CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I did a Dragon Naga once.
I called him "Quetzalcoatl". That's a really long name for a race though.

They could be called simple "Coatl". If fact, I'm sure that I've seen that name used once, but I'm not sure where.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Vouivre would be name for dragon naga. For harpy naga it would be Couatl. That how Liadri that wrote this rework for naga races give each of this races names.

Speaking of them both was added to code so now testers will go look throu it to find any bugs or oddities.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
They could be called simple "Coatl". If fact, I'm sure that I've seen that name used once, but I'm not sure where.
It's Aztec for "serpent" or "twin" and has been used as a monster name in Dungeons & Dragons. Probably in other fantasy games, too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A little bit of work to make another option to spend soulfrce on. One that may be slight more useful for all mage builds. And fixing obvious derpness from using without edits tf scenes from dragon or hapry tf's.

As for other than gorgon naming of naga races mayb @Liadri would be abe to clear the reasons behind those choices.


Feb 25, 2016
@Ormael I actually changed the option, was with 0 fatigue... and still can't attack more than once.
Don't know what's happening though, I tried to re-download the game to see if it still has this problem (as the problem carried over to other saves and even new ones that I made) with no luck what so ever.
Could you look at it? Oh, also when I was selecting a perk this "Hexa Attack" perk appeared twice on the list... don't know if that helps though.

Thank you for your attention, Ezekiel.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I got a few questions about this mod.

1. What does it modify from the original (if the amount of changes are too large to list just link me a changelog)?
2. Is it modded onto the latest fenoxo team updated version or is it modded onto an older version?
3. How will my play experience differ in this one to set it apart from kitteh6660's mod and the original?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
2. Is it modded onto the latest fenoxo team updated version or is it modded onto an older version?
I don't play Xianxia, so I can't answer the other questions, but this one I can. CoC mods don't require you to modify the game's files on your computer, you download and play them like they are separate games.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I don't play Xianxia, so I can't answer the other questions, but this one I can. CoC mods don't require you to modify the game's files on your computer, you download and play them like they are separate games.

What is it with people misunderstanding my questions lately, maybe I'm too lazy to specify. What I meant was like this, say the mod maker adds his/her changes to the game, are the mod's changes added to an older version of it or is the file I'm downloading the latest official version + the mod's changes?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
What is it with people misunderstanding my questions lately, maybe I'm too lazy to specify. What I meant was like this, say the mod maker adds his/her changes to the game, are the mod's changes added to an older version of it or is the file I'm downloading the latest official version + the mod's changes?
The mod is based off of the final version of CoC.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I got a few questions about this mod.

1. What does it modify from the original (if the amount of changes are too large to list just link me a changelog)?
2. Is it modded onto the latest fenoxo team updated version or is it modded onto an older version?
3. How will my play experience differ in this one to set it apart from kitteh6660's mod and the original?
1) Combat is overhauled, to focus more on your stats than it did before. Many new perks are added, with all perks being categorized into jobs. Currently, there is no restriction for taking multiple jobs, or all of them, but this is a matter for debate going forward. There are a number of new items (mostly written by me) and several waifus written by Liadri. And a new town, i suppose, that's still being build content wise. Races affect your stat caps, with certain races benefiting certain builds greatly and penalizing other builds through allocation of stats.
And everything Revamp has put in, which is more content then i can list off the top of my head.
2) Its modded onto Revamp, and will continue to port revamp changes and new content (after letting Revamp enjoy each update's honeymoon period. In turn, Kitteh is welcome to adapt Xianxia content he believes would improve Revamp.) Xianxia was modded from Revamp 1.3 originally.
3) New content aside, there will be a incredibly different level curve, with far greater emphasis on maintaining high stats to effectively deal damage and survive.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds

Thank you, I was unsure whether or not I should give this a shot. Sounds really nice from what you've said.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Thank you, I was unsure whether or not I should give this a shot. Sounds really nice from what you've said.
The salt: Liadri focuses a great deal on monster girls. Sometimes anthro girls, but mostly monster girls. So don't expect any (sexable) masculine content going in that's not from vanilla or Revamp. Also, Revamp's most recent update isn't going to be ported for 2-3 weeks.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
The salt: Liadri focuses a great deal on monster girls. Sometimes anthro girls, but mostly monster girls. So don't expect any (sexable) masculine content going in that's not from vanilla or Revamp. Also, Revamp's most recent update isn't going to be ported for 2-3 weeks.

Completely fine, sort of a jack of all trades when it comes to fetishes. I'll experience stuff as they come along.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Lancer Come to the dark side we got cooki....err I mean give XIanxia at least try. So you would be able talk using your won expirence that keep saying you heard it from others talking. Nothing replace info you will get from first hand...I mean your won hand. Umm ok not talk to your own hand thou.

As Zavos said Liadri which is one of mains writers (well I could say not what Zavos i close behind her in creativity) more concentrate on female npc. But I want have more new males too (whatever they relationship with PC ends up ^^). But not so many writers want to write even normal straight npc that would be interesting for getting by female PC :/


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Boss encounters are thoughts we got flowing around in team working on new ideas. For slime queen/mother I think Liadir may quie fast make it as she fond of this type of enemies ^^

There will be semi hidden boss soon added that will possible badend PC...well smashing to pulp with it clawed hand do count, right?

For that Parasitic moss in case PC became immobilized without any npc that can help it would be treated as bad end?
Yes, It would be a bad end unless there are NPCs in camp who can help, and I would have multiple NPCs be required to cure/fix the PC. I'm thinking... Jojo, Rathuzal, and maybe some one else... I'd also add in a 'sudden death trigger'. Let's say the PC is in the last stage before immobilization can get a second bad end where they end up being immobilized after being raped and it could play out 3 ways based on how they were raped, and if they lost to a demon... They (excluding imps) they end up in front of lethice eventually after being passed around and having their soul fucked out of them. With imps... Pretty much a constant imp gang bang e,..,e If the PC loses to goblins, consider it a slightly altered version of the bad end with Tamani and her daughters where the PC ends up drugged, raped, and basically turned into a come fountain due to being fed hundreds of potions by swarms of goblins. Maybe even run the demons out of the forest with an endless tide of rape happy sluts after a few years, and from there maybe have them go after the demons eventually. If only we were able to witness Lethice's reaction as she's over taken by a horde of the PC's children. e,..,e

You could go REALLY in depth with this.

More Suggestions:

Realistic mode:
Penalize PCs with hyper sized endowments by lowering their maximum speed cap after a certain size. Toughness should also be lowered according to testicle size after a certain point.

A level 60+ for the Eromancer class (wwwaaaayyyyyy down the road) could just basically by the PC furiously masturbating on his opponent, decreasing lust, increasing fatigue (drastically and negates cost reductions effects, and increases the opponents lust. If the PCs load is large enough it could cause enemies to slip up, or if obscene... push them back, though it wont really be effective on NPCs that can fly or do long range. They would have to move closer again to hit the PC. So if a hostile does both they lose a turn when trying to make a physical attack, moving closer. I would set up the chance of the opponent slipping as a percentage, but in a way.... that it would be capped after a certain point and not become entirely broken.

I'm not sure if you added it yet but a hyper smother attack would be a nice touch. Though for both ridiculously sized balls and breasts. It should require the PC being under the affects of bimbo liquor or bro brew, or both; or something else. I really don't know, it's just a thought. lvl 35+ should be a good point to make it available. And for the PC with person sized cock... Why not have them literally smack their enemy with it? e,..,e

With enough (and large enough) tentacle cocks.. could the PC basically entangle an enemy with them and pin them?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
All those thoughts on bad ends sounds interesting. Gotta push them to writers to see if they get creative with thhose.

Of other suggestion I would see how fast I can make use of them. Among them one may be accesable much faster than lvl 60+. I had plans for similar move like the one you roposed for Eromancer that would req. PC be Minotaur or Cowgirl.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Also, maybe add an elder tentacle beast to blight ridge? Losses would result in permanent penis growth, breast growth, ball growth, cum production, lactation, and etc. (Think something like bro body/futa form, only I wouldn't add it to the XML file for the editor and make it a hidden flag with random, unrelated name so people can't abuse it.) Increase in corruption and the more corruption you have the more they grow, result in a hellish cycle that can't be undone. Eventually it should lead to a bad end similar to the gardener succubus in the final dungeon, but WWWAAAYYYY different and with more variances. It would also nerf the PC's lust resistance. I would also suggest that you make running away nearly impossible for the PC to accomplish, something to nerf their speed HEAVILY. This should probably be a level 50 monster that could hopefully stand up to a lvl 70 PC and still give them a small headache, but an easy win.

I believe the elder tentacles beasts should be physically tough and strong tot he point of absurdity, and actually have a large resistance to magic. The reason being is that after a certain point @Ormael the PC gets way too powerful in my opinion. Things need to have... more consequences and be a bit more extreme. there needs to be enemies that can either tank the PC and reduce them to a horny desperate slut despite having up to 3,000+ lust points. The current set up is kinda broken and making alterations to it over all wont solve much. Instead things need to be approached creatively. Like how Sans in Undertale, despite being the weakest monster is able to troll everyone to the point of smashing their device or doing satanic rituals in order to gain the skills to beat him (reddit dumbasses, what are you going to do?). That's why I'm suggesting this set up. That and if some one has realistic mode turned on... Fighting these things despite the XP gain would be brutal without a lot of save scumming and screaming.

Also if you haven't done this one yet... Another bad end 'series' related to blight ridge. If the PC is completely corrupted, and loses to one of the demons (Imps excluded) they will have their soul fucked out of them and turn into a demon. Or if they've fucked so many demons in a single day, they wont stop fucking until they turn into a demon, and then proceed to corrupt/ turn their cam followers one by one.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
Also if you haven't done this one yet... Another bad end 'series' related to blight ridge. If the PC is completely corrupted, and loses to one of the demons (Imps excluded) they will have their soul fucked out of them and turn into a demon. Or if they've fucked so many demons in a single day, they wont stop fucking until they turn into a demon, and then proceed to corrupt/ turn their cam followers one by one.
Or instead of a bad end imedietley with becoming a demon it is a way to play full demon for a bit but eventually leading to a bad end after you rise up the demon ranks and help lethice take total control of mareth so a interactive bad end if you will
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Wicas Elder Tentacle Beast or any other name it would have would be probably put in Caves. And adding it to BR would I think well fit thematicaly too so I gonna get my head around to do it in near future. For editor I still wait when MdExile would give some sign of life. LAst time I seen him it was in January when I gave him back then current code base so he could make CoCED work fully with Xianxia saves. It can work now but all new flags it not recognizing so it need to learn what they do...I mean player must learn what will change changing any of the new ones flags or status effects. Same with perks that are new. I have hope Mad would soon show up with hopefully new version of CoCED that is compatibile fully with editing Xianxia saves too.

I do make most enemies post lvl 24 have 100+ in stats to keep up with PC stat insane grown but only those so far that I made as "have the same grown capabilities as PC been still NPC and have both worlds advantages" are so far most scary enemies. Like Kindra that shows how deadly can be fuly developed archer around lvl 30-40. SO you think should monsters after early game phase (1-24 lvl) slowly been made something between normal monsters and monsters like Kindra that can be deadly for PC with wrong build for many lvl's above npc lvl?

@TheGreatPotato49 On playing full demon I know Liadri worked hard to make way for that by making PC is sort of CoC variant of Lichdome. Thing you meantioned now sounds quite similar to her plan.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
@TheGreatPotato49 On playing full demon I know Liadri worked hard to make way for that by making PC is sort of CoC variant of Lichdome. Thing you meantioned now sounds quite similar to her plan.
I actually have seen some of that project but I was thinking of an alternate idea kind of a fall from grace where they take a pure champion against his/her will after beating them in quite unfair combat "basically sneaking up from behind and bashing you on the head like the slavers" but instead of slavery the demon with you in your weakened state turns you into a pure demon but instead of it being a bad end I imagine it being an opportunity for some super unique game play because unlike other demons your character reacts quite unexpectedly at first I would imagine this happening to pure characters could be a put off so maybe to make up for that pure character now being defiled and corrupt body-wise somehow the demons taint did not reach the mind fully basically leading to a internal conflict between morals and primal needs and the choices you make will either lead to a good (well as good as it can get when your turned into a full demon), bad pure ending, or bad corrupt ending here is the basic idea.

(goodish ending) "you have suppressed your demonic desires long enough to complete your mission Lethice is defeated but defeating her has unlocked something evil within you to prevent this evil from controlling your mind you end your life.

(bad ending "pure") "try as you might you just cant control your new desires in a desperate bid to escape this new hell that is your life you end it."

(bad "evil" ending) "you may have resisted this new you at first but now you revel in it finally seeking more strength more power you go to replace lethice by force after taking lethice's place as leader of the demons you lead a raid on Tel'aldre none escape (note a fight with npcs in tel'adre would be a cool feature before total bad end) finally with all of mareth under demon control you set your sights on ingman.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bad evil ending sounds similar to current ending where PC take over Lethice role and rule itself. Not often seen those endings so not sure if it was much descriptive what PC done after that or jsut it say PC rule over demons now.

To make someone into demon it's needed at least by normal demons to fuck other perosn brian out so hard to make them cum out soul. I got thoughts on add additional way to demonification but it could be potentialy damaging to target mind since in demons way mind is drwon in pleasure but in this one PC feel every second of removing soul from the body leaving such new demon in more than 99% insane due to traumatizing demonification that way. That could be used in bad end involving Evangeline if I ever sit and write it :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
BroBrew and BimboLiquer got enough tf effects I think. But we could think on expanding pool of npc's that could been feed with one of them.

Heh Bro Jojo... and Bimbo Amily... issue of mice race extinction solved ^^

Hmm Bimbo/Bro Arian or Bimbo Marble:iiam:


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Bimbo/Bro ember would be nice, although i think that's just going to be too much of a hassle.

I've even seen a bimbo version of Urta somewhere on e621 I think.

Could also turn Sophie into Brosoph, she already has bimbo content but I've always wondered what a bro harpy would be like.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I could ask if they would respond fast QB/LD what they think would change making Ember bimbo/bro.

I seen many pics that was all about various npc in Bimbo versions. Sadly not happen to find any Bro(fied) version of npc's arts :/

Bro harpy would be probably Sophie turned into male harpy that would keep want breed with PC or any other female npc in camp. Probably since Bimbo version of her think about breeding 24/7.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
@Wicas Elder Tentacle Beast or any other name it would have would be probably put in Caves. And adding it to BR would I think well fit thematicaly too so I gonna get my head around to do it in near future. For editor I still wait when MdExile would give some sign of life. LAst time I seen him it was in January when I gave him back then current code base so he could make CoCED work fully with Xianxia saves. It can work now but all new flags it not recognizing so it need to learn what they do...I mean player must learn what will change changing any of the new ones flags or status effects. Same with perks that are new. I have hope Mad would soon show up with hopefully new version of CoCED that is compatibile fully with editing Xianxia saves too.

I do make most enemies post lvl 24 have 100+ in stats to keep up with PC stat insane grown but only those so far that I made as "have the same grown capabilities as PC been still NPC and have both worlds advantages" are so far most scary enemies. Like Kindra that shows how deadly can be fuly developed archer around lvl 30-40. SO you think should monsters after early game phase (1-24 lvl) slowly been made something between normal monsters and monsters like Kindra that can be deadly for PC with wrong build for many lvl's above npc lvl?

@TheGreatPotato49 On playing full demon I know Liadri worked hard to make way for that by making PC is sort of CoC variant of Lichdome. Thing you meantioned now sounds quite similar to her plan.

Yes I think they should be made HARDER. And as I mentioned before... the current set up of the mod's combat system is a bit broken in regards to PC. Nerfing the PC wont do much in the long run. Instead Enemies with unique abilities and traits should be brought into play that make them VERY HARD to kill. The reason why I used Sans as an example is because he's the weakest monster in the game stats wise but can instantly kill the PC in the undertale game instantly or hurt them severely thanks to his ability called karma, which causes bleed damage; as well as the fact that he is the only boss int he game that DODGES. Get it yet? Some of the opponents NEED to specialize in something HEAVILY or have some sort of ability that trolls the PC.

Ideas for abilities:
Reflects damage back at the PC. High level players can basically KO themselves in one go if they aren't careful.
Immunity to physical damage.
There's already lust immune enemies...
What about enemies that have like a 1% hit chance, attack multiple times and uses poison?
Immunity to magic
Extreme damage, or the ability to ignore armor (ghosts, spirits, wraiths).
A ridiculous amount of health and defense that allows the hostile NPC to tank the PCs attacks. Might be a good idea wot give them a passive recovery ability as well.

Get any of this?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I could ask if they would respond fast QB/LD what they think would change making Ember bimbo/bro.

I seen many pics that was all about various npc in Bimbo versions. Sadly not happen to find any Bro(fied) version of npc's arts :/

Bro harpy would be probably Sophie turned into male harpy that would keep want breed with PC or any other female npc in camp. Probably since Bimbo version of her think about breeding 24/7.
That would be an easy way to handle it... setting up the option to 'bro-ify' some of the female/futa followers/lovers in order to make them male...

Also Would it be possible to one day make Akbal (sorry if I spelled it wrong), the PC's 'pet'? His back story might interfere with it...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For Akbal I would need to talk to Foxxling his author if he would agree to make him PC pet. Aside this it would be needed to solve issue how Akbal can leave deepwoods. Uness it would be pet that stay at his place (deepwoods) and PC need to got visit him each time. I remember Foxxling said smth about possibility to make Akbal enc repeatable and easy to find by moving him to places menu when PC go to Akbal cave in deep woods.

Bro-ify wouldn't instanly make them fully males but still would be enough to then convince npc to take tf items to get rid of female parts. So you also as one other poster pondering if bro-Sophie would be interesting npc or not?

For making enemies more pita...I know Liadri will be ready to help make enemies tougher up to point to mkae them on Dark Soul diff tier with req. PC do precise set moves to defeat some enemies at all.

Reflects damage back at the PC. High level players can basically KO themselves in one go if they aren't careful. - enemy with reflect... that sound like a good plan so I need to find which enemy would look natural using this ability
Immunity to physical damage. - And peple on discord said that my idea of sand golems that are immune to phys non enh woth magic attacks useless
What about enemies that have like a 1% hit chance, attack multiple times and uses poison? - some enemies attack multiple times per round like check Kindra during her recruit quest - at laster stages she can pulverize too glass canon PC's
Immunity to magic - this one idea may need wait till I put magic (general and per each element) resistances for both PC and enemies
Extreme damage, or the ability to ignore armor (ghosts, spirits, wraiths). - enemies without physical bodies are type of enemeis I do want to expand in future
A ridiculous amount of health and defense that allows the hostile NPC to tank the PCs attacks. Might be a good idea wot give them a passive recovery ability as well. - I got ideas for passive recovery perks for such enemies just never have luck to be creative enough (no worry I can ask one of writers to help me here). And I think of all ideas listed I like this type of enemies most...huge blocks of hp that seems never end or regenerate fast enought to be issue when PC want beat them fast. Maybe little creative enemies but best targets to try push some high dmg scores ^^