Escape from paradise


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Ciara grabs the bundle, and thanks Apoc before heading out to distribute the extra harnesses, beelining to Rebecca first, since she should have been right behind them. "Rebecca, here," she hands her a vest, "are you okay? I thought you were right behind us."


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
{Everyone with safety vest will receive +4 on str check for swimming}
Sundenly the ship became much more silent, the screeching of fear of the passenger becoming much more silent. Now everyone could hear the sound of rain on the deck and the crack of thunder. Then a man broke the silence shouting "Why!? Why is it close to us! The island!" Then everything became silent this time no other sound then the storm could be heard. After maybe half of minute of surreal silence someone started to sing, a soft song filled with sorrow.
[Everyone make a willpower check of 11+]
On a success of the check
The song is surreal and something is deeply wrong with it, then you fell it, digging deep inside your mind. You snap back to reality telling yourself : don't, don't listen to it. The people around you are either looking like they fight back against the song or are mesmerised by it. [You have +2 on willpower checks until the end of part 0]
On a failure
The song calms you, you feel like it's touching you deep within your heart, then you see an island, an island that seems like paradise, the sun is radiating and everything seems simple, the mere sight of this paradise makes you deeply happy. Far away you can see on it's beach nude [insert people of your character sexual orientation] inviting you to their groups. [You take a wound]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[10. Fuck. So close!]

He looks towards the island. "Hmm.... Thus island doesn't look so bad... Even got a bunch of naked ladies on the beach..." He mutters, starting to stumble towards the railing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Roll: 2d6+4 = (5+6)+4 = 15

When the ship went silence Irvin knew something was wrong, very wrong. He turns towards the island, now way closer than before "Dammit! , what is the captain doing?!-" He freezes as he heard the mind-bending song
Hearing the strange song, however, he resists the song unlike many in the ship, he grunts and shakes his head regaining his focus. "either an evil bard or Siren , no time to waste" The small cat-folk remove his shirt and start cutting it in small pieces with his dagger "come on ,faster"
Once he had small pieces of cloth in hand he starts running around the deck shouting "Get a hold to yourself!" followed by a slap on the cheek and covering the ears of those that were mesmerized by the song with a piece of his previous shirt.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca reached for the offered life-vest, when the sound of music hit her ears. [Willpower: 12.] She stopped and shook her head as the music tried to worm its way into her head. "It's an enchantment!" she hollered, as she put the vest on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Will = [(6+6)+6Will] = 18

Ciara can vaguely hear a kind of pretty music, but is much too focused on getting people their cork harnesses to pay it much attention.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
Will = [(2+6)+5Will] = 13

Just entering to see Ciara hand Rebecca a vest, the song reaches Apoc's ears. [Roll resists] Shoving aside the effect trying to take hold, Apoc growls with barely suppressed outrage. "Who dares use such magic against me!?" Sprinting up onto the top deck, trying to shove vests into the hands of anyone who appears unaffected, including a small, bare chested, feline man with strips of cloth in his hands "Take this!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Rebecca and Apoc shouting was enough for people to snap back to reality, everyone became crazy after that having felt the embrace of the island, some sailor even jumped out of the ship trying to swim away from the island, only for them to be dragged underwater by an unknown force. Everyone could hear the captain shouting orders to the sailors to move the ship as far away from the island, but the storm kept pushing the vessel toward it apparently. The silence was no longer only scream and shouting could be heard.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Ciara finishes handing out the next four harnesses to various passengers, and starts to notice the increased panic coming from above. She waffles between sticking her head up to see what's going on, or sticking with the plan and finding the bilge pumps, to help there. Curiosity just barely comes out ahead, and she climbs up top to find out what the latest crisis is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Irvin turns to the human man that just shoved a safety vest and bows to him "thank you" He says quickly before putting it on and continue running around the deck. Once all of those that were still on the deck was back to normal he runs to the captain.
"Captain! seeing the song we just heard and the storm actually pushing us towards the island, I have reason to believe it may be the work of a powerful mage. With that in mind, the storm is too powerful to fight against it,if we keep turning the ship will not hold on much longer, with that in mind as crazy as it seems going towards the island and waiting on the beach till the storm pass seems to be our best option, at least that way the ship will be relatively intact."


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Ciara walks into what sounds like the craziest thing she's ever heard, "your advice do deal with the evil magic drawing us to the island is to do it's bidding for it?! We know that the only people to have survive this place did so on the reef. That's where we should aim the ship. Hope that some of the ship's superstructure survives to fortify around any surviving supplies."


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
Apoc finds himself grimacing at the certainty that they will be reaching that island one way or the other. "This was not what I intended by my wish for something interesting..." Realizing that if they continue to turn, the ship will capsize from the wind, if they head for the aforementioned reef, the hull will will be shredded apart, and if they head for the beach, one, both, or neither of the previous results may be had.
Calling out to Ciara. "I do not like it either, but I think he is right, the ship can not take much more of this, so we can not escape the path being forced, and of the options we can choose, more of use should survive the beach than the reef, as well as more of the supplies. If we are lucky, we could even beach the ship at this speed, leaving us at least the possibility of escape once the storm passes. I see no chance of the ship, or majority of us making, it if we hit the reef, unless we wish to chance the rowboats."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
"If everyone who takes shelter in the bay dies, but some tiny amount of the people who make it to the reef live, then it doesn't matter that beaching on the reef is incredibly dangerous, since it's less dangerous than all of our other options."


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
"While we do not know if those who shelter in the bays truly die, I have just as little wish to vanish as anyone. As for the reef, if we decide to go that route, our best bet would be to deploy the rowboats just before it, since their hulls will be less likely to drag across the reef itself." Shrugging. "I suppose I can not deny that historically that is the only route that anyone has survived to tell about."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
"I mean, it's possible that their boat got to the bay, then they got to the reef. But I'd rather take the path that doesn't guarantee death for all."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He grumbles seeing they argue while not only they were being pushed closer to the island but the storm was getting worse "WE don't have time for this!" He turns to the captain forcefully grabbing the captain's red coat "You decide and decide it now! The Reef or the beach? There is no other way!" He let go of the coat and wait for the captains choice.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
The captain simply turned around looked at Irvin with angry eyes "I don't have time to deal with upset passengers!" And simply threw a punch at him {12 to hit agility, it's a miss} "Your lucky I missed you... Pussy (pun intended) now get back inside the ship before I ask my sailor to throw you over the deck! I have a storm to fight" the captain was looking really angry and would have beaten the shit out of Irvin if he wasn't busy saving his ship.

You could see the ship approaching the island reefs. On some rocks on the reef woman and man with fishtail where waiting. Jumping in the water and signing. When they were singning they were looking directly at some sailor and time they did, the sailor jumped out of the ship trying to join them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
The captain's anger helps Ciara realize that she really should be below decks where she's less likely to get knocked overboard, and scurries back down to take cover from the storm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He simply laughs at the captains attempt to hit him "You wish, you scurvy diseased sea-dog" Either way Irvin left the captain alone he had other things to care about like the stupid sailors that were jumping into the water,he simply facepalms at those idiots before grabbing some rope and try to tie down as many as he can to the ship including a tall Dragonborn (Kirv) (if you want an agility roll (2d6+6 = (2+3)+6 = 11))


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He grunts angrily as the cat boy tries to tie him down. "Dammit let me go! I see my father there!" He snarls, eyes focused on the shore.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
{No need for a roll the captain was trying to hit you so it's 7+your agility}


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
Apoc finally accepts that the captain will not listen to them, no matter their reason or logic, and even if he did, the storm seems determined to throw them on the reef. Deciding to focus on a problem he DOES have the ability to affect, Apoc un-slings his rifled carbine, and takes up a position at the railing near the stairs leading deeper into the ship, grabbing a barrel on the deck to use for a more stable firing form. Apoc yells out at the large black dragonmorph a few yards away. "Hey! Mind holding this steady?! I want to see if I can send some of those fishies to their makers, seems only fair to return the favor they have graced our shipmates." This timed as another sailor throws himself from the ship. "Plus it will be more company if we kick the bucket ourselves." Grinning darkly.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He glances at the yelling person, then the barrel, before grinning. "Don't mind if I do!" He yells over the storm, before running over and crouching next to the barrel. "However, if your shot takes my head off, do note I will constantly haunt you with a giant hole in my head." He says, giving him a toothy grin. "Brains and blood leaking out for added effect."


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
Laughing Apoc prepares to fire. "While that sounds dreamy and all, I suggest you just not stand in front of the muzzle." And lines up his shot, selecting a target to attempt, before calmly squeezing the trigger. Pausing after the shot to examine the results. (cylinder holds 8 shots, magazine in stock hold 7, total of 15 shots before reload of either magazine or cylinder is forced. Most efficient to swap a new magazine tube into the stock every 7 shots, otherwise manual cycling is required.)

First Fishy
AGI = [(5+5)+2AGI-3] = 11
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As the boat rocked back and forth, Rebecca saw the bookish girl come back down into the common area. "What's going on up there?" she yelled, over the clamor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
The bullet wheezed right next to the siren head. The siren stopped singing and jumped in the water from the rock she was on. The sailor she was charming retrieved his mind and shouted at both Kriv and Apoc "Thank you, you saved my life!" before returning to his duty. A siren attention turned to Apoc, singing toward him. Already he could feel her song affecting him.

Below deck the situation was less dire, people were more calm and everyone was grasping something to no longer fall on the ground. Buy with each wave crashing on the ship people could hear the ropes holding the freight of the ship cracking, they were slowly getting lose and the freight being lose in this storm would mean disaster.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Thanks to her time on the brothel ship, Rebecca knew what those sounds meant. She quickly rose from her spot in the corner, and ran to see what the situation was like in the cargo area.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Seeing Rebecca charge off without waiting for her reply, Ciara decided that Rebecca probably knew something that she didn't, and followed to help in whatever capacity she could. Upon catching up, she responded to the earlier question, "There are sirens up top calling sailors overboard, the boat is getting forced towards the island, and if we're lucky, we'll still have something like an intact hull when we get there."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Having done what he could to help the sailors, Irving goes down to his hammock holding on tightly to his backpack and the ship for his dear life.
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