Favourite Character!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For the discussion topic on this thread, the questions is what is your favourite character?

Is it a follower? Is it an enemy? Is it an Ausar? Is it a pirate? Is it that potential pet Varmint Savin is currently working on?

What is it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Bess/Ben, aka the silver blob of insanity, is my favourite so far (mostly because they are pretty developed). Sera and Burt are close seconds, though.

 potential pet Varmint Savin is currently working on

You're joking, aren't you ? Because if you're not, I really look forward to having a pet in TiTS (well there is already Tam-wolf but he's a drone so he doesn't count)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Depending on how I am playing and if I am staying true to character.

Character 1: Vahn

Character 2: Embry

Character 3: Penny

I have a lot of others that I like but it depends on which character I am playing. When I look at all of the NPC's without taking into account of the character being played. I would have to say I really like Bess/Ben at the time. Hopefully more characters like Bess/Ben will show up from different writers to add to the depth of the NPC's in the game and how interactive you can be with them. Gonna be a hell of a lot of coding for Gedan. :D
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Do we not have this thread already? Or am I thinking of old-forum? Meh.

Excluding those I've created, Gianna's pretty solidly my favorite character. Princess Taivris could probably rival her for the spot if she had more content. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
*rolled in, ate Savin salad and suddently started to speak in a human(ish) language*

Ohhh shiny thread yet underailed. Good, good let the rightness flow throu you my thread. (@Savin: Looking over new forum this one idea for people hit their post count wasn't yet used so everything looks fine here)

It's so many cool and funny charas so how can one can choice just a few... decisions, decisions to made.

1. Bess (was it suprise I put her at 1st? Think not)

2. Briha (supposed been somehow lower on list but sparrows twerking about possible X-pack for her ^^)

3. Reaha (again only cuz we got promissed X-pack in (near) future she got so high)

5. Tam (no not the drone but it owner even if attatched bust not give her justice (does by chance Shou working on Tam new bust any know on this anything?) and she's like crazy and hyped and just Jinx-like like Jinx but not so flat like her ^^)

6. Ellie (I mean how many so damn adorable treated lizan-taurs we got? Only one and thus she's so special and I like her even if she never get more stuff added still will like this npc)

7. Queen Tavira ( It's good to be King with your own Queen to tender ya royal needs ;) )

*vomits recently eaten stuff*

Yuck what was in that salad? o_O You need make more healthy stuff or we loose amazing writer due to food poisoning :(

(Yeah I reserver place 4 for some to be introduced sooner or later npc)

((Most of writing was jokes and thus I count noone get offended by them - I still throw quite long list of npc I like ingame and I deeply sorry that most liked ones are created by one certain writer ^^))
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know, there's so many to choose from. Can't really put them in any particular order, but here goes: Reaha, Shade, Syri, Saendra, Embry and the Nyrea in general.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Literally spent 15 minutes staring at the screen and still couldn't decide. Too many good characters. Instead, here is my top list for 'awesome; needs more content' category, excluding all those who I know will get an x-pack someday:

1)Super Sexy Stunty Wrench Wench





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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Hint she likes fixing things while you have your way with her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1 - Anno (Legion)

2 - Kiro

3 - Syri

4 - Embry

5 - Reahe

6 - Saendra


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I haven't played through all of the content, and as a result I haven't played a lot of the Myrellion stuff or the Tarkus stuff introduced later on. As such, the list is not complete. But these are the characters I have enjoyed most:

Penny (I would like to see more content with her. At least one way to have sex with her vagina)

Shekka (I would also like to see more stuff with her. Especially something having to do with her mechanic-ness)


Saendra (Looking forward to seeing her story play out)

Victoria Morrow (Is there going to be content that makes her intelligent? I mean, I like her, but I don't very much enjoy airheaded characters all that much...)

Characters I enjoy and would like to see more content for, but due to lack of content, I can't put them in the above group


the pirate crew of the Tarasque (I think the best way to meet them again would be something akin to getting sent to a prison space station and having their help to bust out)

Hand So



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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

That grey goo armor/girl we getting isn't Nova cpt. just I think one of her crew members if not actualy artificaly created inteligence someway when whole crew formed Nova. In nighttime scene our grey goo girlis talking WITH Ctp. Marrow so it's impossible to be her (and cpt. supposed to be encounterable in her new cybernetic body in Myrellion bar afaik been plans for it (so not the one grey goo we can meet there too)).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Argh, then why does the wiki say that Nova is Victoria. And is there a way to get the third picture on there? It makes it look like the goo you're talking to is coherent and not sex-crazed or mindless


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1. Saendra

2. Kaede (mostly cause the blog stories)

3. Vanae Maiden

4. Flahne & Sera

5. Sex Bot(female)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For now (read it as "I still have to get to know the characters better"), and giving honorary mentions to Bess/Benn and the Vanae, I'd pick Syri, Anno, Reaha, Aurora and Colenso.

Also, bring on the varmint companion!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Argh, then why does the wiki say that Nova is Victoria. And is there a way to get the third picture on there? It makes it look like the goo you're talking to is coherent and not sex-crazed or mindless

It's Nova we meet on the Ghost Deck that calls herself Victoria and it's infact all 10,428 + Victoria itself merged into grey goo. All about why this grey goo you meantion is such unlike any others is explained in texts during that quest. So you need no go back and rerun this quest and....read what that grey goo talking during/post fight in her talk options. To see third pick of goo aka Victoria you need get to point where you talk with her. Well both this you not knew and not know much about her mean you never talked with her and always was going kill it and don't gaf about it anyway so you get to the follower Anno faster.

If it wasn't the case sorry for my assumption (and no I not planned offend you with this post too so too sorry if some part of it sound like I make fun or is mean to you)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
In no particular order, Nehzara, Shade, Syri, Xanthe, and Sera


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's Nova we meet on the Ghost Deck that calls herself Victoria and it's infact all 10,428 + Victoria itself merged into grey goo. All about why this grey goo you meantion is such unlike any others is explained in texts during that quest. So you need no go back and rerun this quest and....read what that grey goo talking during/post fight in her talk options. To see third pick of goo aka Victoria you need get to point where you talk with her. Well both this you not knew and not know much about her mean you never talked with her and always was going kill it and don't gaf about it anyway so you get to the follower Anno faster.

If it wasn't the case sorry for my assumption (and no I not planned offend you with this post too so too sorry if some part of it sound like I make fun or is mean to you)

I always go for the rescue. I probably never noticed the change in the picture because I would read the text (probably too into reading it and just glancing over at the picture). Plus the picture is pretty small on my screen, so even if I did see it, I might not have noticed the differences. I can only really clearly see the differences to the picture on the wiki. Heck, I'm sometimes surprised when I see the images on the wiki, I'm like "huh, I never noticed that feature before..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well only difference between both pics if we talk about that tiny vwrsions it would be hand blade. Nova before talking and during initial fight have her right hand turn into blade and later it's normal human arm.

Well aside that she's nice chara too which I would love to finaly been able meet in Myrellion bar or wherever she would be put in after she got added as encounter ingame ^^


Active Member
Oct 7, 2015
1. Syri

2. Kaede

3. Flahn 

4. Raeha

5.Queen Taivra 

6. Jade/Zephyr I'd love to see more content from both of these ladies. 

Still on the fence about Bess. 
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