CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
All that flame talk makes me thing about that npc idea of salamander using often special called flames of love ^^ Flames everywhere she can toss or spread her "hot aura" around ;) Literaly hotter that fire girl.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I dunno. After been kind and posting in other thread about warning form modding TiTS all I got was warning. Now I not even fell I want make new puns or "they" will find it and punish me again. Ehh life sucks sometimes so hard.

But at least Alruane is almost done (looking on mountin of other stuff ned to be wrapped beofre 0.8d can come out)...yeah nothing much to brag with last days snall pace I have doing code work.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
I dunno. After been kind and posting in other thread about warning form modding TiTS all I got was warning. Now I not even fell I want make new puns or "they" will find it and punish me again. Ehh life sucks sometimes so hard.

But at least Alruane is almost done (looking on mountin of other stuff ned to be wrapped beofre 0.8d can come out)...yeah nothing much to brag with last days snall pace I have doing code work.
I feel sorry


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ebonwave or Ebonbloom is the same material and it's not sellable by Benoit. Similary like Dragon scale to make it less easy to access material. Both of them are used for current endgame quipment so I made it harder to get by limiting them to only drops from enemies. And to make them feel more worth and valuable since it's not matter of getitng them from benoit to give to Rath to make new item.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Ebonwave or Ebonbloom is the same material and it's not sellable by Benoit. Similary like Dragon scale to make it less easy to access material. Both of them are used for current endgame quipment so I made it harder to get by limiting them to only drops from enemies. And to make them feel more worth and valuable since it's not matter of getitng them from benoit to give to Rath to make new item.
Phoenixes and basilisk drop it right


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes. And would drop till I add Caves area where all enemies will have chance to drop it (Zavos planed it out to be material found undergroud but we not yet have any so he decided to let basilisk and phoenixes drop it for now).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm toying around with the idea of Ebonbloom being available through a hidden shop in another project I'm working on. If it actually becomes a thing, expect serious time-gating and high prices. Like 3000 gem price and 15-20 days between purchases.

This is not, and never will be, something you can just walk to the bazaar and buy your way out of with zero effort required.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After Spider Silk that was last of three materials in base game all better materials may not be buyable at merchant but only grindable form enemies. Or like Zavos said form some secret npc's with very high restrictions.

And so the plant grl enemies got more work...thou one bug driving me crazy still. Also Dragon perks that was some time ago finaly got specials attatched to them. Oh and smth for PC wanting to bring 'Tanking' to a whole new lvl (only first of 4 perks here added so not huge hype on this yet).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
TIny changes on Yggdrasil and World Tree encstuff today done. Tomorrow...tomorrow I will do so much more stuff ^^
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
From what I understand about the nature of Coc.... @Ormael when you edit something that crosses over into multiple scenes.. Do you have to individually edit each scene?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I tried searching around for QuietBrowser's (sorry if I got your name wrong if you read this) gdoc and came up negative. Has their been any luck contacting him?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think QB and LD said something about leaving FoE and probably fen forum in general but I not sure on the last part to go to other place. But Quiet Browser should still have his posts on forum - look in FoE section and then check his all posts to find those were he could linked gdoc you may been looking for.

@Wicas msotly things that cross to multiple scenes are parser calls so yes if it need to be added or edited I would. In other cases it's usualy game refering to scene or it fragment meantioned somewhere else so editing this scene will make changes show up in other scenes that may use that changed part. (I hopefully explained it not into complicated way)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
@Ormael Why not create a reference, which pulls the information from another area of the code? I'm still new to coding but from what I understand it would simplify things marginally. From what I understand it would begin the process of de-spaghettifying the code and shouldn't interfere with everything else as it's being worked on. From what I also understand about game engines it wouldn't be one.. but it would make things easier and isolate most of those pesky edits to a single area so there's less jumping around. It would by no means be a game engine from what I understand but ti would make things more organised. It would be a simple matter of adding that reference (flag?, object?, array?...) To the necessary areas. It would be something similar to how 'cock description' functions. Beyond that it's a bit fuzzy for me sense I'm just getting into flash and I haven't tried digging into the apparent horror of CoC's code.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah in a way it's similary with parts of scene (whole scene) been caled similary like cock desc() or any other simple function. I do trying in all cases I see smae text or part of it been used in more places than 2 to make into function that can be called. Slowly process and something that not have priority too :/


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
so idk if someone already mentioned this problem or if is just in Xianxia, gotta check Revamped, but despite having more points as Minotaur-morph i'm still a cow-morph



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Max 1-2 week caza (there showed up some bugs today that I needed to take care os if it happen few more times (it's a good thing since less bugs that will show up in live version rather than test version) it would delay release by 1-2 days.

Ch0w - when I move to deal with cow/minotaur races as part fo races rework (should happen in 0.8e) it would be solved issues of like the one you meantioned.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah doing fine and totaly not enjoying my (not so brand new anymore) computer smashing enemies in SC: FA xD

Oh and working today on Alraune since yesterday I worked on more thna few bugs/glitches that G4 found in yggdrasil wepons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
More plants work today...maybe even some plant pregnancy or just more plant in plant. Either way it's all slwoly winding down toward finding loose ends to tie before public build. But it will still take few days so if I not make it before weekend then it will be few days after weekend finished.