Embry X-Pack Wish List


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Haven't read the thread, but since it's a "wish list", here goes: More content with Embry as the cute hypersubmissive that goes wet as a waterslide when Steele takes charge. You write that sort of content well, and I likes it.

Stuff like having her blow/lick you while you eat the breakfast she cooked, sleeping with her curled up at yer feet or with your dick down her throat, teasing her by havign her ride you while you two chat about something and berating her when she stammers or loses focus.

That sort of stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I simply love all of the ideas on the first page. But the ones I want to see the most is definetly the following:

Pregnant Embry, date Embry (The vanilla lover in me screams YES!!!)

Pet play (The public use sign... Right in the fetish!!!) 

And of course S&Embry with collaring :)  

It's part of my long term goal to give everyone diabetes, yes. 

Not if I die from hnnnng first.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I can see it now. Steele catches Embry reading "Domming for Dummies". Or more likely passed out at page three lol.

I think same reaction could trigger for her reading version for wanna-be subs ;) Or about been perfect slave for your master. Luckly Simii is quite TF resistant so loooowly de looow chances for treated Embry. But then she wouldn't read books for dummies but bimbos ^^ Ok hmm so her reading some books and PC finding her then and some scene following up due to that is listed on wish list? Kinda reminds me Bess scenes with books ^^ More npc reading some book when PC find them Aye!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I can see it now. Steele catches Embry reading "Domming for Dummies". Or more likely passed out at page three lol.

Funny Embry is best Embry.

As for actually fainting, I don't know... I thought she'd be the kind of girl to try really hard to please her significant other. And if that s.o. happened to like being dommed, well...

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Embry can't be any kind of domme. The closest thing to a gentle one we have so far is Xanthe, but she's more of a "professional" domme. No onee-sama.

I want to see Embry write CoC Fanfiction.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Embry can't be any kind of domme. The closest thing to a gentle one we have so far is Xanthe, but she's more of a "professional" domme. No onee-sama.

I want to see Embry write CoC Fanfiction.

>Implying Sera isn't gentle



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Embry can't be any kind of domme. The closest thing to a gentle one we have so far is Xanthe, but she's more of a "professional" domme. No onee-sama.

I want to see Embry write CoC Fanfiction.

>implying you can't be a domme if you aren't "mean" to your sub

Let's just agree to disagree. Perhaps the word I used was stronger than intended, but I definitely feel Embry could, if the player told her that he really enjoys it, take charge of some sexual encounters, be a really gentle domme, the kind who are always nice and compassionate, whose demands are almost asked, and that praise their sub anytime they behave and follow orders, and are almost sorry they have to punish their subs when they "misbehave" (like cumming when they were told not too after being relentlessly teased...). (my lack of vocabulary and communicating skills is becoming frustrating) When the player broach the subject, I can see her blush beet red, flee the room, do some extensive research on how to dom on her own, and then come back and go all out : she'd firmly ask the player to get on their knees and eat her out, then be a good boy and lie on his back on the bed...

Now, of course, I'm not saying she would enjoy it more than subbing or vanilla, but unless Word of God denies it, I like to think that if the pc asked, she could be a competent and very nice domme. (headcanons are fun)

And to be honest, I kinda want Embry to write CoC fanfiction too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Now, of course, I'm not saying she would enjoy it more than subbing or vanilla, but unless Word of God denies it, I like to think that if the pc asked, she could be a competent and very nice domme. (headcanons are fun)

And to be honest, I kinda want Embry to write CoC fanfiction too.

Competent? No. Good? Yes.

So she would fail to deliver a proper full experience, but unless PC is so into it they can't get it on without the D/s trappings, good times would be had. Then some laughs. The published parts of Nonesuch's  Sub!Sera Route show how a D/s relationship that doesn't play into all of the usual tropes and thread the line of becoming vanilla again can still be quite enjoyable for everyone involved.

If any fanfiction would be written, make it about in-universe things. Embry writes AnnoxSyri or PCxRivalxDale and then PC reads it out loud for everyone involved


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Still"? Honestly, it's refreshing when a dom/sub relationship is played outside typical portrayals. And, well, small sub/big dom or femboy domination are a thing.


New Member
Nov 14, 2015
Oh, Jim. Jimmy, Jim, Jimmy, Jim, Jim... (https://youtu.be/MTdxPvUhnVY?t=26s)
I'm starting to like you more and more. First you write two of my favorite characters in game (Bess and Embry), then perusing the thread I find you're a Tali man as well; she was my favorite within the ME series and I really agree that the Garrus/Tali thing kinda was out of nowhere in ME3, although I didn't find out about it except by watching someone else do a play through. I mean there was a little bit of development with their banter in ME1 and ME2, but everyone had pretty good banter as squaddies, and then whatever the hell they tried to do to her 'I need to show you' deal with the Citadel DLC. But never mind that; I'm rambling on from the point of the thread.

Mostly what I want to see with future Embry content would be the laundry list of HNNNG and diabetes that seems to be developing, most of which you see to already have on your radar from what you've been telling people. My specifics for it would really just be that I would like to see Omorii and all it has to offer story wise. I think you mentioned intending to do it a while ago, I guess my thing would be that Embry's general personality strikes me as that Steele would have to push her to return to sort things out; to talk to her parents and convince them what's done is done and was done for the best, obviously supporting her along the way. The only other thing I would want to see--with her parents being kinda conservative and Steele someday being able to put a ring on Embry--would be possibly some way to return to the parents one day and ask for permission to. It might be a difficult conversation, but one that could lead to a happy little bow being tied around the family drama to bring it to a close.

Aside from that, my suggestion for kinda combining Embry-Dates with helping her with writer's block/grow as a person would be to do micro-expansions in which we could take her off ship on the worlds we visit, like Tarkus, Meng'ha, etc. I mean, they're places Steele would have explored, could probably handle, and thus might be able to show her more about the galaxy at large without putting them highly dangerous situations, more for Embry's sake than anything else (so what if I want to baby her a little...actually, I might have a problem) It could also mean planning such outings to more of the future planets, further making having her leave the ship felt as a character in that after getting her pregnant, some of the outings wouldn't be possible or someone might even just miss being able to show her cool things and be with her in a familiar manner.

My last big bit would just about how we actually get her on the ship with us. Earlier it was discussed that we might whisk her off her feet like from one of her stories only to try to turn around and show her how more monotonous space faring life may be as kind of a joke to pull on her. While I like that setup and think it could be funny, having a couple of options would be nice. The setup I thought of would be to have a 'Long Goodbye' option in her menu on Myrellion in which Steele just kinda says they'll be leaving and don't know exactly when they'll be back this way, thus cutting to spending time with her before having her see you off to the launch and page breaking at the player pausing halfway up the cargo ramp/however we get into our ship, with the options to turn around and whisk her dramatically away, to walk back down the ramp and simply say 'come with me' and convince her there, or to simply turn and offer a parting smile and/or wave with an "I'll be back, I promise" called out. This could also give a little wiggle in the coding so that if crew member limitations get implemented later, you could have an automatic out where if your ship is full, you just default to the "I'll be back" choice.

Then, my little laundry list of things; the obvious HNNNNG moments that no-one has brought up that I want to see possibly addressed would be if we get her knocked up when we get her knocked up, putting our heads on her belly and listening to the baby, helping her through hormonal stuff that comes with a developing kid--complicated by being on a cramped starship (I could see a scene similar to Bess' Breakdown; where we have to hold her, comfort her, and talk her through it, maybe that she kinda flips out in a 'what the hell am I doing' kinda way--that she ran away from home, left the only stable job she had, and is now roaming the galaxy, pregnant, with someone she's maybe known for a month on a ship filled with people who also clearly want to have sex with this person--maybe that we walk in on her trashing her room/our shared room and have to stop her), and maybe some jealously actually on Bess' part during the pregnancy (as I said, they're my two favorite characters, and if I remember correctly Bess' stated that she had mechanisms available to become pregnant, so I think it would be interesting to see how she would react to Steele getting someone else preggers but not her--immediately). Lastly, I liked the limited music component to Bess, and personally enjoy music quite a lot, so doing something like catching an Omorii Concert with Embry would be something I'd like to see. And, for some of us who got poor RandVar scores in the singing department character wise, a way to train our voices so that we might be able to sign lullabies to Embry/Embry-babies would be nice for massive diabetes.

So, in short, SWEET JESUS I'M SORRY FOR THE LONG POST, hope something constructive can be found from my ramblings idea wise, either by Jim or by others for things to ask of Jim, and I guess that's about it. Hell of a first post for a forum noob, huh? 


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
Hmmm, what I'd really love to see, is Embry sewing me something out of love~ What the item is, well that's up to you, but being able to wear something she made would fill me with joy, and most likely her as well.

Ummmm yes please. Even if it was armor with negative stats, I would wear it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
How difficult would it be for Embry's writing to be influenced by experiences on the ship while she is there? depending on what she sees Steele do and choose, can see her writing go in different directions or if she even wants to write at all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Like Jessica Chobot in ME 3?

Mention not the priestess of Nurgle of the Normandy here. That is a subject I can easily rant on but in the interests of not digressing, I can't really say I had any comparisons in mind when I thought the idea. I just remembered that at the end of talking about Embry's writings, it says she has a long way to go and I was curious as to whether or not Steel would be able to see a part of that journey.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Mention not the priestess of Nurgle of the Normandy here. That is a subject I can easily rant on but in the interests of not digressing, I can't really say I had any comparisons in mind when I thought the idea. I just remembered that at the end of talking about Embry's writings, it says she has a long way to go and I was curious as to whether or not Steel would be able to see a part of that journey.

Why Nurgle? She's a war reporter, so Khorne works. She's there cause of her looks, so Slaanesh works. Tzeentch I suppose if you go with her more hopeful reports, but I just don't see the Nurgle angle.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Why Nurgle? She's a war reporter, so Khorne works. She's there cause of her looks, so Slaanesh works. Tzeentch I suppose if you go with her more hopeful reports, but I just don't see the Nurgle angle.

Sorry, self reference to the mental image I have that she's slept around enough to have enough space STDs to qualify as such. She was an entirely superfluous character and I would have rather had the Khalisa on board, at least the hate sessions with her would have been interesting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Sorry, self reference to the mental image I have that she's slept around enough to have enough space STDs to qualify as such. She was an entirely superfluous character and I would have rather had the Khalisa on board, at least the hate sessions with her would have been interesting.

Ah yes I see what you mean about her, also think it would have been nice to have someone else as the reporter, like poor Emily Wong.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Ah yes I see what you mean about her, also think it would have been nice to have someone else as the reporter, like poor Emily Wong.

Exactly! Exact-freaking-ly! They already had characters with history in the game itself and Shepard in particular, that adding to the Normandy would have shown both continuity and skill in story telling to weave the return of said character...instead we have this random person who looks and acts like the love child of Jennifer Love Hewitt and Nancy grace and who one of my favorite game reviews asks, "Who's balls did you lick to get in the game?" Allers had no reason to be there and she dragged down the story every moment she was in it and turned the after action reports to the galaxy into "Get this person away from me NOW!" button mashing session. She also completely degraded and rendered pointless the war resources gimic as she was apparently worth the same as a fracking space cruiser!

...Like I said, ME is a rant button for me and that I can genuinely say that TITS has better story than what Bioware has pulled in its last 4 games says more about the shame that the makers of Neverwinter Nights should feel than anything else. That is a compliment on the devs here, just want to be clear.


New Member
Jan 18, 2016
Any plans to allow an Embry who retains her penis to ever use it on the PC?  Very hyped for the potential for my female PC to be Embry's baby mama.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Any plans to allow an Embry who retains her penis to ever use it on the PC?  Very hyped for the potential for my female PC to be Embry's baby mama.

That would fly in the face of Embry wanting to be seen only as a woman, so I really doubt it'll happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I still think that we shouldn't have been given a choice at all to convince Embry to keep her penis. But no, the usual crowd had to make the usual demands and now Embry can have a penis. Like she just completely forgot what she was going for in the first place.


Aug 26, 2015
I still think that we shouldn't have been given a choice at all to convince Embry to keep her penis. But no, the usual crowd had to make the usual demands and now Embry can have a penis. Like she just completely forgot what she was going for in the first place.

While I don't especially mind it, the decision comes at an odd point and it's not clear what it's leading to when you make it.  It would seem like telling Embry you don't mind her dick is just the polite thing to do, there's no indication it causes her to keep it all the way down at the other end of her event chain.  Could use just a little retooling to make it more clear what leads to what.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
While I don't especially mind it, the decision comes at an odd point and it's not clear what it's leading to when you make it.  It would seem like telling Embry you don't mind her dick is just the polite thing to do, there's no indication it causes her to keep it all the way down at the other end of her event chain.  Could use just a little retooling to make it more clear what leads to what.

I picked that choice because it was the nice thing to say, I didn't think it would lead to her keeping it, just her liking me more for being fine with who she is. So yes it could use a change of some sort to make it more obvious what choosing that results in.
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Active Member
Dec 21, 2015
You can be want to be seen as a woman but still have a penis.

Just because you're trans doesn't mean you have to have dysphoria regarding your penis and want to get rid of it, either. You can also have different situational feelings.

My reading was that Embry's pretty sub, so she probably doesn't like using her penis for penetrative intercourse, but she doesn't mind having one or having it touched and played with.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You can be want to be seen as a woman but still have a penis.

Especially in a setting where women with dicks is super common, sometimes even standard like among the gryvain. That's why Kaede, whose mother is a futa, didn't feel terribly compelled to get rid of her junk. Same with Syri, who takes her alteration pretty well in stride -- after all, her parents swapped sexes on a whim for like a year. Why would being a woman with a penis be weird or bad?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
 Same with Syri, who takes her alteration pretty well in stride -- after all, her parents swapped sexes on a whim for like a year. Why would being a woman with a penis be weird or bad?

They did what? Where was this nugget of information!? Did I miss a conversation somewhere?