Editing saves without save editor


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2022
I know there is a save editor but still can someone explain me how to edit saves using notepad++ or vs code or some other platform


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2020
What do you want to know? Save files are simple text file - so you edit them like any other text file. There is really no magic there. You can edit them with standard windows notepad.

Magic happens in understanding how variables work and which one is what - but that is quite complicated.

If you write what do you want to change and give a save file for testing - maybe someone will help you.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2023
The contents of your inventory will be under \"inventory\":[ (you can go over 20 sperate item stacks but you can't access anything past 20 in game).
The contents of your storage will be under \"storage\":[ (you can have as many item stacks as you want here, just remember that if you go over max and take an item out you'll need to edit your save to put it back.)

Your equipment slots are each stored under the following, \"weaponPrimary\":, \"weaponSecondary\":, \"head\":, \"neck\":, \"shoulders\":, \"armorSet\":, \"hands\":, \"waist\":, \"feet\":, \"ring1\":, \"ring2\":, \"topGarment\":, and \"bottomGarment\": you can only put one item stack in each slot, and if you're dual wielding with weapons that shouldn't be you need to use Giant's Reach in order to Attack with both.

Find \"name\":{ (replace name with the NPC's name (the player character is under pc)) and under it you'll find all the info you'll find under the Character section of the Journal.

Time is stored under \"timestamp\":. the number next to it is your time, time is stored as minutes (1440 minutes = 1 day, 60 minutes = 1 hour, you get the gist.)

Your power can be found under \"powers\":[ and you're equipped powers can be found under \"equippedPowers\":[. You can go up to 14 equipped powers, well you can go higher but you can't use the 15th and up powers because only 15 options can be on screen at a time and the back button takes up the 15th slot in the powers option in battle.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2020
For quest resets and edits, there is a "quests" array in the save file. Every [....] represents one quest, and the order of them is important. Using the browser console, you can try to find which quest is which, like this: GLOBALS.QUEST_KALYSEA_OFFERINGS. This is just an example; I'm not sure if they follow the QUEST prefix for all of them. This will give you the position of the quest in the array - counting starts from 0. Here I explained how to edit quest via console.

On the wiki, you can find which state corresponds to what - for example, here. I'm not sure if all quests are updated like that; again, I worked with concrete requests.

A typical array of quests looks like this: [0,3,6,7,8]. States always start from 0 to X. Missing numbers are just states you didn't complete or are contradiction to each other.

Now the fun part - resetting the quest will not purge any flags already written, and there are no hard rules for this. Sometimes cleaning the quests array is enough, but sometimes you will be blocked by one specific flag. Flags themselves are in a random(not really - but ctrl+f is quicker anyway) order, and you simply need to know what to delete and what not. For that, I typically reverse-engineer for specific situations.
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