CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor What that fix caused?

@ryuyousuke I need check if Zavos+Liandri will not butcher me for not finishing ygg+alru implementation. Either way I not think it wouldn't take longer than 10-14 days till new version.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
@Spike razor What that fix caused?

@ryuyousuke I need check if Zavos+Liandri will not butcher me for not finishing ygg+alru implementation. Either way I not think it wouldn't take longer than 10-14 days till new version.
I'm fine, just temporarily remove World Tree from soulsense menu for public until its finished and we're good.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
World Tree and Ygg is still more complete and ready to be released than Alraune is atm.

And Staff is addeed now too. Let see what else I can (un)screw tonight with code.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
WHat idea you got @Spike razor ?
ok i've been playing the new update of TiTs and i'm loving the amazon tea. so i was thinking that the PC was walking around the land as they meet a small cloaked person carrying a large backpack. the PC confronts the cloaked man to find out he's a 4'11ft chubby purple dragon, they ask "what are you doing walking around here? it's dangerous." he says he's a traveling alchemist who has a thing for muscles on women like big bulging muscles (more than a regular person can handle) he asked if the PC can take him in and let him make his experiments.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
By the way I think I found 2 bug:

Sheila's Lethecite can't be given to blacksmith, he keeps saying he's working on it but never finish it.

Kindra training don't give me extra bow point as description.
Regarding Sheila's lethecite, the lethecite is automatically given to the blacksmith when you talk to him (even though it still appears in key items list iirc). He will actually finish it, the process just takes a surpising amount of time (don't remember how long it takes though).

Once it's finished, you will be able to get an infinite amount of the crafted weapon from him. If you don't ever want to grind for gems, you can sell these for a pretty nice sum.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor mazon Tea stuff you loved in tits recent update(s) would need to go to some of already existing alchemist we got. Adding new one after Rath and Eva would amke needless crowing of Mareth/PC camp with alcheimist that will in the end make only few tf items each. I think for this idea and about experimenting it may fit lil bit more Eva (she should eventualy get new option to make experimental items with not always easy to predict effects... or side effects).

For Lethice of Sheila and Scarred Blade I would probably doe some fast fixing it to soon end this option to famr gems. Probably as long I not distracted by something else.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
@Spike razor mazon Tea stuff you loved in tits recent update(s) would need to go to some of already existing alchemist we got. Adding new one after Rath and Eva would amke needless crowing of Mareth/PC camp with alcheimist that will in the end make only few tf items each. I think for this idea and about experimenting it may fit lil bit more Eva (she should eventualy get new option to make experimental items with not always easy to predict effects... or side effects).

For Lethice of Sheila and Scarred Blade I would probably doe some fast fixing it to soon end this option to famr gems. Probably as long I not distracted by something else.
Yeah Eva seems like the type to do things to the PC. Besides it'll be fun to see a huge busty and muscular woman.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There could be a chance to have huge (busty after completing her storyline) muscular women npc in next few weeks but I not wanna jinx it so will try refrain from saying mroe on this matter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Are you ready to gamble? Up to your life? Heres the newest prestige class design for all rounder... the Wild Card.


Wild Card

Calling this class a gambler would be an understatement this class is gambling on everything! The Wild Card is before anything an ultimate jack of all trade, whether they fight with physical or magical attacks the Wild Card main ability is the use of chaos decks as weapon. They never themselves know what will happen for sure but for them every battle is a game. +20 to all stat.

Special ability list - Arcane cards

Arcane cards are cards drawn out of the wild card chaos deck imbued with powerful magic. Sadly the rngesus can be both bountiful and detrimental therefore you will never know what you will draw.

: P.Attack
Effect: Deal ranged damage as if attacking normally with a 0 attack weapon and apply a random effect on each attack. This ranged attack deal as many hit as pc can do as if using the ranged combat style.
Random effect list: 1 damage, stun (1 round), freeze (1 round), burn (magic), bleed (physical), whitefire (magic), Icicle (magic), damage self (Physical), heal opponent for damage done, arouse (Tease), damage (Physical melee), damage (Physical ranged), blind opponent, fatigue waste, nosferatu (Magic), self take lust damage (Magic), self freeze (3 round), do nothing, derp.

: Buffing
Effect: Draw two card and gain random boons
Random effect list: Fully heal, take damage, self stunned (1 round), self frozen (3 round), might (Magic), blink (Magic), armor (Magic), weapon (Magic), regeneration (Magic), gain 50 lust, lose 50 lust, gain 50 fatigue, lose 50 fatigue, berserk, Invulnerability for 1 round, blind self, mental shield (magic), use kitsunes mirror image, do nothing, derp.

Perk list

Lucky draw
: Wild Card
Effect: Reduce the chance of a negative effect when using arcane cards by 25%.

Jack of all trades
Wild Card
Effect: Gain 20% to damage reduction magic damage and physical damage.

Chaos mastery
: Lucky draw, Jack of all trades
Effect: All card effect are 100% more powerful. Furthermore the first card drawn is always beneficial.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not forget Lia that we may need some perks for Job: All-Rounder too before it will evolve into WIld Card class :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
dowloaded swf file but can't get it to open do i need to download something else or something step by step please so i don't fuck it up


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You might want to consider a swf viewer if on android. Otherwise if on computer drag and drop in an internet browser or open it with one.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So yesterday was no work on code done (I couldn't resist go to local cinema for GotG vol 2 ythat pretty much mess up whole day after work aside some forum posting done at late night - Um actualy I do talked with some good writer about some ne enemy(ies) he would be so nice and write for my mod - but he still need work for his own submission for TiTS the one I also want to be ingame asap so I will wait patiently till he will have tme to write stuff for Xianxia).

Only thing that was made day before yesterday was changes to buffs (that like 2nd bigger change for how buffs works that made them again nerfed for all builds). And 1 or 2 spells to fill void after moving buff spells to it own tab in spells submenu.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's all good I think as a coder you should enjoy some free time every now and then xD.

Added a few extra random effect to joker now wild card.

This morning I started adding text to a new character. Many around have been requesting gay Raph but instead I'm writting Amity Sorel a thief in Tel Adre who can teach you the equivalent.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I would go back to 'slave' work today xD

Still that break I took form handling progress of mod not helped me lay base for sertain npc's personality that maybe Gundam only know about ^^
It feels I would need wait for spark of inspiration as all I can think is all around but not core of personaity :(
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor You can come to discord for mods and some of coders chilling around there can help you with it. Maybe you will not be insta best one coder (or who knows amybe you got skills for this) but you will be able to code some simpler stuff quite soon.

@cazadore It's Cai'Lin the gorgon and Samirah the naga (it's that nage from desert) but both not yet ready.

I feel I need stop with so rarely new releases in tis year to keep this teaser buttons for ??? -_-
Anyway there will be two new spells that will make finaly my ideas for 4 diff elemental magics idea complete. Power of lightning for white magic and darkness for black magic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Recovering up to lvl 12 and capping affection at 40% is end of current progress of Evangeline storyline. So after you reach this point there is not much point to give her more gems unless you want be prepared for X-pack that allow her continue lvl-up/recovery process up to lvl 18 (or maybe even 24 - not yet decided how far she will go in lvl-ups for first X-pack).


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Thanks for answers also is there any use for golem cores and ways to increase soulskill effect multiplier and cost
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Thanks for answers also is there any use for golem cores and ways to increase soulskill effect multiplier and cost
Soulskill cost atm can only be reduced by Kitsune equipment. There are perks you can take on ascencion to raise soulskill effect multiplier. Next public build will bring a set of weapons that raise soulskill multiplier.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aside weapons there will be group of perks for soul cutlivators that would push PC toeard be more mage type of cultivator that would include increasing to soulskills power multiplier too.

For golem cores there will be no new uses in enxt public build. But someday it will be part of making golems by PC so for no there is not much use to stockpile them.