M-maybe >3>And she may be up to Spike preference of big girl to get intimate with xD
Me would love her till I die!
Right right!@Spike razor Then you need encourage mroe Liadri as she atm writing each day something for Ceani (that this 11 feet tall with well trained as for orca body gal name is). Gotta admit her "accidental" tip part to make PC fall with face between her pillows is truly hilarious (no that wil not be in 0.8c - only Ceani training to give other way to lear archery skill aside Kelt).
@Nyseron I think this pics should give you higher hopes for next build:
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So it'll be out soon?@Nyseron I think this pics should give you higher hopes for next build:
View attachment 4016 View attachment 4017 View attachment 4018
The text that says you felt someone watching you.Do you remember what text was showed at time she was hidding when your PC had too high corruption?
that's because foxfire is using your soulforce as well as fatigue, and doesn't have text stating that you're lacking enough soulforce so it defaults to the "you're too tired to do this".Every time I try to cast any form of FoxFire it says I'm too tired.
Even with my fatigue at 0.
@Zakanard96 After PC got toolbox it's poissibe to buy nailbox and then build wood and stones storages at camp - all 3 things will rise all materials storage spaces.
I actually ran into a Phoenix in the Volcanic Crag despite not having met Helia yet.Ok would look into it today or tomorrow. Supposely something about gaining this perk from both salamander or phoenix race may be villain here.
@Zakanard96 No he should be able sell you nailbox whenyou got toolbox so this is also bug. Would look around same time I will sit to work ut bug with fire affinity.