FubMistress Art Thread // New; couple commissions


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
I don't like the kink myself, but adding more to TiTS doesn't seem like a bad idea. (Though what it really sounds like is you want Steele getting denied, not Steele denying others.)

Why not both? I mean you do have the ability to tell Inessa (?) That you're a switch at one point, and you can choose to be submissive or dominant with Reaha so the precedent exists. The encounters just need to be written, I'd be happy to work with you on something @FubMistress , sounds like it'd best fit with a new character though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I was tryna think of stuff that i actually like in smut and smut-related products because ... i think i do deserve some art that i like myself, no? It's a thing that surprisingly happens very rarely.

I guess one thing i enjoy to a degree is like somekinda turnon torture? Not really literal, physical torture, but like the inability to properly jerk off or being somehow deprived of orgasm is an interesting theme. If i needed to be more specific, this plays into my enjoyment of romances with torture/pain edges. Most of things i like in smut are things that play out (to me) best between two lovers.

Which, again, this is TITS, the place where everyone fucks everything - so that's another thing i can scratch off the list of "things fub likes but won't see here".

First of all, nice pic Fub :D
Orgasm denial is such a good kink, and I *do* wish TiTS had more of it. Unf. It'd be great. x3
I agree with the both of you. I love orgasm denial :D
I'd love to see both PC and npcs being subjected to this.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why not both? I mean you do have the ability to tell Inessa (?) That you're a switch at one point, and you can choose to be submissive or dominant with Reaha so the precedent exists. The encounters just need to be written, I'd be happy to work with you on something @FubMistress , sounds like it'd best fit with a new character though.
I wouldn't know, I stay far away from Inessa and her dom/sub content.


Aug 27, 2015
I was tryna think of stuff that i actually like in smut and smut-related products because ... i think i do deserve some art that i like myself, no? It's a thing that surprisingly happens very rarely.

I guess one thing i enjoy to a degree is like somekinda turnon torture? Not really literal, physical torture, but like the inability to properly jerk off or being somehow deprived of orgasm is an interesting theme. If i needed to be more specific, this plays into my enjoyment of romances with torture/pain edges. Most of things i like in smut are things that play out (to me) best between two lovers.

Which, again, this is TITS, the place where everyone fucks everything - so that's another thing i can scratch off the list of "things fub likes but won't see here".


I love me some orgasm denial, and I've worked it into a lot of my stuff. No, the nature of the game means it can't really be explored from the player perspective side of TiTS, but it definitely can be with NPCs. The demon trap (Ruby?) in CoC was a good example.

Great picture btw.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
I can come up with couple scenarios where the PC might experience orgasm denying. But i agree, TiTS format doesn't make it easy. Another theme i like but forgot to mention is ... idk how to explain it ... mindfuck? English is escaping me atm but the type where a person is made all hot and bothered by mindgames or other, non-physical stuff. (the pic is actually closer to this than OD) maybe something similar like Strange Egg does? I'll get back to this when i know how to explain it properly.

@Woider I don't do Inessa either really, but that's purely out of my preference for men, i have no idea what themes her sex-scenes hold.

@hitoroki i appreciate the idea, we have to see about it. I'm not much of a champ when it comes to help in writing, but i am the champ when someone needs a new character promt.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
More of this guy ... i assume it's a guy. Or like, using male pronouns makes it hotter to me but i am rather certain there's a ridiculously wet cooch down there.

He's not really a TiTS character, more like a OC that i've been boiling for a week or so. TiTS version of him would be a monk-type character on a pilgrimage. First time in public in a looong time for him, and his mild healing/psychic powers make him very vulnerable to mental stimulus from people around him. He can't fully control his power of tapping into people's emotions and it has some ... drawbacks.



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
He could be intersex? Male appearing, female genitalia. I did that for one of my tits characters. Either way he looks great and I wanna see more of him. :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
He could be intersex? Male appearing, female genitalia. I did that for one of my tits characters. Either way he looks great and I wanna see more of him. :)

Maybe? Intersex is someone with genitalia that can't be ticked as either male or female as they are too disfigured at birth. I do have a proper intersex character, but i don't see any reason not to have second. Someone having male shape but 100% female genitalia feels odd, like it would be more trans than anything. His taint probably looks kinda weird but still recognizable.

I personally like a more ... discreet(?) smut. Where like their junks isn't all spread open for everyone to see, but more hidden versions, either with clothes or poses. So it doesn't fully matter to me what he has under there. The original version of him can make babies pretty easily, but i doubt that skill carries over to his TiTS variant.

His name isn't known so people meeting him are free to call him whatever. The named most of often used for him are Beloved, Soothsayer and Lifegiver, depending on the occasion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe? Intersex is someone with genitalia that can't be ticked as either male or female as they are too disfigured at birth. I do have a proper intersex character, but i don't see any reason not to have second. Someone having male shape but 100% female genitalia feels odd, like it would be more trans than anything. His taint probably looks kinda weird but still recognizable.
I mean, there is that whole cuntboy thing. Just a guy with a vag instead of dick.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
I personally like a more ... discreet(?) smut. Where like their junks isn't all spread open for everyone to see, but more hidden versions, either with clothes or poses.

I'm a fan of this too. Hidden, subtle signs of arousal can be really hot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't like the kink myself, but adding more to TiTS doesn't seem like a bad idea. (Though what it really sounds like is you want Steele getting denied, not Steele denying others.)

I do, yes. But if there was the option to do it to say, Male Zil or other twinkish enemies I could always make a domme female Steele and do a bit role reversal


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah. And person being partly clothed is better than fully nude at times. Leave's stuff to imagination. Curiosity is hella hot.

So much this! I get more turned on by lingerie than nudity, to the point that I joke I couldn't get off to a strip tease unless the woman did it in reverse


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
Does it have to be a twink? I wouldn't mind having some more teasing content with Gene, the belly rubs are rather entertaining already.
Seriously had a dream about this character...I may need to spend less time on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
More concept on that previous acolyte character.

i brainstormed him today, and i decided to separate him to a totally new character than what he was originally based on.

His name is Sunu. Most things i explained last time still hold; he is a acolyte to a monastery with mild psychic/mind powers and idfk gender. otherwise a virtuous and brilliant, Sunu has a major issue of being unable to get off properly and due to it being very deprived and hungry often, with little self-control when the mood hits. Some elders in the monastery take use of this, altought Sunu does everything willingly Some demons refuse to be summoned by him anymore, due to being unable to fullfill his wish of getting relief.


Not a TiTS content i'm sorry, but i wanted feedback on the outfit ideas before i go coloring.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
1 and 3 would probably make a good hybrid. If you were to take the belt and the design embellishments from 3 and incorporate them with the overall look of 1 that'd look amazing. The baggy legs from 2 might work well with the look too. Unf.... this look is... I think I have a crush.

Also, I'll tell you about the dream via PM's if you really wanna know. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Does it have to be a twink? I wouldn't mind having some more teasing content with Gene, the belly rubs are rather entertaining already.

Wish fulfillment on my part, as I wish I were twinkier.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
My favourite was 1, in second 3.
1 and 3 would probably make a good hybrid. If you were to take the belt and the design embellishments from 3 and incorporate them with the overall look of 1 that'd look amazing.
I also think that could work very well :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Ok so i made a rather pretty (imo) hybrid between 1 and 3 outfit with colors, but didn't save once and left for making dinner. Apparently pc took this absence as a sign to turn off and i lost all progress.


Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ok so i made a rather pretty (imo) hybrid between 1 and 3 outfit with colors, but didn't save once and left for making dinner. Apparently pc took this absence as a sign to turn off and i lost all progress.


Dammit PC! *swings hammer in the air threateningly*

Yeah I hate it when the damn thing does that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
Ok so i made a rather pretty (imo) hybrid between 1 and 3 outfit with colors, but didn't save once and left for making dinner. Apparently pc took this absence as a sign to turn off and i lost all progress.


Ugh, bummer. This is why I've become anal retentive about saving when I paint. I'd love to see it if you redo the piece.