Nope, it was a burn, just a very subtle one.No, it just sounded like Lancer was trying to burn Spike the way he said what he said. I'm sure he wasn't, though.

Nope, it was a burn, just a very subtle one.No, it just sounded like Lancer was trying to burn Spike the way he said what he said. I'm sure he wasn't, though.
PunAll that flame talk makes me thing about that npc idea of salamander using often special called flames of love ^^ Flames everywhere she can toss or spread her "hot aura" aroundLiteraly hotter that fire girl.
I feel sorryI dunno. After been kind and posting in other thread about warning form modding TiTS all I got was warning. Now I not even fell I want make new puns or "they" will find it and punish me again. Ehh life sucks sometimes so hard.
But at least Alruane is almost done (looking on mountin of other stuff ned to be wrapped beofre 0.8d can come out)...yeah nothing much to brag with last days snall pace I have doing code work.
Phoenixes and basilisk drop it rightEbonwave or Ebonbloom is the same material and it's not sellable by Benoit. Similary like Dragon scale to make it less easy to access material. Both of them are used for current endgame quipment so I made it harder to get by limiting them to only drops from enemies. And to make them feel more worth and valuable since it's not matter of getitng them from benoit to give to Rath to make new item.
No, they're mid-implementation.Are Yggdrasil and World Tree already in mod or in progress
What does the tama and giving gems to taoth do