Dungeons and Dragons, Erotic Style! (For Jessica)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The world blurs into focus as you slowly open your eyes. Your head hurts and your muscles ache from spending several hours in a contorted position. The ropes at your wrists and ankles are rough and chafe at your skin with even the slightest movement. The noon sun beats down from overhead, threatening your fair skin with the mother of all sun burns.

How had things gone so wrong so fast? You had just graduated from the academy and had received your first assignment, a courier contract to deliver a parcel to a merchant in the Scorched Valley. You had made good time during your week of travel, easily passing through the heartland of the empire and reaching the edge of the Southern Desert. Were it not for a vicious sandstorm, you would have reached the oasis town and fulfilled your mission.

Instead, you became hopelessly lost during the desperate search for shelter. Though a craggy outcropping of rock formations had spared you from the fiery sands, it was mazelike and easy to get turned around in. It was here where the gnolls ambushed you.

You fought valiantly against the dog-men, but in the end, their numbers overwhelmed you. A drug-laden dart pierced your upper thigh and all feeling left your limbs. You tumbled to the ground, vision slowly fading with the gnolls' strange barking laughter in your ears...

You look around and quickly realize that your surrounding have changed. The gnolls must have carried you to their lair. You kneel in the center of a ruined temple courtyard, bound to a sandstone pillar. The multistory structure of the temple proper lies in front of you. Its original occupants clearly long since gone, the building is riddled with cracks crumbling masonry, its once impressive domed ceiling caved in like an worn cook pot.

A faint series of canine cackling and the flicker of cook fires reveal that your captors have occupied the temple, taking advantage of its shade. From what you know of gnolls, you guess that they intend to keep you as a slave. Your gear is nowhere in sight, and you have been stripped of your leather armor. Your wrack your brain for some means of escape when a noise draws your attention.

Your gnoll guard has just become aware of you gaining consciousness. He is small for his species which makes you think he's either a runt or a juvenile. Despite the circumstances, the dogman sentry seems more scared of you than the other way around. He quakes in his loin clothe and keeps his spear pointed at you. You shift a bit and he yelps in surprise, quickly glancing around afterward to make sure no one saw his cowardice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*still dazed from the drug as I begin to evaluate my sistuation, I hear the faint yelp from the guard, looking in his direction as I start to size him up* hey what the hell is this? * as I try to get some information from him* where the hell am I? * I struggle with my binds a bit, testing them* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Strength roll: 5+3)

(Insight roll: 13+2)

You strain at your bonds, trying to see if you can break or loosen them, but they hold fast. Clearly whoever tied you up wasn't taking any chances. Slumping back against the pillar, one of your hands brushes against a crack in the pillar behind you. Feeling inside, you detect several shards of broken rock. Your guard is distracted enough by your awakening that it is no trouble retrieving an abrasive chunk about the size of your palm. Its jagged edges certainly don't make for the best cutting tool, but it is better than nothing. Given a few minutes hard work, you're confident that you could sufficiently damage your bindings to attempt an escape...

But how to accomplish that with a guard watching your every move? The young gnoll didn't notice your palming the rock, but sawing at your bindings was sure to attract some attention. Judging from the sounds emanating from the temple, there were plenty more dog men to come running if the alarm was raised. And they already got the drop on you once...

The gnoll practically jumps out of his skin when you question him, flinching so badly that he nearly drops his spear. At first glance, you think he's just scared. But the way he opens his mouth to answer and then immediately snapping it shut tells you there's something more to his anxious state... Nervousness? Excitement? Maybe this was the first time he was trusted with a captive on his own... Or maybe you were the first human he had laid eyes on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*seeing the guard quake with fear as i clasp the piece of stone in my hand, i start to get an idea*  hey little guy, whats the matter? Im not going to do anything to you, besides how could i all tied up? *i giggle a bit and give him a smile, trying to lure him in here* hey, by the way i think these ropes are a little lose, why dont you come here and "tie me up some more" *i say softly to him, almost seductively*  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Charisma vs. Insight: 9+5)

The gnoll seems a little more calm after you adopt your soothing tone. He seems less likely to stab you out of fright at least. When you lie about your bonds, the young dog man pauses indecisively, clearly debating as to whether it was worth getting close enough to check. The little guy seems cautious to a fault.

Your shameless flirting seems to have some effect in clouding his judgment, however. When you shift in your restraints, you catch his eyes roving over your supple form, pausing at your breasts and crotch. He nervously licks his lips for a moment before coming to a decision.

The adolescent guard carefully places his spear well out of your reach before approaching cautiously. He first gives the bindings at your ankles a secure tug and, deeming them secure, proceeds to check on your other restraints. The gnoll is so close that you can smell his animalistic musk and his heavy fainting is impossible to misplace. His pawed hands move up, going for your hands tied behind your back. He grazes your left breast slightly and retracts reflexively, expecting some vengeful reaction on your part.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i stay still as i feel him move all around me, trying to keep the shard out of his view, feeling his paw brush against my breast as i just ignore it, seeing his reaction to being so close to me i start to come up with a plan* dont you want to search me, i could be hiding something under my clothes *i give him a wink and a small giggle* but youll have to undo these binds to get my top and bottoms off* i wiggle a little, showing off how tightly bound i am* dont worry, i wont try anything, a good slave knows when shes been caught.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The gnoll visibly gulps, practically leering at you now. HIs arousal is plain, tenting his loincloth and causing a small stain to immerge. He glances back towards the temple where his fellows are and then back to, coming to a decision.

"S-spread your legs." He tries to sound commanding, but his rough speak breaks into a high squeak at the end. When he puts his hands on your ankles, he blushes like virgin- which he probably is.

Soon the bindings at your ankles are loose enough for you to wiggles your legs free. The gnoll takes the opportunity to pat you down, making a show of searching for weapons. You note his questing hands make a particularly thorough examination of your hips and rear-end. Your new position clearly presents the cleavage of your ample breasts as well as the gentle swell of your crotch. The gnoll seems paralyzed for a moment, clearly wanting to undress you but unwilling to betray his common-sense and completely untie you.

"You... You won't run?" His erection is fully enflamed at this point, displacing his meager garment and giving you an unrestricted view of his pointed, red member. A drop of precum falls from the tip to splatter on the dry ground. 


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*feeling my binds now a little lose as he runs his hands all over me, I start to blush a little and try to ignor him touching my hips and ass, seeing him start to fluster over my body as I shake my head no playfully* now why would I do that? * I giggle trying to seem all giddy as I stare at his crotch, trying to get him distracted; I notice him starring at my tits* see something you like? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The gnoll seems emboldened by your showy display. He bites his lip and then suddenly leans forward, reaching his arms behind you. You feel the ropes slacken around your wrists as the knots become undone... Lucky for you, in his eagerness, the gnoll hasn't bothered to check your hands. The lump of rock in your hand has remained undetected.

The gnoll scoots back a bit. He doesn't pick up his spear, but the weapon could easily reequipped should its owner feel threatened. Were this a straight fight, you're fairly certain you could take the inexperienced beast-boy, spear or no spear... The problem is the temple full of his fellow tribesmen nearby. One stray bark could set off the alarm and result in you being trussed up again... Or worse.

"A-alright...  I untied you. So.. So take off the clothes." The monster youth speaks in a authoritative tone that is wholly undermined by his nervous stuttering. Under less tenuous circumstances, you might have thought his bluster somewhat cute. 
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i nod* oh yes master *i grin as i speak softly to him, i grab my top from the bottom as i pull it up slowly, reviling my bare breasts, i tease him a bit by stretching it like a rubber band as i fling it at him, i exaggerate leaning forward so that my tits dangle freely in front of him, looking up to see his face as i slide down my bottoms, i to toss them his way, standing back up as start to walk over to him slowly, swaying my hips so that he takes note, my face blushing red a little as i have to play along to get free. I reach him and start to circle him, leaning in to whisper into his ear* so what will it be? i know you want me....big boy *i giggle a bit before i stand in front of him* oh how about your my alpha and ill be your little bitch? *i turn around and get on all fours, my ass facing him as i stare back, giving my ass a little shake* hows that sound? *seeing the ropes that were used to tie me up still on the floor as well as his sphere* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The gnoll's jaw drops as you treat him to the best day of his life. His eyes shameless drink in your curvaceous form, growing wider and wider as you dispense with each article of clothing. He flinches as you playfully toss your top and bottom, clearly shocked by your brazen teasing... Although if his throbbing, pre-cum slickened member is anything to judge by, you daresay he's enjoying your impromptu strip-tease.

"I-I mean... You... A-alpha!?"

His stammered reply only grows more choked and constrained as you sashay around and present your cunny in full view, totally exposed in what is an unmistakable breeding pose. His hesitation stretches on for a few seconds as you lock your naughty gaze on him, daring him to call your bluff. Clawed hands clenched, he abruptly rises with a growl and closes the distance between you, crouching down and placing a hand on either side of you.

For a few moments you remain motionless, his furred chest tickling your back. Though not touching you, you can feel the heat of his dripping member radiating against your sex...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*feeling the heat from his member in between my crotch as i look back at him* me...alpha? *i give him a slutty grin* oh you are a naughty boy *i giggle a little before i start to stand up and turn to face him* alright then, if you want me to lead on this....then i want you to close your eyes, ok? *i lean in to give him a little kiss on the check* i want this to be a surprise *as i smile back at him, seeing the ropes and the spear on the ground near us as i start to walk behind him* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The gnoll stumbles as you slip out from underneath him. He growls in frustration, but is placated by your coy peck to the cheek. He seems almost relieved as you offer to take control, plopping down in a sitting position with his hands behind him. He surveys your voluptuous form once more before reluctantly closing his eyes, He strains his pelvis forward, aching for the soft embrace of your tight, wet snatch.

So great is his anticipation, that he doesn't notice your slipping around him. The rope and spear are easily retrievable, although your hapless "captor" probably won't keep his eyes closed forever...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
close them tight sweets, no peaking *quietly picking up the rope as i wrap it around his mouth, then taking the ends as i ties his hands and ankles together* well now that thats done *i go and get my clothes, putting them back on. I also grab the spear as well, heading for the cell door. I head through and close it behind me, leaving the gnoll tied up, i lock it shut and drop the keys on the floor, heading down the hall way slowly as i try to hear in on the rest on the groups conversation*  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You pull the gnoll off-balance, practically garroting him with the rope that had once been securing you. He cries out, but with the rope firmly wedged between his teeth, he only manages a muffled moan. Placing your foot on the small of his back, you hold him down and bind him. After re-clothing and arming yourself, you creep towards the temple entrance, inside of which, the rest of the gnolls have encamped. Your furry victim lays wriggling behind you, contorted pretzel-like and pitifully blue-balled.

(Precision vs. Insight: 12+3)

You try to cross the courtyard as stealthily as you can, but being bond to a pillar for hours on end has left your muslces fatigued and cramped. You creep along, wincing at the aches and pains lancing through your body. Nearing the large archway, you catch sight of three adult gnolls seated at a cook fire. You take cover with your back against the wall adjacent to the doorway. Only a few yards from the gnolls, their conversation is clearly audible.

"-course I'd rather have a chance at the wench myself. But I ain't gonna cross the chief's orders. Broken merchandise don't sell, and I don't think she'd be able to take all of me without a little breaking."

This last statement elicits a series of cackles from the speaker's fellows. One of them responds, "Speak'n of which, hasn't been awhile since Grundle checked in awhile? That runt usually isn't so quiet."

"Prolly wetting himself at his first sight of a human."

They trail off to other topics and it becomes clear that no one intends to check on their captive's status... It might be because the only escape path is straight through them. Looking around, you see no clear exit, only caved in passageways and tumbled-down staircases. Your only option is through the temple itself.

A quick peek around the doorway provides you a better look at the room beyond. It is a large space with a vaulted ceiling two stories tall and riddled with large holes that allow daylight to stream in. Columns are placed at regular intervals, some broken and sideways while others remain precariously erect, supporting the what is left of the roof.

Between the fallen pillars and various hunks of brickwork littered about the place, there should be cover to hide behind once you were inside the cavernous room. The problem is entering the doorway unseen.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
* I get as close to the wall as I can, trying to shrink my shillowet whine the light from the groups campfire, I look over my situation and see the pillars spaced out, grabbing a good sized rock, I chuck it hard down the hallway that leads to my cell, seeing if the guards take the bait, I sit and wait* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Precision vs. Insight: 10+3)

The stone bounces off a nearby pillar and clatters to the ground, causing a fair bit of noise. The gnolls' ears perk up at the sound of your diversion. At first it seems like they've convinced themselves it was nothing, but soon one gets up. The dogman hefts a stone ax over his shoulder and starts walking towards the doorway, apparently unaware of your presence.

"Grundle!? How's it going in there? Haven't pissed yourself at the sight of a furless wench have you?"


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
* seeing the guard get up and start to walk in the direction of the cells, I try not to move, with them not aware of my escape as I try to toss another rock, this time a little bigger and harder, aiming for the cage itself .*  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The rock makes a loud enough noise that the gnoll nearest to you goes to investigate, crossing the courtyard to where you were previously tied up. He calls to his companions.

"Oy! She's pulled a fast one on Grundle! Stupid runt's tied up with his cock hanging out. Where the hell did she go you worthless pile of fur?"

A muffled moan from Grundle elicits a sigh from the other gnoll and he stoops to untie his companion. Meanwhile, the rest of them have risen and entered the room, not noticing your hiding spot by the doorway.

"Well she sure couldn't have gotten that far. Spread out!"

Your enemies hesitate for a moment, giving you an opportunity to break cover and make for the exit. They'll likely see you, but you have a solid 50 ft head start.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*seeing a window open up as I aim the spear at the closet one, throwing it as hard as I can before I break from my cover, looking back to see if the spear had hit its mark.* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
[sneak attack_Speed roll: 11_Damage roll (precision): 11]

Your projectile whistles through the air, impacting in the nearest gnoll's shoulder with a meaty smack. The strike doesn't kill, but the impact of your hefty throw spins your target around, staggering him. His companions are startled by the suddenness of your attack and have no time to react as you bolt from cover.

As you enter the room previously occupied by the gnolls, you see your pack carelessly discarded next to the cook fire, although there isn't time to see if its original contents are still inside. There are also a selection of weapons: a stone hammer, a dagger, and another spear propped up against a fallen statue. You here the yipping war cries of the three now seriously pissed-off gnolls behind you.

The large room you currently occupy is littered with the remains of large stone statues and pillars-plenty of cover for you to take advantage of, should you decide to stay and fight. Ahead is an archway that splits into two hallways. You have sufficient time to make your exit before the gnolls could see which path you take. However, you were unconscious while being brought inside the temple and don't know which way leads to the exit. You might be able to defeat the three gnolls behind you, but things could get sticky fast if reinforcements come.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*i quickly run to the arch way, looking left and right, not to mention hearing the gnolls behind me getting closer. I decide to head left, sprinting as fast as I can, looking back as I see the light from the small fire start to disappear, also hearing the gnolls start to argue over which way I decided to go* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The corridor is tight, barely two shoulders across. The space would be completely dark were it not for the occasional crack in the ceiling and walls that allow daylight to stream through. Every step you take send an echo reverberating all around you. You can hear the yammering of the gnolls fading behind you as you progress forward.

Soon you find yourself descending down a spiral staircase. The air becomes takes on a cool musty quality that leads you to believe this passage leads underground. Pushing aside the remains of a wooden door at the bottom of the stairs, you enter into what appears to be a natural cavern. The sound of rushing water fills the space and by squinting you can just make out the shimmer of an underground stream. It seems the temple was built upon a natural spring- a priceless feature in this arid climate.

A quick investigation reveals that the water flows from an opening far too small for you to slip through. It seems that the only way forward is following the current.

Though your prospects of escaping seem to be improving, there is something off about this place. You get the sense that something is just behind you, lurking in the gloom, but every time you turn, nothing appears out the ordinary. You notice that the sounds of the gnolls have completely disappeared. Maybe rather than having gotten confused over which direction you went, their fear of this place prevented them from pursuing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*getting into the water as i suppress the strange feeling, i continue on, not looking back as the gnolls start to fade into a distant memory.  feeling the water at my feet as i continue down the hall way, as it raises and lowers, getting a little annoyed by the cold of the water, looking around as i feel the walls of the cavern as they are cold and a little slimy* how far does this thing go? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's not long before you drag yourself, wet and irritated into a large circular chamber. The water turns to flow at the edges of the room and its stone floor is polished so finely that you can see your reflection in it. If that alone wasn't enough to give away the chamber's man-made origins, an intricate pattern of lines and symbols have been carved everywhere. In the center of the floor is a large pentagram. Simply looking at it intensifies the ominous feeling that you had since delving underground.

Though your instincts tell you to leave this place, a new dilemma gives you pause. Half a dozen passages lie at the other end of the chamber, each arched portal marked with a number. There's no telling which ones if any will lead to freedom.

Before you can begin to make a decision, a masculine voice, smooth as silk, whispers from seemingly every direction. "Choices, choices. Choose wisely and you just might escape this damp prison. Choose wrong and you'll be like a rat in a trap... Trust me, you don't want to be stuck in this place. Thoroughly unpleasant and booooring..."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*the voice makes my hairs on the back of my neck stand up as i quickly turn around to face the voice* "who said that!?" *panicking a bit, as i scan the room for the origin of the sound* "what do you mean like a rat in a trap?" *i start to move closer to the stone in the middle of the room, slowly spinning around as i examine every corner of the room* 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A vibration against your foot causes you to startle, but there seems to be no trace of anyone in the room. You take a few deep breadths, hands on your knees. The position makes it only more shocking when your reflection in the floor smiles when you yourself do not. The shock of it nearly bowls you overs and that same smooth voice rings out again in laughter.

"Nervous aren't we?"

Your reflection distorts, rippling like the surface of a windswept pond, and a shadowy silhouette peels away from it. The two-dimensional phantom is vaguely humanoid in shape, with a series of tentacle-like protrusions waving rhythmically across the floor. One of the appendages touches the ground that meets your foot and that same vibration shivers up your spine. The shadow's face curves into a approximation of a smile.

"No need to be afraid of me, my dear. I've been trapped here so long, my strength has all but faded away. Besides, I don't want to hurt you. We can't help each other if I do that, now can we? You see, I'm intimately familiar with these passageways. The right path will lead you straight to the surface, but one wrong move will leave you turned around with only darkness and starvation to look forward to. Luckily for you, I happen to know the way out."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
*looking over the figure as i regain myself* "right....so all i have to do is pick one door to go through?" *i turn to face the many options ahead of me, turning back to face the figure* " so lets just say that i dont pick the right one, what could happen to me? besides the whole stuck here forever thing..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The shadow-figure raises one of its tentacles to its chin in a thoughtful gesture. "Let me see, other than miles and miles of dizzyingly twisted corridors, I believe there are a few spiked pitfalls-amongst other traps, not to mention a minotaur or two lurking around someone... Oh and I believe the place is has a few tentacle monsters lying in wait... Or at least they were, they might have died from lack of sustenance since the last adventurer stumbled down here... Then again, they might just be more hungry." The demon winks at you.

"I'll give you a hint, don't take door number six. Nothing you'd want to see past there... Or was it door number four? My memory has gotten hazy having been stuck down here for so long. But I'm sure everything will come back to me once you free me and we leave this place together."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
"right....you really think that ide fall for that?" *seeing the tentacles* "i just met you here, and i know that were both trapped, but i dont think that letting a tentacle monster lose would end well for me..." *i start to make my way over to the doors* "lucky number seven here we go" *i start to open it*