CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Awesome! Thanks for the update on my picture that explains the phrase "bizzare transformations"

I'll consider making one more patch to fix some bugs. I'll cap the corruption tolerance when encountering Amily in the Town Ruins to 75 so Amily corruption will still be possible even if you max out the perk.

And no need to write such scene for Akala. I might not even bother adding that scene.

And oh yeah, Bro Brains can be cured with debimbo.

Any chance the same could be done with Jojo? edit: actually  is this an issue with witney and her farm or marble?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Bimbo Jojo is irreversible, according to Kitteh, since he has chosen not to bother coding/writing that scene.

I meant how jojo leaves your camp if  your corruption is too high. difficult to get corrupt jojo if he doesn't have his freakout.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I meant how jojo leaves your camp if  your corruption is too high. difficult to get corrupt jojo if he doesn't have his freakout.

If he leaves, you should be able to encounter him freely


Side Question: Where do you encounter the UTG Mimic???
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I mean I'm sure kitteh wouldn't mind a female NPC counterpart to akbal... Who is a jaguar mind u (same thing as panther but different coloring)

Welp, here's to the sliver of hope he'll reconsider one day...

*Knocks back a Pint of Gods Mead*
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Well, here's to the sliver of hope he'll reconsider one day...

*Knocks back a Pint of Gods Mead*

No you misunderstand me.

I was suggesting someone write up a brand new npc female panther instead of feminizing Akbal... which comes up far too often. I mean creating a new npc would require less effort than changing one already in game


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Not EVERY male npc needs a female counterpart, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Or a feminizing path for every male NPC, for that matter. I mean, did Izmael even come to be?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Or a feminizing path for every male NPC, for that matter. I mean, did Izmael even come to be?

Izmael should be implemented by now, you have to feed Izma the Incubi draft.

No you misunderstand me.

I was suggesting someone write up a brand new npc female panther instead of feminizing Akbal... which comes up far too often. I mean creating a new npc would require less effort than changing one already in game



Apr 2, 2016
I guess queen harpy doesn't check the size of champion dick, because 99999x9999 is still not enough for her.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I guess queen harpy the size of champion dick, because 99999x9999 is still not enough for her.

Either that or she has that womb perk you can get if you use a fox jewel enough times... since a kitsune is a being of magic, using enough f.jewels will cause female/herm PC's to have a vaginal capacity of 8800+. Not to mention she's a brood-mother, so yeah... 


Apr 2, 2016
Either that or she has that womb perk you can get if you use a fox jewel enough times... since a kitsune is a being of magic, using enough f.jewels will cause female/herm PC's to have a vaginal capacity of 8800+. Not to mention she's a brood-mother, so yeah... 

I really can't imagine wrapping lizard tail against dick with 9999999,0 inches x 9999999,0 inches size.
Mar 29, 2016
There's an orc race in the game. There is Ro'Gar and some unnamed npc in Bazaar. But there's no orc transformation - and even worse - NO ORCESSES! Kitteh, do you think they might be added once upon a time?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To my understanding, goblins make up the primary image of what would be a female orc in CoC. Technically, so long as I'm not incorrect, this would mean that the goblin line of TF's can be considered the equivalent of an orc line of TF's to some extent. Again, this assumes I'm right about how orcs are viewed in particular in CoC's lore and that other players agree to the assumption that orcs and goblins, at least here, are merely the separate genders of the same general species rather than them being two distinct races. 

Still, a TF item that imitates Goblin Ale with the exception being that it adds masculine characteristics and raises height rather than feminine characteristics and lowers height would be interesting. And it might give Ro'Gar a chance to interact with a player character who is closer akin to what he might be more use to, even though just finding a player who shares his sexual preference seems to be his chief and only real concern, to the point he doesn't even seem to really care what the player is beyond being a male looking for another male companion.

Edit: Found a bug, when you meet Rathazul near the lake, buying a healing pill breaks the initial conversation and doesn't let you buy from him nor bring him back to camp from that point on.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
So, I'm doing my 4th run of NG+, and while chatting with Marble in her room on the farm, I got this funny piece of dialog;

You decide to pay Marble a visit at her room.  She is happy to see you and treats you to a small meal while you have a pleasant chat. During your talk, Marble asks where you’re from. “I’ve seen lots of dog-morphs before, are you from Barkersvile?”

You sigh and think back for a moment before answering her.

You start by explaining that you weren’t born as what you appear to be; you were once a human.

This is funny to me because it is FALSE, and here's why;

You began your journey as a lizan, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 6 foot 8 inch tall male dog-morph, with a thinner-than-average frame and great muscle definition.

I know it's not a bug, since that's the original dialog, but it's just funny to me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
I'd be willing to accept it, but it seems unlikely given that there's a pretty clear cultural standard Ro'gar doesn't fit even extending back before the corruption.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Ok, so I'm drawing my most recent character from CoC based on these descriptions;

You are a 6 foot 8 inch tall male dog-morph, with a thinner-than-average frame and great muscle definition. You are currently wearing your green adventurer’s clothes and dragonscale loincloth and using your inscribed spellblade as a weapon. Girding one of your fingers is ring of power.  You have a dog’s face, complete with wet nose and panting tongue. You’ve got thick, midnight black fur, hiding your gray skin underneath your furry visage. It has the barest hint of masculinity on its features. The moderately long, silver hair on your head is overlapped by a pair of pointed dog ears. Your mouth contains a thick, fleshy tongue that, if you so desire, can telescope to a distance of about four feet. It has sufficient manual dexterity that you can use it almost like a third arm. A pair of 12 inch horns grow from the sides of your head, sweeping backwards and adding to your imposing visage.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have well-formed hips, and your muscly backside contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. A conical, furry, midnight black, tail extends from your nice, toned ass, bouncing up and down as you move and helping to counterbalance you. Two digitigrade legs grow downwards from your waist, ending in dog-like hind-paws.

I wanted to know which version looks better (despite obvious lighting issues)

Version 1


Or version 2

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New Member
Oct 5, 2015
Ok, so I'm drawing my most recent character from CoC based on these descriptions;

I like the overall design (even the bewildering loincloth over his pants). One thing I would consider is if he's really supposed to be 6 ft 8 in. Google search "6 ft 8 in" and pay close attention to the proportion of the head to the rest of the body. If I had to guess, I would say your character looks around 5 ft 6 in at most. Nice work, though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I like the overall design (even the bewildering loincloth over his pants). One thing I would consider is if he's really supposed to be 6 ft 8 in. Google search "6 ft 8 in" and pay close attention to the proportion of the head to the rest of the body. If I had to guess, I would say your character looks around 5 ft 6 in at most. Nice work, though.

Lol, thanks


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Also, thinner-than-average frame? He looks quite bulky.

Still a work in progress... I don't match things word-for word that often...

Besides, I can just make him eat a burger and he'll have an average-sized torso.
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