Hilda's Misadventures (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Y-yes ma'am." She forces her tired body up right, hands behind her back, chin lifted"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Hera left the room with Hilda in tow, not even bothering to attach a leash to her collar. Every step was torture for Hilda as her acing balls rubbed against her thighs with every step she took as she was lead though what she was beginning to think was the slave/servant sleeping area. As they walked, Hilda got even more stares than she had the first time she had been lead through the hallways, as people stopped to gawk at her naked, honey covered body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda simply grit her teeth and bared it. Even if she didn find this situaiton arousing, her body could not show it. Her sore and overworked balls protested every movement and her cock ached just from the impact of walking.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
They eventually came to a door that Hilda recognized, the one that lead to the large bath. Standing in front of it were to other people. One was another histaran, a trim woman with bright green scales and short copper hair cut in a neat bob. Standing behind her was the ausar girl that had been in the same room with Hilda when she had met Hera. The poor thing looked significantly worse for wear. Her body was smeared head to toe with what could only be semen, her brown hair and fur were matted and clumped with the stuff and it dripped in thick rivers from her swollen pink pussy and gaping anus to trickle down her inner thighs. She reeked of sex. Hera and the other woman paused to talk for a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Seeing the other girl so worn and used broke her from her slutty stupor. Mentally berating herself for going cum crazy, she whispers to the ausar girl. "Hey....hey. Hold strong ok...there is always hope that things get better."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Hera and her companion finished their discussion and opened the doors to the bath before motioning for the two slaves to enter. Once inside, they closed the door and Hera spoke, "Well, it seems that you two finished your inaugurations at the same time. This saves us the trouble of getting wet." She motioned to the other histaran. "Your next lesson today is going to be on properly bathing the one you have been assigned to comfort, and you two will be serving as each other's partner. Now then, Hilda, help-" Hera turned to the other histaran.

"Tamara," the other woman said flatly.

"-Tamara here into the water."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ah..yes ma'am." Hilda steps forward and offers her hand to Tamara. Once taken, she steps into the water first, making sure it isn't too hot for her current attendant, before gently helping her step inside herself. "Don't worry mistresses Tamara, the water is just fine right now."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"You'll need these," said Hera, setting a small bowl on the side of the bath. Inside was a bar of soap, as well as two glass bottles. In one of the bottles was a thick yellow substance, probably shampoo, while the other contained a red oily liquid. A large soft sponge completed the bathing kit. "Begin with her hair, it's in desperate need of attention." As Hera spoke, Tamara kneeled down in the water until only her head was above it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda took the bowl of supplies and put the contents on the floor. Using the bowl itself, she gathered some of the bath water and gently poured it over Tamara's head so it poured down the back and not in her face. Once her hair was nice and wet she grabbed the yellow bottle and squirted a fair amount in her hand. Gently applying it to Tamara's scalp, she began to knead and lather the shampoo up, taking extra care to not get any in her face as she scrubbed her clean. Once she was positive she was spotless, she used the bowl to rinse her off.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Tamara, stand." the other histaran woman commanded. The young ausar woman rose from the water letting it stream down her naked form. Most of the cum she had been smeared with still clung stubbornly to her body.

"Begin at her shoulders and work your way down, Hera instructed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"yes ma'am" Hilda put the bowl down and grabbed the bar of soap. Starting at her shoulders she scrubbed her gently but firmly, getting all that pesky cum off her body one section at a time. Further and further she went down until she was scrubbing the ausar girls thighs and crotch. She eventually ended with her feet, leaving a wet...but completely clean ausar standing in the bath.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Rinse her, then apply the oil. Also, it looks like the area between her legs could use a bit more attention," commented Hera. Looking down, Hilda saw that cum was still dripping from the young woman's nethers


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda nodded to Hera "Yes Ma'am" She got down onto her knees and got under the ausaur girl. Spreading her pussy, she puts her lips against it and gently sucks and licks the cum out of her until she is free of any further dripping. She gets back up and grabs the oil, slathering her hands and pouring some directly on Tamara. With soft and gentle hands she starts working into her body, being and tender as she can while still getting the job done.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Once Tamara was cleaned of any remaining semen, Hera called out, "Now kneel."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Tamara, it's your turn," the strange histaran prodded.

Without a word, Tamara retrieved the bowl and began rinsing Hilda's hair and shoulders. Unlike with her, most of Hilda's honey-cum simply melted off under the hot water. She then grabbed the bottle of shampoo and kneaded a dollop of it into Hilda's thick locks, working it in with the tips of her fingers until Hilda's hair was well and truly lathered before taking the bowl again and letting the soothing water wash away the foam. Once she was done, she stood up strait, waiting for Hilda to stand.

"Hilda," said Hera, in her usual tone.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Grasping the sponge, Tamara worked the soap into it until it was good and lathered before she began cleaning Hilda. Reaching up to start with her shoulders, she ran the sponge down each of her arms in long even strokes, before moving to Hilda's back. Making her way down, in soft circular motions, she came to Hilda's ass. Swirling the sponge over each of the bubbly cheeks in turn, she than used her thumb and middle finger to spread them apart so she could clean Hilda's anus. Pausing to rinse and re-lather the sponge, she then moved in front of Hilda and reached up to her chest, again using those soft circular motions, she soon made her way down to Hilda's mammoth tits. Taking a few minutes with each breast, she worked the sponge over their every contour, even lifting them up to make sure she hadn't missed any honey underneath them.

As her breasts were fondled, Hilda could feel a slight swelling sensation in them as her milk let down. She was certain that if Tamara had been playing with them any harder her nipples would be dribbling by now.

Once she was finished washing Hilda's chest, Tamara made her way down to her stomach and hips until she came to Hilda's still throbbing genitals. Reaching out, she placed a hand on Hilda's dick. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Try as she might, her still over sensitive dick throbbed with rebuttle, not wanting to be handled or brought back into a hardened state, which earned a slightly pained gasp from her lips, which she was quick to try and hide.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Seeing the discomfort that Hilda was in, Tamara took the bowl and filled it with water before dropping the soap in it and swirling it around until it was nice and sudsy. She them poured the warm suds over Hilda's genitals, slowly letting it trickle over her swollen cock and balls before rinsing them off with more warm water. Satisfied that she had gotten as much of the honey off without using her hands as she could, Tamara gently lifted Hilda's cock in one hand so she could scrub underneath it, before setting it back down. With Hilda's privates cleaned, her legs were a simple matter until she reached the hooves. Clearly not being very familiar with such feet, she worked the sponge over them as best she could before reaching for the oil.

Without the soap or sponge in the way, Hilda could not feel the ausar's hands upon her directly as she followed the same pattern she had when washing her. Beginning at her shoulders, she made her way down her arms before moving to her chest. Pouring the oil into her hands, Tamara began fondling Hilda's breasts again, kneading the soft flesh and working the oil into one before turning her attention to he other.

As Tamara worked her breasts over, Hilda could feel the swelling sensation growing within them. She was certain that her milk was going to start dripping at any moment, but just as she could feel the flow starting, Tamara pulled her hands away leaving her breasts tight with pent up milk.

Tamara turned to the two histaran women. "I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm afraid I've run out of oil," she said, holding up the empty bottle.

Hera and the other woman shared a look before speaking. "Wait here," Hera commanded."

"We'll be back soon," finished the other woman.

With that, the two of them left, and Hilda heard the door lock behind them. Tamara moved to sit at the side of the pool while she waited.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda chuckled and looked at Tamara. "You are a horrible tease. Twice you got me to the point of dripping only to finish and leave my breasts swollen and wanting." She tried to give Tamara a friendly smile. "So, I take it your private session was fairly brutal?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tamara didn't look up when she spoke. "They took me into a room with seven guards, and Lady Artemis waiting in it. She told me to suck each of them off, I got to the third one before the taste of their cum started making me gag and I couldn't keep going. So, she took me into  another room with a pillory in it, locked me in it, and let each of the guys have a turn fucking me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Like a balloon with a hole in it, her mood deflated completely. "Yikes...that is....brutal. I had to blow four guards, two guys and two girls...though one of those girls I had to rim. Also the last guard was probably fourteen inches long...so that was interesting. Then I had to kneel in the middle of the room and masturbate until I couldn't cum any more...and then Hera stepped on my cock. Needless to say my penis is not happy with me and my balls are on strike."

She looks around awkwardly for a moment. "So...uh....what were you doing before all this?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Same thing you were, I imagine, doing my best to make it big in the planet rush. I worked on a freighter before that, so the chance to make some easy credits by prospecting some new planets sounded too good to pass up. Of course, the first planet I come to is full of snake people slavers. Sounds like something out of an old scifi comic. How about you, what's your story? Don't see many new Texans away from home.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ah well...I'm actually a failure in their eyes. The slutty bimbo part of the treatment is actually locked away in my mind and is only drawn out be prolonged sexual activity. Not only that, but I was one of the few girls who gew a big meaty cock from the treatment as well, just like the guys do. I hid the mental changes for as long as I could...but when they brought out a stud to knock me up I ran for it. Ended up on Tavros station and got a job at Tamani corp for several years. Took to the stars a while after that since I could afford my own cruiser. I got a job to escort someone here, that someone being Steph Irson, and we got caught by space pirates. They were going to use us as sex toys...and then these lizard people showed up and enslaved the space pirates...and us as well. Out of the frying pan, into the fire right?"

Not wanting to think about it, she left out the part where they blew up her ship and killed her friend.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tamara listened quietly as Hilda talked. "That makes sense, you didn't seem as cock-hungry as the other new Texans I've met." They sat there for a moment before Tamara spoke again. "Say, just wondering here, but do you produce as much milk as other new Texans?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda blushed and looked at the floor. "I....I make more. Like, a lot more. Gallons on gallons of the stuff. I got a really heavy discount at Tamani corp and....got carried away with the gene mods. Before I knew it I was producing more milk than a dairy farm and cumming enough to fill a sperm bank six times over....not to mention I can take some serious heat up my ass due to an embarrassing event with anusoft." She pauses for a second before speaking again. "That honey I was covered in? That was not honey...that was my cum. I took a thing of honey seed on Mheg'han." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I don't suppose you'd be willing to part with some of that milk would you? They haven't given me anything to eat since this morning, and I'd really like to get the taste of jizz out of my mouth. You can have some of mine to if you want." Tamara grasped her d-cup breasts and gave them a few firm squeezes, coaxing out a few drops of liquid. However, her milk was not white, but a dark brown. "I might not make a lot, but it is chocolaty," she offered.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Actually, you would be doing me a huge favor if you were to drink some. My breasts are feeling really tight right now after that rub down you gave me." She walks over to the edge of the bath and sits down, patting her lap. "hop on up and drink your fill. I have plenty to give."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Wasting no time, Tamara hopped onto Hilda's lap, straddling her thighs so that she didn't accidentally put any weight on her sore genitals, before latching on to her right nipple. Tamara sucked as hard as she could on the sensitive nub, stopping occasionally to nibble on it in an attempt to draw the waiting goodness out of it. She didn't have to wait long as Hilda's breasts let down for the third time and she found her mouth filling up with the warm cream. Tamara suckled eagerly, gulping down mouthful after mouthful, before switching to the other nipple and giving it the same treatment. Hilda, meanwhile, sat back and enjoyed the sensation of her swollen breasts being drained. Sadly, Tamara didn't have nearly enough room I her stomach to properly empty Hilda's tits, and she pulled away after only a few gulps each, resting her head between the massive mammaries. "Thanks, I needed that," she said.