The head explodes of the old gynoid when you impact her with your hand, and the new gynoid says keeping the distance with you...
It´s a pity that she die now, sorry, but you didn´t understand us, Thyx won´t be changed into a new gynoid, she will be our Cathar Mistress and she will create a new race with her brilliant mind...
Also there are more problems that you two and your ships are involved when you landed, correct Miss Ra Valer?
Come on, Susan...
The door opens and Susan (the woman human of the notes) pass to the office...
Explain them our problem...
It´s a pity that she die now, sorry, but you didn´t understand us, Thyx won´t be changed into a new gynoid, she will be our Cathar Mistress and she will create a new race with her brilliant mind...
Also there are more problems that you two and your ships are involved when you landed, correct Miss Ra Valer?
Come on, Susan...
The door opens and Susan (the woman human of the notes) pass to the office...
Explain them our problem...