Holiday Cotent?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This question is about what type of holiday content would you like implemented in the game if someone wrote it? This can include holidays from other parts of the world you don't celebrate (E.G. Thanksgiving for me).

So far we have POE for Halloween, Canada for Thanksgiving and the date with either Anno or Syri for Christmas.

My first suggestion would be Valentines (and possibly White) day or Easter content.

What would anyone else want?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Mothers day might be a cool event to have. Get to spend the whole day with Shade, go on a date with her and/or another future sugar momma


Sep 3, 2015
St Patrick's Day, the Mexican Day of the Dead, Easter, New Years, Mother's and Father's Day and April Fools.

Maybe Black Friday as well.

Just lots of reasons to have nifty little themed things going on.

All twisted enough to fit a galaxy spanning porn game, of course.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The day the UGC was founded maybe? It'd be like a 4th of July party, with patriotic symbolism everywhere and fireworks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The day the UGC was founded maybe? It'd be like a 4th of July party, with patriotic symbolism everywhere and fireworks.

Admittedly don't know how the 4th of July is celebrated, as it's not celebrated in my country.

Looking at the holidays so far, April Fools is what I'm interested most with currently.

Or maybe a Fathers day events involving a robot clone of Victor Steele.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Double the incest.


I would like to see some UGC holidays like an independence day (doesn't have to coincide with American indp day or cinco de mayo or any real world day... I actually think a member of the dev team's bday would be a good candidate) Aside from fetishes and sex this day could involve written forms of the dev teams personal hobbies/interests/fetishes.

Then something like Mardi Gras where a bunch of people dude lewd acts in public in exchange for an accessory called beads. Easy day to get exhibitionism points + as special rewards for people with high exhibitionism scores.

Also I think there should be some kind of get together to commemorate your father on his birthday with several cousins who aren't trying to steal the steele fortune, some aunts/uncles and some of dear old dad's former lovers (anno and celise are already technically your dad's sloppy seconds, why not have more?) (including at least one or two males would be nice... because more mens)

Also a collection of gender celebration holidays would be cool. A day to celebrate femininity followed by a day to celebrate androgyny and lastly a day to celebrate masculinity. I would add a herm day but herms are typically fem, masc or andro so just have herm holiday npcs there for each day. We could use these in place of multi-day celebrations like Kwanza and Hanukkah since this is a sex game. Then, for the last day, a christmas themed event that celebrates all genders.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Then something like Mardi Gras where a bunch of people dude lewd acts in public in exchange for an accessory called beads. Easy day to get exhibitionism points + as special rewards for people with high exhibitionism scores.

More exhibitionism and special rewards sound great.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Then something like Mardi Gras where a bunch of people dude lewd acts in public in exchange for an accessory called beads. Easy day to get exhibitionism points + as special rewards for people with high exhibitionism scores.

Actually the holiday party on Poe for holloween already has a mention of people doing lewd stuff for beads. You see more mention of it if you go with the Amazon outfit and choose the party hard route.

Think of it like Mardi Gras and Holloween were mixed into one holiday.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I do have a question about holiday content: Does the content repeat every year? Or was each event a one time thing. Also, I'm in the boat of wanting to see some UGC (User Generated Content...get it? :p) holidays such as a Founding Day or Thraggen Wars Memorial Day. The Memorial Day one wouldn't likely fit in the context of a sex game. There could be something like an event where a group of people have taken to physical comfort as a way to "celebrate" by bringing new lives into the world for all those lost. Something like that wouldn't likely get coded in due to Fen getting easily burned out on pregnancy fetish stuff.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I do have a question about holiday content: Does the content repeat every year? Or was each event a one time thing. Also, I'm in the boat of wanting to see some UGC (User Generated Content...get it? :p) holidays such as a Founding Day or Thraggen Wars Memorial Day. The Memorial Day one wouldn't likely fit in the context of a sex game. There could be something like an event where a group of people have taken to physical comfort as a way to "celebrate" by bringing new lives into the world for all those lost. Something like that wouldn't likely get coded in due to Fen getting easily burned out on pregnancy fetish stuff.

Canada and Halloween should repeat every year. Puppyslutmas will if you haven't done it already, but I'd like to get a replacement written for 2nd year+. Fuck knows if I'll have it done in time though.

If you want UGC, start writing :V Especially pregstuff. It'll get coded if it's good.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Mothers' Day as a decent occasion for meeting PC's mom; Victor's birthday as a decent excuse for having to interact with Uncle Maximilian and maybe Rival.

And yes, I hate our collective boners. ¬¬


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Mothers' Day as a decent occasion for meeting PC's mom; Victor's birthday as a decent excuse for having to interact with Uncle Maximilian and maybe Rival.

And yes, I hate our collective boners. ¬¬

To many potential mums to choose from, as it would have to be edited for each starting race. Would be easier for the PC to have interactions with characters who are mums themselves, like Shade.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe a holiday celebrating the establishment of the UCG could be implemented. It's been mentioned previously (first by EmperorG) and would likely be one that is celebrated In the core worlds. Maybe setting the holiday during July or August would be good.
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Nov 28, 2015
I kind of like the idea of doing Father's Day. Just having Steele spend the day differently depending on your personality.

For example if your Steele is a big ol' emotional softie you just sit in your ship and be sad and watch holotapes and whatnot of ol' Victor, maybe call your nondescript mother.

While TiTS is a porn game, that doesn't mean it can't have one-off moments that can get you feeling things. It makes the characters more, well, charactered. Also because the only other thing I've seen affected by personality was becoming King or Queen in the Myrellion stuff.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I kind of like the idea of doing Father's Day. Just having Steele spend the day differently depending on your personality.

For example if your Steele is a big ol' emotional softie you just sit in your ship and be sad and watch holotapes and whatnot of ol' Victor, maybe call your nondescript mother.

I like that idea. Hard PCs may have an alternative scene , taking a moment to condemn the old bastard for his attempts to screw with you, mold you into his copy and filling what feels like whole galaxy with his sloppy seconds.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015