CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah it would be quite similar to bee one. both involving insect abdomen, wings, legs and most fo body covered with chitin. Also only bee morphs for now using anteene body part (which some time ago I found isn't mutual exclusive with horns). Mostly change will be in chitin color between boths and arms appearance plsu special abilities (no stinger stuff for mantis, they already got nifty arm mounted scythes to play with enemies xD )

For 50-60% mantis-morph will be able attack twice when not using any weapon nor holding any shield (still not sure if then it would use 100% of it str stat or also only part of it).
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May 17, 2016
Understandably so are the going to have any other things that are the same? Like their own oviposition, and sex seance?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Stil working on this race for PC so...I think it's igh possible that they would have something similar (not been exactly bee-morphs can't have all exactly the same stuff). Till 2-3 days ago all I have on this item was few loose ideas and that pick I liked so I still fleshing details. So thanks for pointing out stuff about ovipositor ^^
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May 17, 2016
No problem glad to point it out. :D  Do you know how to fertilize eggs from the ovipostior?  :colbert:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Fertillizing eggs is somewhat little weird. With male parts PC can self-fertilize them. Also as been long ago in revamp thread meantioned riding vaginally drider would help with this. One more way is to have quite large amount of cum and have procced one of dreams (not remember which one but I think it would somehow hints at fertilizing stuff).

You do got somewhat tough to reply questions form time to time. But I not mind at least it's chance to move my grey brain cells a little bit more than usual.
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Apr 15, 2016
Mmm, mantis TF... we can already kill all imp classes except the low level ones, perhaps meet male mantis too and if you are a full mantis girl... om nom nom? Likewise, a bad end for male/herm mantis that lose too many times against female mantis... I believe that could bring an interesting twist.

I like this mod over the "basic" one because it gives centaurs a bit more game (I LOVE the natural jouster perk and I am more often than not a centaur/ess, depending on what I feel like, subby? centauress; Kelt usually does it for me when I'm like that. dommish? centaur and turn him into Kelly. Not as fun, but heck, the writing is good).

However, I feel like the taurs (and nagas and driders for that matter) are a bit neglected (by Fen and his other original writers, but still neglected). We have these wonderful different bodies and they are basically ignored except for certain events. Nagas? Only with the naga and the sand trap. The rest of scenes are the same as if you had two, four or eight legs. Centaurs? Only with imps and fairly short scenes. Edryn only on certain actions does react to your being a centaur, on others the text explicitly says that you are a biped. Kelt only on the bad end and as Kelly, it makes not much of a difference since the PC makes her lie down to fuck her. And driders, only webbing the corrupted drider or oviposition do count on their extra parts.

Honestly, it would be nice that instead of adding more and more TFs that generally add little overall to the game (other than making the mental RP better for some), work on bettering what we already have? Like if you are a demon-morph use the tail to titillate or violate...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To be precise all aside highest lvl one imps can be killed. And that higest one imp reason of not been killable is simple: Kitteh said he want in future make him similar to Priscilla and give some name and some other benefits of been named npc comapred to typical generic unnamed hostile npc.

Most of that suggestions...I would put it on list to do in future. I jsut want get done with adding more TF items for at least like next 10-20 next builds (exception would be 1 to 3 new TF that will add due to working on other things like...archery or soulforce system additions).

It is hard to give more support of all not bipedal lower body fmaes due to...well sometimes req. to rewrite quite big part of scene. So after all items will be done I will also slowly adding some new variants of scenes to be used specificaly by naga/taur/scylla type of PC.

So I hope you will bear with waiting for some not bipedal variant scenes to be seen at least until one or two build after currnet to be released one 9which will be numbered just 0.6c). Since Jiggly is alsmot done with Eve parasite after build with tons of new TF items I may make fast one with only this content added.

Mmm, mantis TF... we can already kill all imp classes except the low level ones, perhaps meet male mantis too and if you are a full mantis girl... om nom nom? Likewise, a bad end for male/herm mantis that lose too many times against female mantis... I believe that could bring an interesting twist.

Ahh how come you knew there will be female mantis npc in one of future builds? You definetly psychic or something ^^

About male mantis enemy...not thought yet but would reconsider adding your idea for scene, just what would PC gain by killing male mantis? WIth imps it's about getting they scull to decorate walls and later as not so bad source of gems althou a lil grim if we account for how we need to harvest those sculls

I like this mod over the "basic" one because it gives centaurs a bit more game (I LOVE the natural jouster perk and I am more often than not a centaur/ess, depending on what I feel like, subby? centauress; Kelt usually does it for me when I'm like that. dommish? centaur and turn him into Kelly. Not as fun, but heck, the writing is good).

Natural jouster perk idea was actualy not mine bu Liadri so you knwo who can you prise for this one. Also if you after new build you would like scylla PC it would be again Liadri to prase not me ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I've been playing this mod on extreme+survival and I do really think it's the best version of the game yet. Good job Ormael!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've been playing this mod on extreme+survival and I do really think it's the best version of the game yet. Good job Ormael!

Thank you for kind words.

And I was worried that PC becoming too strong compared to enemies and whole game became too easy.
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Active Member
Apr 15, 2016
Ahh how come you knew there will be female mantis npc in one of future builds? You definetly psychic or something ^^

About male mantis enemy...not thought yet but would reconsider adding your idea for scene, just what would PC gain by killing male mantis? WIth imps it's about getting they scull to decorate walls and later as not so bad source of gems althou a lil grim if we account for how we need to harvest those sculls

Well, it was mentioned by you just a few posts back with an image from the monster girl encyclopedia... so it kinda was a given.

As for gaining something, regain health for starters. But thinking about it, the same way we are (usually) given a choice about how to sex certain npc/enemies, with a high mantis racial score and being female or herm with marked feminine features (breasts, face...), the option to eat the male is offered. To make it more of a choice for those that might enjoy it, for example it could be made that if you indulge too much on the eating the male part, a counter goes up (like on the shark girls bad end, you rape too much, you get bad ended) and when a certain threshold is reached, the PC becomes a feral raping and eating mantis to be met by the next champion and perhaps tempt him/her much in the same way the mantis npc did to them?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, it was mentioned by you just a few posts back with an image from the monster girl encyclopedia... so it kinda was a given.

As for gaining something, regain health for starters. But thinking about it, the same way we are (usually) given a choice about how to sex certain npc/enemies, with a high mantis racial score and being female or herm with marked feminine features (breasts, face...), the option to eat the male is offered. To make it more of a choice for those that might enjoy it, for example it could be made that if you indulge too much on the eating the male part, a counter goes up (like on the shark girls bad end, you rape too much, you get bad ended) and when a certain threshold is reached, the PC becomes a feral raping and eating mantis to be met by the next champion and perhaps tempt him/her much in the same way the mantis npc did to them?

Well yeah I could jsut forshadow mantis-girl npc or just using pic to explain faster than trying to write wall of text hiw I wanted mantis morphs to looks like.

Interesting idae about high mantis score at female PC. SO in survival mode eating would restore quite much hunger comparible to drinking dose of milk of some npc's. And I quite much like idea for bad end with been too much mantis-like especialy for PC's with female bits.

Tonight I won't work more on mode so will share some effects of last hours.

You began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 5 foot 6 inch tall female mantis-morph, with a slightly wide frame that displays your curves and has hints of muscle underneath. You are currently wearing your glistening gel-armor plates, comfortable bra and comfortable panties and using your dragon rapier as a weapon and buckler as your shield. Your face is human in shape and structure, with olive skin. It has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw the attention of males. The long, orange hair on your head is parted by a pair of cute pointed ears, bigger than your old human ones.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of large mantis-wings sprout from your back, reflecting the light through their clear membranes beautifully. They flap quickly, allowing you to easily hover in place or fly. Shining green exoskeleton covers your arms from the biceps down with a long and sharp scythes extending from the wrists. You have flared hips that make you walk with a sexy, swinging gait, and your substantial butt fills out your clothing nicely. A large insectile mantis-abdomen dangles from just above your backside, bobbing with its own weight as you shift. It is covered in hard greenish chitinous material. Your two legs are covered in a shimmering green, insectile carapace up to mid-thigh, looking more like a set of 'fuck-me-boots' than exoskeleton.

Still not done all body parts that will showing up in appearance screen nor all stats changes or bonuses for high enough racial score. So I would say Blade Grass item is around 50% completed atm.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX Ok that's good then. Well got any new tricky question I would try answer then?

About stuff from yesterday I wasted it mostly trying to make cool thing for mantis turned PC's. In the end I not clever enought to make fancy code for double melee attack that would be replacing default basic attack if PC use fists while having mantis arms.

So...tonight I working on p.special for mantis that would be kind of aoe skill (weird lately I too fancy to many many of new attack skills aoe ones). But this one should be similar to scylla tentacle grab in this regard it can be used at lower fatigue usage when fighting singular enemy. On other hand aoe version will be upgradable twice after buying specific lvl-up perks ^^
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Sep 2, 2015
Not entirely sure how an aoe would work with a mantis... what would you have in mind?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Ormael What do you mean by aoe? Because I'm not sure what you mean.  :colbert:

AoE - area of effect. There are already few enemies in game that are considered group of enemies (mob in first antwaifu enc, oasis demons, imps at etaz cave, imps at blight ridge, phoenixes and harpies groups in hel dungeon). And by way I change them they all got way more HP to reflect been group. So to deal with them PC need attack that can attack not ony one of them but whole group.

Not entirely sure how an aoe would work with a mantis... what would you have in mind?

Hahah it's simply. Mantis in ym mod will be super fast moving race thus instead of attacking once they can attack few times in short time. Thus I set to put this type of attack under aoe type even if it not precise ideal example of aoe attack. I mean when mantis PC attack one nemey it attack 2 times due to that /she can't make full use of innate speed. But when fightingt group it shine pushing it own speed to the limit and slash as many enemies as s/he can, which ingame mean 6-8-10 atacks instead of 2 when attacing single type enemy.

It would be also p.special that deal dmg depending on PC speed and weapon atk value (well only possible weapon to use it is...lack of any weapons aka using PC fists and arm scythes that comes with mantis arms body part). When at one of this attack iteration I have been calculating dmg based of PC speed and strenght it was too gamebreaking... like each sweap of the scythes from at least chian of 6 attacks that wasn't even crit hit was already taking around 40-60% of group enemies HP - on my defence I would say test PC had maxed all stats and was beating enemies around or slight below it lvl.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Okay thanks for telling me that. it's a lot easier to stuff like that. So what's your thought on about the multiple heads? I'm interest on what your opinion about the thing, and I came up with what to call it, and the basic stuff happens which I'll be glad tell you once I hear your opinion.  :D  Are you sure about giving Marble just a Pink Egg, or a Big Pink Egg because at the moment I can't give her a Pink Egg in general is there something I got to do first?  :colbert: o_O
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX Having more than one head would...let me thing over that terrible headache I got since last 3 hours...well it would for sure needed to check all scenes to see how head of PC is meantioned there. We got vraints of scenes where multicocks are so this would be kinda something similar. But two cocks isn't as easy to account than two heads so it would be much bigeer changes that will took quite time. As for me I not planning now anything about making PC possible get more heads than one.

On Marble and Pink mean after she got cock you can't give her pink egg? I will look on effects of this egg on her later when my head will stop making me feel like it want blow up any second -_-' So taking into account it's almost midnight I may not have time to look until tomorrow afternoon. I hope you can forgive me first trying to get over my head pain.

Only thing with that pain I managed to do was add options to centraur/nage/gorgon TF to make it possible reverting scylla lower body into different general type like naga or centaur lower body. Oh and hummus can also change it into normal human legs.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Okay sorry to hear that you have a headache I hope it gets better, and yes I can't give Marble one after she grew a cock. As the whole multiple heads thing well for the PC is to have am orgy basically suck on more then one cock, or lick more than one pussy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX Yeah well it ends well. Like 5 min or 10 after posting that post I went and vomited almost non stop for few minutes ^^

Insta feel fine afterwards lol too bad I was already half asleep so I not used that moment of clarity to do something more :/

About your thoughts on multi heads that would be cool thing. I may try do something like that someday. Or not I not promising it will be done. Only things I put on Trello board of mod are thing I will do someday ;)

Now will go look on Marble and Pink Egg thing and edit later this post of if something happen in thread in meantime add to next post of mine.

Also keep trying round better bonuses for mantis and other races. (I trying put some more odered system of how much bonuses races giving in both max stats changes or special abilities of some of the races vide dragon breath or lizan regeneration).
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May 17, 2016
@Ormael Thanks for looking in about Marble, and Pink Egg for me it's a big help to know how to do that.  :D  If your okay with my idea can I please try it out first? :D Also you might want edit with the Milk Slave in the common bath when Jojo is Joy because it shows that it's Jojo, and not Joy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX I looked (and even got opened code atm since I..working on tailoring mantis bonuses indicator in racial scores subpage atm ^^) at Marble and I see to give her cock is needed Purified Incubus Draft and then she should be able to take from PC either Pink Egg or Large Pink Egg to remove it. So as you siad what to do to make her accept any of pink eggs is to give her purified incubus drft so she will grown cock to be later removed. So does this answer solves that issue with her you got?

I would look at milk bath scene with wrongly refering to JoJo while she's already Joy. Thanks for pointing this out.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Not really I'm afraid I already gave here the Purified Incubus Draft before, and I still can't give her any type of the Pink Egg.  :colbert:

Also for pointing out the Joy part with the mistake you're welcome.  :D   :D  I hope I be able to help out more later on if I notice anything else.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
AoE - area of effect. There are already few enemies in game that are considered group of enemies (mob in first antwaifu enc, oasis demons, imps at etaz cave, imps at blight ridge, phoenixes and harpies groups in hel dungeon). And by way I change them they all got way more HP to reflect been group. So to deal with them PC need attack that can attack not ony one of them but whole group.

Don't forget the demons who you fight at the Pit, in order to help the sheep people.

I am fairly certain that is considered a group of enemies as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Ormael Not really I'm afraid I already gave here the Purified Incubus Draft before, and I still can't give her any type of the Pink Egg.  :colbert:

Also for pointing out the Joy part with the mistake you're welcome.  :D   :D  I hope I be able to help out more later on if I notice anything else.

Option to give Marble egg should be only possible if she got dick (that I see in code I looking atm). So check if she can take purified incubus draft atm since you saying she not accepting normal or large pink egg.

On bugs jsut meantiont hem here on trello board in bugs tab. I mean the more people hunt and point bugs the less buggy my mod will be so each bug any of you find is a lil better mod for all ^^

Don't forget the demons who you fight at the Pit, in order to help the sheep people.

I am fairly certain that is considered a group of enemies as well.

Yeah vapula demon horde from Owca is treated by the game as group enemy. So they now a 'lil' bit harder to beat when we first time got throwed into the pit without our equip. And that will make getting mantis arms or job: brawler perk/iron fists I more usefull. Speaking of since I made it last night there is no job: monk perk now as it had been renamed to job: brawler. It gies slight less bonuses now but it could be gained before iron fists (actualy iron fists are quite much buffed up in bonus to atk but needs brawler perk first ^^). So when I looked at my endgame test toon with mantis arms and all unarmed perks it around twice higher atk value than when wielding weapon (that chara got ALL lvl-up perks and have lvl 120 and is in NG++++).

i have question

Go ahead and ask I not bite and at least reply in max few days :D
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