CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not possible to visit Deep Ocean (even thou it say PC need any gills type). In 1-3 next builds should Ocean, Deep Sea and Beach be more interesting to visit. Meanwhile plants...lots of plants and dragon stuff changed in last hours xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It was asked on discord for name idea for this item Zavos..I think you may not been online back then. Well and Man-Up Beer is actualy current (still) V. Tincture half of effects - it have 4 effects and so I cut half of them to make this item. So not exactly so much steroid item...I think. It took V. Tinc. Str stat rising and tone stat rising part thou...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
How do you become a corrupted kitsune i used mystic jewel and meditated at shrine with it but nothing int is at 200


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
It was asked on discord for name idea for this item Zavos..I think you may not been online back then. Well and Man-Up Beer is actualy current (still) V. Tincture half of effects - it have 4 effects and so I cut half of them to make this item. So not exactly so much steroid item...I think. It took V. Tinc. Str stat rising and tone stat rising part thou...
Its on my to-do list. I'll look it over and write a replacement when i have time and motivation. Also, i think i did mention the name being a bit too TiTS-ish for my taste.

Do it my you amazing person, can you do that to female as well?

How do you become a corrupted kitsune i used mystic jewel and meditated at shrine with it but nothing int is at 200
Achieving the 9th tail on the corrupted nine tails path is done by using a mystic jewel, obtained by having Lumi enhance a fox jewel into a mystic jewel and using the mystic jewel to trigger the 9th tail transformation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@cazadore Progressing on enlighted path is with using fox jewel while meditating at shrine. Corrupted kitsunes progress by only using mystic jewel so you mixed up here both path by using of shrine with mystic jewel.

@Zevos I think simply change of name may be enough. It was imply cutting in half existing item and then making up consume text and name for that half that was seperated form V. Tinc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's almsot done but I need to wrap things finishing all things I touched but not yet finished. Around week I think if nothing special happen in meantime.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nothing for going over 100 tone. That eventualy hypermuscle girl still only in planning phase till writer will have time (but he done on ther submission more than very good work so I not worried he will write something of low quality - thou he presuaded me form droping back tentacles idea for her lol).

I have thoughts to make use of NT Gym author (keep forgetting his exactly nickname here) perks in mod. I think if I ask him if I can use it he may agree for that.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Nothing for going over 100 tone. That eventualy hypermuscle girl still only in planning phase till writer will have time (but he done on ther submission more than very good work so I not worried he will write something of low quality - thou he presuaded me form droping back tentacles idea for her lol).

I have thoughts to make use of NT Gym author (keep forgetting his exactly nickname here) perks in mod. I think if I ask him if I can use it he may agree for that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Another lazy day. And now both perks fordefensive type or build got minor effects. LIke Defend move to increase by ~50% phys dmg reduction for a turn or boost block rate of all used shields.

No she not seem to be possible to get pregnant without PC been in rut.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of it... should I reconsider some ther very demonding way to do it? Hmm like force PC to be purest dragon-morph ever? That mean have only dragon body parts and all racial perks for dragons?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah Liadri want make PC been able to "marry" one of npc's in camp to get special item from this npc. So Ember could be included in this marrige setup as long Lia find suitable reward for it (most of rewards was unique wepaons from each npc).


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Perhaps a Dragon Claw Gauntlet to replace the Hooked Gauntlet as a fist weapon upgrade?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Chi Chi the fire mouse-morph would give fist/glove type weapon. And whole wedding and marry concept started from her and now Liadri working on marriage with Etna (like fighting part of Etna ex-bf... 300 minotaurs mob - at least Chi Chi ex is only deminificated tigershark-morph).

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Marriage sounds like a great idea plus getting a nice item as an reward. wait can you only marry one at a time or multiple times?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
No matter how much Nocello Liquer I drink it never calls me a Phoenix. It just calls me whatever race I was last.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohhh snap... Phoenix score can hit 10 pts in NG stopping at best at 9 pts :( My bad I missed somewhere that one point to get Phoenix score enough high to be called Phoenix by game. I will fix it tonight. Thank you for poingint it out to derpy mod maker like me.

Hurray I hit 6k limit. Still some will call me bad names but it's ok I know those people are jealous of my slight better post count that their and luckly those people not replied in this thread yet ^^

Beam me up toward 7k posts Scotty :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Miss Gedan can beam up people to higher post count actualy xD @Lancer I think Gedan could be considered "Scotty" here.

Anyway Alru enc getting more flesh out. Also phoenix race score now better with adding two new things that count as point for it: partial scales and phoenix breath attack perk.

@Sacredferro What you want to BURN? o_O


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No, it just sounded like Lancer was trying to burn Spike the way he said what he said. I'm sure he wasn't, though.