CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

Tsui Xingjuan

Active Member
Jun 10, 2016
I adjusted debuff to be doing similar as you suggested Kitteh so now below 1k max HP it would only drain 10% of max hp per turn.

That bug you pointed out way to reproduce bug...till I not toss new build it will be impossible to deal with. Since it's after midnight here I will do and release new build with fix after I come back from work. So that mean for the next 16 hours from now it won't be out.

Now I know I may be a evil person but will before dropping for a night leave this SS.

View attachment 3598

As to be expected that is naturaly phoenix TF use efects on PC appearance. With that I'm out to get some sleep before work.

i thought it wasn't possible to be a Phoenix


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It is since a version ago. Its also now possible to be a scylla and a mantis now.

Ill be doing some ''quality control'' of ormael text in the future
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i thought it wasn't possible to be a Phoenix

That SS was form test version I was working so it was kinda spoiler(ish). Plus specifics of Phoenixes was consulted with their creator (same as with salamander stuff ^^). I even got permission to made some other hybryd race that use salamanders as one of races ;)

Only "sad" thing that their fire breath was nerfed compared to orginal version (it was then like limitless use of weak fire dragon breath attack, which could stun enemy so....with luck PC could have keep enemy permastuned).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wait..what? o_O

What made you have heart attack? Tell and I will kick it like a Chuck Norris ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Good, Good let the greatness gow in you.

And then you will join followers side ^^

So what you think Spike about little spar with Eva? But she would be still weak and sadly she's not pony (that is idea for other npc to encounter outside camp).
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
well it seems like Alicorn tf is a little off i have to have white fur to be classifed as one but when i changed it the core stats went down


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
well it seems like Alicorn tf is a little off i have to have white fur to be classifed as one but when i changed it the core stats went down

Each TF Race changes your core stats. But each job also increases your core stats as well so the negatives doesn't really seem too bad as you play. They just change the way you play for a bit.

Tsui Xingjuan

Active Member
Jun 10, 2016
That SS was form test version I was working so it was kinda spoiler(ish). Plus specifics of Phoenixes was consulted with their creator (same as with salamander stuff ^^). I even got permission to made some other hybryd race that use salamanders as one of races ;)

Only "sad" thing that their fire breath was nerfed compared to orginal version (it was then like limitless use of weak fire dragon breath attack, which could stun enemy so....with luck PC could have keep enemy permastuned).

oh so its just a test thing? and if so.  can anyone use it?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
well it seems like Alicorn tf is a little off i have to have white fur to be classifed as one but when i changed it the core stats went down

What you mean by core stats going down? If you mean that color bar showing how much you got baswe stats suddenly shrink bedcoming shorter it jsut meant your maximum stat value rised so liek if you had max speed at 100 and had 50 speed bar will be half length. But when your max speed due to becoming...mantis jump to 150 that the same 50 speed you got is not not 1/2 but 1/3 of max value so bar will shrink to be jsut 1/3. I hope it that what was ahappening to you just with Inteligence bar.

And well since unicorns are usualy assositated with white color I set up that unicorns and alicorns need to have white fur/hair to get points to racial score. I know that MLP uni/alicorns comed in a flavors of colors but...well I need to try be sane when it come down to code. You actualy not need to have white fur or hair it just two things that will add additional points to racial scores for those two races.

Each TF Race changes your core stats. But each job also increases your core stats as well so the negatives doesn't really seem too bad as you play. They just change the way you play for a bit.

Actualy not each cureently possible for PC races will change stats. Deer-morph, Dragonne, Echidna, Ferret-morph, Goblin, Kangaroo-morph, Kitshoo-morph, Mouse-morph, Pig-morph, Scorpion-morph races for PC not have yet any racial bonuses to stats (I would slowly with time give each of them something to finaly reach point that each race aside humans will be giving some bonuses to PC)

oh so its just a test thing? and if so.  can anyone use it?

Yeah it's test builds that I use to checking if all working as intended and sometimes I making SS to show people progress or tease about somethng I currently working. So they are more buggy than those versions I release to you all. Like between version 0.6b_2 and 0.6c was...I think around 20 test builds. I kinda not feel much confident to do similary like Kitteh and public those test builds as snapshots. I hope you not angry for that at me as I just want provide people with least buggy versions as I can.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah. I always open to hear people ideas. (LeL now I'm scared what will you say hue hue)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok now you got my attention. What would this perk be named and/or what will be it effect(s)?
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Unicorn power: increasing the power of magic based attacks 50%.

Alicorn power: increasing the power of magic based attacks 150%

really unicorns should be able to learn white and black magic by different means


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So technicaly it would be as long PC is uni/alicorn it have spell power multiplied incresed by 50 or 150%? I not against this as long I find body part or inside orgat that can be tied up to gaining this perk. Unless you fine with it been perk that is kept by PC as long it racial score for unicorn or alicorn is high enough.

Technicaly they already got bonuses to Heal spell and Violet Eyes Transformation soul skill (HoT (heal over time)).

About them learning white and black magic (well then what about grey magic :D ) where would you see fitting place in CoCverse?
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Tsui Xingjuan

Active Member
Jun 10, 2016
What you mean by core stats going down? If you mean that color bar showing how much you got baswe stats suddenly shrink bedcoming shorter it jsut meant your maximum stat value rised so liek if you had max speed at 100 and had 50 speed bar will be half length. But when your max speed due to becoming...mantis jump to 150 that the same 50 speed you got is not not 1/2 but 1/3 of max value so bar will shrink to be jsut 1/3. I hope it that what was ahappening to you just with Inteligence bar.

And well since unicorns are usualy assositated with white color I set up that unicorns and alicorns need to have white fur/hair to get points to racial score. I know that MLP uni/alicorns comed in a flavors of colors but...well I need to try be sane when it come down to code. You actualy not need to have white fur or hair it just two things that will add additional points to racial scores for those two races.

Actualy not each cureently possible for PC races will change stats. Deer-morph, Dragonne, Echidna, Ferret-morph, Goblin, Kangaroo-morph, Kitshoo-morph, Mouse-morph, Pig-morph, Scorpion-morph races for PC not have yet any racial bonuses to stats (I would slowly with time give each of them something to finaly reach point that each race aside humans will be giving some bonuses to PC)

Yeah it's test builds that I use to checking if all working as intended and sometimes I making SS to show people progress or tease about somethng I currently working. So they are more buggy than those versions I release to you all. Like between version 0.6b_2 and 0.6c was...I think around 20 test builds. I kinda not feel much confident to do similary like Kitteh and public those test builds as snapshots. I hope you not angry for that at me as I just want provide people with least buggy versions as I can.

yes and can anyone access the test thing?

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
well domika teaches you black magic if you haven't read the black books why not a person who teaches the pc white and grey magic


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
yes and can anyone access the test thing?

As long someone would be writing something for my mod this person would be reciving test builds or if someone would be brave to doing quality control for me. So currently only one person here fullfill at least one of this requirements so as long you feel you do the same I'm not aainst sending you those test builds each time I make one.

well domika teaches you black magic if you haven't read the black books why not a person who teaches the pc white and grey magic

Dominika actualy teach both white and black magic spells (still planning to make some other npc learn PC grey spells so till then only source of grey spells is grey book drop from Valkyries)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Dont forget to try the new scylla and mantis TF (yea tentacle and scythes)
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
The Mantis Ovipositor is not showing the egg count I believe something is wrong.  :$ :$  Plus were can you find Mid-grade Soulforce Recovery Pills at.  o_O o_O


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Mantis Ovipositor is not showing the egg count I believe something is wrong.  :$ :$  Plus were can you find Mid-grade Soulforce Recovery Pills at.  o_O o_O

Ohh so I overlooked something with mantis ovipositor...and I was sure I didn't. Where it's? I atm shooting it's in stats page, did I quessed right?

Mid-grade recovery pill is at golem merchant shop in He'Xin'Dao. PC just need to be at at least Early Soul Personage cultivation stage to unlock this buy option (so that mean at least lvl 12+ and perks -> Job: Soul Cultivator, Soul Apprentice and Soul Personage) along with Heal over Time soul skill.

So today is pretty much over for me so I can say a little bit about today progress. So mostly worked on changes to soulforce usage and recovery. Now PC can cultivate for 8 hours. Then I looked into useage to refill huner bar (from 1 soulfrce point to 1 satiety point I switched to 5 soulforce to 1 satiety so that mean at early game it will be harder to use soulforce to so easily fill up satiety bar). Next is brand new option to use soulforce in 2 to 1 amount to...lower lust ^^ Still thinking if not allow in limited form use it also during combat. Last was adding brand new shiny cultivation stage along with perk named: Soul Sprite (req. lvl 24+ and Soul Warrior perk).

Other thing I work really little was Evangeline. She will soon been getting stuff like light spar option, some talk options (yes that mean finaly her affection score will move above 3% ^^) and first of chain quest for her story arc.

Ahh right and I buffed again raw HP for monsters.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX I thought about some more freely approach for hair/fur colr approach for uni/alicorns. BUt still I thinking if not make somehow special reward for people that pick white color for both things ^^
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