1. This is awesome
2. New stipply line technique?
3. This would be a great poster for "Juice That Makes You Cum Super Hard," the first product in TamaniCorp's new beverage line!
1. Thank you.
2. Tried out a digital pencil. It kind of didn't like to cooperate with the resizing of the image, so it lost line quality. Worth the try.
3. Go ahead.
Could also have gameplay effects:
In explore mode it could be used to remove "rut/in heat" status if exhibition stat is high enough.
In combat mode it could be used to avoid a tease defeat. Could inflict tease damage if opponent likes the D. Could stack with use of Salty Jaw-breaker; imagine defeating an enemy by way of rapid fire gatling cum? Would probably require a high taint stat.
Okay, insane rambling over. Back to drawing Reaha again.