You are quite tired in your post-sexual haze and sleep for a good long while, pressed against the warmth of Shifter's fur and tucked in by the Kitsune's many soft tails. You awaken feeling sticky with a general heaviness hanging about you. Shifter, still in dog form, snorts next to you and pokes you in the elbow with his morning wood. It all comes back in a rush
You mated with a demo in a very literal sense and now carried his offspring within your now very-pregnant body. This isn't exactly what you bargained for when signing Shifter's contract and assuming the role of his "Mistress". The Kitsune certainly changed the dynamic of that relationship, if only a little while. Whether you reassert yourself as being in control of the demon, or embrace him as your mate, is up to you.
"Good morning, Mistress," Shifter rumbles, licking one of your milk-laden breasts. He certainly seems tamer now... Then again, he might just be smug about having his way with you a few hours ago.
"H-hey there, human."
You look up to see a rather sheepish Kitsune hunched in the shadow of a large mushroom. Her normal coloration is back and she seems to have lost her dommy streak along with it.
You mated with a demo in a very literal sense and now carried his offspring within your now very-pregnant body. This isn't exactly what you bargained for when signing Shifter's contract and assuming the role of his "Mistress". The Kitsune certainly changed the dynamic of that relationship, if only a little while. Whether you reassert yourself as being in control of the demon, or embrace him as your mate, is up to you.
"Good morning, Mistress," Shifter rumbles, licking one of your milk-laden breasts. He certainly seems tamer now... Then again, he might just be smug about having his way with you a few hours ago.
"H-hey there, human."
You look up to see a rather sheepish Kitsune hunched in the shadow of a large mushroom. Her normal coloration is back and she seems to have lost her dommy streak along with it.