CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
well i know this sounds dumb but will there be panda tf?

There is no questions that are could only get dumb answer too :p

Ok that was light joke so pelase not take it personal.

Panda...panda ohhh that name reminds me joke in my language when this word would eman something like: Mister will you give me .... and is part of joke how student say that wrd to professor hoping to get worst mark that will mean he passed exam (for our case it will be 3 not sure how lowerst positive grade is in americe...D or E I suppose).

Ok so another unintended joke out of the way.

Panda TF I could see place or in one of current forest areas or some more oriented toward asian theme area, where aside panda race PC would meet kitsune, quilin, oni, nekomanta npc's. For current sloly winding down version 0.6c is too late for me to add another TF. So since it will be official forshadowing 0.6c list of new TF items is closed and that inculdes: Nocello Liqueur (phoenix TF), Black/Grey/White Ink (scylla TF - female/herm/male version), Unicornum (unicorn TF), Alicornum (alicorn TF) and Blade Grass (mantis TF). As it was already long Plant TF I moved to some future builds (it not even started and I think Liadri would be more than happy to mess around while I creating it throwing ideas, solutions, some texts and etc.).

And since you meantion Panda I will then go add it now to list of TF items on Trello (that lsit is list of TF I IWLL do not those I want do or maybe not wanna to do) so you will be sure I will keep my eye to add panda TF someday in future. As after 0.6c there wouldn;t be any updated concentrating totlay on changes to TF itmes panda TF will come with some update concerning adding panda enemies to the game (and thsi I assume will be somewhere in new area that i plan add in lvl range between Blight Ridge and Glacial Rift).
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
There is no questions that are could only get dumb answer too :p

Ok that was light joke so pelase not take it personal.

Panda...panda ohhh that name reminds me joke in my language when this word would eman something like: Mister will you give me .... and is part of joke how student say that wrd to professor hoping to get worst mark that will mean he passed exam (for our case it will be 3 not sure how lowerst positive grade is in americe...D or E I suppose).

Ok so another unintended joke out of the way.

Panda TF I could see place or in one of current forest areas or some more oriented toward asian theme area, where aside panda race PC would meet kitsune, quilin, oni, nekomanta npc's. For current sloly winding down version 0.6c is too late for me to add another TF. So since it will be official forshadowing 0.6c list of new TF items is closed and that inculdes: Nocello Liqueur (phoenix TF), Black/Grey/White Ink (scylla TF - female/herm/male version), Unicornum (unicorn TF), Alicornum (alicorn TF) and Blade Grass (mantis TF). As it was already long Plant TF I moved to some future builds (it not even started and I think Liadri would be more than happy to mess around while I creating it throwing ideas, solutions, some texts and etc.).

And since you meantion Panda I will then go add it now to list of TF items on Trello (that lsit is list of TF I IWLL do not those I want do or maybe not wanna to do) so you will be sure I will keep my eye to add panda TF someday in future. As after 0.6c there wouldn;t be any updated concentrating totlay on changes to TF itmes panda TF will come with some update concerning adding panda enemies to the game (and thsi I assume will be somewhere in new area that i plan add in lvl range between Blight Ridge and Glacial Rift).

you said alicorn....are you a brony?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
you said alicorn....are you a brony?

Heh if you say PC that is white furred/skinned and with white hair horse-morph that got snow white wings and horn on forehead is been brony then I suppose I'm a brony ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh now I wonder should I be scard or delighted on your reaction lol

Anyway back to word of god fast mantises, lustful demons and brainac kitsunes ^^ *and that a hint how much their max stats may been boosted after changes) I still not decided what races should have godly lvl boosts to tou or str. Latter probably some kind of titan/giant race which we not have. Former maybe turtle or since they could be so tough due to
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I too wish to add some gigantic enemies but fear about people want giant TF is strong. And amking it limit PC height increase would be kind of lame. But enemy like titans from Attack on titans that in combat mode is gigantic titan that afterward turn into more normal sized enemy is something I see worth of exploring if it would be good or bad addition to enemy encounters. And as naturaly generating much heat or fire it would fit into VC area.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
it would be awesome if there was giant lover but that's asking too much. but yeah if you add giants and titans a lot of people will ask for giant/titans tf


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah well if that the case than I can in peace breaking more of....err I mean adding more stuff to mod.

Speaking of I still not sure what should be main point of interests in 0.7 versions. Should it be Archery X-pack along with Kindra bonus. Or Metamorph option. Maybe Ascention changes so it will be always starting gform lvl 1 both PC and enemies but difficulty of beating game will be rising similar to current version.

@CascadeRX Game actualy got option to call PC race Pegaz if I right...sec will peek at other wndow into the code. Ohh it sin't in code only option to be called pegataur when PC got taur lwoer body and I think harpy type of wings. Well not problem for me to add few things to allow game recognize alicorn that lost horn somehow as pegasus ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Do the world a favor also make it possible to be a unicorn taur xD because monster girl encyclopedia unicorn is epic
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Do the world a favor also make it possible to be a unicorn taur xD because monster girl encyclopedia unicorn is epic

I think I left option for unitaur and alitaurs possible...I think. Gotta go back and check. But then as mge is meantioned there was some interesting monster gilr called bicorn. Kinda sounds like it could be something fitting for theme of CoC.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
it would be awesome if there was giant lover but that's asking too much. but yeah if you add giants and titans a lot of people will ask for giant/titans tf

There are many giant scenes in CoC. The keyword is "Shouldra". Actually, when you are looking for something weirder than what's usually found is CoC, the answer is always Shouldra. In this specific case, there is one Shouldra scene involving a giant shark-girl (be female, choose to go to the lake and rape a shark girl), 4 involving giant Vala (a faerie you can find in Zetaz cave, give her pure honey to purify her and get the 3 other giant scenes) and some involving the giant turtle you can find exploring the lake.

If I had to choose a favorite, I think it'd be the one involving the shark girl
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think one of issues with gigant/titatan TF would be breaking scenes due to PC been way taller than npc. So technically it's possible just to adjust scenes to check if PC is shorter, similar height or taller than npc in question.

Speaking ov Venus (that this giga turtle gal/herm) it would be only possible source of turtle TF (as long I convince myself it's cool enough idea). :smugdog:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
thank you

No problem.

how do you get amily in your camp?

When you find her in the town ruins, you have to impregnate her 5 times, as well as have high affection if you want her to be your lover. After the 5th liter of mice, she'll say that she wants to move in with you. Keep in mind; if you have either Izma or Marble in your camp, they will become upset towards you and each other for a short period of time, causing Marble to refuse having regular sex with you.

 If you want her to be your slave, you'll need to encounter her once at low corruption, then after having high enough corruption go to talk to her again, and she will become hostile towards you. You'll need lust draft, goblin ale, or succubi milk (in-game text should tell you) to corrupt her, the scene should occur after each fight with her, sending her further into a corrupted state until she submits to you, becoming your slave.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For normal amily version I recall it also needed that PC at first won't start banging her after first scene. I mean first PC rejecting her offer for sex and after few next scenes when we just talk to her it would trigger scene that she ask if we still not wanna fuck with her after all this talking. It's I think that to make her come to camp after 5th liter as otherwise if we jsut fucked her 5 times at that last scene she will go with her children.

And for slave route as usual PC need getting more and more corupted to keep the process ongoing similary like with getting slave JoJo.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A glorious day after merely 1 month and 2 days since last one have comed again :D

Look is it a plane? No. Is it a Sionach? Nope. It's a new build.


Ok so as changes list is too long to tell all as usual I advise to look at changelog ingame.

For those who are too curious I would give some short recap of what new in 0.6c

So most noticable thing is TF items. Not only 8 brand new ones that allow PC to became few new types of races (well since some of them are quite similar to each other I would say it's like 4 to 5 different type of items with rest been their "subtypes").

Thus PC can be now: Phoenix, Scylla (if you liked this one item especialy female version say thanks to Liadri for doing all write job as I only coded all she send me), Unicorn/Alicorn (I heard we got some bronies so there ya got your fantasy dear bronies :D) and last but not least Mantis (again if you likes this item give another head up to Liadri as it was our both shared work to bring this item alive ^^)

Next thing is that sme of TF items prices was changes (lil cheaper or lil higher price), then I looked at some of racial bonuses for been X race. Sadly some weren;t giving any bonuses after I add all negative and positive values like goo that bonuses was even on obth side of the spectrum. Thus I looked across board and pimped some races bonuses so the higher racial score they require to attain to get bonuses the bigger their are. To make easier know what those bonuses are now at the racial score subpage of appearance would be added desc of attained bonuses after racial score will turn blue colored (and that mean actual bonus adjusted to fact of possible perks that can modify it or NG+ or higher).

Along with those new items most of them are craftble by Eva (but some like phoenix TF can drop form phoenix enemies). Additionaly some of basic type of TF items can be bought with gems without need to grind for them. PC jsut need to visit new shop ant He'Xin'Dao and open it gems purse as shopkeeper will sell you many of them as long you pay, pay much more that those items are worth.

And last of noticable changes is few perks. Iron Fists now grants +10 bonus to atk instead of just +3 but it req. first to having Job: Brawler perk (formely known as Job: Monk perk). Cultivation perk is now named Job: Soul Cultivator. With arrive of new TF items some of them got allow to get new racial related perks (all scylla ones and mantis one)

That should be that on new build changes. Next one version (0.7a) will be totaly not about any new TF. Sorry after this last month I feel little bit burn out when it come to creating new TF but still I can assure that Plant TF will be made (I only not know when I get to it yet). I got a litrle vague plans what would be main point of interest in 0.7 version as one could see in one of my post above when I asked what would people want to see in near future.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
A glorious day after merely 1 month and 2 days since last one have comed again :D

Look is it a plane? No. Is it a Sionach? Nope. It's a new build.



Yay! It's definitely time to try this mod then, it's been a while since I last played CoC.

I admit that the phoenix TF helps a lot too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yay! It's definitely time to try this mod then, it's been a while since I last played CoC.

I admit that the phoenix TF helps a lot too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sure think so go and use it to your heart content ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tips for fast getting phoenix body parts: get many gems, find He'Xin'Dao (just use Explore option and with luck you will find it fast), buy from Moga Hen salamander + harpy TF items, invite Eve to camp, ask her to make you tons of phoenix TF ^^

Slower path will be actualy grind it on phoenixes in high mountain.

Not sure if you knew but attempting to use saves from Revamp Mod in Xianxia mod may cause unexpected glitches. So better if you start fresh or use saves from vanilla CoC.
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