CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Ezzy Just make new post for new bugs as me keep going over previous posts to check if you edited any of them to include new bug will be slight troublesome and making new posts as long it's not double/triple/quadra/petna/hexakill....errr post is ok.

@Virgilia444 Does your PC had Kitsune Thyroid Gland perk too at that moment? And about losing do you meant loosing perk or literaly game cutting 9th tail from PC making her 8 tailed? Any other perks aside Enlighted 9 tails perks was removed or just only this one?

@Nyseron I was stuck in deep case of lack of motivation to work so I needed to make sudden move of wraping all that needed and locking out content that wasn't yet 100% ready like ALraune enemies/TF for PC or new dungeon. That included also fixing He'Xin'Dao texts. Will work to make that all been fixed in d2 and if needed d3 builds (hopefully it will not req. even d4 to do all). On Etna and unable to Take FLight if I recall it should have been fixed in 0.8d (and it was more about issues of implementation of Take Flight special). Same with Sand Trap (but here I not been aware so not yet had chance to look on it prior to 0.8d release but I would look at this issue now.

It'd be very helpful if I could use Soul Sense to find Lumi, Giacomo, and the Chicken Harpy.

I would look to see which one of those fits to be put in Soul Sense later on too. Chicken Hapry I think 100% sure and for other two...well I need to be sure their lore not have anything conflicting with been findable by soul sense.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
What did you do to the 9th tail kitsune? My kitsune lost his tail completely and it's impossible to regain the thing by using Jewel, I have to use metamorf to get it to 6th tail and then it stucks at 7th tail, can't even get to 8th tail anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think that you have to be level 8or above to get the 8th tail. Then, at level 9 or high, visit the forest shrine with a fox jewel and meditate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Umm I think Kitsune of Balance perk may be doing dirty sabotage here -_-

Oh well 0.8d2 is around a corner (like next week somewhere near middle of it). SO I know iue to get more than 6 tails is an issue now too on top of others.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
My character has 1 kitsune tail(in version 0.8c i have 9 tail and all kitsune abilities) now and when i use fox jewel i can only go to 2 tail,my PC has kitsune thyroid glan,enlightened nine tail,enlightened kitsune and corrupted kitsune but i lost all kitsune abilities.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
i loaded save with 9 corrupted tails lost all of them also what would be a cool fire or magma equivalent of the fenris tf and is this ceani in game?
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Umm I think Kitsune of Balance perk may be doing dirty sabotage here -_-

Oh well 0.8d2 is around a corner (like next week somewhere near middle of it). SO I know iue to get more than 6 tails is an issue now too on top of others.
hey speaking of super saiyan 4, shouldn't we try like an neat super transformation i mean DBZ/DBS are kinda influences.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wish for those type transformation but it need be donw also with CoC style not only DB style so the question will be then: How high is her lust? OVER 9000

Anyway I got laid down what I need to do as major points for d2 version that are 3 things atm. Among them is meantioned above bug with kitsune fox tails. Other two I will talk when I will put some real work into un-messing up this 2 things.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
I wish for those type transformation but it need be donw also with CoC style not only DB style so the question will be then: How high is her lust? OVER 9000

Anyway I got laid down what I need to do as major points for d2 version that are 3 things atm. Among them is meantioned above bug with kitsune fox tails. Other two I will talk when I will put some real work into un-messing up this 2 things.
i wish you luck


Jun 1, 2017
I have a few problems. First the metamorph is unusable, nothing is unlocked. Second I can't use the soul sense, there just aren't any options, and finally I should have a int cap of at least 200 because I have a kitsune racial score of 8 but the int cap is 190.

Also what are all the ablities you get being a kitsune 9 tails

EDIT- I figured out that the metamorph ablity is just can only do a few races
EDIT- I just had the option to metamorph my fox tail why did I lose it.
EDIT- now my int cap is 250? What?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
@Ezzy Just make new post for new bugs as me keep going over previous posts to check if you edited any of them to include new bug will be slight troublesome and making new posts as long it's not double/triple/quadra/petna/hexakill....errr post is ok.

@Virgilia444 Does your PC had Kitsune Thyroid Gland perk too at that moment? And about losing do you meant loosing perk or literaly game cutting 9th tail from PC making her 8 tailed? Any other perks aside Enlighted 9 tails perks was removed or just only this one?

@Nyseron I was stuck in deep case of lack of motivation to work so I needed to make sudden move of wraping all that needed and locking out content that wasn't yet 100% ready like ALraune enemies/TF for PC or new dungeon. That included also fixing He'Xin'Dao texts. Will work to make that all been fixed in d2 and if needed d3 builds (hopefully it will not req. even d4 to do all). On Etna and unable to Take FLight if I recall it should have been fixed in 0.8d (and it was more about issues of implementation of Take Flight special). Same with Sand Trap (but here I not been aware so not yet had chance to look on it prior to 0.8d release but I would look at this issue now.

I would look to see which one of those fits to be put in Soul Sense later on too. Chicken Hapry I think 100% sure and for other two...well I need to be sure their lore not have anything conflicting with been findable by soul sense.
What about the glitch that registers Femboys as female?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh I would put this glitch on done before 0.8e version Nyreson.

@icecold1039 Yeah races are gradualy added to meatamorph and you probably noticed but to unlock all those so far added bodyparts to metamoprh menu PC need once again get each TF that then game will remember (till next ascension at least - some pushed request to make those remembered bodyparts permable at ascension and I thinking how to make it witout make later new games after ascension too boring with all body parts already unlocked).

For Soul Sense it have only 4 options for now that are: Tamani, Tamani daughters, Kitsune mansion (all of those wills how up in soul sense menu after have respective encounter 4 times after unlcking s. sense) and World Tree.

Kitsunebonuses was readjusted due to including in last build new core stat Wisdom so some of bonus to Int was shifted toward bonus to WIsdom. You can check chencgelod to see new values. Unless you mean despite comapring what was written in changelog and data that game showed it not maching (some of the reasons may be that perks named Job: "name of job" adding form 5 to even 40-60 points to stat caps so it may be this that makes it look that INt cap is not 100+ bonuses meantioned under kitsune race line in races scores screen under appearance screen).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah that something I not meantion but it's added ingame thou not all what is suppose to be. Zavos should be the one to talk more about it as it involve one of his works. Let say it's involved in getting material to craft Warden weapons meanitoned in changelog (and so I leave rest for Zav to show up here to talk about).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The World Tree is hidden somewhere in-game. It is your primary source of the material for having Rathazul craft Warden's weapons. It was not mentioned in the change log, so we kinda want to see how long it takes the community to figure this out.

Trust me: You want the Warden's Weapons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
The World Tree is hidden somewhere in-game. It is your primary source of the material for having Rathazul craft Warden's weapons. It was not mentioned in the change log, so we kinda want to see how long it takes the community to figure this out.

Trust me: You want the Warden's Weapons.
its in the deep ocean isn't it i will swim down there and find that tree lol
what can we do with lethicite and demon skull
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
Are there still problems with Kitsunes? This time I even tried with a save edited char that had max stats and was level 100 and couldn't get past two tails, and no matter what hair colour I had it'd say they were albino tails.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There was changes to kitsunes in 0.8d - and would still be since they still neverending blackhole of bugs. Poor sunes keep making new and new bugs when old ones are squished.

And for World Tree I see they finding the way (just like life in Jurrasic Park ^^) Not yet fully revealed path to find Tree but some tips to push others in good direction. Also no it's not in deep sea (nothing worthy to find there yet).


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Appears I'm missing all the
i loaded save with 9 corrupted tails lost all of them also what would be a cool fire or magma equivalent of the fenris tf and is this ceani in game?

Ceani is in game. Check the beach or ocean.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
So, not seen anyone say it yet, so uhmm... guess I'll say it: In 0.8d, all four variants of naga oil (snake, gorgon, vouivre, couatl) are broken. It gets stuck on the partial scales tf and keeps repeating it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Do we need to do something to trigger world tree dream clues please

Yes, there is a secret to triggering the world tree dreams. Once you've met the required conditions, you'll be notified the next time you sleep.

If you're savvy with github, you shouldn't have any difficulty finding the trigger


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Yes, there is a secret to triggering the world tree dreams. Once you've met the required conditions, you'll be notified the next time you sleep.

If you're savvy with github, you shouldn't have any difficulty finding the trigger
People who do this sort of thing bug the heck out of me. He obviously isn't "savy" with Github, or he would have gone and done that instead of asking for help. Either be up front and tell him you won't reveal the trigger or tell the poor guy the trigger.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
There was changes to kitsunes in 0.8d - and would still be since they still neverending blackhole of bugs. Poor sunes keep making new and new bugs when old ones are squished.

And for World Tree I see they finding the way (just like life in Jurrasic Park ^^) Not yet fully revealed path to find Tree but some tips to push others in good direction. Also no it's not in deep sea (nothing worthy to find there yet).
I wish there was a quicker way to increase height, can't we use a mushroom or a flower that'll make it easier?

Mudkipz senpai

New Member
Jul 8, 2016
what I found is that you may need 15 wisdom and here another hint about finding the world tree, plants know were other plants are so what the main point of the game is to change in certain way and eat fruit that how i found it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wrote down all bug and complain about not working things made in last 12 hours so it should be fixed for d2 build.

Having Plant score 4+ and having perk Soul Sense is all that req. to have chance to trigger dream about World Tree. Wisdom is not needed here for triggering this dream. It's atm need for some of perks like Job: Monk or Soul Cultivators perks.

@Ryii Just make sure to put all your work on this idea of power up forms put in gdoc so me or other people involved in work on mod will have easier to look and work with it.

And there will be meantioning of Dragon Godess in mod but her current status is similar to Ezekiel - noone even other gods may know what happening with her. Or maybe they DO know but not want to tell this to noone not on their level of existance ;)

Of all races I felt that dragons (some of reasons are like this that Ryii said) should have some deity that only care about this race and pretty much none other one.