively.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.03 is released, bringing with it the first sex scenes involving a futanari and another male character.  I've also added a new $3 reward to my Patreon, letting you vote on what I should work on for the next version of the game.

Changelog version 0.03:

  • Corrected opake to opaque when looking at your clothes.
  • Implemented an early version of your room, letting you choose what outfit to wear for the day.
  • Changed 'traveler' background to 'pilgrim'.  This one is now what gives a boost to intelligence, bandit will give a boost to agility.  This setup makes more sense.
  • Implemented the rest of day 1's morning.

    Getting a tour of the palace.
  • Meeting Adoni for the first time, including her first sex scene.
  • Seeing Kleiopa for the first time.
  • Meeting Ries for the first time, including his first sex scene.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
As always, loving the game so far.  You write great smut.  I found 2 problems with version .03 and I have a question.

  1. When Ries is talking about outfits, it looks like something didn't code quite right.  I got the if/then parser rather than an actual statement about which outfit he was talking about.
  2. It still says version .02 when the game is started up. (very minor issue)
  3. During the tour Despoina mentions that their magic comes from a woman's womb.  Will there ever be a way to access magic if you're a woman before being captured?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks for the report.

  1. Already caught that issue and fixed it for the next version.
  2. Oops, I really need to get in the habit of checking that stuff...
  3. Nope.  If an amagissa loses their womb through transformation she loses her magic too.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A save feature would be pretty nice


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
If your wondering about choices its kinda hard to think up some suggestions since I have no idea what you've come up with on your own. But I dunno, since gender roles are reversed or whatever you could have a dance class which is basically just a striptease, but it could help buff say your agility and charisma/sex appeal. Choices that could expand upon a player's past (in game) i.e. maybe they are/were a virgin when they were captured, maybe the player might have children (this probably would be best to stay away from), the character's motivation for being a bandit/pilgrim/adventurer. Or you could cave to JD and let the player go full trap, lol!

Sorry for taking so long to check out your new build, but it looks good and please keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2016
I have a question: Will we be able to modify our bodies in any way? I'm not looking for CoC level of changes, but increasing penis length, ball mass, hair color, etc. I'd imagine that this could be gained via having decent Intelligence and helping Desponia with her spellwork. This would also be interesting, as certain characters would react differently based on how you look. Clearly Desponia favors your current appearance. But I'd imagine Ries would love a massive cock to suck. I'd imagine Adoni would like if your thighs and ass were of a greater mass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I have a question: Will we be able to modify our bodies in any way? I'm not looking for CoC level of changes, but increasing penis length, ball mass, hair color, etc. I'd imagine that this could be gained via having decent Intelligence and helping Desponia with her spellwork. This would also be interesting, as certain characters would react differently based on how you look. Clearly Desponia favors your current appearance. But I'd imagine Ries would love a massive cock to suck. I'd imagine Adoni would like if your thighs and ass were of a greater mass.

I have considered adding that possibility to the game, but I haven't decided if I will or won't yet.  It's not a priority at any rate and is something that I'll probably only add if my Patreons want me to do it.  I will say that you have nailed what the characters would be interested in, save perhaps Ries.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.04 is now on the first page.  As requested, saving is now an option.  To enable that feature, I did a major conversion of the game's format which is why the UI has changed.  I'll be playing around with it as development continues and I learn more about Twine and the new format.  No new sex scenes this time around.


  • Fixed syntax error in Ries meeting scene.
  • Implemented Adventurer intro.
  • Implemented Bandit intro.
  • Despoina returning after meeting Ries, leading into free time on day 1.
  • Corrected an issue in the naming scene.
  • Did a full conversion of the game over to a new format.  This has changed the UI significantly for now as well as enabled saving and reloading.  I can make no guarantees if this feature will work between versions.  This new format will give me a lot more options going forward.  There may be some issues right now, so please report any bugs you find so that I can fix them.  This may cause compatibility issues with people running old versions of internet browsers.
  • Added in back functionality to tutorials and glossary pages.
  • Implemented relationship and attribute systems.  Relationships can be checked while in your room.  Attributes cannot be seen in game yet, but will eventually be added to the sidebar.
  • Implemented the start of free time events, including several conversions with the kitisands and one of the book studies.
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