CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
About your Trello Board: Uhm, is this intended, that ppl. can't add comments there?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Stadler Ohh really. I though I set up it to be possibel to comment :/

No it wasn't intended this way. I think now it should be normal and allow commenting...and I was curious why no comments on trello. To think I needed to set it up. Oh well maybe now will see some comments there.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So far plant-morphs (4-5 racial score) vel treants/dryads (6+ racial score) going not bad. At least getting 4 points or 5 in case of PC with any cock won't be troubel for now. But I came to place of doing something about their legs. Going for typical rootlike way could imply that PC would be even more immobile yet jsut saying it's without any changes would feel out of place. Any suggestion how to make them feel like belinging to plant but not give impression of really slow chara? I do had idea of using roots on legs to root PC for 1-2 turns in fight so any enemy move that could make PC tumble will fail...but I not sure if so many enemies got such move so would it be so usefull? Another thing is about arms that have some vines on them. Had devious idea to use them to strnagle enemy so PC can hit them with 100% accuracy but at the price of disabling any way of attack that req. arms so no typical attack with weapon or shield nor using any special that req. them.

@Hades I changes slightly first Phylla scens so it will first proc when PC is lvl 6+ not 5+ and second I lowered bonus HP alue on them so now instead of 2k it wil have some around 1,1k hp. And to make AoE attacks more accesable I made 2 p. specials that req. either whip like weapon or some large axe-like weapons. I even made some weak in stats but with interesting out of combat use set of items buyable at river village that will allow PC use aoe attack from wielding axe type weapon. I hope now this first fight with those demons at desert will be less pain to deal with.

EDIT: Liadri gargoyle project is progressing quite I may soon start work on adding it ^^
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Been playing through some more.  Some thoughts

  • The races increasing stat limits is a good idea, but its irritating to not know what increases some races grant until you actually have them active.   Perhaps the list could have them already up, with a different means of showing which ones are currently active
  • I'm really liking soulforce so far, but i haven't come across any combat situations where it would be useful.  Sure, the healing skill has its uses, but overall soulforce is hunger management plus lore/rp to me at the moment.  (Keeping in mind, i mostly play sorcerer and enchanter characters in CoC)
  • I'm loving the new transforms, particularly the phoenix and mantis ones.  However: Scorpinium feels incomplete, and the mantis oviposator dissapears on rest because bee score is too low. 
  • Bag of Cosmos is currently lost on ascension.  Backpack carries over, as well as 95% of the other inventory increases...  

Edit: Here are a few suggestions i made for Nonesuch's TiTS plant transformative.  I'm thinking some of them could really work in CoC plant transform

Been looking through Cerespirin, really loving the whole thing.  Its unique, well written and already has great variety.  I have some ideas if you want to further refine it.

  1. Overall: It seems like everything is split between dryad and Trent changes.  Maybe you could build upon this, making feminines more likely to get dryad changes and masculine more likely to get Trent changes.
  2. Tail: Perhaps you could add a vine tipped with a flower?  (which, for tailcocks, would have a cock resembling a thick staman.   Tailcunts: Maybe the tail morphs into a pitcher flower near the tip)(Trent: thorned vine, no flower)
  3. Hair: There could be a third option: pine needles. 
  4. Beard: i believe this should require existing facial hair from manup. 
  5. Penis: Feel like this should have a more unique transform, separate from the "wings".   Maybe also a retractable crown of petals around the head?
  6. Perks: i feel like the drawbacks (the lust floor and reflex ceiling caps) far outweigh the benefits.  Also, i would prefer it if the hair orchid, ivy arms and moss bears were optional for them. 
  7. Arms/legs:  I feel a bit like there should be claw like bark fingernails/toenails.  Otherwise, human-like.  Or maybe thats just my fondness for Lucifer talking. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Been playing through some more.  Some thoughts

  • The races increasing stat limits is a good idea, but its irritating to not know what increases some races grant until you actually have them active.   Perhaps the list could have them already up, with a different means of showing which ones are currently active
  • I'm really liking soulforce so far, but i haven't come across any combat situations where it would be useful.  Sure, the healing skill has its uses, but overall soulforce is hunger management plus lore/rp to me at the moment.  (Keeping in mind, i mostly play sorcerer and enchanter characters in CoC)
  • I'm loving the new transforms, particularly the phoenix and mantis ones.  However: Scorpinium feels incomplete, and the mantis oviposator dissapears on rest because bee score is too low. 
  • Bag of Cosmos is currently lost on ascension.  Backpack carries over, as well as 95% of the other inventory increases...  

Edit: Here are a few suggestions i made for Nonesuch's TiTS plant transformative.  I'm thinking some of them could really work in CoC plant transform

There is showed on racial scores page those bonuses to stats when PC have race scores high enough. I taking you mean to see before TF to this race what will PC get for it? I think it won't be much trouble for me make some way for PC know this before transforming.

Soulforce isn't yet fully finished thing. For sure when Liadri gargoyle stuff will be added in case PC not pick corrupted path soulforce will be more useful that now. And those attacks so far added aside heal spell are concentrated on PC that favor STR stat. Spells for other stats like tou/spe/int and maybe lib will be added at later date.

Scorpinum IS incompleted item for now (frankly it was made to allow PC get scorpion tail and thsu allow PC became manticore much easier, but in future I will make it into proper TF item for PC to became scorpion-morph). On mantis ovi you mean PC loosing it or it use when bee score is too low?

About Bag of Cosmos I didn't make it pernament on ascension since in 0.7c I would change it back to been lost at ascension anyway. Just like few other things to keep items as PC will ba able get by then item with 98 slots to use it for carring over stuff between each tier of NG.

For those suggestions for plant TF (somehow when quoted it wasn't included so it wasn't me who deleted this part of your post) I would for sure try include some of those things (given fact CoC code isn't in few places as denveloped as TiTS one so some options would require making code just to support them)

TD:LR Your post contained many usefull info for me so I would work best to make best use of those ^^
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
There is showed on racial scores page those bonuses to stats when PC have race scores high enough. I taking you mean to see before TF to this race what will PC get for it? I think it won't be much trouble for me make some way for PC know this before transforming.

Soulforce isn't yet fully finished thing. For sure when Liadri gargoyle stuff will be added in case PC not pick corrupted path soulforce will be more useful that now. And those attacks so far added aside heal spell are concentrated on PC that favor STR stat. Spells for other stats like tou/spe/int and maybe lib will be added at later date.

Scorpinum IS incompleted item for now (frankly it was made to allow PC get scorpion tail and thsu allow PC became manticore much easier, but in future I will make it into proper TF item for PC to became scorpion-morph). On mantis ovi you mean PC loosing it or it use when bee score is too low?

About Bag of Cosmos I didn't make it pernament on ascension since in 0.7c I would change it back to been lost at ascension anyway. Just like few other things to keep items as PC will ba able get by then item with 98 slots to use it for carring over stuff between each tier of NG.

For those suggestions for plant TF (somehow when quoted it wasn't included so it wasn't me who deleted this part of your post) I would for sure try include some of those things (given fact CoC code isn't in few places as denveloped as TiTS one so some options would require making code just to support them)

TD:LR Your post contained many usefull info for me so I would work best to make best use of those ^^


For the oviposator issue, i imported a revamp save thats maxed most stuffs (by revamp standards, at least) and played around with xianxia transforms and tested their skills on stuffs.  For mantis, i lost the oviposator almost immediately due to a bee score too low.  This is probably something akin to loosing nine tails' cosmic power if you actually loose the nine tails.  Something i'm really not happy with in its own right, but meh.  That change i can learn to live with because it goes well with the themes of this mod.  I'll probably end up as a Kitsune anyways. 

On that note, random thought: It would probably take a lot of work but it would be awesome if the nine tails perk was granted incrementally beginning at 2 tails and grows in strength as you work up to nine tails.  Also, it would be great if there was some sort of protection that made the nine tails difficult, but by no means impossible to remove. 


I could probably go on all day about the nine tails, ideas, complaints, improvements etc.  They have always and probably will always be the single most significant CoC body part option, particularly as kitsunes become the obvious choice for intelligence based playstyles. 

It this vary moment, i'm mildly concerned it will class too harshly with the plant transform.  Plant TFs are something i'm vary interested in, but it will be difficult to break away from all the magic friendly kitsune benefits. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For the oviposator issue, i imported a revamp save thats maxed most stuffs (by revamp standards, at least) and played around with xianxia transforms and tested their skills on stuffs.  For mantis, i lost the oviposator almost immediately due to a bee score too low.  This is probably something akin to loosing nine tails' cosmic power if you actually loose the nine tails.  Something i'm really not happy with in its own right, but meh.  That change i can learn to live with because it goes well with the themes of this mod.  I'll probably end up as a Kitsune anyways. 

On that note, random thought: It would probably take a lot of work but it would be awesome if the nine tails perk was granted incrementally beginning at 2 tails and grows in strength as you work up to nine tails.  Also, it would be great if there was some sort of protection that made the nine tails difficult, but by no means impossible to remove. 

Ahh so this oviposator issue was caused by transfer between Revamp and Xianxia. I hope you not gonna get mad at me but...both mods saves aren't fully compatibile so some small glitches as the one you meantioned could still happen. So it's nothing wrong with either of Revamp or Xianxia mods itselfs.

Nine tails perk is actualy just giving to PC 2 specials depending on version of perk (pure/corrupted) and slight fatigue regeneration buff in combat. So it cold be slight troublesome to make it gradual gain. At least for incombat fatigue buff it's like 1-2 more fatigue regained per combat turn so really hard to divid eit unless it would be benefit gained at say 6 to 9 tails stage. For those two specials what could be adjusted I think could be final damage values or effect duration. I would for now add this suggestion to kitsune possible changes I put in plans for one of the future versions.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Ahh so this oviposator issue was caused by transfer between Revamp and Xianxia. I hope you not gonna get mad at me but...both mods saves aren't fully compatibile so some small glitches as the one you meantioned could still happen. So it's nothing wrong with either of Revamp or Xianxia mods itselfs.

Nine tails perk is actualy just giving to PC 2 specials depending on version of perk (pure/corrupted) and slight fatigue regeneration buff in combat. So it cold be slight troublesome to make it gradual gain. At least for incombat fatigue buff it's like 1-2 more fatigue regained per combat turn so really hard to divid eit unless it would be benefit gained at say 6 to 9 tails stage. For those two specials what could be adjusted I think could be final damage values or effect duration. I would for now add this suggestion to kitsune possible changes I put in plans for one of the future versions.

I'll try to replicate the issue on a purely Xianxia character asap, but probably won't be able to for the next week at vary least.

From what i've seen, using a character imported from revamp that has both nine tails perks dosn't really cause any issues nine tails wise.  Its vary fun to go around having access to both pure foxfire and terror. As for the increment, i was thinking along the lines of breaking it up into 3 perks that are dependent on having # tails.  The first perk @ 2 tails would be foxfire, at 5 tails would be stamina regeneration bonus, and at 9 tails would be illusion/terrify (the later overriding pure foxfire to corrupt foxfire).  I've more I feel like it should have another pass, but at the same time i know that this is pretty near the bottom of a giant list of things to do. 


Now that the issue of plantforms have come up, i'm worried about if i'll be able to have a plant/kitsune that dosn't look like crap.

I've already managed a good looking dragosune with dragon face, tongue, horns, legs, dick, fire & fox fur, ears, 9tails.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
From what i've seen, using a character imported from revamp that has both nine tails perks dosn't really cause any issues nine tails wise.  Its vary fun to go around having access to both pure foxfire and terror. As for the increment, i was thinking along the lines of breaking it up into 3 perks that are dependent on having # tails.  The first perk @ 2 tails would be foxfire, at 5 tails would be stamina regeneration bonus, and at 9 tails would be illusion/terrify (the later overriding pure foxfire to corrupt foxfire).  I've more I feel like it should have another pass, but at the same time i know that this is pretty near the bottom of a giant list of things to do. 

I think this way could be done. I though as my previous post showed, that you mean make gradualy all those bonuses grown in effect power rather than been gained . As for divinding on 3 stages since it's 9 tails getting them gradualy at 3, 6 and 9 tail sounds more..natural imho. As for that gigant list it would happen when I get to making changes to kitsunes as generaly both as kitsune PC and kitsunes as enemies.

Now that the issue of plantforms have come up, i'm worried about if i'll be able to have a plant/kitsune that dosn't look like crap.

Well you will know when 0.7b will come live how would plantsune looks like.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016

Hey Ormael do you think that the Dragon should grow another cock since it's a type of reptile. That would make things more fun


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Gaining a second cock is easy: Use reptilium until you have two cocks and then go dragon :)
PS: I have yet to see a dragon TF, where the dragon gains a second cock. And if there are any, they are very rare.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey Ormael do you think that the Dragon should grow another cock since it's a type of reptile. That would make things more fun

Yo. No I think not dragons but lizans have chance to have second cock could be done easily. Dragons got already much fun stuff packed in their race TF while lizards feel slight left out. At least that is my pov on this.

EDIT: Goddamit bacon replying without checking rest of thread is sooo aghhh nevermind. Sieems I unnneded told smae as Stadler.

Anyway my favourite tester run into weird situation. So I call to you all to check something if it's not a trouble. Does any of you got trouble to get perk Draconic Lungs at your save? To speed up test I will say PC need to have dragon score at least on 6 and have both fire and ice breath attack perks to pick draconic lungs.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Yo. No I think not dragons but lizans have chance to have second cock could be done easily. Dragons got already much fun stuff packed in their race TF while lizards feel slight left out. At least that is my pov on this.

EDIT: Goddamit bacon replying without checking rest of thread is sooo aghhh nevermind. Sieems I unnneded told smae as Stadler.

The more opinions, the merrier ;)

Anyway my favourite tester run into weird situation. So I call to you all to check something if it's not a trouble. Does any of you got trouble to get perk Draconic Lungs at your save? To speed up test I will say PC need to have dragon score at least on 6 and have both fire and ice breath attack perks to pick draconic lungs.

mmh, Dragon Lungs and Ice Breath (I'd probably call it Frost Breath) sounds neat. Maybe I'll steal it from you and use it in my Dragonfire balancing. Any objections?

When debugging and fine-tuning  race scores I always add the following snippet into

outputText("dogCocks(): " + player.dogCocks() + "\n");
outputText("dragonCocks(): " + player.dragonCocks() + "\n");
outputText("lizardCocks(): " + player.lizardCocks() + "\n");
outputText("bunnyScore(): " + player.bunnyScore() + "\n");
outputText("dogScore(): " + player.dogScore() + "\n");
outputText("catScore(): " + player.catScore() + "\n");
outputText("dragonneScore(): " + player.dragonneScore() + "\n");
outputText("manticoreScore(): " + player.manticoreScore() + "\n");
outputText("salamanderScore(): " + player.salamanderScore() + "\n");
outputText("dragonScore(): " + player.dragonScore() + "\n");
outputText("lizardScore(): " + player.lizardScore() + "\n");
outputText("nagaScore(): " + player.nagaScore() + "\n\n");
outputText("<b>Weapon:</b> " + + " (Attack: " + player.weaponAttack + ")\n");
outputText("<b>Shield:</b> " + + " (Block Rating: " + player.shieldBlock + ")\n");
outputText("<b>Armour:</b> " + + " (Defense: " + player.armorDef + ")\n");

See the attached diff-file: View attachment race-score-testing.diff


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The more opinions, the merrier ;)

mmh, Dragon Lungs and Ice Breath (I'd probably call it Frost Breath) sounds neat. Maybe I'll steal it from you and use it in my Dragonfire balancing. Any objections?

When debugging and fine-tuning  race scores I always add the following snippet into

outputText("dogCocks(): " + player.dogCocks() + "\n");
outputText("dragonCocks(): " + player.dragonCocks() + "\n");
outputText("lizardCocks(): " + player.lizardCocks() + "\n");
outputText("bunnyScore(): " + player.bunnyScore() + "\n");
outputText("dogScore(): " + player.dogScore() + "\n");
outputText("catScore(): " + player.catScore() + "\n");
outputText("dragonneScore(): " + player.dragonneScore() + "\n");
outputText("manticoreScore(): " + player.manticoreScore() + "\n");
outputText("salamanderScore(): " + player.salamanderScore() + "\n");
outputText("dragonScore(): " + player.dragonScore() + "\n");
outputText("lizardScore(): " + player.lizardScore() + "\n");
outputText("nagaScore(): " + player.nagaScore() + "\n\n");
outputText("<b>Weapon:</b> " + + " (Attack: " + player.weaponAttack + ")\n");
outputText("<b>Shield:</b> " + + " (Block Rating: " + player.shieldBlock + ")\n");
outputText("<b>Armour:</b> " + + " (Defense: " + player.armorDef + ")\n");

See the attached diff-file: View attachment 4324

Nah I not see any objections. Just it may be lil tricky for you to find code for those perks. And since I using ice for sedcond element dragons breath was named jsut so simply as ice breath not frost. Wanna get PM with code for it? xD

Did you had by the way any troubles to get this perk I meantioned?

On this race tunning... you use it to check how high each socre you got atm without looking anywhere deep? I have something siilar in mod under racial scores in appearance tab. I even put colors there so people know when they getting bonuses so if some score is black it mean this race not giving naything aside feel for RP of been this particular race. Thou recently I slowly filling up race bonus like 1-2 days ago I set up deer-morphs bonuses.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
On this race tunning... you use it to check how high each socre you got atm without looking anywhere deep? I have something siilar in mod under racial scores in appearance tab. I even put colors there so people know when they getting bonuses so if some score is black it mean this race not giving naything aside feel for RP of been this particular race. Thou recently I slowly filling up race bonus like 1-2 days ago I set up deer-morphs bonuses.

No, I turn on debug. get some transformatives through the debug menu and then TF back and forth while I'm watching closely, how the scores rise and fall. And mostly I don't need to look into the raceScore-methods I'm finetuning, because I already know that ^^

And: This wouldn't work so easy, if this wouldn't be in the Inventory-tab, right?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah for fast testing keeping this code in inv code helps really realy alot. Well mine putting is just people know generaly if their PC getting close to get some race bonuses or if if just magicaly lost some stats due to use one single TF item hat happened to push some racial score from blue to green zone (well that my mod languae of blue - PC got this race bonus, green not getting but not have this score on 0 or below, red...well as simply score is 0 or below (it's actualy possibly to get negative racial score but for now aside kitsunes that had it for long time only sharks or hapries can go into negative racial score) and black - no bonuses from race). So this tool isn't intend for live test more like info on general changes in all racial scores that PC can have.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
First pure Xianxia playthrough  Gona try and min/max first  life off and on until ascension rework hits. 

My thoughts:

  • Grey magic dosn't seem to work.  I have Fire & Ice storm spells, but i cannot use them in combat regardless of my lust
  • Grey magic books are too hard to obtain.  Our first need for AoE magic is Phyala's first encounter, and there are several others around the road, well before Valkyries.  I've only managed to get through it using charged armor
  • On that note, charged armor is too damn good.  Its incredibly unbalancing.  Recommendation: put a hard cap on the armor bonus dependent on what life you're on. 
  • Really want to see enchanter perks for Charged armor and Blink
  • First life you need to morph into a intelligence race to learn grey magic.  Not something i'm in love with. 
  • Thank you so much for making the pheonixes weak to ice.  I've given up on beating them through whitefire.  Charged armor trivializes their hp attacks but i always fall through lust before i could beat the horde.  Then i tried the black magic ice thing.  Downed the entire horde in two hits.  The queen was laughable after that fight. 
  • Its irritating to not know what perks jobs grant until after you take them.  Reccomendation: have job perks show a list of immediately unlocked perks. 
  • Its irritating gathering all the wood to build the cabin, the wall and the warehouse.  Some additional options would be appreciated, maybe Marble or Khia could be assigned wood gathering duties. 
  • Perhaps a nursery could be built?  After a while, 95% of the camp's population is the fruit of the champion's loins. 
  • What is Hoshi No Tama?
  • Perhaps a perks could be made that allowed you to keep a characteristic power of a magic morph (like terrify) after transforming out. 
  • Last but not least, i'm running out of good leveling playgrounds.  Getting to lv30 to waste Marae during first life is definitely dooable but its gona take a bit of grinding.


Can't wait until i hit second life and smash my way through Lethice within 10-15 mins.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
First pure Xianxia playthrough  Gona try and min/max first  life off and on until ascension rework hits. 

My thoughts:

  • Grey magic dosn't seem to work.  I have Fire & Ice storm spells, but i cannot use them in combat regardless of my lust
  • Grey magic books are too hard to obtain.  Our first need for AoE magic is Phyala's first encounter, and there are several others around the road, well before Valkyries.  I've only managed to get through it using charged armor
  • On that note, charged armor is too damn good.  Its incredibly unbalancing.  Recommendation: put a hard cap on the armor bonus dependent on what life you're on. 
  • Really want to see enchanter perks for Charged armor and Blink
  • First life you need to morph into a intelligence race to learn grey magic.  Not something i'm in love with. 
  • Thank you so much for making the pheonixes weak to ice.  I've given up on beating them through whitefire.  Charged armor trivializes their hp attacks but i always fall through lust before i could beat the horde.  Then i tried the black magic ice thing.  Downed the entire horde in two hits.  The queen was laughable after that fight. 
  • Its irritating to not know what perks jobs grant until after you take them.  Reccomendation: have job perks show a list of immediately unlocked perks. 
  • Its irritating gathering all the wood to build the cabin, the wall and the warehouse.  Some additional options would be appreciated, maybe Marble or Khia could be assigned wood gathering duties. 
  • Perhaps a nursery could be built?  After a while, 95% of the camp's population is the fruit of the champion's loins. 
  • What is Hoshi No Tama?
  • Perhaps a perks could be made that allowed you to keep a characteristic power of a magic morph (like terrify) after transforming out. 
  • Last but not least, i'm running out of good leveling playgrounds.  Getting to lv30 to waste Marae during first life is definitely dooable but its gona take a bit of grinding.


Can't wait until i hit second life and smash my way through Lethice within 10-15 mins.  

Suuuuuuch a loooooong post. Ok I will try answer to most/all points you made.

  • I would look into it if it really something happened to them to not work anymore. So would probably meantjont this in next post of mine.
  • I made already soooo lame axe buyable at river village that will give pc access to aoe attack (as I said this weapon got...whole 1 point of atk but it cost like 50-100 gems only). And for main point of grey magic been too hard to was suppsoed to be for late mid game or lategame...but I not yet give enemies there to make this magic been needed. Plus I need add few ono elemental spells too aside one more elelemental that will be single target one. As for getting it since it was intend for such late stage of game to get it Valkyrie looked as good source since they in Revamp dropping other book for whit or black magic. Also...there is still in plans female sune npc that would be able to teach PC grey spells like Dominika can learn White/Black ones spells.
  • For now charge armor giving the same boost like charge weapon. As you noted it been too much I think some nerfing of formule for armor gain is in quere of changes to spells.
  • You mean effects of having perk Job:Enchanter for those two spells? If you meant this then those two spell do already have bonuses from this perk. To meantion all spells that gets bonuses from this perk it's all selfbuffing spells for PC. For Charge Weapon/Armor and Might it adds multiplier of 1.2 making those spells around 20% stronger. For Blink it change multiplier of 1.2 into 1.5 so around 25 % increase to this spell effect.
  • I know it's hard for now to get enough int to get grey magic well unless you wait till lvl 24 and Job: Munchkin. I put on trello borad card named Heaven tribulation. It will be series of scecial events that when PC not die in them would be each time giving increase to max Str/Tou/Spe/Int/Lib stats. But still I not sure if below lvl 12-18 it will be possible to hit 125+ int without TF into some race with int bonus. Once again effect of setting that Grey Magic is thing gained at least in midgame not early game stage.
  • Yeah well since I already decided to add ice and make both elemental types been antagonistic adding perks to make certain enemies more hurt by one of this type of attack was natural. About Harpy Queen...well I think it may mean I need to give her some... buffing love ;) On fire or ice type enemies there should be in future builds some new ones at mid-endgame stage.
  • That list of perks gained when picking ceertain Job: x perk type should show up in perk choice screen or maybe in other place like in perk screen under button that will after been presed showing up something akin to perk tree listing all related to each other perks?
  • Ok that's a good idea I not thought before. For now I only had idea to add more camp members helping PC in scene of woodcutting. For now only having Kiha increase ammount of wood gathered per trip. Would add this idea for incluce camp members into gathering resources to build camp on their own too.
  • I got quite long list of next buildings to be added to build menu and if I not wrong nursery is surely on this list right after rathzul lab upgrade.
  • It's perk related to Kitsunes but that I suppose you already noticed. It's jsut like Draconic Lungs, Salamander Adernal Glands or Scylla Ink Glands perk that will enhance some of race it's connected to abilities. In this perk you meantione case it would make fire attack 2x stronger and increase even futher than 9-tails perk speed of in combat recovery of fatigue.
  • Yeah some perks of meantioned above group are intended to keep some specific race unique stuff. As for the one special you meantioned...I would look as I think I orginaly planned Hoshi No Tama to allow retain fire and this other special after PC lost kitsune tails. I may ends up beed deemed be too OP to allow this to happen. But in futre I will make pass on all phys/mag specials so I may change this and allow some of magical moprhs special attacks been kept as long that race got perk like Hoshi.
  • Adding new enemies both low or high lvl are slow for me due to one thing: sex scenes for win/loose. It's easy to make short intor and outro and cmbat itself but true pita for me is to add sex scenes after fight. I not think peoiple will enjoy have 10-15 new enemies added that will be bare bones of intro, fight and simple outro. Would you like to have such situation of new high lvl enemies (I got idea for around 2-6 of them for lvl's 15+) that will be atm just fight itself but pretty much nothing after it aside simple wrap up postbattle?

I did it...and now I would go do test of thsi Grey magic case and then coding. I hope my answers at least partialy satisfied you Zevos.
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May 7, 2016
I've been thinking about the elec magic as a focus.  I've come to the conclusion that the best way to do it would be to make it a type of grey magic

Lightning bolt, Electrical Storm as new grey magics.  Possibly, having their own dedicated book.  Elec could probably be set apart by being the first grey magic the player gets, and a introduction to grey magic in general. 

Elec bolt would require maybe 75ish int, elec storm maybe 100/110ish.  It would be between black/white and proper grey books.  Two obtainable books, one from pillaged library in mountains (a la wizard staff), one from Beniot's junk heap.  Maybe...  Iron Bound Spellbook.  And unobtainable until int gets high enough, no sell. 

Elec cumulative damage perk would require grey mage

The eastern dragon's perk would

a) grant a damage+stun attack (maybe 0.8 whitefire's damage with a high stun ratio, diminishing returns)

b) removes lightning spell's lust requirement, effectively allowing it to be used as white magic  It would still be considered grey magic for the purpose of perks.

Want to finalize the concept soonish. 

One other thing, its vary irritating that i need to be in combat to use heal magic.  I'd love to see heal as a camp action, the Champion edging himself if needed to get the lust required. 

Random idea: Perhaps soulforce magic attacks could be the champian spending a turn preparing, the unleashing several spells in a single turn.  Perhaps one turn delay, two fire storms, one ice storm and blizzard.  Requiring normal fatigue and a adequate amount of soulforce. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've been thinking about the elec magic as a focus.  I've come to the conclusion that the best way to do it would be to make it a type of grey magic

Lightning bolt, Electrical Storm as new grey magics.  Possibly, having their own dedicated book.  Elec could probably be set apart by being the first grey magic the player gets, and a introduction to grey magic in general. 

Elec bolt would require maybe 75ish int, elec storm maybe 100/110ish.  It would be between black/white and proper grey books.  Two obtainable books, one from pillaged library in mountains (a la wizard staff), one from Beniot's junk heap.  Maybe...  Iron Bound Spellbook.  And unobtainable until int gets high enough, no sell. 

Elec cumulative damage perk would require grey mage

The eastern dragon's perk would

a) grant a damage+stun attack (maybe 0.8 whitefire's damage with a high stun ratio, diminishing returns)

b) removes lightning spell's lust requirement, effectively allowing it to be used as white magic  It would still be considered grey magic for the purpose of perks.

Want to finalize the concept soonish. 

One other thing, its vary irritating that i need to be in combat to use heal magic.  I'd love to see heal as a camp action, the Champion edging himself if needed to get the lust required. 

Random idea: Perhaps soulforce magic attacks could be the champian spending a turn preparing, the unleashing several spells in a single turn.  Perhaps one turn delay, two fire storms, one ice storm and blizzard.  Requiring normal fatigue and a adequate amount of soulforce. 

Done a few hours long run from 1 to 24th lvl to check as I said before matter about grey magic. And it works for me after PC learn both spells they showing up in grey magic submenu. So that makes me thinking what happend in your PC case to it been unaccesable -_-'

Also noticed few other things that need fixing (so good I actualy not jsut tested if things mess up game but how game looking up while making typical run ^^)

On need to use cmbat as excuse to use heal by PC...I think it can be easy changed by making new option under Camp Actions with putting there Heal spell as long PC can meet req. of use it just like in combat. And in future there will be additional npc that would be have option to heal others in camp including PC ;)

Last one white/black spell req. 70 int and the one before it req. 60 so to make another spell that not feel like 6th spell for either white or black magic it would be slight more difference. Myabe at least 90 or even 100 for first and second one 10 int more. Also I think I would lower slight req. int for current both grey magic spells. Also to fit with codex entry for magic those two spells you meantioned would need to be classified as something already not been white and black magic but not yet on level of grey magic.

I could also Lighting Bolt actualy replace Blizzard spell as final 5th spell for white magic.

On that eastern dragon perk point A) after fine tunning it would be fitting spell/attack. As for B) point I think it's a little bit similar to my thought of replacing Blizzard with Lighting Bolt and if I go with this solution eastern drgon perk wouldn't need to work this way unless it would instead allow PC use this lighting attack even with too high for white magic lust.

Also grey magic not have any perk that would affect dmg of this type of spells. Grey Mage perk boosting general power of spell not seeing difference between white, grey and black magic and I not think I will add some perk that would boost specialy grey or other type of spells. Same with Job: Enhanter it would work same in case of added in future grey spells that are selfbuffs.

Last but not least reply toward your random idea from end of post: If it wouldn't ends up as too complicated in code I see it been doable. I also hade some loose ideas of PC also been able to use "charging" type of attacks like some enemies use.
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May 7, 2016
After a bit more experimentation, i managed to get grey magic to grey magic to work.  I suppose i expected them to show up in 1234/qwer, completely missed them way down where they were.  Always in the last place you look. 

How reasonable would a multi hit soul attack be, if the various attacks were of multiple elements?  I suppose it might/probably be easier just to recycle the spell's code rather then attempting to call it. 
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May 7, 2016
Bug: Killed the imp horde, they're still going.  Dealing several hundred thousand damage before biting the dust is rather amusing, but an unbeatable enemy is unbeatable. 

(I'm putting it here because i think that the absurd amount of damage an over leveled champ with storm spells can deal is a major factor to whatever this is)

Screenshot (3).png

Edit: Try as i might, i cannot replicate the issue.  Meh.  It was fun while it lasted, particularly the 16.8k hit near the end of the overkill fest. 


I feel like we're a bit overdue for 10k and 20k single hit damage shadow achievements. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After a bit more experimentation, i managed to get grey magic to grey magic to work.  I suppose i expected them to show up in 1234/qwer, completely missed them way down where they were.  Always in the last place you look. 

How reasonable would a multi hit soul attack be, if the various attacks were of multiple elements?  I suppose it might/probably be easier just to recycle the spell's code rather then attempting to call it. 

Yeah Grey magic have it own menu for all grey spells that is connected to normal magic menu in way making it as submenu in magic one. I though earlier that was something wrong with this button or buttons in there for both spells.

As much we talk about elemental attacks for code it's all about slight different text showed and checing eventualy if enemy got some perk that makes it been much more or much less hurt by some specific attack. So putting new soulforce attack that would consisst of say...3 attacks chained together that wuld each deal fire, ice and electric dmg would be matter of make game check for each of it if enemy got perk making it take different than normal dmg fo that type of dmg.

Making such attack as you proposed no matter how many types of elemental attack we put in would just take some longer for me to set up all needed check in code and probably will be split into few attack than one attack since then trying to account for all possible weakness of resistances of enemy would be quite...hard.

If you want it to be just chained already existing other attacks it would be even faster to make it over other one that is specialy crafted with new texts and so on ^^ Well either way I not mind in future add such attacks. For now I already wrote down to add soul attacks that will depend on int to be each with some element so technicaly even if it make it later hard to remember them all haing 3rd and maybe 4th or even 5th type of element dmg type would be in range of my capacity to not mess up all later in future xD.

Also speaking of elemental perks for enemies...I been thinking if not nerf their effects. For now simple weakness to element mean 4x more dmg and the other higher one perk makes enemy take 10x more dmg. On smae token attacking for ex. frost giant with ice attack will make them 10x weaker. So..what if you all thoguhts about cut it in half for a start?

Bug: Killed the imp horde, they're still going.  Dealing several hundred thousand damage before biting the dust is rather amusing, but an unbeatable enemy is unbeatable. 

(I'm putting it here because i think that the absurd amount of damage an over leveled champ with storm spells can deal is a major factor to whatever this is)

View attachment 4344

Edit: Try as i might, i cannot replicate the issue.  Meh.  It was fun while it lasted, particularly the 16.8k hit near the end of the overkill fest. 


I feel like we're a bit overdue for 10k and 20k single hit damage shadow achievements. 

It was bug with something wrong happened when game was initilizing this monster. Otherwise it won;t have NaN value of current HP. So it's normal you may not be able to replicate soemthing that result of random glitch.

On damage achievements...yeah I think would need soon look at them to adjust with collosal potential attack dmg form some cases *killing frost gigant with fire for example *cough coug* xD *

Of other news I may have name for location that will be place to meet all enemies using soulforce or created by use of soulforce (aka golems). Battlefield (I had though of add Ancient but Mareth history is too short to justify existance of soul cultivators so early :/ ) Well but still all fans fights should look forward to this new place. Plus I will probably in next days/weeks help Stadler to flesh out Beach/Ocean and maybe Offshore Island locations to be ready to be added to any of mods.

@Milkman You some time ago meantione about want to see back tentacles siilar to those from TiTS plant TF. Do you want them to be just add flavor to PC appearance in app screen that takes wing slot or have some smaller or larger use in at least some sex scenes?
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May 7, 2016
One other thing i've noticed, perks (including grey mage) that affect the white magic lust ceiling and black magic lust floor don't affect grey magic.  This means you need to be within the sweet spot of barely more than 50 lust to use grey magic.  I'll experiment later and edit in the exact limits once i have them.  

Atm using all the mage perks i could grab.  Possibly all of them, but you can never be sure.  Omnibus' Gift + Chrimstone earing = 30 lust, which is my current black magic floor :shibe:

Grey spells are on at 50 - 78, off at 90.  White magic is up at 120, off at 138.  Black magic is up at 30 (min), always up
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Aug 27, 2015
If you not against need to use debimbo item you can instead of ring grab Bro Brew or Bimbo Liquer and turn into sex crazy person as it boos min lust too. Similary if yoy somehow got harpy lipstic applied it would rise min lust to 50.

As for eprks that are used by mages adding stuff like more max int, more max fatigue, etc. based on int: Precision, Job: Sorcerer, Spellpower, Mana Affinity I-V, Mage, Channeling, Mind Over Body I-V, Archmage, Job: Enchanter, Focused Mind, Grand Archmage, Grey Mage, Raging Inferno, Glacial Storm, Staff Channeling, Battlemage, Spellsword, Battleflash, Spellarmor

Perks based on other stats or independedn from having some stats high enough that are usefull for mages: Speedy Recovery (faster fatigue regen in fight), Hoshi No Tama (even higer incombat fatigue regen rate than speedy recovery), Job: Archer (more max fatigue), Job: Munchkin (bonus to max Int and max fatigue), Improved Endurance (more max fatigue), Advanced Endurance (more max fatigue) , Superior Endurance (more max fatigue)

I think all those perks above would be all related to been better mage. You got all of them already? xD

As for magic caps for white/grey/black magics:

White - normaly it's 75% of current max lust, Enlightened perk (with current corruption of lower than 10 + corruption tolerance ascension perk value adding 10% to this similary like having perk of focused mind. So adding those two can be up to 95% max lust usable white magic. If PC have both focuse mind and grey mage perks cap change to max lust value - 45. At endgame higherst lust cap for use of white magic is having both enabled Enlightened perk and Grey Mage that making whit magic usable from 0 lust to (max lust - 15) value.

Black - this one have less complicated stuff. WIthout grey Mage it req. min 50 lust to be usable. WIth Grey Mage black magic is accesable from 30+ lust.

Grey - this one is always castable when PC lust is between 50 lust and max lust - 50 vlaues. Well it's as name say mix of white and black one so it's slight more limited in uses than other two types with all perks to makes them as much as accesable. Well I not rule ut making in future perk to lower this 50 points form either max of min lust value limit for grey magic.

So all in all with all perks all three types of magic are castable almost always with grey been still most limited but in most cases it's differenc of 20-30 lust.
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May 7, 2016
Battleflash and Spellarmor are new to me.  Shame i'm pretty much out of xp resources for first life. Those perks sound vary tasty.

I've attached my current save.  I'm going to complete as much as the first life as possible, but the only things i have left to do -  aside from actually beating the game - is stuff like UtraQuest and HelSpawn. 

Second life begins when ascension update hits.  Its going to be a nice little game of Smash the Lethice as quickly as possible.  My hope is to beat the game in 3 in game days, might savescum to make sure i get the right explorations to get it.  What could be more epic? 

View attachment Zavos - Legacy (Xinxia)
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Aug 27, 2015
They similar like Battle mage and Spellblade acting as autocast of either charge armor or blink buffs (names of perks should hint which perk give which autocasted buff). Urta is down for....fixing issue I run into due to making mod. Not sure if her quest will be up with ascension rework. Also I got no idea if 3 days will be enough to beat NG+ after changes...taking into account I want do similar stuff that Kitteh planned for revamping ascension in Revamp aka PC lvl reseted to 1 once again. But maybe with taking all needed for stat boosting items to NG+ and just exploring locationg with save scumming to get each plot dungeon it would be possible to finish NG+ run in Xianxia 0.7c in three days. Probably I would be more than deep impressed if someone manage to do this evne reconsidering some nice reward for this speed run (and I not talking about possible new achievement for beating NG+ or higher in max 3 days xD )

Could you change this one save for simply .sol files from slot you using? Somehow my comp asking me how the hel I want to use this file and it refuse to do anything with it. If you not want link it on thread you can just send me PM with link. I would give you to this save something extra ;) to still test few things. (Question you are in deeper need for more exp or just perk points in this save? xD )
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Aug 28, 2015
@Ormael it would be nice if the back tentacles were usable for sex scenes but at this point I'm more keen on at least having them at all even if they are only cosmetic. 

So if integrating them into old scenes is too much of a hassle/ you don't feel like writing new scenes then just stick em in cosmetically. Although ideally perhaps later on if the inclination to expand on them to have some function strikes you, then that would be nice. 

But yeah just having them in game is nice. Sort of like how I bet taur/naga players are glad taurs/nagas were even in the game at all even if there's less support for them in sex scenes. Heh it's better to have it as a cosmetic feature than to not have it at all. 

On an interesting note the plant TF finally made it into TiTs so I can't wait to try that out in the next public build. But yeah being a plant morph will feel more fiting in a magical fantasy setting than a Scifi future environment so I'm looking forward to your implementation even more 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Milkman Well I not mind slowly go over all scenes and adding if fitting support to use back tentacles instead of those from PC groin. It may ends up as somehow limiting max amount of cocks that PC can grown (not wanna try what would happen to code if I allow in this case to have 10 cocks lus those few more from tentacle wings TF effect). So it's not that I not wanna do it just it may take some time when I get to go over scenes. Anyway adding now this body part for cosmetic effect isn't trouble at all and I would do it.

Here some small sample of how PC can change using Mara Fruit (well that offical by now name of lant TF in my mod ^^). Also depending onluck there will be three differenct skin tones: leaf green, lime green and turquoise (last one is a little bit more rarer than those two first so my example pic SS somehow ends up getting this rare tone...well if I say that this time Terry was lucky to get 4 TF effects jsut out of 2 first doses of plant TF even without first eating Ezekiel fruit shows it was luckly rng changing - also this SS lists actualy 6 changes from TF but somehow game only counted 5 of them so instead of male plant-moprh game should call Tery already as male trent)

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