Free Cities


Aug 27, 2015
Feel I should throw this up here, because undoubtedly more than a few people here will get a kick out of it. A game a guy from /d/ has been developing quite rapidly.

It's pretty similar to Slavemaker, except entirely text-based, random events inclusive, more streamlined, more intuitive, and with more extreme options.

Pros: It's good, and is being added to all the time. Cons: All abusive male PC dom on female/shemale NPC, all the time. If you don't like that, don't bother.


Aug 26, 2015
And here I thought you were going to tell us about this one weird trick the real estate industry doesn't want you to know that gets you FREE cities.


Aug 27, 2015
Free Cities is pretty good from a dom perspective. The creator's work either is super respectable too. He updates almost every day.

Of course such a pace can't be kept up forever, but it's still cool to see.

In regards to the game itself, you can be really fucking nasty to your poor slaves, but I'm such a pansy, I can never choose any outside of the nicest options lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pros: It's good, and is being added to all the time. Cons: All abusive male PC dom on female/shemale NPC, all the time. If you don't like that, don't bother.

So this is literally a unicorn, you mean?


Aug 27, 2015
And here I thought you were going to tell us about this one weird trick the real estate industry doesn't want you to know that gets you FREE cities.

You'll regret saying that if the job market stays the way it is.

So this is literally a unicorn, you mean?

I don't follow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's pretty rare is what I mean. A maledom game that's not low quality or abandoned is something to take note off.


Aug 27, 2015
It's strange how few decent maledom games there are, given that that is what the majority of porn is orientated towards. At a guess I'd say that many games come about as a result of frustration at the lack of representation of a particular fetish or orientation in real life, either because it's more niche or because it's basically impossible - such as femdom and futa. That may well change as smut games become a more widely used platform.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
I gotta say i'd like this game alot better if he didn't go the whole shemale route (or at least made it so you can opt out of sissifying guys). I personally prefer my guys to be guys and girls to be girls. To call a he a she is kinda gross in my mind. Of course this hasnt stopped me from logging 3-4 days of play time over the last week and a half.

Thanks for the scouting, its a pretty good find.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
I gotta say i'd like this game alot better if he didn't go the whole shemale route (or at least made it so you can opt out of sissifying guys).

You can opt out.  There's an option on the New Game screen which controls the gender proportions.  You can exclude almost all males from appearing in your game (whether via auctions, random events, or as part of your initial roster).  If one manages to sneak through (due to sloppy code), you can just decline to purchase him.

If you mean "I want male slaves in my game, but I want them to remain intact and masculine" then the official answer is "no."  The developer himself just isn't into the idea, and he's written this preference into the backstory of the game.  It would also require some finicky coding, on top of a codebase which is already fairly bloated and disorganized.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
You can opt out.  There's an option on the New Game screen which controls the gender proportions.  You can exclude almost all males from appearing in your game (whether via auctions, random events, or as part of your initial roster).  If one manages to sneak through (due to sloppy code), you can just decline to purchase him.

If you mean "I want male slaves in my game, but I want them to remain intact and masculine" then the official answer is "no."  The developer himself just isn't into the idea, and he's written this preference into the backstory of the game.  It would also require some finicky coding, on top of a codebase which is already fairly bloated and disorganized.

I already know that. B| I was just giving my input on the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The management parts are highly addictive, and the ' just one more turn' syndrom is there. However the level of casual evil on display puts me off hard, and sex descriptions aren't super exciting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
The management parts are highly addictive, and the ' just one more turn' syndrom is there. However the level of casual evil on display puts me off hard, and sex descriptions aren't super exciting.

The casual evil is kind of part of the game.  It's a typical "post-apocalypse people are selfish" motif, except with economic power being the drive rather than the drug seeking raiders of Fallout or the cannibalistic demi-humans of The Road.  The fact that it is presented so casually also helps to undercut the fact that you are breaking people's wills and minds to make them loyal sex slaves.  There are other games/doujins/hentais/fanfics for this fetish and almost all of them are very dedicated to making this a dark and violent process.  In that aspect, I would compare this game to the horsecocked herms of Fenoxo's games.  While they will drive some people away, they're casual enough to introduce others to a new fetish that doesn't necessarily have to be extreme to be enjoyed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The casual evil is kind of part of the game.  It's a typical "post-apocalypse people are selfish" motif, except with economic power being the drive rather than the drug seeking raiders of Fallout or the cannibalistic demi-humans of The Road.  The fact that it is presented so casually also helps to undercut the fact that you are breaking people's wills and minds to make them loyal sex slaves.  There are other games/doujins/hentais/fanfics for this fetish and almost all of them are very dedicated to making this a dark and violent process.  In that aspect, I would compare this game to the horsecocked herms of Fenoxo's games.  While they will drive some people away, they're casual enough to introduce others to a new fetish that doesn't necessarily have to be extreme to be enjoyed.

For me, the casual and systematic nature of said evil makes it much worse and even more grating. When I finally found the surgery menu, scrolled past various implant options and saw things like limb amputation and lobotomy I just closed the game.Your character acts like a despicable bastard not because he is a sick individual, but because it brings more profit and respect of your peers. As far as I know, he never interacts with anyone outside of the system, and any sort of consequences are only hinted at as a distant possibility.
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Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
the level of casual evil on display puts me off hard

What were you expecting?  It's a game about forcing people into sexual slavery in order to gain wealth and prestige.  The basic premise is evil.

You could offer SlaveMaker as a counter-example, because it presented a similar society but allowed a much "friendlier" playstyle.  I'm not sure that I'd rate it as "less evil" though.  On the one hand, you're convincing a girl to fear you so that she'll follow orders.  On the other hand, you're conving her to love you so that she'll follow orders.  If the orders are odious, and if she wouldn't have followed them prior to your emotional manipulation, then the distinction is kinda moot.

I'll concede that it would be nice to see a greater diversity of roles within the game.  We could plausibly see skills (or even "career paths") focusing on domestic service, nursing, childcare, and entertainment (e.g. music, singing, striptease, burlesque acts, etc).  Stretching a bit farther*, we can imagine slaves working on security, maintenance, accountancy, espionage, modeling, fashion, and so on.  This could help to fill out the setting (surely an arcology comprises more than just slave-owners and whores!), while potentially making the game more amenable to "squeamish" players who don't want to be Baron Pimpo von Rapesalot.

*The trouble is: the Twine platform simply isn't suitable for a simulation game.  The codebase is already somewhat strained, and each increase in scope makes it harder to maintain.

Is that the sort of content that you're looking for?  Do you object to the fact that you're compelled (by game mechanics) to perform cruel and violent actions -- and hence you'd be okay with the game if there was a non-rapey way to proceed?  Or is your discomfort broader than that (e.g. you're bothered whenever the in-game news discusses the violent abuse of slaves), and therefore you'd prefer an option to completely disable some of the content (e.g. ladyboys=YES, flogging=NO, drugs=NO)?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
What were you expecting?  It's a game about forcing people into sexual slavery in order to gain wealth and prestige.  The basic premise is evil.

You could offer SlaveMaker as a counter-example, because it presented a similar society but allowed a much "friendlier" playstyle.  I'm not sure that I'd rate it as "less evil" though.  On the one hand, you're convincing a girl to fear you so that she'll follow orders.  On the other hand, you're conving her to love you so that she'll follow orders.  If the orders are odious, and if she wouldn't have followed them prior to your emotional manipulation, then the distinction is kinda moot.

I'll concede that it would be nice to see a greater diversity of roles within the game.  We could plausibly see skills (or even "career paths") focusing on domestic service, nursing, childcare, and entertainment (e.g. music, singing, striptease, burlesque acts, etc).  Stretching a bit farther*, we can imagine slaves working on security, maintenance, accountancy, espionage, modeling, fashion, and so on.  This could help to fill out the setting (surely an arcology comprises more than just slave-owners and whores!), while potentially making the game more amenable to "squeamish" players who don't want to be Baron Pimpo von Rapesalot.

*The trouble is: the Twine platform simply isn't suitable for a simulation game.  The codebase is already somewhat strained, and each increase in scope makes it harder to maintain.

Is that the sort of content that you're looking for?  Do you object to the fact that you're compelled (by game mechanics) to perform cruel and violent actions -- and hence you'd be okay with the game if there was a non-rapey way to proceed?  Or is your discomfort broader than that (e.g. you're bothered whenever the in-game news discusses the violent abuse of slaves), and therefore you'd prefer an option to completely disable some of the content (e.g. ladyboys=YES, flogging=NO, drugs=NO)?

What I'd like is having more options for focusing on managing your community. For roleplaying as a semi-decent person who just happened to become a slave-owner and tries to make the best of this for himself and his charges, since the setting is grim enough to allow for many situations where enslaving someone can be a way of helping.

I don't think that options to turn off all the content related to and/or mentioning flogging, drugs, abuse etc. is necessary.

Right now, I think that the game is objectively good, has an impressive development rate, but isn't very enjoyable for me outside of pure management sim aspects.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
What I'd like is having more options for focusing on managing your community. For roleplaying as a semi-decent person who just happened to become a slave-owner and tries to make the best of this for himself and his charges, since the setting is grim enough to allow for many situations where enslaving someone can be a way of helping.

I don't think that options to turn off all the content related to and/or mentioning flogging, drugs, abuse etc. is necessary.

Right now, I think that the game is objectively good, has an impressive development rate, but isn't very enjoyable for me outside of pure management sim aspects.

I'd say that's fairly doable.  Once slaves hit the "Fearful" state the focus switches from making them obey to making them want to obey by giving them permissive rules and treating them well.  You can choose to leave virgin slaves untouched until they're willing to sleep with you.  Smart piercings improve a slave's pleasure from specific acts (which you choose in the rule section) to sway their sexuality that way without hurting them.  There's even a slave acquisition scene where you're approached by a poor woman who'd rather be a slave than miscarry.  Surgery is obviously an entirely optional feature.  And with the new relationship feature there are even slave marriages.  I imagine playing this way would take a little longer since it would be harder to gain income, but it's still doable.  There's even a starting option where you just happen to win the arcology in a game of poker.


New Member
Nov 21, 2015
Just dropping by to give my opinion on the game after playing it for a decent amount of time.

I'd say while it gives you some options to be pretty mean to your slavegirls, it does not encourage it or force you to do it. I played several times on varying difficulties and was never forced to amputate a girls limbs or even mute her just to gain an advantage. Confinement works best on rebellious slaves in my experience.

From a perverts point of view, its not even that satisfying, as the game is overall not very descriptive. I'd say it is a rather good (not perfect) kind of economy sim with a really dark sexual theme. But you wont be traumatized, even if you dont like extreme content.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In the few most recent updates, the author's allowed you to choose what your chest is (male or female), what your genitals are (cock or pussy) and what your title is (Master or Mistress) as well as your name, which is pretty sweet. Now if only there were scenes for shemale/femboy slaves to fuck a female PC...


Dec 1, 2015
What I'd like is having more options for focusing on managing your community. For roleplaying as a semi-decent person who just happened to become a slave-owner and tries to make the best of this for himself and his charges, since the setting is grim enough to allow for many situations where enslaving someone can be a way of helping.

I don't think that options to turn off all the content related to and/or mentioning flogging, drugs, abuse etc. is necessary.

Right now, I think that the game is objectively good, has an impressive development rate, but isn't very enjoyable for me outside of pure management sim aspects.

Hey man I just thought I should let you know that FC has added a lot of new options in regards to the community management. After the slave master reaches a certain point of renown you get the option to influence the Arcology through either money, or the example set by you with your slaves. You can have three different focuses for your society. There is also the option to create an (evil slaver) business empire with some minor stock management options. Basically the game is getting pretty damn crazy. Though the casual evil is still everywhere. 

And a couple options that are available for the societal directions are paternalism, body purity, big "assists" at any cost, etc. As well as options to mimic Ancient Rome and Egypt. And of course a racial Superiority/Inferiority option for any of the ever expanding list of ethnicities.  


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Hey man I just thought I should let you know that FC has added a lot of new options in regards to the community management. After the slave master reaches a certain point of renown you get the option to influence the Arcology through either money, or the example set by you with your slaves. You can have three different focuses for your society. There is also the option to create an (evil slaver) business empire with some minor stock management options. Basically the game is getting pretty damn crazy. Though the casual evil is still everywhere. 

And a couple options that are available for the societal directions are paternalism, body purity, big "assists" at any cost, etc. As well as options to mimic Ancient Rome and Egypt. And of course a racial Superiority/Inferiority option for any of the ever expanding list of ethnicities.  

Thanks for the info. Coupled with PC customization options mentioned by Nebula Fox, that's more than enough to convince me to give FC another shot.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, I've sunk an unreasonable amount of time into this over the last couple of days. 

Free Cities is good shit. A little repetitive on the smut front, but the management aspect is surprisingly addicting. A lot of opportunity for emergent gameplay, too -- I got a "prestigious slave" who (I assume through random generation) was a former Arcology owner turned slave, and went through a whole sort of character arc of hating me and everything about her situation to being my top bitch. Good stuff.

I think I've pretty much exhausted the current content, but I'm definitely looking forward to more.


Aug 27, 2015
Worth mentioning that, after saying he wouldn't for a long time, FC dev has started to implement options for truly male slaves and being able to play as a female/shemale. So there's that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Well, I've sunk an unreasonable amount of time into this over the last couple of days. 

Free Cities is good shit. A little repetitive on the smut front, but the management aspect is surprisingly addicting. A lot of opportunity for emergent gameplay, too -- I got a "prestigious slave" who (I assume through random generation) was a former Arcology owner turned slave, and went through a whole sort of character arc of hating me and everything about her situation to being my top bitch. Good stuff.

I think I've pretty much exhausted the current content, but I'm definitely looking forward to more.

You can get prestegious slaves from events or the storyline, the storyline has different endings and enslaving the other Arcology owner is one you have to really work for. But it's mostly a simulation game without a ending (yet).

Since the latest updates the slaves not only have a loyalty score but also a trust score (how much the trust or fear you), so all in all you play as a "nice" master or a "nasty" one (you could educate all your slaves, keep them healthy and happy, OR you could simply amputate their limbs, break their minds and keep them in the arcade which can with a upgrade sell all salves over its capacity as fuckdolls)

One of the most fun things is changing the society in your arcology: You could start as a female but that gives you a permanent renown loss, unless you you get the society to accept all powerfull people as males. There are so many options and everyone that played it should try some different playstyles/society options.


New Member
Feb 20, 2016
Hello, I need help.

I like when the event is available, buy a mother & daughter at the same time.

When this is the case, they start being resistant, and it is impossible for me to increase their devotion.

I'm trying a different way, give them attention, be nice, devotion does not change.

If I put them in confinement or another they have come to hate me.

Do you have a way to enhance their devotion? I try to play a friendly owner on this part, and I can not for this case one.

Thank you in advance.

ps: Sorry for my bad English, but i'm speak dutch and french.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Do you have a way to enhance their devotion? I try to play a friendly owner on this part, and I can not for this case one.

You have to make them fear you first, even if they hate you. Once they fear you, their resistance can drop and then it becomes acceptance. You can increase fear by giving them lots of cosmetic surgery. They'll only hate you temporarily.

If not that, then you can have your head girl train in obedience. She can train twice per week if she's got her own slave, which you can give her with the upgrade. You'll have to turn off the other things she can train in to make sure she does it though.

And if not that, then you can adopt religion once you've reached enough reputation which makes all your slaves trust you more. And then after that you can adopt paternalism, which makes them devoted.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've been poking around in this game a bit.  There is a lot to like in the design choices and a great deal of depth in the possible events and how characters respond to the situations they're put in.  On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of challenge or in-game goals you have to meet to win or lose.  I guess that's something that will be added as things continue.

One thing that I wasn't expecting to see in here were what seems like a lot of references to other games I've played (or at least been inspired by them).  Acologies from sim city and anarco-liberals + economics from Victoria 2 (the economics being from one of the big mods) being a couple examples.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
I've been poking around in it (and also sunk way too much time into it), it's pretty interesting and in theory easy to write content for. I'd be trying to push a few scenes myself if i get the blasted thing to publish with the added content.

EDIT: Assuming I can get the new scene into the game (I can... I'd just prefer not to manually edit the scenes in with the relevant "garbage" code html wants me to feed it...), I'm considering throwing my hat into writing content for it and expanding some existing stuff (mostly slave descriptors and stuff). Generally as a side project whilst I weigh up a few concept for TiTS and learn a bit of the code.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Here's the email address of the developer, Naas.

Some of the other events in the game were written and submitted by users, so your help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Holding off on that until I write more stuff, for now though....

I've had a go at writing an event for the game to feel out the code for further modding it (also posted this on /hgg/), had some issues with getting sugarcube working though so not been able to test it yet. Probably going to try a manual insert later once I figure out if the code calls are all good.

For now though feel free to have a look and if anyone wants to insert it for themselves or has some suggestions go ahead, oh and if anyone recognises the writing style.... I've posted stuff on the old boards under a different name (that one could be traced back to public me though), was in the old thread about writing a dullahan into CoC.