Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Game Version 0.12

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
Patreon banner.jpg

Hello everyone,
This is Dede! After consuming some good amount of time on adult games, i decided to step up and create my own. I'm using Rpg Maker MV which i think is a great platform for creating in depth stories and combining them with a decent 2d world....

Version 0.10

Win Version:!9c5VFSSL!jKhjj5aQ50XWV1X8mKfmkXOj7XzBZ3Q-WSHDS7yEoZ0

Mac Version:!UFYUBCyb!AKDLiEBJ4XNfYbsPGs3A6Q

Walkthrough and Save Files:!oJRXzbJC!gBZRDtb2TvDU7zOZtBy4Gk0AuscFi9H9yNvTRZJAYVE

Here you can read my full post.

This is my first game and i'm really open to all kind of feedback that you can give to me!

Thanks in advance!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
A game with a well thought out story? What a novelty! I look forward to this.

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
A game with a well thought out story? What a novelty! I look forward to this.

Indeed.. Like i have mentioned in my post it's just the beginning of a series. I'm planning to tell the whole story in minimum 3/4 games but this depends on the feedbacks and the support that i will get. Making a game aside your daily struggles can be really challenging. If things go in my way, well... get ready for twists :))

Thank you very much for your kind words.


New Member
Oct 1, 2015
Game is pretty great so far. This however; is full of grammar and spelling mistakes. Takes some of the enjoyment away from the game.


Jul 5, 2016
Honestly... I didn't expect much from this game. I've played a lot of rpg maker games and most of them wheren't all that good... That being said, I was really impressed with your game. Your characters, art and world are just enjoyable.

Hope you continue with this project. I'll be checking on your future updates. If you can keep this kind of quality up, there's a good chance I'll join you patreon.

Keep up the good work !!   ~ ~ ~  Annnnnnd......props to the principle, that ****er trolled me good. lololol


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I played it through. Nice work with the setup and the prank from the principal! That was fun to play and didn't have any bugs. Can't wait for the next build!

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
Game is pretty great so far. This however; is full of grammar and spelling mistakes. Takes some of the enjoyment away from the game.


A game with a well thought out story? What a novelty! I look forward to this.

Game is pretty great so far. This however; is full of grammar and spelling mistakes. Takes some of the enjoyment away from the game.

Hi, i know that's  one of the points that i'm really weak at and it bothers me too. Actually,  i'm looking for a proofreader. Would you consider being one?

After i send you the beta of the future releases, I will expect you to give me a detailed  report about my mistakes in 2-3 days. Let me know if that's something doable for you.

If anybody else is interested being a proofreader for this project,  please send me a pm with the mistakes that you have found within the demo.  And if your mother tongue is English please let me know because i'm tending to choose someone from the "Anglosphere".

Honestly... I didn't expect much from this game. I've played a lot of rpg maker games and most of them wheren't all that good... That being said, I was really impressed with your game. Your characters, art and world are just enjoyable.

Hope you continue with this project. I'll be checking on your future updates. If you can keep this kind of quality up, there's a good chance I'll join you patreon.

Keep up the good work !!   ~ ~ ~  Annnnnnd......props to the principle, that ****er trolled me good. lololol


I'll increase the quality and keep trolling you :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
I like the game so far, the only, I don't like the [tq] basically because I don't like the pressure of time, but it's just a personal opinion...

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
I like the game so far, the only, I don't like the [tq] basically because I don't like the pressure of time, but it's just a personal opinion...

Opps sorry i got you wrong, i taught you were talking about the time system in general. I'll try to limit these situations as much as i can. Maybe for the start i can extend the choosing  time. Right now i'm using 3 seconds for two choices and 4,5 seconds for three choices. So basically 1,5 seconds per choice. I can extend it to 2 or 2,5 per choice.

Thank you for sharing your opinion if i get too many critics about the time system i can completely remove it too.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
I was really disappointed with the breast sizes, which came as a surprise since it was my understand Mortze is doing the 3D work for you. His breast scale work on his project is apace, and inline with human norms. 

The smallest i saw on the little 'bookworm' girl appeared to be about a 37 C, which is larger than 68% of the female population. 

44% of American women are a B cup, and an additional 28% are a C cup, with the remaining 28% encompassing all other cup sizes, (including A). 

 It was really disheartening to see all the DDD and HH cup breasts on girls which supposedly aren't even out of school.

(note that most breast development occurs between the ages of 17 and 23, so these poor girls are in for some extremely debilitating disfigurements which will have to be corrected by restorative surgery to save their lives over the next couple of years.) 

Is there a medical fund we can contribute to, to help pay for all the surgery these girls face in the next few years? :p

Other than that, i like the art and the storyline. 

But not going to be a patron unless there are going to be some human females in the story
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Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
I was really disappointed with the breast sizes, which came as a surprise since it was my understand Mortze is doing the 3D work for you. His breast scale work on his project is apace, and inline with human norms. 

The smallest i saw on the little 'bookworm' girl appeared to be about a 37 C, which is larger than 68% of the female population. 

44% of American women are a B cup, and an additional 28% are a C cup, with the remaining 28% encompassing all other cup sizes, (including A). 

 It was really disheartening to see all the DDD and HH cup breasts on girls which supposedly aren't even out of school.

(note that most breast development occurs between the ages of 17 and 23, so these poor girls are in for some extremely debilitating disfigurements which will have to be corrected by restorative surgery to save their lives over the next couple of years.) 

Is there a medical fund we can contribute to, to help pay for all the surgery these girls face in the next few years? :p

Other than that, i like the art and the storyline. 

But not going to be a patron unless there are going to be some human females in the story


Hi, first of all thank you very much for enlighting us about women breasts and anatomy in general. I personally like tits too but never been a fan at that scale so it's been really informative.
Unfortunately,  there is no medical fund to deal with this problem. So the "poor" girls will stay as they are unless a breast lover appears from the shadows and fund the game ;)  You can Just send the money to me. No worries, it'll be in good hands :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I'm here because of mortze's work. I was also certain he would work with someone who can code a game as well. So I'm not surprised at how well this is done. I wouldn't change a thing. I'd only add to it. Keep up the good work!

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
I'm here because of mortze's work. I was also certain he would work with someone who can code a game as well. So I'm not surprised at how well this is done. I wouldn't change a thing. I'd only add to it. Keep up the good work!


I feel really blessed. He helped me a lot to make it happen and keeps helping me with various issues. So, i really don't want to disappoint  him too with my progress.


Apr 16, 2016
I am trying to tell the truth. Prepare it listen it. Because it won't be positive.

First of all and most important - graphic -  ALL CHARACTERS - are standard from DAz3d. There is not even single unique model. Plus some of the hair doesn't fit to the model at all.

During last months there are many PRG games like that has been released. Some of them has many similar. And almost of them use the same model just some slightly variation. - Boring.

BUGS - you can though walks and on some objects etc.  it is not so difficult to fix. And yet there are decent amount of places there. 

It bugs me to see that big inn again. I understand that you developers taking sprites from each others and using the same maps.  But inn really bugs me. (It is my personal impression) Maybe because it is already in dragon throne.

The story didn't touch at all. And mostly not because of the story itself, but mainly because I have seen those faces already in other games many times.

So far the project is very raw. Description on the patreon page for dummies. (Come on, we all know what MV is).   

Too much work lies ahead to make this game decent.

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
I am trying to tell the truth. Prepare it listen it. Because it won't be positive.

First of all and most important - graphic -  ALL CHARACTERS - are standard from DAz3d. There is not even single unique model. Plus some of the hair doesn't fit to the model at all.

During last months there are many PRG games like that has been released. Some of them has many similar. And almost of them use the same model just some slightly variation. - Boring.

BUGS - you can though walks and on some objects etc.  it is not so difficult to fix. And yet there are decent amount of places there. 

It bugs me to see that big inn again. I understand that you developers taking sprites from each others and using the same maps.  But inn really bugs me. (It is my personal impression) Maybe because it is already in dragon throne.

The story didn't touch at all. And mostly not because of the story itself, but mainly because I have seen those faces already in other games many times.

So far the project is very raw. Description on the patreon page for dummies. (Come on, we all know what MV is).   

Too much work lies ahead to make this game decent.


Ermm well thank you for telling the "truth", I am old enough to handle criticism so you can "chill".

I'm not a CG artist so there is nothing I can do about that. Anyways I'm quite happy with my models. I'm not trying to be unique with the way my characters look like my main "quality"(you can like it or not it's completely up to you) is story telling and I'm trying to be unique on that matter. If you didn't like the way I tell the story there is nothing I can do about it and I highly recommend you to leave this project because my writing won't get better in a month but i think it's a bit early to say "the story didn't touch me" because the story didn't really start yet. It was just the 1st day of it. 

Thank you for the bug report; I'll check everything again and fix them with the update. The game is in alpha stage so yeah it's a raw game. 

Well not everyone is so knowledgeable and experienced about Rpg games  like you sir so I just wanted to clarify it. I really couldn't understand why that really bothered you.

Kind Regards,



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I am trying to tell the truth. Prepare it listen it. Because it won't be positive.

First of all and most important - graphic -  ALL CHARACTERS - are standard from DAz3d. There is not even single unique model. Plus some of the hair doesn't fit to the model at all.

During last months there are many PRG games like that has been released. Some of them has many similar. And almost of them use the same model just some slightly variation. - Boring.

BUGS - you can though walks and on some objects etc.  it is not so difficult to fix. And yet there are decent amount of places there. 

It bugs me to see that big inn again. I understand that you developers taking sprites from each others and using the same maps.  But inn really bugs me. (It is my personal impression) Maybe because it is already in dragon throne.

The story didn't touch at all. And mostly not because of the story itself, but mainly because I have seen those faces already in other games many times.

So far the project is very raw. Description on the patreon page for dummies. (Come on, we all know what MV is).   

Too much work lies ahead to make this game decent.

Well mortze does use daz3d but he does a very good job with the models. As far as it not being "unique" enough.. that's actually the point. They want stereotypical goths, geeks, preppies, cheerleaders, and teachers because it's part of the story and their character. So what if it's been used before? They look wonderful anyways. Enjoy the eye candy.

This is an alpha, not a complete game, so there will be bugs. However, compared to many games in this stage of development, this game is rather bug free. Collision issues nothwithstanding, there isn't a game-breaking bug. This game uses timed responses which I have not seen anywhere else and the only bug is with collisions? You should say "wow they worked hard on that".

Maybe they like the inn so they used it. Lots of other people must like the inn. Not an issue in my eyes. But is the interior exactly the same as other games? Nope. They made their own interior.

You're saying you don't want to focus on the story because the models and sprites aren't unique enough. Actually the uniqueness is in the story itself and the models aren't that unique because it's part of the story. It's true that the general schoolteacher stuff has been done to death but this is a different take on that. Ignore the models for a moment. Try playing it to learn the story. Then ask yourself "what do I feel about the story of this teacher and where it can go from here?". When you've honestly thought about that and have come up with a point regarding the story, you will have people carefully considering your response. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the story they're trying to tell  you.


Jul 5, 2016
Whelp... there will always be haters no matter what you do. Hope ya don't let this kinda shit get to ya Dede. Like I said b4, I really enjoyed the demo.

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
Well, this is individual work and it's open to discussion. I didn't post my game here to say:"Hello, this is my game. Let's hold hands and LOVE IT".  But starting a post "Gonna tell you the truth mate, get ready, you are doomed" type of thing is a little bit absurd. I mean are you accusing other people who like what they have seen as liars? So let's get over these type of things. This is my first game and I'm not telling this to avoid you criticizing my game, I'm telling this because I seriously need to learn what you think about it. It's the only way for me to  make this game better.
About Rpg maker; Like I mentioned in my post it really gives people who are not real coders to create their own game. And I think this is something really precious. But it also has its limits. The sprites, the tiles sets... at some point, they will show similarities. If you are someone playing 3-4 different RPG maker games in a month you will start catching more of those, that's quite normal. I didn't play "Dragon Throne" so I honestly don't know if there are other things that make my game look like to it except the  inn.
I also don't have a pixel artist friend who can help me but if the game gets the necessary funds i can hire one. But right now that's all i have.




Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
I am trying to tell the truth. Prepare it listen it. Because it won't be positive.

First of all and most important - graphic -  ALL CHARACTERS - are standard from DAz3d. There is not even single unique model. Plus some of the hair doesn't fit to the model at all.

During last months there are many PRG games like that has been released. Some of them has many similar. And almost of them use the same model just some slightly variation. - Boring.

BUGS - you can though walks and on some objects etc.  it is not so difficult to fix. And yet there are decent amount of places there. 

It bugs me to see that big inn again. I understand that you developers taking sprites from each others and using the same maps.  But inn really bugs me. (It is my personal impression) Maybe because it is already in dragon throne.

The story didn't touch at all. And mostly not because of the story itself, but mainly because I have seen those faces already in other games many times.

So far the project is very raw. Description on the patreon page for dummies. (Come on, we all know what MV is).   

Too much work lies ahead to make this game decent.

Well... and I am tired when a lot of people use the RPGMaker standard resources... and every single RPGMaker game looks the same, with the same charas, the same music, the same tiles... based on a fantasy themed world, with the same grinding material so typical of JRPG.

But what grinds my gears is when they are sold for 20 € at steam...

Then when I see a project like this game, I am open to give it a try.


Apr 16, 2016
Well... and I am tired when a lot of people use the RPGMaker standard resources... and every single RPGMaker game looks the same, with the same charas, the same music, the same tiles... based on a fantasy themed world, with the same grinding material so typical of JRPG.

But what grinds my gears is when they are sold for 20 € at steam...

Then when I see a project like this game, I am open to give it a try.

I don't mind good project too. But there is none.  This one too using PRG maker. In addition it uses MV which is not stable.  This is another project and people will keep supporting it because this one has a mentioning of Mortze. However, characters aren't even half good as they are in Mortze games.  If people like to see the same 3d model in every single RPG game, nothing to say more. Just look how many RPG games on this sites - 5 or even 10. Most of them have the same 3d models just different hair.  

And to make it - it is not about drawing them from scratch - just spending more time with DAz.  Yeah, let's be frankly. Games will keep appear with different stories, different settings only because people can get a lot of stuff free on torrent for daz3d.  That is why all these 3d models are the same.

Well, I don't want to start again another discussion.  I just said my opinion - no matter how good your story is - without good characters - it doesn't matter.

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
I don't mind good project too. But there is none.  This one too using PRG maker. In addition it uses MV which is not stable.  This is another project and people will keep supporting it because this one has a mentioning of Mortze. However, characters aren't even half good as they are in Mortze games.  If people like to see the same 3d model in every single RPG game, nothing to say more. Just look how many RPG games on this sites - 5 or even 10. Most of them have the same 3d models just different hair.  

And to make it - it is not about drawing them from scratch - just spending more time with DAz.  Yeah, let's be frankly. Games will keep appear with different stories, different settings only because people can get a lot of stuff free on torrent for daz3d.  That is why all these 3d models are the same.

Well, I don't want to start again another discussion.  I just said my opinion - no matter how good your story is - without good characters - it doesn't matter.


Why do people support a game with "terrible" CG's because of its CG artist!? I'm really having a hard time about understanding your logic. Mortze has his own site, if someone wanna support him he/she can support him there.

Numerous times I made it clear that I'M NO CG ARTIST and I DON'T HAVE DAZ 3D ON MY COMPUTER. But you are still claiming that the reason behind my games different story and setting is Daz 3d!? I have created the story and then started looking for a CG artist. I didn't create this story according to the Daz resources.

Let me give you a friendly advice when you want to state your opinion about something just do it. Stop hiding behind other people. And If you wanna talk about something talk on your behalf, stop "explaining" the "true" reasons why OTHERS are  liking it.  People are sending me their OWN opinions (not just here) and  you should do the same. 

Like I said I don't have any problem with you or anyone about not liking my game but the way you say it is quite problematic.




Feb 6, 2016
You probably shouldn't waste so much time on every jerk who want to shit on your game.  There are too many of them.  Just spend more time for your game better.   By the way how do you like working with MV?

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
You probably shouldn't waste so much time on every jerk who want to shit on your game.  There are too many of them.  Just spend more time for your game better.   By the way how do you like working with MV?


Yes, i guess you are right. That's what I should do.

I really enjoyed my time with it but as someone creating his first game, I'm not in the position to compare it with the older versions. Didn't have any critical problems so far. Also, I have a rather big game map but I didn't  hear any performance problems about it. I didn't add the traffic yet , though...

If there is any specific thing that you want to ask let me know. 


Feb 6, 2016
Nothing special. But expect some time, crashes, inability to save.  and fps drop.   They might fixed it in 1.2  but so far as I know. not all bugs are fixed.


Apr 16, 2016
Thank you for calling me jerk. But I just told the truth about those characters.  Nothing more. 

Dede Kusto

Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
Nothing special. But expect some time, crashes, inability to save.  and fps drop.   They might fixed it in 1.2  but so far as I know. not all bugs are fixed.

I see. I hope these things won't completely kill the gameplay. Further feedbacks will tell...

By the way, I just realized that you are the creator of the "Dragon Throne" I'll definitely give it a go when i have the time.



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Hey Dede Kusto. I thought I'd tell you that you can put aside any of Mike's comments. He has been attacking the developers who are using 3d art with RPG maker MV like your game and the Forest Camp demo. What I found out is that he's apparently abandoned "Voyeur" which is an RPG Maker game made with 3D assets. The last comment on the "Voyeur" thread he started is my own comment offering encouragement back on May 4 2016. So he doesn't have a valid point at all since he's apparently abandoned a game.

Oh yeah.. Do check out Dragon Throne. I like it cuz it's got a story that will be a timesink. And the graphics aren't half bad either. Actually the gals are H.O.T.!!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Hey Dede Kusto. I thought I'd tell you that you can put aside any of Mike's comments. He has been attacking the developers who are using 3d art with RPG maker MV like your game and the Forest Camp demo. What I found out is that he's apparently abandoned "Voyeur" which is an RPG Maker game made with 3D assets. The last comment on the "Voyeur" thread he started is my own comment offering encouragement back on May 4 2016. So he doesn't have a valid point at all since he's apparently abandoned a game.

Oh yeah.. Do check out Dragon Throne. I like it cuz it's got a story that will be a timesink. And the graphics aren't half bad either. Actually the gals are H.O.T.!!

Funny enough, his game uses 3d rendered characters too, and is even shorter...
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