CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And no, you can't corrupt Kiha. Don't even think about it. I don't like the entire corruption system to be honest. Although I've been considering a part where you can fight Urta and Edryn to forcibly gain entry into Tel'Adre much like how you can fight the bazaar guard to gain entry to Bizarre Bazaar by force.

If you tried to fight your way your way past Urta and Edryn, wouldn't the magical barrier activate to prevent you from entering the city? Also, isn't there some magic from the city that causes people to forget where the city is located?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
If that last part was true, wouldn't it be nearly impossible to be able to visit it countless times?

Kharnos Strayder

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
If you tried to fight your way your way past Urta and Edryn, wouldn't the magical barrier activate to prevent you from entering the city? Also, isn't there some magic from the city that causes people to forget where the city is located?

If the barrier was truly meant to prevent corruption individuals from entering the city, should it not prevent you from visiting later on? Seems like the barriers are not doing their job very well. as once you first gain entry you can return regardless of how corrupted you become.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If the barrier was truly meant to prevent corruption individuals from entering the city, should it not prevent you from visiting later on? Seems like the barriers are not doing their job very well. as once you first gain entry you can return regardless of how corrupted you become.

Well this one part is due to in orginal game both Tel'Adre and Bizarre Bazaar not been enough fleshed out, which normaly should work as you can only access pure or corrupted pace not both at once regardless of your corruption. And since now Fen and Sav want finish D3 I think this idea will never been finished letting visit both places at any time after first succesful visit.


Nov 21, 2015
On the screen for giving a gift to Pure Amily in camp, the line "You have a hunch that if you had a nurse’s outfit you could get Amily to give you a rather erotic checkup, provided " cuts off unexpectedly.

Building the Desk in the Cabin, it refers to painting the Bookshelf rather than the Desk.

The "Times Had Fun with Feline Flexibility" stat doesn't seem to be incrementing except for the first time on cock and first time on vagina. Also, shouldn't this increment when Shouldra uses the flexibility in one of her sex options at camp?

In the Bakery, when purchasing Hummus, after clicking to buy it the text reads "you pay 20 gems", It does take the 100 gems that it is listed for on the menu however.
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New Member
Nov 22, 2015
I have not been able to find the downloads tab to download tje android version.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you tried to fight your way your way past Urta and Edryn, wouldn't the magical barrier activate to prevent you from entering the city? Also, isn't there some magic from the city that causes people to forget where the city is located?

  1. The magic is updated to those who by their low corruption were allowed entry before their corruption was high enough (I do believe the number is 40%) to initially bar their entry to begin with.
  2. Those whose corruption is higher than allowed entry, they would not be able to find Tel'Adre.
  3. If the Champion's corruption is low enough when passing by the city he will see it and be allowed entry.
  4. If the Champion's corruption is over the limit then he should not see the city to begin with.
Now, the rules stated in the original CoC as I know them (chime in if you know differently):

  1. When allowed entry, then the Champion is allowed entry from that point on, no matter their corruption.
  2. For the Champion whose corruption was over the limit, Tel'Adre would be invisible until their corruption is below the threshold, then they will see it.
  3. And, again, the Champion will be allowed entry and no matter their corruption, below or elsewise, they will be allowed entry.
So, there will not be any way the combat would be needed because either Tel'Adre is invisible due to high corruption or they will be allowed entrance due to low corruption from which point they can enter Tel'Adre no matter their corruption.

Forgive the mangled form this explanation looks, my brain is misfiring (part of my disability). :(  

Well this one part is due to in orginal game both Tel'Adre and Bizarre Bazaar not been enough fleshed out, which normaly should work as you can only access pure or corrupted pace not both at once regardless of your corruption. And since now Fen and Sav want finish D3 I think this idea will never been finished letting visit both places at any time after first succesful visit.

Entry to Tel'Adre is allowed due to low corruption even if you had a corruption above the limit and dropped below the threshold.

If allowed to enter Bizarre Bazaar due to high enough corruption, or beating the gate guard in combat, then you are allowed entry even if your corruption is below their threshold.

As for being unfinished in these cases, the word I have heard, Fenoxo has given his blessing. Now, is this due to that is the way it was meant to be or was it because they were not completed but Fenoxo et al did not want to work the thresholds to reblock if they were crossed, I have no clue.

Again, sorry for the shape of this response, brain mishaps are a major pain. :/  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have not been able to find the downloads tab to download tje android version.

The standard and android versions should be side by side. As far as v1.3.3 the Android version has not been compiled as yet. v1.3.2 is the latest version with the Android apk available. I'm sure kitteh will compile the apk for v1.3.3 asap.

Question how do you ascend i finished the game but i didnt read how to do it and im lost xD

Once (placeholder) Lethice is offed, when at camp, go to Camp Actions, there the button labeled Ascension will be. :)  

EDIT: Where to find the Ascension button.
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New Member
Nov 22, 2015
At the moment, I don't seem to be able to make any version of the .apk run. I genuinely made an account just to ask if there's something I need to do to get it running.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I remember fenoxo posted about he, he said the reason corrupted characters are allowed into tel adre is because the bizzare bazarre is missing too much content and he didn't want to screw corrupt characters by denying them the ability to shop.

Tel adre has a bunch of important stores, piercing, armor, weapons, etc.

This is something that should NOT be fixed until someone actually finishes up the bazzare
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I remember fenoxo posted about he, he said the reason corrupted characters are allowed into tel adre is because the bizzare bazarre is missing too much content and he didn't want to screw corrupt characters by denying them the ability to shop.

Tel adre has a bunch of important stores, piercing, armor, weapons, etc.

This is something that should NOT be fixed until someone actually finishes up the bazzare

Yeah and the bar/npc pick up location is already done so all thats needed is some shop tents and a place with a unique customization feature, could be tatts instead of piecing fyi


I remember fenoxo posted about he, he said the reason corrupted characters are allowed into tel adre is because the bizzare bazarre is missing too much content and he didn't want to screw corrupt characters by denying them the ability to shop.

Tel adre has a bunch of important stores, piercing, armor, weapons, etc.

This is something that should NOT be fixed until someone actually finishes up the bazzare

Yeah and the bar/npc pick up location is already done so all thats needed is some shop tents and a place with a unique customization feature, could be tatts instead of piecing fyi


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
At the moment, I don't seem to be able to make any version of the .apk run. I genuinely made an account just to ask if there's something I need to do to get it running.

Kitteh, our primary and only coder has limited experience, as in practically no knowledge save how to compile. So any problems that happen with the APK are beyond his ability to fix. We do believe there are specific versions of Android that the APK will not run on. There is a work around, download a SWF player for Android and the SWF version of the mod. We have seen great success with that. Here is SWF Player and v1.3.3 mod files.

We have the links on the main page of the mod's official wiki, if ever you need to redownload or when a new release is available.

As far as tracking down the incompatibilities with the APK and Android's operating system, we need someone with a strong Android background and coding experience.

That's the best we can do at present.

I remember fenoxo posted about he, he said the reason corrupted characters are allowed into tel adre is because the bizzare bazarre is missing too much content and he didn't want to screw corrupt characters by denying them the ability to shop.

Tel adre has a bunch of important stores, piercing, armor, weapons, etc.

This is something that should NOT be fixed until someone actually finishes up the bazzare

We're in the midst of doing an overhaul at present. The Black Cock is The Wet Bitch's counterpoint; of course Benoit is the Bizarre's Pawnshop, etc. If that is why corrupted and uncorrupted characters can visit after gaining entrance no matter what the current corruption is, I'll see if that is taken into account on the overhaul.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah and the bar/npc pick up location is already done so all thats needed is some shop tents and a place with a unique customization feature, could be tatts instead of piecing fyi

Like the tattoo parlor idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Query: Is there a vagrant cats / Sylla story arc? If so, how to you start it? I bump into the vagrant cats when a fake mugging happens and the bonk me on the head.

Looking at the vagrant cats page on Smutosaurus and there is no mention of the arc I have found, all devoted to the Sylla one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah well orignally after finishing the black cock (this was before i was taking commissions) I was going to write up a quick tattoo system and a male naga shop keeper/tattoo artist for the bazaar but then someone offered to pay me to work and... here i am.

LOL, yeah, best to make money doing what you love. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
We're in the midst of doing an overhaul at present. The Black Cock is The Wet Bitch's counterpoint; of course Benoit is the Bizarre's Pawnshop, etc. If that is why corrupted and uncorrupted characters can visit after gaining entrance no matter what the current corruption is, I'll see if that is taken into account on the overhaul.

That is great news then.


Aug 31, 2015
How does the Taurinum Potion work? I tried looking it up on the wiki but didnt find it, so I assume its part of this mod?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
There is a wiki for the mod. You can find it and the page for the Taurinum potion here.
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Nov 23, 2015
Hey, newbie here, just wanted to throw in and say that I appreciate the effort you guys put into this. I came across CoC a couple years ago, and the game is awesome. You guys are just making it even better.

Just had a quick question out of curiosity: I've been playing through this version recently and have come across the prison section. If I understand correctly, that's a separate mod that's included into this one, but I've noticed how incomplete it is (I'd say roughly half of the scenes are placeholders, and are generally just brief explanations so that you're not totally confused when you hit them). Is that mod still in development, or is it just something that was thrown into this mod and dead?

Just wondering, because it's wonderfully written and functional, but I'm curious if it's something that's going to continue getting updated or not. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
wikia is not the place to put it, its been cracking down on porn games. There is a reason why CoC wiki is self hosted

So far, the only issues I have had with management are the graphics. It was a couple in the beginning but we have gotten past that.

I had Orian as the host, but I got tired of the crashes and times it took for them to recover. I moved the wiki to Wikia a few weeks before Orian went offline for good.

By the by, I'm the creator and admin of the mod's wiki.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll consider the tattoo shop. It looks like a possible addition. Now that the Black Cock has the food, I'll need to consider adding food to The Wet Bitch as well. Surely there's the Bakery but The Black Cock has a large variety of food.

I prefer Wikia as well just as long as we don't put explicit pictures there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
So far, the only issues I have had with management are the graphics.

All that means is that they didn't notice you yet.

The original CoC and FoE wikis were on there and they closed both. along with harem and several other H games.

The first coc wiki was on wikia and it was shut down. I think it was cochampions, and here

you can see that it has been shut down. All you did was recreate an already banned wiki, not only are they gonna close you they will ban your wiki account probably.
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Oct 8, 2015
Normally I wouldn't ask, but is Debimbo'd Joy in the game, on the conveyor belt, or yet to be written? I can imagine Jojo having 30 states and sex scenes for each would be a bitch to code, so if the answer is "haha go sit in the corner with the Pure/Corrupt Ember group" I totally get it. But I think it'd be neat to have a Joy struggling with her new needs and her fleeting devotion to her codes. Plus I want to see if the mouse can still do martial arts with two melons strapped to her chest.

Edit: Looks like the answer is that there's no way, though last mention of it is in September the changelogs don't note anything. Seems like it'd be a pain to code, though the training effects would at least be just the same that Jojo did in the past...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
All that means is that they didn't notice you yet.

As someone who is an admin on a wiki about a manga which has sex instances every now and then, I'd say nothing wrong's going to happen unless one keeps on using vulgar language or overtly sexual images. Plus Wikia is not constantly overseeing every wiki. Trust me, I've had to deal with too many abandoned ones in which vandalism was running rampant. After all, if one can close down a wiki due to posting "any content that is obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive, profane, or otherwise violates any law or right of any third party", they should as well close those that are chock full of "solicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitations, "spam", or any other type of unauthorized solicitation" :p

P.S. Now that I'm reading the terms of use, I have noticed that one of the wikis in which I edit on will be well done if Wikia calls it a day, since "the Site is not and shall not function as an archive". Oops.