CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
@TheGreatPotato49 It would be flying during fight only. But PC can always try sky dive at enemy for more dmg. Heck even flying enemy like Etna can be attacked that way amking both of you crash into ground with PC using Etna as landing pad :p
Sadly there will be soon around 28' tall dragon that will not even flintch when in air after PC sky dive at it. Maybe even PC will get hurt with it scales sharp ends...

Would flying to explore be a possibility maybe latter to where you get different encounters and a different perspective on the land of mareth maybe certain areas you can only access while flying high mountain peaks maybe?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Certain unique encounters? Yes. Locations exclusively requiring TF's? No.

It's one thing to gate an NPC encounter or such behind having TF's, which already makes it questionable in my opinion and means there needs to be justification for it. It's another to lock entire chunks of the game behind having them. Just my thoughts, but there it is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
By justification, I simply meant justifying the exclusion rather than the logic behind the methodology. Sure it makes sense that some locations could be reachable only if you have a way to fly, but like you said in fact, it doesn't make sense that an area in CoC can only be reached with a wing TF with no other alternate method. In fact, it would actually make more sense that more than one exact and specific option exist. Granted, it wouldn't be the first case in CoC or the mods. Personally, I don't even like how the two main "towns" are corruption locked, though they are far more reasonable considering they require passing a corruption check only once and the whole point of both existing are in fact meant to serve as alternate options of each other so that at least one of them is always available once found.

I'm fine with the idea of a TF-locked area, BUT I feel there's gotta be a way for characters without such specific TF to at least have a chance at getting there. Even maybe having some option where if you have no wings, any of your camp residence with wings could perhaps suffice instead. That hot air balloon idea could be that you pay some schmuck to borrow his/her balloon for gems...or other stuff.

Or you could just try and jump the poor thing and make yet another creature your personally punching bag and get there for free!


Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Can you recall which npcs in camp stopped reacting to PC been at 100% corruption?

I don't remember if it was at the 100% mark. Was pretty sure that both Marble and Amily would react negatively at some point. Just checked both. Marble is still happy with me. Amily does still notice the corruption and chased me off. Amily check is still working fine. I may be remembering Marble incorrectly. The other thing I remember were certain bad ending that were possible if the character was very corrupt. I haven't discovered the location of the factory yet so I don't know if that still happens. The only check missing may just be what you already said about later visits to the city.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Two cities from unmodded version was not having corruption check after first visit since it was due to not enough stuff to allow PC have same services when corrupted or pure making in the end both cities only req. more or less than X corruption to first time enter them.

@Ryii Well it involve pure fights with huge and massive enemy that can take up into the air to fry PC form above with elemental breath or well use other tricks to make PC loose terribly. But at same time it not much interested into doing anything nasty if PC loose (but it suppose to have much higher rate or wins compared to other enemy enc - still not like Liadri planned npc's like Alvina or Chi Chi that are planned to be practicaly unwinnable fights). Maybe if peple will be not agains some bad end after loosing enough times in a row. Not certin it it up to your hopes such enemy. Ahh yeah and this enemy will not have any sex scenes (despite all rest in mareth been sex-crazy and etc. it will be normaly looking western dragon without massive tits or cock(s)/balls attatched to it body).

@Sacredferro I had some thought to make lighting/thunder area that would req. been able to fly. But then again aside using wings from TF I have plans to allow soul cultivator PC fly without wings (merely by using soulforce tofly). Maybe even other means to allow fly.

Similary like Liadri will make npc to sell magic weed to allow any PC breath underwater for x hours so even without gills PC will be able explore underwater loacation(s) we would in future expand on. So yeah I'm not gonna make new area with only gating it behind been TF'd in specific way but would always add some other way for other PC's to get there too.

Ok so yesterday I been working on ironing out flying/great dive bugs. Then "teaching" hapries and sirens to sing quite lust inducing aria :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Breaking news 2 new TF writing for beach! Orca and Cancer!

Orca morph TF and Ceani

Pinchou the cancer swimwear shop and tf
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Ryii Well this Dragon would be around 100-110 in almsot all stats so for all PC's that get to lvl 12-18 it will be no trouble but...this weak version of that dragon will be for PC's at lvl 1-3 to meet. Later on with game progress dragon would be "lvl-ing up" to make it still enemy that is only arely beatable and proof player thought about strategy to beat it.

or progress I worked to make yeti tf closer to be completed plus add final step in making shrine at camp. Tht final step woudl also help all those PC's that sold tatue stolen from shrine. Cuz now Jeweler in Tel'Adre will be selling almost the same copies of this statue for a high price. I know it costs much but at lest will be a way out for PC's that sold this statue but need it for any reason.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
A chunk of Tamani's lust attack is missing.

It says this: The display distracts you long enough to prevent you from taking advantage of her awkward pose, leaving you more than a little flushed.

It should say: The goblin runs her hands along her leather-clad body and blows you a kiss. “Why not walk on the wild side?” she asks. The display distracts you long enough to prevent you from taking advantage of her awkward pose, leaving you more than a little flushed.

Half the attack description is missing when she uses it.
I'm surprised nobody noticed?

Edit: Just realized there is a second attack that uses that line of text in it.
So no idea which one is missing?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Chi Chi and Evangeline got updated with pictures soon availlable on the Xianxia Wiki.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So the yesterday work was on making new moves less buggy. Today so far I spent on making... alternative for Kelt training of archery that involve key-word 'horizons' :smuggo:
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Active Member
Mar 30, 2016
I feel another name should have been chosen. It makes me wonder whether an Ebola-chan outfit will be added for Silly Mode.
I mean, cancer is the zodiac sign associated with the crab. Unfortunate naming is unfortunate.

Ebola-chan outfit would be funny.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
How long until the load file option bug is fixed?
I made a character, then got pretty far.
I didn't know it was broken until 2 days after I last played the mod.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, cancer is the zodiac sign associated with the crab. Unfortunate naming is unfortunate.
If I'm not mistaken, the condition got its name from the way it spreads, akin to crab ("cancer", in Latin, "karkinos" in Greek) legs. That's why it shares the name with the constellation and therefore the Zodiac sign.

So yeah, unfortunate naming is unfortunate. Are we sure there aren't any other ways to deem a creature whose lower body is that of a crab? :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
How long until the load file option bug is fixed?
I made a character, then got pretty far.
I didn't know it was broken until 2 days after I last played the mod.

It's not really the game's fault, it's Flash. Stop using a browser to play CoC. Use a dedicated flash player, such as the one linked below is recommended. Browsers are moving away from supporting Flash and the save file issues are a clue to that.

Look for the "Download the Flash Player projector" part under your OS and use that instead.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Thanks, that works rather well.
Also I had no idea browsers were doing that?
Sorry for bugging you with my comment...


Active Member
Mar 30, 2016
If I'm not mistaken, the condition got its name from the way it spreads, akin to crab ("cancer", in Latin, "karkinos" in Greek) legs. That's why it shares the name with the constellation and therefore the Zodiac sign.

So yeah, unfortunate naming is unfortunate. Are we sure there aren't any other ways to deem a creature whose lower body is that of a crab? :p
silly mode name Mrs. Krabs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Liadri making this crab/cancer girl. But she looks more like crabtaut tan cancer...somaybe she would be renamed to crab race not cancer race.

Of other things I working on make Ceani training working and her wapon she will gift to PC works as intended. TIme of next public build comming near too. Like around week from now.
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Jan 2, 2017
I'm trying to be a naga but the game calls me a Gorgon for some reason.
If you have snake hair plus the gorgon eyes (those that give that petrifying special attack) the game will default to that if you are mostly a naga otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Technicaly game not recognizing PC with naga lower body as Naga. Only race with naga lower body recognized as race is gorgon. THere will be at time I rework naga race recognision for naga, gorgon and ...umm that third snake race.

@Liadri Can you tell Nyseron what races after reworking naga race(s) will game be recognizing?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well... ever dream't of fucking with yourself? Happens to be that someone here is a massive fan of plants and when a plants fan and a yuri lover come togueter what do we get? A new tf of course.


So here we go with a few extra new Alraune subspecies including the snow lily, cinderbloom and of course the liliraune who can prety much have yuri with itself. Liliraune has a few unique scenes unlocked when active in wich you can gangbang, passively gain twice as much lust and halve all fatigue cost in two.

To wrap it all up I'm also adding an alraune encounter for deepwood and two subspecies variant for glacial rift and volcanic crag.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
There's a VERY aggravating glitch in New Game+ where if I try to build my cabin after getting the toolbox it says "You don't have a toolbox"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Anyway so the yesterday was little productive day. Many time wasted on other than coding stuff. Still made another error in Ceani content removed (hopefully) and added option to make throwing weapon make us of multi turn attacks similary to crossbows.

PS. I know I made double's 5000 post so I nwated it been in my mod thread ^^
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