Hilda's Misadventures (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With such a display in front of her she couldn't stop her hand from moving up and stroking at her own cock, pre cum alrady forming at the tip as her arousal grew rather quickly. It seemed despite the size difference Robert could still produce a fair amount of cum.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Would you like some help with that?" asked Caroline, looking at Hilda's throbbing erection.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She blushes even more and looks around "I... uh, don't want to get in the way but... if you are asking I certainly wouldn't mind a hand." She says with a smile while really looking at Robert for approval.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
With a smile, Caroline slowly lifts off of Robert, a thick drizzle of cum oozing out of her, as she grabs a nearby kerchief to clean up with. Once that's taken care of, she climbs off the bed, and kneels in front of Hilda. Rather than going straight for the shaft, she reaches out to once more cup Hilda's massive balls in her hands and leans in to bury her face in them; breathing deeply. "I love your scent," she cooed, as she planted a tender kiss on one of the orbs, then another, and another. As Hilda sat there, her testes were given more love then they'd received in some time, as Caroline planted kiss after kiss upon them, while gently massaging them in her hands.

While Caroline worked, a shifting on the bed caught Hilda's attention as Robert moved up behind her. He rested his hands on her shoulders, before leaning in and whispering in Hilda's ear. "I hope you don't mind if I join in," he said, as his hands slid down her back to wrap around her waist, as he began to gently nibble at her neck.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She coos happily as Caroline shows her balls some much needed love but gasped as Robert suddenly joined in as well "Oh... um.. mmm... no I guess not... but your wife is... really talented." she said as her berathing started to get heavy with excitement.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I know, when we first started sleeping together, I couldn't last ten minutes in bed with her," his voice was heavy with desire as he reached up to cup the underside of Hilda's breasts, gently kneading the soft skin as his hands slid up and over them to come to rest on her nipples. Taking each between a thumb and finger, he rolled them between the digits while giving them a slight tug.

Meanwhile, Caroline finally began to work her way upward. She continued to plant an endless stream of kisses up Hilda's shaft; pausing to nibble a bit at her medial ring, before continuing up the turgid length. Her hands stayed at Hilda's balls, continuing to fondle and caress them as she worked. At last, her lips climbed over the edge of Hilda's flare, and she planted a deep passionate kiss on the tip, swirling her tongue around the urethra, and prodding the sensitive opening with the tip of her tongue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
In her lusty state, that gentle tug got her milk going and her cock was already leaking honey pre cum down her shaft. She pushed her hips forward, eager for more of her gentle touches and teasing "Ooooh geeeze... it feels so good! Please... keep going!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Robert suddenly removed his hands and grabbed Hilda's shoulders, pulling her back. At the same time, Caroline pounced and the two of them pinned her to the bed. "Oh no you don't," Caroline purred. "You're not getting off that easy." The entrance of her pussy was mere inches from the head of Hilda's cock, as she hovered over the larger woman. "I've got her, Rob, go ahead and get situated."

Robert got off the bed, and moved behind Caroline until her was between Hilda's legs. His cock was still knotted, and at full erection, and though she could not see it with Caroline in the way, she felt it as he slipped the head of his dick under her balls, and heard it when he reached her lower lips, parting them slightly and causing her rings to jingle. "So, do you want it?" he asked, looking down at her with a smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda gasped as she was suddenly pushed over and her eyes were riveted to Robert as he moved. She looked at Caroline, then Robert and kept switching between the two of them. Part of her was scared, the other part ravenously horny. It only took a few minutes and a gentle touch to Caroline's pussy to make up her mind. "Yes! Please! Let me have it! i'm so horny it huts!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"It? What's it?" asked Caroline, with a smile as she gently lowered her pussy until the head of Hilda's cock was just barely kissing it, while Robert continued to tickle her own opening with the tip of his dick. "You need to be more specific," she purred.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She lets out a sad little whine before looking at the two of them pleadingly "Please... please fuck me! Please let me shove my cock in your pussy while your husband fucks me in return!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Caroline smiled all the wider, and slowly began lowering herself, pressing her entrance against Hilda's tip until, with a sudden pop, the flared head slipped inside, just as the pointed head of Robert's canine cock began to spread Hilda's entrance as he slowly slipped in, matching his wife's decent. Hilda got to enjoy the rare feeling of simultaneously penetrating and being penetrated, as cock slid into Caroline with the same agonizing slowness that Robert entered her. Suddenly, Robert reached out and placed a hand on Caroline's ass, stopping her decent just as she reached Hilda's medial ring. "What's wrong?" Caroline asked.

Robert looked down at his cock. All that was left outside was the bulbous knot. "Do you think you can handle this puppy?" Robert asked, giving a short push to let Hilda know just what he was talking about.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her minds was pretty far gone at this point, her cock wrapped up in a fresh pussy and her own vagina squeezing a barand new cock. Feeling them both stop only earned a frustrated groan as she felt his knot pressing up against her. "Yes! I can take it! Just please enough with the teasing! I'm going to go fuck crazy if you two don't get going!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"My, someone's eager, isn't she?" cooed Caroline, as she plunged the last of Hilda's cock into her waiting pussy, while Robert thrust forward, burying his knot inside her. They sat there for a moment, letting Hilda get used to them, before Robert drew back, the swell of his knot stretching her lips pleasantly wide as he pulled halfway out, before driving back into her. Meanwhile, Caroline lifted herself up until Hilda's medial ring just barely slipped free, before letting herself fall back down, impaling herself with a moan of pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda moans like a wanton slut, her pussy squeezing Robert tightly while she tries to thrust up into Caroline, her cock throbbing with blissful need.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"How is she, Robert?" Caroline asked.

"Not bad, but nowhere near as tight as you," he replied, keeping the slow steady pace they had set.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She groans slightly in frustration from their slow pace and slowly gets her mind back together "Sorry... for being...so loose. Never really... was a problem."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, it's not a problem. In fact, it makes it easy to do this!" grunted Robert, as he grabbed Hilda's hips and began thrusting much more vigorously. Caroline followed his lead, and soon Hilda fond herself being hammered both ways as Robert drove deep into her pussy, slipping his entire knot inside her with each thrust, while Caroline bounced on top of her like a child in a bouncy house.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She throws her head back and howls in pleasure, her back arching in bliss as her body attempts to deal with all the sensations currently flooding her system. She does her best to keep her pussy clenched tight while thrusting up lightly to meet Caroline on the way down but it soon comes down her to serving as a fuck toy, too blissed out to give back.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hey, come on now," urged Caroline, giving Hilda's vacant face a firm pat. "It's not as fun if you ragdoll on us." When she got no response, she let out a huff that was completely separate from the ones that were being forced out of her by Hilda's cock. "Maybe this will bring you back to reality." Reaching out, Caroline grabbed each of Hilda's nipples between a thumb and finger, and gave them a firm pull; tugging them until Hilda's tits looked like tiny pyramids.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her eyes flew wide open and she let out a long moo moan as jets of milk sprayed from her nipples and she immediately thrust up into Caroline, her hips meeting her ass in seconds. "Owwww! Alright! I'm moving again! Easy on the nipples!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Aww, poor girl, let me kiss it better." Caroline leaned down and wrapped her lips around Hilda's right nipple, taking a long draw from it before moving to the left.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She coos and shudders at the gentle attention to her nipples, smiling happily at Caroline and slowly running a hand through her hair. "Mmm... thank you... f-for that! Such a geasture." She says while clenching her pussy more around Roberts cock.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"No problem. Now hold onto something, cause the real fun is bout to start." Before Hilda could ask, Caroline leaned back and began bouncing faster, almost hopping off the bed as she lifted herself up to the very tip of Hilda's dick before falling back down with an audible smack of hips against hips. Robert followed suit, beginning to hammer away with enough force to send the headboards thumping against the wall as he thrust into Hilda with long full strokes, set to hilt inside her just as Caroline was reaching the zenith of her bounces, and drawing back to the fullest just as his wife to be came down on Hilda. Hilda was hammered on both fronts, so fast that she could hardly draw breath as the pleasure washed over her in waves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda cried out in bliss and gasped for breath as she was hammered on both ends, Her hands digging into the bedding to try and get any form of purchace. pleasure exploded in her vision and she did the only thing she could right now, which was to thrust up as Caroline came down to make the fuck even harder while adding more motion for Robert's pleasure "Yes! Fuck! Me! So! Hard!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Getting close," Robert gasped through strained breathes. "Where do you want it?" he asked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
In her lust addled state, all she can do is smile at him with foggy eyes "Inside! Don't pull out! I need to feel it inside!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"You want him to hilt inside you? To fill you up? To... breed you?" Before Hilda could respond, Caroline fell forward and looked deep into her eyes. "Because I know that's what I want right now," she said, as she slammed down one last time and clenched as hard as she could.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The word filled Hilda's mind and her eyes widened with fear. However, the last slam and clench threw it all out the window as she crashed into orgasm, her cock spraying it's massive honey load into Carolines tight pussy while her own clamps down on Robert's cock tighter than ever!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The familiar bloom of warmth filled Hilda's stomach as Robert came, his knot filling back up from the little it had deflated, stretching her entrance tight around it once more as Caroline buried her face between Hilda's tits and let out a wail of ecstasy as she came hard around Hilda's cock, her feminine juices leaking out around the shaft along with some of the honey being pumped into her. Several long seconds crept by as the orgasms subsided, and Caroline looked up at Hilda. "Sorry, Hilda, I hope I didn't go too far."