Dungeons and Dragons, Erotic Style! (For Jessica)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You are quite tired in your post-sexual haze and sleep for a good long while, pressed against the warmth of Shifter's fur and tucked in by the Kitsune's many soft tails. You awaken feeling sticky with a general heaviness hanging about you. Shifter, still in dog form, snorts next to you and pokes you in the elbow with his morning wood. It all comes back in a rush

You mated with a demo in a very literal sense and now carried his offspring within your now very-pregnant body. This isn't exactly what you bargained for when signing Shifter's contract and assuming the role of his "Mistress". The Kitsune certainly changed the dynamic of that relationship, if only a little while. Whether you reassert yourself as being in control of the demon, or embrace him as your mate, is up to you.

"Good morning, Mistress," Shifter rumbles, licking one of your milk-laden breasts. He certainly seems tamer now... Then again, he might just be smug about having his way with you a few hours ago.

"H-hey there, human."

You look up to see a rather sheepish Kitsune hunched in the shadow of a large mushroom. Her normal coloration is back and she seems to have lost her dommy streak along with it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
"ugh.....w..what happend to me?" *i squirm a little as i try to get back onto my feet, running my hand over my bugling stomach, looking back at the fox as i feel the collar around my neck* what is this!? *as i start to replay last night in my mind, being under the affects of the lust cap* "a..am i your pet?!" *a hint of shock in my voice as im still worn out, only able to get onto all 4's. my eyes following the leash that leads to the fox* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Gods, I'm sorry. I forgot!."

She kneels beside you, snapping off the collar.

"You weren't so sorry a few moments before," Shifter observes idly, "I didn't think you had it in you to be so... Forward."

She glares at the demon.

"That's because she touched my tail! It's a defense mechanism. If a mortal touches the source of our power without permission we... We, erm, go a little crazy. I didn't mean for this to happen, besides you're the one who actually did the deed!"

"Yes, I did," says Shifter, thoroughly satisfied.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*looking down at my stomach* "so...what now? I mean I can barley stand up like this, maybe crawl" * feeling the tail behind me move as I look up at shifter* " this didn't mean anything, and ugh...can I have some clothes now?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Of course, Mistress," Shifter purrs, "I live to serve."

The demon abandons his wolf form and wraps your bulging curves in your typical seductress outfit. The garment certainly looks a bit different on your new body, but luckily shifter seems to have gained enough strength to spare for some added clothe.

The Kitsune meanwhile bites her lip nervously.

"I know you wanted to get to the surface, but I don't think you're up for the journey in that... Condition. I could take you somewhere safe until you recover. It would mean convincing my sisters, but I'm sure they'll want to help! I mean-" She hesitates, "Actually, they don't like outsiders all that much, but maybe they'll make an exception in your case. This is kind of my fault after all."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
"well it's more half and half? What if we umm...go along with your sisters but do the pet thing? They cannt get mad at you for owning a pet can they?" * I give the fox a nurious shrug* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The kitsune's ears twitch and she flushes with embarrassment.

"Oh I don't know if I could keep that up. I mean, I become an entirely different person when my tail gets pulled," she stammers, "I-It's not like I enjoyed being your master or anything! I was just... You weren't showing me the proper respect owed to a magnificent creature such as myself. A mortal such as you should know her place!"

She uses her many tails to hide her face. Sounds like a certain furry mistress isn't willing to admit how much she enjoyed her part in your performance before. There is a long pause before the fox girl speaks again, this time a little calmer.

"I guess it's a good idea. You pretending to be owned by me, that is. My sisters often bring mortals home to play with for a little while."

Shifter meanwhile is evaluating your rather swollen condition.

"Mistress, I don't think you are fit for travel. Rather than clothing you, perhaps I should assist your movement?"

He morphs back into his demon wolf shape and kneels so you can crawl onto his back.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i crawl onto his back* "what's that supost to mean? Besides it will go away right?" * I run my hand over my stomach and look back at the fox* " so is there something that i should wear to look the part? And by that I mean if you could give me some clothes?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Well we Kitsune don't think of mortals as equals, I mean, how could we? But my sisters take it a bit further- they don't consort with any mortals unless they have something they want or... Or if they like the looks of one and do... Kind of like what we did just now."

The fox girl blushes.

"But we won't be around for that long! I'll tell them that I don't want to share and I'll take you to the Wishing Well. A few sips of its water and you'll be good as new... As for clothes, I suppose a disguise wouldn't hurt..."

She snaps her fingers and a ruby-studded collar appears around your neck with a matching bow on top of your head.

"You'll have to pretend like I put a charm on you, so no talking in big sentences and woof lots, okay?"

"You too," She adds to Shifter who growls in response.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
"quite you....." *looking down at shifter, then back at the fox* "Well lead the way then" *back to shifter* "and no messing around, or argueing......ok?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Shifter gives the distinct impression of pouting before saying, "I would never betray my Mistress's interests, I simply don't like being ordered about by this... Furball."

The Kitsune sticks her tongue out at the demon before dropping to all fours and bounds deep into the mushroom forest. Shifter follows close behind and you do your best to keep atop his muscular frame as he leaps and runs across the rough terrain. Glow wisps rush by in a blur as you pick up speed, you had no idea that the fox much less Shifter could run this fast.

Crossing over a stream, the mushrooms and ferns become more sparse and you can see a large wall of stone looming ahead. You must be reaching the end of the enormous cavern chamber.

Set into the stone is a cute round wooden door with a knocker at the center. The fox motions you to assume your puppy persona and knocks on the door. It doesn't take more than a few seconds for two voices to call out from behind you.

"Sis seems to have decided to return."

"But didn't she say she was running away? Silly little thing, you can never leave family."

Two new kitsune appear behind you, one with bright blue fur and the other pitch black. They approach with mischievious looks painted on their faces. Overall they share many distinct features with your foxy companion, but are definitely older with fuller figures and knowing eyes.

"Oh, it looks like she brought something for us to play with," The black kitsune purrs.

"N-no!," your companion stammers, "These two are mine to... To play with! I caught them trespassing and decided to punish them. The girl liked her demon dog so much that I made them a mating pair."

The blue kitsune runs a hand down your back and strokes your tail, giggling.

"Well, I never thought you'd have it in you, Sis. She is a pretty one, are you suuuuure we can't just a little fun? I bet she'd like that, wouldn't you girl?"


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i start to wag my tail a little, panting lightly as i feel the fox run her hand over my body, looking back at the blue fox and mine as i let out a few barks, not really sure what to do in this situation, i crawl over to mine and sit besides here, still wagging my tail as i look up at her* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"No! - I mean, s-she still hasn't been fully trained. I'm going to take her to the baths and complete the transformation. A-after that, you can have as much as you want with her."

Your kitsune "owner" desperately looks around for some distraction and locks eyes on Shifter.

"B-but he's all good to go! Horniest stud you've ever seen. You can have fun with him while I get her ready."

The black-haired Kitsune crosses to Shifter, ruffling his neck fur. When the demon growls, she snaps him with a little jolt of magic.

"Uh-uh, you're going to have to learn some manners... Only good boys get play time and you're being bad. Sit. Sit!"

Shifter slowly lowers his backside with a glare, clearly not playing along. Maybe if you got him a little excited?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i bark again at shifters direction, seeing him misbehave. shooting him a glaring look as i try to get him to follow along* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Shifter slowly looks at you and then the foxgirl in front of him. Grudgingly, he whines and licks her hand as an apology. The blue Kitsune chuckles and kneels down next to you.

"Seems like this one is the better trained one after all, aren't you girl," she coos, "I bet you love punishing this bad boy when he misbehaves, don't you?"

One hand creeps below your tail, teasing you while the other lovingly strokes your ears.

"Is he your beta stud, girl? Wouldn't you like to help us show him some manners?"

Your owner tries to cut in, but her other sister silences her.

"Not now sis, we're talking to your pet right now. We don't want to confuse her."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*looking back between the two as i try to snap at the hands of the fox, shaking my head no, i let out a small bark to show who i follow, looking up at my fox* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Sheesh, maybe she's more fussy than I thought," The sister Kitsune says, withdrawing her hand, "Fine, take her to the baths and get her nice and worked up. We'll be waiting when you're ready to share."

Your owner tries not to let her relief show as she directs you to the door of the fox manor. Shifter follows close behind.

"That was close," She whispers, unconsciously tugging on your leash, "You'd never have a chance with those two. They erm- well they like humans of your proportions..."

Shifter meanwhile whispers inside your mind.

Mistress, I can sense a great magic ahead. It must be the source of these foxes' power. If we can seize it for ourselves, we might be able to overpower our "owner's" two sisters... And grow stronger ourselves...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i follow the fox as she leads me to where ever it is that we are going, waiting till the other two are out of sight before i speak to her* "oh really? well what do they like to do then?" *wondering about what they might have done to me, then looking back at shiftier as i ponder what he said to me, then back to the fox* "so what did they mean by worked up?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The fox opens a door to a large bathing area- really more of a heated swimming pool. At the center is a stone well from which sparkling, crystal clear water is flowing out.

"W-well... They want me to break your mind so you'll agree to serving them. After a few weeks, they'll ask you to do them a favor and... They take your soul."

Seeing your expression, she hurriedly adds, "Not all kitsune are like that. We usually get stronger with time and practice, growing one tail at a time but... They found a faster way."

Her ears droop sadly.

"They're not even my sisters, not really. I just don't have anywhere else to go. I- h-hey you can't go in there!"

Shifter has begun doggy-paddling to the well.

"Mistress! This is the source of their magic!"


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*looking out and seeing shifter swimming over to it* "Stop! right now!" *i yell out at him* 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Shifter hesitates for a moment before turning around and pulling himself out of the pool. He shakes himself dry and pads over to you excitedly.

"Mistress, I can sense the same magic the fox used to change you. If we-"

"You can't use it," The fox girl objects. "The wishing well will curse any mortal- or demon- that touches it. Even I can't use it that well. I barely think I'll be able to restore your mistress back to normal. The twins never showed me how it works, but I think it's what they use to capture mortal souls..."

"Then we simply need to reverse the process when they try to break you, Mistress," Shifter says with a wolfish smile, "And we'll be the ones with the power."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
"hmm...it could work, but what about the small chance that it doesn't?" *looking at the fox* "so say that they take my soul, what happens to me then? do i ugh...die?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The fox bites her lip.

"A body doesn't last long without its soul. The other mortals they brought back... I never saw them again after the twins took them to the well."

Shifter sits beside you, giving you an encouraging lick.

"You said they break their victims' minds before bringing them to the well. How exactly does that work? Perhaps if we pretend to submit to them, it will catch them off guard."

"Well... They like transforming their "pets" and playing with them before starting the magic. That part I can hear in any part of the house."

Sounds like with the right body, you could trick the Kitsune twins into giving up their magic. Maybe instead of using the well to get back to normal, you could change into something particularly enticing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
"well how long does it take them to take ones soul? and i think they kinda already like me as i am......" *looking at shifter and then the fox as an idea pops into my head* "oh, why not play along with what they want and them trick them at there own game? ill be there doggy for a day and then you suggest to change me into something else....and ill go along with that, just to lead them into a trap." 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"That sounds risky... But I guess it's the best shot we've got. I don't think they'll let you go without me "sharing". I'm tired of living under those uppity bitches, let's do it."

Shifter growls an affirmative.

The fox girl heads to the door.

"Wait here, I tell them that you're broken in now... Act like... Well, you know. Like before."

She vanishes with a blush. Shifter sits behind you and puts his head on your shoulders, waiting for her to retrieve the twins.

They appear a few moments later, tails swishing behind them/

"Sounds like someone completed their training," The blue one purrs, advancing towards you. "Do you have some new tricks to show me, girl?"


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*seeing the blue one walk over to me as i let out a small bark, my tail wagging behind me as i start to crawl over to her, looking at the other as well* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Your blue mistress scratches you behind the ear, wrapping your leash around her free hand.

"Oh aren't you just a sweetheart. You're going to be a good girl, aren't you?"

She leans in, mouth open for a sloppy doggy kiss.

Meanwhile the black kitsune has taken a liking to Shifter.

"Oh you're not so tough now are you, you big bad boy?" She baby-talks rubbing his belly. Shifter, now on board with you scheme, plays the part of broken puppy and whimpers pathetically. "Sis really did a number on you guys."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i let out a small bark, leaning in as i lick the side of her face, my tail still wagging as i feel her scratch behind my ear and i start to smile, seeing shifter playing along* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"I don't know if I'm going to be able to give this one back to you," The blue sister calls to your fox friend, who stands nervously watching. "You don't mind right?"

She opens her mouth to say something but the dominating blue cuts her off.

"Of course you don't, thanks sis... We're going to have a lot of fun you and I..."

Her hand reaches lower, cupping one of your full breasts.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i let out another cheerful bark, my face turning a little red as i feel her start to cup my breast, i shake my body a little so that my tits start to swing side to side, teasing her*