Free Cities


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Would be interesting if there was scenes for a Female PC.

More PC customization should be coming up in the March and/or April releases.  The game updates relatively frequently, so it's only a matter of time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Detailed PC customisation is one of the things that won't be added unless someone else codes it, it's in the blog.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Detailed PC customisation is one of the things that won't be added unless someone else codes it, it's in the blog.
Worth mentioning that, after saying he wouldn't for a long time, FC dev has started to implement options for truly male slaves and being able to play as a female/shemale. So there's that.

It might not be detailed, but there is a certain amount of customization coming, including female PC.  The groundwork is even already there in the latest version with a new version coming sometime this month.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I just hope that the author will reconsider the severity of reputation penalty female-looking PCs suffer, or give us an option to tune it from default value. Right now, it's masochistically hard, and not in a meaningful way since there seem to be no time limit


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
I just hope that the author will reconsider the severity of reputation penalty female-looking PCs suffer, or give us an option to tune it from default value. Right now, it's masochistically hard, and not in a meaningful way since there seem to be no time limit

You can change the society in you arcology to view influential/powerfull people as male and all others as female, this gets rid of the increased rep hit female arcology owners have and sets it on the level males have from the start


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
I just hope that the author will reconsider the severity of reputation penalty female-looking PCs suffer, or give us an option to tune it from default value. Right now, it's masochistically hard, and not in a meaningful way since there seem to be no time limit

It also has the benefit of making any genetically female slaves fear you less right away. I never play as a man again and relish the challenge. You can use this to your advantage with a religious and paternalistic society. But first you have to get established before you can fully take advantage of that.

In the beginning of the game, unless you're handicapping yourself, you want to make a bunch of slaves who will become your leaders. You can cut the costs down to just 2000 each by making them all very ugly, flat chested and assed, as well as highly hateful of you and afraid. Don't forget to make them all geniuses. Give them all the attributes they need to be in leadership positions. Even if you're doing a challenge run, at the very least make a head girl who has a dick and a pussy, is over 40 and is an expert in everything but combat. And a genius. You'll later train your head girl and assign her to whore and entertain the public, letting her become a master whore, master entertainer and sex master. Later, this turns her into a money factory.

In the early game, your reputation will be low anyways, so embrace it. You can open up a big arcade and throw all the junk slaves in there. -Don't- get the aphrodisiac upgrades in the arcade.DO make it milk slaves. You're looking at potentially 700 for slaves with dicks and balls and 500 for genetic females that lactate. Per slave. DON'T give slaves contraceptives. This is an added expense and slaves being pregnant doesn't really matter for our strategy.

In any events you get, always pick the one that provides money or benefit to yourself, ignoring any kind of social consequence. You don't care what other people think, you just want to make money. Only do things that raise prosperity or get you paid. Buy the security drone archology upgrade and then don't bother with more until your archology reaches enough prosperity that it needs to upgrade to increase your rents. You can spend the arcade cash on expanding your operations.

A nice early game boost is having started with a valuable slave, left by the previous owner. Sell her when the market is high. The money will come in handy.

Once you get a lot of money, you start by buying all of the slaves you can afford. Since the only place you can access for now is the main kidnapped slave market, you never want to spend more than 2000 on one, unless you're spending 4000 for a high intelligence or natural beauty virgin.You can collect virgins as they'll be worth a lot of money to you as a side project later. Be sure to pick up all the shemales you can, they're the most valuable slaves in the game. At this point I typically buy 20 slaves, depending on capital.

When you're investing in a facility that has workers in it, remember that you'll need at least 15000. You'll spend 5000 on the upgrade and at least 2000 for 5 slaves. Take any virgins you acquired and start abusing them. You want to terrify them to the point where you can put them into the servant's quarter. They'll reduce your upkeep, making you more money, but also it's a good place to keep them organized. Any other slaves get filtered through to the other facilities.

The cock milking facility provides as much money as the arcade does, but at higher upkeep and requires a skilled slave to get the most money out of it. You can place any shemales you buy in here, along with giving them lactation implants. It's time consuming, but you'll make a lot of money.

The milking facility makes extra money from slave pregnancies, so throw all of your ugly or older genetic females in here, after they have lactation implants. The money here isn't much to write home about, but all profit is good profit.

The brothel makes money based on how attractive and skilled the slaves are. The other facilities will provide more money until you get more of these kinds of slaves. Still, money is money. Once again, don't buy the aphrodisiac upgrade.

The developer didn't factor in people having lots of lots of slaves in here(50+), so what it does is basically doubles your upkeep. A typical slave only costs 100 a week for the bed she sleeps on. The drugs add another 100, cut by half with a later pharmacy upgrade. Overnight, you'd go from spending 5000 for your 50 slaves to 10000. These drug upgrades are never worth it. The amount they add simply isn't enough.

The other facilities such as the club, spa and master suite can be done at your leisure. They're not as useful until you're richer.

The prison can be used to quickly break slaves so they can be tossed into the brothel or head girl suite, allowing my favorite trick of the game. It's as follows.

You want to take your head girl and give her a suite, as well as putting an attractive and intelligent slave in there. This slave will be personally trained and molded by the head girl. Next, you buy two more virgins and terrorize them, then toss them into the servant's quarters. Then take two of your other stored virgins out. You place every slave you have other than your recruiter, head girl and body guard in some sort of facility.

From now on, your head girl will train, discipline, nurse or break the quirks of TWO slaves per week. Along with training the one in her suite. So in 15 weeks, assuming she trains every week, you'll have two virgins who are masters at anal, vaginal, oral, prostitution and entertainment. If they're really pretty and smart and the market is up at the moment, you're looking at being able to sell them for many thousands. Once you do so, you buy 20 more slaves, stock the virgins in the servant's quarter, and then fill out the rest of your facilities.

One thing to note is that the household liquidator is a very good deal. The game starts to lag after you get over 100 slaves and it saves time to spend 6000 to buy 2 slaves who are related to each other rather than get 3 that you'd have to click through multiple menus to buy. I almost never buy slaves from the regular market after unlocking the liquidator and being at past 100 slaves.

Also of note, the auctions are also a really good deal. You can get fantastically skilled and prestigious slaves from there. And also, some of the premade slaves you can buy direct from other slave owners are fantastically overpowered, but they lack prestige and aren't often as good a deal. Some of them are worth it though.

FINALLY! The last big money making opportunity comes from having a master gladiator, a young, strong, tall, sadistic, trained killer murder a slave every week in the fight pits. At the very least, you'll get 4000, but there seems to be a max of 20000. So worst case scenario, you double your money. Best case, you make a 'killing'. Unfortunately, the game doesn't have a place to reliably, cheaply buy trained killers. Or rather it does, but you'll need to have a high reputation already to access the premade slaves and buy one of the killers from there. Who you'd then buy again every week after she gets killed. You can affectionately nickname her "Kenny" and give her an orange parka.

But some of you might not feel comfortable doing the above, so feel free to just make the fights non lethal and get two trained fighters who duke it out every week. Maybe you can keep them in the spa when they aren't fighting?

The corporation is really cool. Buy low on medicine and training and slave capture stuff. Always invest more money in stocks. Eventually this will pay out a ton of cash which can cover your upkeep costs. Then your rents will just be gravy.

Eventually, you might start caring about your reputation, so you can later on start tossing slaves into the master suite and club. Adopting a degrading society will remove the reputation penalties from having an arcade. If you care about that.

As far as society options go, the only worthwhile ones are the roman and Egyptian ones, the paternal, degrading, the religious and the milking. Some of the other ones should really be fused or simply -do- more things to actually be worth it. All of the above stand head and shoulders over the others available and provide nice perks.

I highly suggest milking. Two of your facilities are boosted by it and it practically doubles your income. Get this as soon as you possibly can.

Hope this helps. You'll make millions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've played a fair bit of this now and I do have to say that it is phenomenally well designed and written.  It's kinda like going back and playing slave maker again for the first time, but now I have much, much, higher standards now and I'm being blown away again.  It really does feel like a Paradox style slave management game with you both building up your personal slaves as well as the entire city.  Most of my complaints or concerns I feel are mostly born from incomplete parts of the game or certain aspects of it being mandatory.  For example, it feels like you have very few ways to have slaves become obedient to you and there is hardly anything you can have them do while they're disobedient.  You either deprive them of everything, terrify them, and then make their lives miserable until they're accepting of slavery, or else resort to forcibly altering their minds.  Doing pretty much anything else just makes them more resistant to you and if they aren't afraid of you then they gain resistance automatically.

The one big thing in the game's design that I think is currently missing is having an ultimate goal that you're working towards, that or I haven't played far enough in the game to unlock it.  For the moment I will simply assume that there isn't one for this discussion.  I think that when you first start the game one of the things that you should be able to choose is what your character's ultimate goal is, which then alters the story and part of your upgrade set.  This then gives you something to achieve, letting the game be won or lost.  Of course, a sandbox mode also makes sense to include, where you don't have to worry about a main goal or about losing.

Some ideas as to what your goal might be and how you'd go about achieving it:

  • Become the ruler of your own private country: It isn't enough to be the ruler of an Arcology, you want to rule over an entire country.  Gradually expand the influence of your free city further and further out, starting with a town that surrounds the city, building up the nearby land's infrastructure, establishing colonies farther and farther out, and eventually being recognized as a country by the remaining powers in the world.
  • Create an economy without slavery: For you, slavery is a necessary evil during this dark time.  You want to find a way to build a new economy that doesn't need to rely on slaves to keep its currency strong.  Maybe you use improved automation technology or maybe you use advanced surgery and genetics, but somehow you manage to create a society that doesn't have slavery anymore.  The new AI or altered human race might cause problems in the future, but at least the current day's main problem is gone.
  • Leave Earth behind: Human society on Earth is beyond salvaging, it's time to seek a new home elsewhere.  By pursuing aggressive scientific research and your own space program, you will eventually convert your Arcology into a colony ship with the intention of finding a new world to call home.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nice ideas try posting them on his blog he has a submission list there.

There are far too many comments on those blog posts for it to be practical for me to post these on there.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
There are far too many comments on those blog posts for it to be practical for me to post these on there.

I've started coding some (more) stuff, nothing as ambitious as what you have in mind but those thoughts are along some of my own anyway.... So who knows while FCDev doesn't check here (that I know of), maybe similar will appear in my stuff.


Dec 1, 2015
Yeah FC is kinda insane like that. It is definitely a good insanity though. 

On the topic of end goals though, I believe that he is leaning towards the game becoming a complete tie in to a future project of his that is going to be more Mad Max meets the Free Cities.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Yeah, the dev does read all the replies on the blog. He added two of my suggestions that I posted. It's easier to get in contact and talk to him via email.

In my above guide, you can now skip the part about needing to abuse the virgins. Anyone that's reasonably afraid of you can go into the servant's quarter. This saves so much time. Also, there's a bunch of different people who will buy slaves from you when you list them. My head girl was worth over 80K at some of those places. This means more money all around, as well as psychological effects, depending on how bad the place you sent them to was.

With the new chargen options, you can get extra bonuses. Venture capitalism and hard work seem to be the best choices. One of the biggest changes is that now the upgraded surgery can give shemale slaves artificial vaginas capable of pregnancy. There's almost no reason to have naturally female slaves now.

With a combination of a female player character, religion, hard work, requiring consent, and paternalism, you can quickly and easily boost slaves to devoted and make them trust you. This is the "nicest" way to play possible.

Good update.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, I posted on the blog and added one more idea for an ultimate goal:

Weather the storm: The time of current human civilization is coming to an end, you've seen the writing on the wall and know that soon there will be nothing else left.  You intend to be the exception.  Rather than try to solve the current crisis or escape from it, you will make it through standing tall at the end.  To accomplish this, you must become more and more self-sufficient and more resistant to outside dangers as the world falls further and further while becoming more and more dangerous.  Eventually there will be no outside services left and you will be on your own against a deadly environment and a multitude of scavengers.  When the dust settles, you win by still being alive and having a society that's likely to persist.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Another cool new update is out. It also seems that a perfect stewardess is one of the most valuable slaves in the game. She's actually saving me 4550 a week in expenses. And that's without having the nympho/dominance fetish, but everything else is ideal.

Now, here's how to min-max in the beginning to get the most stuff. You're going to want slaves to fill these positions, ASAP, as they provide the most money and benefits.

Head Girl




Milk Maid

Tweak the below as needed for the milkmaid, as she has to be younger than 21 to be truly perfect.

Use these settings to get the most value out of your slaves.

Devotion: Hateful. Hateful | Resistant | Ambivalent | Accepting | Devoted | Worshipful
Trust: Terrified. Terrified | Frightened | Fearful | Careful | Trusting | Absolute trust
Age: 40+ years old. 18-19 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40+    Health: Unhealthy. Unhealthy | Healthy | Very healthy | Extremely healthy
Muscles: Normal. Normal | Toned | Ripped    Lips: Normal. Normal | Plush | Huge    Voice: Deep. Mute | Deep | Normal | High
Height: Petite. Petite | Short | Average height | Tall | Very Tall    Weight: Fat. Emaciated | Skinny | Thin | Average weight | Plush | Chubby | Fat
Face: Very attractive. Very unattractive | Unattractive | Average | Attractive | Very attractive
Breasts: Gigantic. Flat | Healthy | Big | Huge | Gigantic    Butt: Huge. Flat | Healthy | Huge | Massive
Vagina: Veteran vagina. No vagina | Vaginal virgin | Normal vagina | Veteran vagina      Clit: Normal. Normal | Large | Huge
Penis: Large. No penis | Tiny | Small | Normal | Large      Testicles: Large. No testicles | Vestigial | Small | Normal | Large
Anus: Veteran. Anal virgin | Normal | Veteran
Vaginal sex: Expert. Unskilled | Skilled | Expert
Anal sex: Expert. Unskilled | Skilled | Expert     Oral sex: Expert. Unskilled | Skilled | Expert
Prostitution: Expert. Unskilled | Skilled | Expert    Entertainment: Expert. Unskilled | Skilled | Expert    Combat: Unskilled. Unskilled | Skilled
Intelligence: Brilliant. Brilliant | Smart | Average intelligence | Stupid | Moronic    Education: Uneducated. Educated | Uneducated
Fetish: not known. Unknown | None | Submissive | Dominance | Likes girls | Cumslut | Humiliation | Buttslut | Breasts | Pregnancy | Sadism | Masochism | Nympho
Behavioral Quirk: anorexic. None | Arrogant | Bitchy | Quirky | Anorexic | Gluttonous | Devout | Liberated
Sexual Quirk: hates women. None | Oral | Anal | Penetration | Men | Women | Repressed | Shamefast | Apathetic | Sexually idealistic

This slave only costs 2000 on the current version! Which lets you get 5 of them. If you choose the options that give you more money in the beginning of the game, you could easily fill out all of your leadership positions and be set for the rest of the run.

The plan doesn't change much for making money on this version, other than the fact that the early game has a major amount of profit from sex work. However, there's an even better trick this time around: The master suite.

Once you've broken a slave down to resistant, you can throw them into the master suite. If it's fitted for opulence, the slaves there will live luxuriously and eventually become devoted. This is the fastest way to train a girl and get her ready for a leadership role. Of course the specifics will still need work, muscles for the milk maid and warden, but you take care of that before you throw them into the suite.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
So still modding the game, it's mostly small stuff (check the snippets link) and I still haven't tested my event yet as Twine/Sugarcube is being a pain to get setup on my end. That said there's a few bigger projects in my to-do list, probably going to add multi fetishes next as I have the code for that mostly figured out in my head, input is welcomed though.


Mar 19, 2016
Face: Very attractive. Very unattractive | Unattractive | Average | Attractive | Very attractive

To make it cost '2000', you meant 'Very UNattractive', right ?

Also, I must ask of some details...

1) You said to set to '18-19 years old' and 'some tweaks', for the milkmaid, but which exactly ?

2) You list 4 other ''titles/leader positions''... They each use the same preset you posted ?

3) And, you hinted there might be more ''titles/leader positions'' than those you listed... Do you know what they are and if they fit in the same preset ?

EDIT: Oh, something I found out playing a little bit with the preset you gave. With the way things are set, you can apparently increase a few minor things or 1 less minor thing, and the price will STAY at 2000. Like, increasing 'muscles' and voice both by 1, or 'muscles' by 2... A few minor things like that. (Though, it might be a bug in the system since, sometimes, if you click the setting again(like twice), it will bump to 2500 then back to 2000 ?)

I suppose this is still a good thing, no ?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Hello, friend! In the Free cities manual thing in the game, they list the leadership positions and what stats are good for them.

Here's a copy and paste.

I actually did mean VERY attractive! It seems to cost a little less in the current version. That "bug" you mentioned is how I was able to get the very attractive face. It must have something to do with the order in which you select these things, so you'll have to experiment a bit. I just did it again right now to see.

So I basically cloned that slave for my head girl, madam, warden, teacher and spa attendant.

For the spa attendant, they need to be naturally female, so you remove the dick. For a milk maid, she has to be young, so you'd cut many of the skills back to make sure it costs 2000. Actually, I'd just cut all of the skills and then focus on making her beautiful. You or your head girl could train this slave to be a sex master at anytime anyways.

But truthfully, the prison, spa and school room are bad. Don't make slaves to run those in the beginning. Make a milk maid, a semen collector and a stewardess instead. You'll later have the ability to custom order slaves, so you can fill out your positions with brilliant slaves. Money won't be an issue for you.

The recruiter isn't really needed, not in the beginning. There's an event later in the game where your mercenaries cut you in on a deal to raid a lab. Accepting gives you 1 of 3 potential slaves. By reloading, you can eventually get a devoted and trusting herm who is highly intelligent. Perfect for recruiting those dissolute sissies, who can be thrown into the brothel or milked.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
So I decided to handcode my content into Free Cities but the latest version is pretty broken and I haven't tried to go bugstomping yet, still aside from one break in my code (that I'm trying to find) my stuff works in-game.!O5IgQBrZ!6WYlF8VD_Cm10ItrRGngVGTNwpoa-NqJIjt-2tDtqEQ

The code for the "main" additions can be found here: and

So if you fancy a look at it then feel free, especially the latter as I could use a hand killing my bug... I'll add some more variety to the reward for the event before I switch to a different one of my concepts xD


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Seems really cool! Only thing I disagree with is there being negative consequences for refusing to help the archology owner. Naturally as a libertarian, it simply wasn't in my rational self interest to do something with limited promise of a reward.

I toyed with no negative impact from it but went with a relatively small one, at the level of esteem you need just to get the event it's a negligible one that I went with. One of the best things I've done with it (in my view) is that when the event procs again the dialogue changes based on what you chose last time.


Mar 19, 2016
A quick question I wanted to ask.

So, I started a new game (latest version) and at the start I got '1 free slave' left by the previous owner. Nothing special there, except that she came with this, right from the start : ''She is completely dependent on aphrodisiacs, and it is unlikely you will ever be able to wean her off them.''

The game's FAQ says : ''Aphrodisiac addiction can typically only be overcome by supporting a slave through withdrawal for a similar period to the amount of time she was on the drugs.''

Problem is that she STARTED like that, sooo... In this case, we're pretty much ''fucked'' and are stuck with a slave permanently needing the be given 'aphrodisiac' every turn ? Or, is there something to be done ?

(I must add that she's a REALLY good slave all around... So, I kinda don't want to sell/get rid of her.)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Not 100% but I think the advanced meds can help with that.


Updated to 0.6.4!esQjxboR!YWqBrdYc8UXK2nhr01OB-LtasLQf5SEF7Y6p1bX2vVA
- New careers (one is sci-fi but given recent research will likely be achieved by when the game is)
- Tweaks to Latina
- Casino winnings randomised
- Added hairless as a pubic option and added it to the lab raid prize
- New event with a way of getting another Acrology owner as a slave (event will be tweaked so this is only a chance)
- Pulled Acrology owner origin intro due to coding issues (Code: )
- Includes Identical twins event from /hgg/

EDIT: New bugs with replace are not my doing, looks like either FCDev or the new sugarcube broke stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
A quick question I wanted to ask.

So, I started a new game (latest version) and at the start I got '1 free slave' left by the previous owner. Nothing special there, except that she came with this, right from the start : ''She is completely dependent on aphrodisiacs, and it is unlikely you will ever be able to wean her off them.''

The game's FAQ says : ''Aphrodisiac addiction can typically only be overcome by supporting a slave through withdrawal for a similar period to the amount of time she was on the drugs.''

Problem is that she STARTED like that, sooo... In this case, we're pretty much ''fucked'' and are stuck with a slave permanently needing the be given 'aphrodisiac' every turn ? Or, is there something to be done ?

(I must add that she's a REALLY good slave all around... So, I kinda don't want to sell/get rid of her.)

In one of the older versions I remember there being advanced meds to help with that if you upgrade your pharmaceutical dispenser.  Upgrading the food dispensers should also help mitigate withdrawal symptoms.  Until you have the money and reputation for that though you're stuck switching between aphrodisiacs and curatives.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
I'd try sticking with take care of her and curatives personally, at least until the upgrades.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
New update. Gives you the ability to start off with one societal upgrade, which will let you quickly boost reputation and profits.

A quick word on future societies. Each of them has acceptable behaviors and unacceptable behaviors. If your slaves exemplify all of the traits your society values, then you'll never need to spend -any- money at all. It's a waste. So if you want to max out the milking society, implant everyone with lactation drugs. If you want to make out a paternal society, make sure everyone is educated. Fix up any slaves that aren't accepted and you'll be fine.

So now, if you start off with social engineering, you can run a degrading archology from the very start and suffer 0 penalties from running an arcade! Not to mention increased profits from sex work at the beginning of the game.

Another one is to start with a paternalistic society and buy a bunch of cheap, sick slaves. You can address their medical issues upon recruitment and get a free reputation boost. If you have enough happy, educated slaves, you can somewhat offset the penalty of running an arcade. May require societal spending though if you have hundreds of slaves in your arcade.

It's also an option to start off with milking. A tip someone posted was to buy cheap slaves from the Growth Research Institute and implant them with lactation drugs, then milk them. You'll get a percentage of the profit you paid for them in the first place each week, and you can dose them on drugs to keep their asses, lips and tits growing larger. Since these slaves are all virgins from the start, this provides a ton of easy money.

So if you're buying and selling slaves, once you unlock the GRI, don't bother with buying the 2000 virgin slaves from the kidnapped markets anymore, except as cheap labor for the servant's quarter. You can make more money faster by training worshipful, very trusting slaves with huge assets.


Mar 19, 2016
May require societal spending though if you have hundreds of slaves in your arcade.

How in all hells do you, or anyone really, end up with HUNDREDS of slaves ? ...or ''millions'' in profit every turn, for what it matters ?

Just 20 slaves is beginning to be 'quite a few', so 'hundreds'..? And even by trying to follow the ''guides and tricks'' I read around, making more than 15000$, and reliably so each turn, seems infinitely harder than what others around here are making it out to be ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Hello, friend! I'll explain.

Lol, no, I'm not making a million in profit every turn. You'll make a million in a little under a year though, if you play your cards right.

First, you have to set up your rules assist up to work for you. That means cutting out many things that eat into your profits. Eliminate everything that does, but sensibly. Here's a paste of my settings.

There's two important things to remember. You have profit, and upkeep. You know what profit is. The absolute minimum upkeep you can have for a slave is 100. Things like drugs cost another 100. Curatives cost 300. You want to maximize profit and minimize upkeep.

Now, go into the cosmetic options in the rules assistant and the body mod options. Turn off automatic branding, set everything else to no default option. Piercings, implants, anus bleaching, it all costs MONEY. You want to MAKE money, not SPEND it. So you turn those things off.

Next, when you start your game, you play as a venture capitalist with social engineering. Venture capitalist lets you get more money from business at the end of each week. It's a percentage of your total cash. Social engineer lets you start with 1 society option unlocked. One of the other options might be better, like hard work, but we just want to get you started making money, right away.

Step 1, Set up your options like I described. In the beginning, you can also use the preset posted earlier in the thread to make a great quality head girl and other slaves you might want. I suggest making a girl who can be a good steward. You'll need her later.

Step 2, go into manage archolgy and set yourself to have a degrading society. This will improve the profits of the arcade and the glory holes. Very important.

Step 3, wait until the slave market is high and sell those slaves you started with, who aren't the ones you created. You know, the ones the guy who owned the place before you left behind. They can sometimes sell for like 40K each, which sets you up well for the next step.

Step 4, Buy a truck load of slaves for 2000 each, stopping when the price starts to increase because you've bought too many.. Open up an arcade! Very important!

Step 5, You're not going to be able to afford (likely) to fully load all the slaves in there. That's fine. Load as many slaves as you can in there and set the rest to work glory holes. When the money comes in, you can upgrade the arcade and toss more slaves in. Do. Not. Buy the upgrade to make it an arcade that uses drugs. I explained why earlier in the thread. DO buy the upgrade that makes it so the arcade milks people. When you can afford it.

Step 6. You're going to find virgins on the market, so put them into a servant's quarter. They can lower upkeep by like 500 each. This is very helpful to you. A stewardess can make it so each slave in the quarters reduces upkeep by another 100 each. This in most cases can reduce upkeep further than what that slave was capable of making you in money anyways.

Step 7. The amount of slaves in glory holes and the arcade is going to allow you to upgrade your degrading society. Do so as soon as possible. Eventually, there will be an option that forces everyone in the archolgy to make their slaves use glory holes and arcades. That's obviously good for you, as this is what we're specializing in.!

Step 8. Keep buying slaves and keep filling out your arcade.

Step 9. After breaking in your head girl, you can then give her a slave with the upgrade. This slave will then be trained by the head girl, enabling your head girl to train 2 other slaves. Toss all the other slaves you have in a facility, and take two of those virgins you've been saving from the servant's quarter. The head girl will then train them every week, giving them great skills. Make sure to implant lactation drugs in those virgins to grow their tits out. This will make them sell for more money later.

Step 10. Sell the virgins when they become sex masters. Buy more slaves and toss them into the arcade. Take two more virgins out of the servant's quarter and have the head girl train them. Rinse and repeat.

Step 11. Eventually, you'll be able to select a second society option. Pick the one about milking. Then, open up a dairy and a milking facility. Take some pregnant slaves and toss them in the dairy from your arcade, and take some shemales and throw them into the collection facility. Buy more slaves to top up your arcade.

Step 12. Eventually, your society will have the ability to ban all milk products that compete with slave dairy products. This makes milking highly profitable. Almost as much as your arcade. Now start filling out all of your facilities.

That should get the ball rolling for you. It's very easy. You'll be rich in no time. Ask questions if you have any, friend.