*rolled in, ate Savin salad and suddently started to speak in a human(ish) language*
Ohhh shiny thread yet underailed. Good, good let the rightness flow throu you my thread. (@Savin: Looking over new forum this one idea for people hit their post count wasn't yet used so everything looks fine here)
It's so many cool and funny charas so how can one can choice just a few... decisions, decisions to made.
1. Bess (was it suprise I put her at 1st? Think not)
2. Briha (supposed been somehow lower on list but sparrows twerking about possible X-pack for her ^^)
3. Reaha (again only cuz we got promissed X-pack in (near) future she got so high)
5. Tam (no not the drone but it owner even if attatched bust not give her justice (does by chance Shou working on Tam new bust any know on this anything?) and she's like crazy and hyped and just Jinx-like like Jinx but not so flat like her ^^)
6. Ellie (I mean how many so damn adorable treated lizan-taurs we got? Only one and thus she's so special and I like her even if she never get more stuff added still will like this npc)
7. Queen Tavira ( It's good to be King with your own Queen to tender ya royal needs

*vomits recently eaten stuff*
Yuck what was in that salad?

You need make more healthy stuff or we loose amazing writer due to food poisoning
(Yeah I reserver place 4 for some to be introduced sooner or later npc)
((Most of writing was jokes and thus I count noone get offended by them - I still throw quite long list of npc I like ingame and I deeply sorry that most liked ones are created by one certain writer ^^))