What you mean by core stats going down? If you mean that color bar showing how much you got baswe stats suddenly shrink bedcoming shorter it jsut meant your maximum stat value rised so liek if you had max speed at 100 and had 50 speed bar will be half length. But when your max speed due to becoming...mantis jump to 150 that the same 50 speed you got is not not 1/2 but 1/3 of max value so bar will shrink to be jsut 1/3. I hope it that what was ahappening to you just with Inteligence bar.
And well since unicorns are usualy assositated with white color I set up that unicorns and alicorns need to have white fur/hair to get points to racial score. I know that MLP uni/alicorns comed in a flavors of colors but...well I need to try be sane when it come down to code. You actualy not need to have white fur or hair it just two things that will add additional points to racial scores for those two races.
Actualy not each cureently possible for PC races will change stats. Deer-morph, Dragonne, Echidna, Ferret-morph, Goblin, Kangaroo-morph, Kitshoo-morph, Mouse-morph, Pig-morph, Scorpion-morph races for PC not have yet any racial bonuses to stats (I would slowly with time give each of them something to finaly reach point that each race aside humans will be giving some bonuses to PC)
Yeah it's test builds that I use to checking if all working as intended and sometimes I making SS to show people progress or tease about somethng I currently working. So they are more buggy than those versions I release to you all. Like between version 0.6b_2 and 0.6c was...I think around 20 test builds. I kinda not feel much confident to do similary like Kitteh and public those test builds as snapshots. I hope you not angry for that at me as I just want provide people with least buggy versions as I can.