Not directly AFAICS. Just TF your skin to a different one and back.
I was actually referring to the help wanted thing.
Alright, gotcha! I probably did that when I got fur anyway, so yeh.
Say, does anyone here know how to get the achievement "Urine Trouble"? Lets just say that it is highly relevant to my interests.
I have a Suggestion For Shouldra as a follower being expanded see link below
Implemented new eyeType's: EYES_DRAGON, EYES_LIZARD and EYES_BASILISK (NYI, maybe later and from benoit)
Hmm, has anyone made a chart with all the bonuses/penalties in stat for all current TF?
Do you plan make those last ones eyes: basilisk been working something akin to gorgon eyes form Xianxia?
Any ideas? Then share them
Hmm, seems like the lizard TF'd characters will get a bit overpowered. An alternate boost for not-lizan/basilisk/dragon players would be nice, to balance things.
Atm in revamp lizard are...well kinda on wrong end of the stick with just +10 to max int. As long Stadler not make this new additions unbalanced and cause lizan PC to be case of "neo master race of CoC" it would be a little bit needed making them slight more interesting. THen again some changes I seen he meantioned seems aim to introduce new possible to attain by PC races that will be possible having go(o)d racial bonuses.
Oh and while were at it: How about nagas with basil eyes being gorgons? Probably with a slightly more powerful stare.
Try TFing to full dragon and then back to full lizan. Result: You'll get all bonuses from dragon and lizan. Maybe I should raise the dragonscore softcap a little (>4 in my patch and >5 in Kitteh6660's version).
Hmm, has anyone made a chart with all the bonuses/penalties in stat for all current TF?
For first I think Lizan bonus to stats should be reconsidered. I not sure how come it started been bonus int. I already made change in xianxia for more fitting stat imo. Rising req. score can help or make it all balanced or/and justify slight better bonuses/perks for been X race. So try adjusting or balancing races to your heart content...probably even if you make some races OP some poeple will love it whiel others will be mad for favoring some races. I solved it in some way in Xianxia so it seems to works so far as noone not complain on races there xD
PS: I've found, that HORNS_UNICORN didn't show up in the appearance tab. So I did some copy&paste from rhino TF to get this running.
While I'm at it, I had the (great *cough*) idea to add some more horse-ish races to player.race():
alicorn, pegasus, alicorn-taur, unicorn-taur and equitaur. Yay, if-cascades ...
Now for some more testing, before I file a PR for Kitteh6660/master.
Yeah unicorn horns was unused in vanilla and revamp versions of CoC. But xianxia got both unicorns and alicorns along with those few other types of races you meantioned. You could try xianxia mod and play it for a bit (some of your ideas are suprising already existing there ^^ Maybe it's just that you played it and got ideas for improving revamp with them ^^).
I could head over to Trello and start a discussion of potential claw attacks.
[Edit:] Ok, I'll start a new thread about that and I think, I'll add a new clawType property for claw-based attacks. Makes things by far easier, than string comparisons.
Well just as some note for you: this stuff could be considered as mods related stuff so Savin may be not fond if you make new thread to disscus about it on forum telling you to do this talk in one of mods thread (proabbly even directly point to make it here in this thread). There is only one way to not make him come and tell you that...the way Me, Etis or Kitteh took. And it's making thread for discussing stuff added in your patch. Well who knows maybe this patch would grown soon into mini-mod thus even more deserving it own thread![]()
In other words: Before opening a thread for any mod related discussion, I should ask Savin first?
In other words: Before opening a thread for any mod related discussion, I should ask Savin? Okay, I'll do that, before I open a new thread. Or I just register a new Google Docs-Account.