CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
I will look into 6th to 7th tail issue with kitsunes Virgil.

Serathinian I should soon handle this issue. Now that aimozg jump on train to do some small under the hood changes for both major mods I belive with his help I will succesfully handle this.

@HemiRobo Does your wisdom stat is high enough to progress to 3rd tail? It req. 30 for 3rd tial and 15 more for each next one tail.

I would look into your bug reports too Ravie. And no all alraune enemies should proc normaly without any special req. but I will double check what may be blocking GR/VC ones form spawning.
so about the perm feeder.


New Member
Jun 9, 2017
Any suggestions on where to grind xp at 30?

Also, are certain melee talents not compatible with whips?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
Cinderbloom alraune appears fine in the volcano area for me, though frigid ones are nowhere to be found, however I can't seem to get any of the variants for alraune, like turning into a cinderbloom or the frozen equivalent, or Lilliraune for that matter, also if I become pure female, like the alraune you fight I stop counting as an alraune and become a plant morph, for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Cinderbloom alraune appears fine in the volcano area for me, though frigid ones are nowhere to be found, however I can't seem to get any of the variants for alraune, like turning into a cinderbloom or the frozen equivalent, or Lilliraune for that matter, also if I become pure female, like the alraune you fight I stop counting as an alraune and become a plant morph, for whatever reason.

You get 1 Alraune score for having at least 1 Stamen cock, so going pure female will drop your score to a maximum of 9


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Lilalraune tf and item to get it is not yet ingame. Alraune as Liadri said are technicaly herms (vag+stamen cocks used as legs). But not like I will not talk about alraune score and body parts with Lia anyway. Both elemental version of Alraune enemies should have chance to appear so it's odd snow one can't be found (I not think reason is too many enemies / events in GR already).

Glacial Rift or Vulcanic Crag are still good places to grind at lvl 30. Eventualy use the most cheasy way: beat solo / group lvl 51 golem(s) at He'Xin'Dao arena.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Alraune cant go pure female because witheout the vines they simply cant move around. However its obvious behing an alraune should never mention the pc gender in appearance screen (you are flower so its certain you got a stamen and a pistil if not several)
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New Member
Oct 21, 2015
Just wanted to say that when you have all the histories as past lives already and try to new game plus it. You have nothing to click on.


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Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
So I'm not sure what exactly happened, but it seems that on my char that ascended from a char that was an alraune, after being defeated by the forest alraune, is now giving me the pregnant with seed messages like when she was an alraune. Nothing has changed in the character description.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think it may been something about character creation and special names that may have more starting histories + few ascensions. Well atm that would happen only if PC been played for many many tiers of NG far beyond 4-7 one. Oh well gotta think something about it - maybe button saying "sorry you too op to have any new history since you catched them all so here go to next step of chara creation"

On the bug of aleraune and ascension...I got some idea on certain status effect been not reseted. Or it's some other interaction that triggers it. Anyway will fisr make sure it wasnt caused by that hidden status effect connected to been alraune.
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Feb 25, 2016
Why is it so difficult to transform into a kitsune compared to pretty much any other species? I really hate the chance based mechanics.

Seriously, I can't get above two tails even with the star sphere. I've even tried cheating and increasing my int/level and also using debug mode to spam fox jewels/mystic jewels, no luck.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As meantioned above aside having some min. lvl and int there is also req. some minimum wisdom now as kitsu now boost int and wis stats as part of racial bonuses. And by hating changed baed mechanics you mean added req. for wisdom stat been high enough or it's something else?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
Well i have tested again to gain my 9 tail,i have 285 wisdom,385 intelligence and i am level 128 but no matter how many time i try,my PC don't gain the 7th tail.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
I think it may been something about character creation and special names that may have more starting histories + few ascensions. Well atm that would happen only if PC been played for many many tiers of NG far beyond 4-7 one. Oh well gotta think something about it - maybe button saying "sorry you too op to have any new history since you catched them all so here go to next step of chara creation"

On the bug of aleraune and ascension...I got some idea on certain status effect been not reseted. Or it's some other interaction that triggers it. Anyway will fisr make sure it wasnt caused by that hidden status effect connected to been alraune.
Yeah, it seemed like what triggered it was losing to an alraune, or at least it was after that that I noticed it.

As meantioned above aside having some min. lvl and int there is also req. some minimum wisdom now as kitsu now boost int and wis stats as part of racial bonuses. And by hating changed baed mechanics you mean added req. for wisdom stat been high enough or it's something else?

Is there a way to check wisdom other than when you level up?

EDIT - Going back to that save seems to have fixed the alraune thing for whatever reason.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@cazadore For now aside selling there isn't much other use for demon skulls. Should be eventualy usable for decorating walls after I make sure it will not cause glitches (as it will be worth more than one imp skull when put on wall so it need to still work with limits how many imp skulls can be put on each section/completed wall).

@knox Melee perks usualy work or for all melee weapons or for specific type of them like Large, Staff, rest. So there will be not possible to have all melee perks work with each type of weapon. Usualy those working in pecific types of weapon are grouped like perks to make LArge weapons more deadly/efficient gathered in Job: Barbarian group.

@Serathinian When you usualy play femboy what cup size eit have? Flat or some bigger one? Also do you usualy go for max or near max feminity with him?

@HemiRobo Atm only by unlocking soul cultivator path player can check current Wisdom (Wisdom cap of cis in stats with other stat caps). With huge amount of work form aimozg there was made first early version of changed UI that will solve this and few other issues. Keep in mind it's still heave WIP and there is many things that need to be done till it can go live.
Brand new UI.jpg

@Virgilia444 DOes your PC had any of kitsune related perks like Corrupted Kitsune, Corrupted Ninetail, Enlighted Kitsune, Enlighted Ninetails, Kitsune of Balance?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
My PC has enlightened kitsune,enlighted ninetails,corrupted kitsune and in the version 0.8d2 i lost the perk corrupted ninetails because i lost my 9 tail and i keep 1 tail because my level of wisdom begin at 15.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Not sure if its intended, but fighting the anemone in the ocean steadily increases speed and strength. Works better than other training methods I've found too.

Edit: Is there a minimum level to find the World Tree or get the dream? 120 wisdom at level 28 so far and I didn't notice any dreams about it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Is there a minimum level to find the World Tree or get the dream? 120 wisdom at level 28 so far and I didn't notice any dreams about it.

You need to have 'soul sense', which requires at least 200 maximum soulforce and the 'Soul Apprentice' perk.

Also, you need to have a high plant-score


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
You need to have 'soul sense', which requires at least 200 maximum soulforce and the 'Soul Apprentice' perk.

Also, you need to have a high plant-score

And that was what I was missing. Using Soul Sense.

Edit: While playing as a Yggdrasil the speed loss certainly makes it hard to be a melee (5 strength short of Berserker prestige and I think I'm out of jobs that raise strength). Is there a way to lower the stamina double and triple attacking with large weapons?

Edit 2: Found a bug. Appears when you encounter a drider as a Yggdrasil morph it changes you skin type back so you wind up a plant morph before the combat.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Virgilia444 OK thx for info on how this happened. Do you had in that save any kitsune doubled perks amybe too (Before you used 0.8d2 version)?

@Kharn Each area have slow stat rising effect if PC not found any other encounter. For Beach and Ocean they got those too but been higher lvl areas than...Desert cap for stat rising are higher there. But for fight with Sea Anemone to in itself rise pernamently stats shouldn't be happening.

For missing few points of str to get presitge job ther is a little around way atm: change to diff race that will give high enough str bonus to get Berserker P. Job then go bakc to been Yggdrasil. As for other ways...well there will be soon (or little later than soon) event that will give PC small boost to stat caps (it giving afair +5 to stats). For cost of using mutli weapon attacks I would in future change it to using different resource type than fatigue.

ALso thx for both bug reports.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
I'm not really sure what do you mean but if you talk in the version 0.8c2,i try but i can't have the 7th tail either it's maybe a old bug but i didn't see it because i've never losing my 9th tail before.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
And i test with a character that have ascended 2 time so NG++ with all kitsune perk permed and i can become 9 tails without problem it's strange.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What does Ceani eats? I tried bringing foods but nothing work. I also beat Ted the Dragon man so what next?
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