@Spike razor Yeah there will be more hand to hand type of wepaon. Forn now due to not having fist multi attacks those two weapons would be treated similary like rapier when it come to mutliattacks.
And after short discussion on discord with fellow members that helping em amking mod I come to decision to put new build today. Mostly it's bugfixing but I do put in some few more things. Namely 4 new perks with 2 been in code already (those who checked in last week github for mod noticed update to code and some things that are in it but not enabled to be used normaly).
First are two perks that been around for few...months...actualy since moment I put multi melee attacks option. If some of you thought why there is 5 attacks per turnwith bow but only 4 with melee weapons you were right...there was mroe in store here. So now all fans of rapiers and all similar weapons can enjoy smacking enemies not 4 but 5 or even 6 times per round. As long your PC got fatigue for that.
Other two perks...well some here above (3 posts above this one ^^) said that heavy weapon aka 2h aka large weapons felt slight on loosing end when PC wielding rapier can slash 4 time (now 6) when they PC's wielding BFSword need always swing once. Yup now you can swing it 2 or ever 3 times per round. Reason ti not gonna go up to 6 times it's because large weapons have better base atk so allwoing 6 swings will make melee non-large wepaon build less attractive than large one mutliattack build. So yeah it's all about balance between builds for non-lare and large one weapons.