CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Im still around im just waiting for something new to check on.

Also... found out its possible to 4900 damage criticals in the game witheout going to newgame +... im kind of utherly amused.

Meh I do nerfed this OP dmg already ^^ Not like before with all hits been crits it was possible to get like around 16k dmg in NG :p

No worry you will soon will have many stuff to check on often. Just wait till 0.7a come live ;) will cause the PC to grow muscles and size like minotaur blood

Ohhh that TF item would be Valt possible giving or well try to force feed PC, right?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Let me quess again Spike...this item so coincidentaly was one of those used by this incubus to make her from female human into current appearance? :p

Thus I imagine she somehow know how to get almost unlimited amount of this stuff...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Any ETA on archery behing developed?

Assuming nothing unexpected happen ETA is either 0.7c or 0.7d version. Before this will main point of 0.7 build series feature ^^

Also if ya not mind my curiousity: this near 5k dmg on crits is from full crited Multi Slash attack on group enemy?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nah its a regular single hit done by a minotaur/dragon girl with 216 strenght using both might and charge weapon who has over 2500 hp
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh so this combo is so strong ^^ Oh well I hope new improved monsters HP and attacks will make game slight more of a challenging.

@Liadri Something to let you know my aim for direction for certain npc (and you know which one I mean muahahahaha)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thats a ram not a sheep lol or if its a sheep its the cutest shaved sheep i ever saw
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well they not want drawn sheeps or rather to say lambs without been so cute shaved -_-' Prolly that one of unshaved will not get artist boner up and running. Well still that this jsut direction. Details of final iteration of that npc could vary from this pic.
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New Member
Jul 9, 2016
Hey Ormael have you ever thought of adding in the ability to become some sort of undead species?Becoming a zombie or a ghoul would be pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey Ormael have you ever thought of adding in the ability to become some sort of undead species?Becoming a zombie or a ghoul would be pretty cool.

Undeads fall into one of banned content position at Fen list. And I do want follow it quite much so no stricte undead species like zombie or ghoul will be added. Some abilities that may work similar to some undead abilities as long it won;t giving vibre of undead I will allow. Not sure if it was answer you wanted to hear :/

Ok and now to other matter.

Xianxia_0.7a build is out of the test cage :p

A little bit changes here since last build. Armors and weapons costs been adjusted to not be so unrealiable like...for ex. axe having 10 atk cost 2-3 times more than some sword having 15 atk (that was jsut example not some true data). Similary with armors that some of them was costing way more than amount of def it were giving.

Then next thing PC can get is next soul cultivation stage (so that mean more max soulforce(satiety in survival mode)). Also I felt that two purely offensive soul skills been slight too high. They not giving as much more dmg than other specials yet with even having max soulforce PC could use them maybe twice and then needed to use some pills to refill soulforce.

Some changed to lizarn and goblin PC's. First got different bonus to stats than before (Tou instead of Int) and latter finally got some bonus given so PC now can see worthy go for becoming goblin too. This thing is +20 to int for them (many goblins found ingame seems to have some connections with alchemy and well it somehow implied they were quite inteligent race before becoming crazy breeding sluts).

Urta Quest till I fix it will be disabled (that I think can span for next few builds). Also small issue of horse-morphs/unicorns/alicorns that gained lower taur body loosing racial bonuses to stats fixed (I hope they all not been now OP broken fast ^^). Omni Slas special for mantis-morph PC's been hit with nerf hammer (against group enemy with all perks for higher dmg and all crits PC could pull up to 16k+ dmg...really that too much for such costing little in fatigue special) so now mantises got Multi Slash special instead. Dealing around 4 times less or more than before so monsters got now chance to survive this.

Speaking of monsters...they base attack dmg was upped to around 50% more (I gave them the same formula for attack dmg as PC using now) and once again rised bonuses to max HP the higher Tou stat they got. As example: Behemoth from 2100 jumped to 3760 hp. Then some of them can make use of one or more of three new perks for monsters: Fire nature (10x from ice dmg and only 10% form fire ones), Ice nature and Gigant-type Enemy (3 times more max HP). For now of those perks only Frost Giant gained Ice Nature and Gigant-type Enemy perks. So I hope you all would love new slight tougher to bear enemies. Oh right Minotaur King bonus to max olust was increased by 20 and Lethice by 30.

That should be all major changes in this version. As for rest as always you al can read ingame changelog ^^

I do witheld new options for Evangeline :/ As I got nice person or two that would make quality check of her new scenes texts I want it come live already after been checked. So despite stuff is already coded and so on I disabled it till all will be checked. Sorry for those who feel hyped on this (if not that I was intentional waited I would release 0.7a earlier)

So now time for 0.7b to start been worked on, then 0.7c and at the end 0.7d xD

Small tease for what can be expected in those 3 next builds without any particular order:

-Evangeline expansion allowing to get her from lvl 2 up to lvl 12 as sparing partner.

-Ascension rework (this one would probably been contained in one of those three versions with none others changes due to sheer size of changes I plan to make).

-Archery expansion + Kindra npc.

-Including some or all of Stadler dragon patch/claws exp.

-More additions to soulforce system (one of those will be a non-lethal xianxia style  :shibe: way to get rid of Tamani or her daughters enc from possible pool of encounters for forrest and deepwood).

-MAYBE from one to three new enemies to fight at some locations (each of them will be dropping some of recent introduced in my mod TF items namely: gorgon oil, unicronum, alicornum or blade grass :smugdog: ).

OK sooooooo long post I need to get some rest and start smashing keyboard...err typing new code for 0.7b ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well that pick looks better but I wanted find pic where she is alone without wolf. Which is tough to find since been duo champ most arts show both of them :/ But she would look like sheep-morph yes. More details people could probably figure out out of those all bread crumbles laying aorund in this thread already ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Been working on allowing new stat been increased using level up stat points ^^

Then probably will test more Evangeline fights (since I wait for text otuside fight and other eve text been looked over I can only work on her fight patterns and AI atm - and currently I trying to see how went implementing using charge weapon and might spells)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So I knew rule 34 was a thing, but isn't she a character from LoL?

Hah you've been close. She's just a half of one of LoL champs. Other half is wolf (male one) in sheep mask.

And now slight related pic...cuz why not. Anddddd I back to werk @ Eve.

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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
I wish there was more muscle growth for female kinda like this



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  • 1466305542.moxydoxy_pharis06.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well there could be made some npc that would be up the muscular woman kink. A Gym visitor in Tel'Adre probably. Not recall where else Mareth have any well 'working' quite normal gym.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of muscles I been wondering which one fantasy race could be said have higest bonuses to strength? I not including races that are much larger than averange humanoid race similar to humans in height so no giants or titans as their would naturaly have this stat high.

Same with toughness. Which Mareth race would fit to been considered most oriented on having this stat really high?

EDIT: OH by going with asian belives this one post in thread is really unlucky one. All numbers 4 here as it's 444th post of the thread.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Let see:

Ogr - we not have nay of those yet ingame. Well possible to been added but that would req. quite much work.

Ork - yay we got one orc ingame at least so easier to get even orc TF made and accesable. Probably would then call for maybe making some 2nd orc npc.

Fairy - errr ok you got me here suprised. How they would fit to been super strong? Is it that they maybe such strong compared to their comparable small frame? Well we got Vala so also maybe easier to have some TF made (then again if strnegh compared to size then...ohh boy Vala battle stats need update plus well now I would be worried if PC somehow ends up fight with her in cave if she not smash PC into some near cave wall ^^)

Warewolf/Werehorse - so generaly werebeast. Yeah that not typical race but I could with some work make use of this option

Behemoth - yarr, yarr we got one of those too ingame. I wonder what would people say for PC chance to became super strong behemoth...

Gorilla - ahh and ape-morph type. Another interesting option to think over.

So yup that few good races to think about promoting them to elite club of races that got some of stat trully over the roof. SO far club is only three races big -_-' Need two more races to at least fill each stat places.

Some thought on races with better than good tougness Spike?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahh slight tougher pick of races but not worry I not in rush. Maybe starting search from races meantioned by you I will find some others too.

And since god like race was meantioned. Onther thing I sometimes thinking: Mareth Gos Pantheon. We only knwo that most of gods and godesses fall, been corrupted by demons or other way captured to demons side. Yet all we seen was trhee of them: Marae, Fera and Taoth. Does none of you been ever thinking what could be some other god good to been meantioned or have some scenes similar to those of Fera or Taoth?
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
it is hard thinking of other races other an Turtle. but other God blessings or items that might be an interesting thing


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With turtle one issue I would see is...well how PC could mix with turtle back shell any type of wings? Still turtle TF is thing I probably will do someday down the line and ofc Venus could give sometimes after scene it to PC (not sure if after sex or just simple talk scene ^^)
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