Walkies. Something that excited Gwyllgi far too much. She loved traveling with a companion... good company and adventure were everything to her. The walk was an overall dull affair, but brightened for Iona's presence, and Gwyllgi found her guidance was quite helpful. She might be able to find her path in Muspelheim or Nifelheim, but here, she found the place so full of life and noise that it was hard to get her bearings, and remembering distinguishing characteristics between different places. After many hours, filled with small talk and companionable silence at times, they arrived, and Gwyllgi's ears flickered as she came to life with the realization that something was wrong. Iona echoed the words she was thinking, and she waved her back. "Stay here. If I'm attacked, I tend to go full force, and you don't want to be terribly close to me if that happens." She strode forward then, ears cocked, nose twitching as she took in the scents. She made her way into the doorway, letting her vision adjust... vision with power in lower light settings beyond what a human possessed. She pushed open the door, standing there, with her claws extended, hands stretching and neck cracking as she rolled it side to side, loosening up.