CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Please help i dont know how to launch it,,,,

It's just like any other flash game. Download the file onto your desktop (or anywhere you like really, doesn't matter), double click the file and you comp should already know to run it with your default browser or with what ever flash player you have. If it doesn't, tell it you will select the program to run it with, then select any browser or Adobe Flashplayer. If it's not working with your browser or flash player, try a different one or try updating your browser/flash.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Use a swf viewer and download the cp vers thats your best bet


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Try a defrent one until you get the right one


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ditto on the horse vag issue. Just tried with save editor, none of my chars with said lady parts seem to know if theirs is human or equine. So it's not just Infamous.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A horse vagina isn't actually achievable without the save editor. The only other vagina you could get is Sandtrap. It's probably an underused feature as most of the scenes just stick with calling it a vagina no matter what.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
i hadn't really considered that bird-morphs' beaks might conflict with existing scenes. Although, I don't really feel it would be too big of an issue. The game already has some logistical issues with body parts anyways.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
A horse vagina isn't actually achievable without the save editor. The only other vagina you could get is Sandtrap. It's probably an underused feature as most of the scenes just stick with calling it a vagina no matter what.

That's cause the decision to add different types of vaginas didn't come until the end of CoC's development period. In fact it was on Fen's old "What I want to potentially add to CoC eventually" list for ages, though with the old forums gone so is that list.

TiT's instead got the actual development for different vaginas.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's cause the decision to add different types of vaginas didn't come until the end of CoC's development period. In fact it was on Fen's old "What I want to potentially add to CoC eventually" list for ages, though with the old forums gone so is that list.

TiT's instead got the actual development for different vaginas.

I would imagine that since Kitteh is working on the HTML version of the mod, he should be able to fix things like that very easy in that version.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It is actually not too hard to implement. There are enough cases of parser use already, so no need to add them in all scenes. Set of type flags, handlers in parser description generator, handler in appearance description generator, and options to all appropriate transformatives.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Okay i was thinking for a bit... We have demons that are lust based.... But just having lust or very powerful seduction capability doesn't seem quiet right... Ik this a porn game but think about it... The corruption the lust it's a good way to Lethice to control people and over all keep her power. But what about a kid of demon that is still raunchy as the rest but they don't use lust or seduction to subdue their enemy. Why not have a type of demon that uses overwhelming power magical or melee to subdue their enemies? If i remember correctly the demons were originally mages that were trying to become immortal or gain more power right? I can't really put it all into words but I think some of you all get what i'm saying.

There's more than one type of demon. Not all of them have been implemented yet but they will be hopefully. How about we have a jump in lust or at least quiet a bit and then give each type of demon morph their own type of ability. Omnibus was going to be put in game from what I heard. Incubi and Succubi are already in... I remember something about a unibus. Idk if you can become an imp or imp morph from imp food never bothered to find out. 

omnibus: something about domination probably. So far the three omnibuses in game are all in charge of harems or have a fuck tone of slaves. So maybe something along the lines of the corrupted aura perk. Based on how corrupted you are you inflict lust damage every turn or so but your opponent if their lust is high enough will beg for you to fuck them making them miss a turn but they can resist based on how high their intelligence is and how low their libido is.

As i already proposed once Demon could gain an addition M.Ability called Charm which deals lust damage based on your character libido and corruption maybe even add a small scalling bonus from your current lust score. Regardless of the ability let us not forget demons are suposed to be the masters of lust attacks.

Would be a good idea for incubi/succubi

If their is an imp morph of sorts I'd say increase in speed like 20+ but a decrease in how much physical damage they can hand and max toughness. Imps are small fast and annoyingly weak.

Idk if a the PC could become a unibus and not get bad ended, but if they can i'd say an increase in the spell multiplier (think i got it right it's been awhile since i played) by a good bit.

Also think that demons should get their max libido raised or lust resistance lowered.

Just more ideas i'm spewin out to help..


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Okay i was thinking for a bit... We have demons that are lust based.... But just having lust or very powerful seduction capability doesn't seem quiet right... Ik this a porn game but think about it... The corruption the lust it's a good way to Lethice to control people and over all keep her power. But what about a kid of demon that is still raunchy as the rest but they don't use lust or seduction to subdue their enemy. Why not have a type of demon that uses overwhelming power magical or melee to subdue their enemies? If i remember correctly the demons were originally mages that were trying to become immortal or gain more power right? I can't really put it all into words but I think some of you all get what i'm saying.

As long Rycharde manage get off with his one of projects we would have some more powerhungry demon that Lethice to deal with (well he want that demon been none other than first mage that turned into demon so it sound like a cool thing...demon probably lil stronger than Lethice even but since she controls most of current existing demons he can't take over...well when she will fall who knows what would happen but that all for Rych to decide and write, etc.).

Also well demons (that true ones not demon-morphs) due to missing soul can only give birth to imps. So only kids of demons we can get and we already see in few places are imps themselfs not to meantion they all male ofc since acording to the lore none of imps born as female one.

There's more than one type of demon. Not all of them have been implemented yet but they will be hopefully. How about we have a jump in lust or at least quiet a bit and then give each type of demon morph their own type of ability. Omnibus was going to be put in game from what I heard. Incubi and Succubi are already in... I remember something about a unibus. Idk if you can become an imp or imp morph from imp food never bothered to find out. 

I not sure if all types of demons should have their own ability. It would be ability for imps, succubi, incubi, omnibuses, unibuses (when they got ingame). For now we just got max 2 diff sets of skills per race or two diff bonuses per race (both types of kitsunes for diff abilities or cow race for diff bonuses depending on gender). Demons would ends up with 5 diff skills in this scenario and think if like you want be succubus but unibus got skill you want so what then? You resign of been pure succubi for other type of demons or forget about that skill? I think 1-2 special skills for all types of demons will be enough (otherwise it will take time to implement all that).

omnibus: something about domination probably. So far the three omnibuses in game are all in charge of harems or have a fuck tone of slaves. So maybe something along the lines of the corrupted aura perk. Based on how corrupted you are you inflict lust damage every turn or so but your opponent if their lust is high enough will beg for you to fuck them making them miss a turn but they can resist based on how high their intelligence is and how low their libido is.

PC can already get perk with having high enough corruption to have constant lust aura in battle. As for's matter of just slapping that perk on most of demons (I think all of them got req. amount of corruption) and viola you got it as this one thing isn't hard just some time spend on editing each enemy.

If their is an imp morph of sorts I'd say increase in speed like 20+ but a decrease in how much physical damage they can hand and max toughness. Imps are small fast and annoyingly weak.

I think giving even imps different stats will be overkill...we barely got only race score for all demons not even dividing on imps, proper demons current build demon-morphs not have any bonuses for been them.

Also think that demons should get their max libido raised or lust resistance lowered.

IN next build demon-morphs should have +5 to speed and int and +20 max lust. And if good winds would keep blow maybe in some next versions someone may finaly write down special for them to be coded too.

PS. If I sounded I was trying been harsh for you I'm sorry. I just bringing my pov on things you touched in your post ^^ So I hope you will jsut normaly pick up disscussion with me. (Somehow lately it was a little bit silent here...mostly from Kitteh without any news when new version can come out ^^)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
PS. If I sounded I was trying been harsh for you I'm sorry. I just bringing my pov on things you touched in your post ^^ So I hope you will jsut normaly pick up disscussion with me. (Somehow lately it was a little bit silent here...mostly from Kitteh without any news when new version can come out ^^)

IIRC, Kitteh said he was going to go quiet because the HTML Mod version would end up taking a good chunk of his time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I hope html will be usable on android...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok so hopefully he not gone totaly silent forever ;)

Ok anyway something funny I noticed looking over mod. Zetaz is described as most OP imp we ever seen ingame and well in vanilla verison it's ok but in mod...we got at least 2 other imp types that are battle-wise and by wya they're described more powerfull than him. A little akward when I fight lvl 12 Zetaz that are set at pinaccle of the imp enemies and then few hours later ingame time goes to...say mountains and smash in da face lvl 21 Imp Overlord. A little bit immersion is smashed this way. But what we can do for this? Buff Zetaz meaning him and other 2 enc. in Deep Cave would be bufffed in lvl's? Little bit uneasy solution since factory is with enemies around 6-8 lvl and D3 21-23 lvl.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ok so hopefully he not gone totaly silent forever ;)

Ok anyway something funny I noticed looking over mod. Zetaz is described as most OP imp we ever seen ingame and well in vanilla verison it's ok but in mod...we got at least 2 other imp types that are battle-wise and by wya they're described more powerfull than him. A little akward when I fight lvl 12 Zetaz that are set at pinaccle of the imp enemies and then few hours later ingame time goes to...say mountains and smash in da face lvl 21 Imp Overlord. A little bit immersion is smashed this way. But what we can do for this? Buff Zetaz meaning him and other 2 enc. in Deep Cave would be bufffed in lvl's? Little bit uneasy solution since factory is with enemies around 6-8 lvl and D3 21-23 lvl.

Another way would be limiting the aparitions of imp lords and imp overlods until the player has defeated Zetaz.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hum limiting apearing of those 2 highest tier of imps with beating D2 first. Wel their already got limit of PC attain certain lvl to allow them show in pool of imp encounters to begin with. Adding one more req for those 2 wouldn't hurt I suppose.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2016
I can't get Bimbo Jojo to work. Can I get some help? I really don't want to start over, and I missed my chance to make him drink the potion without giving it straight to him.

I still have the Bimbo Liquor on me, but there is no option to give it to Jojo.

Please mind, I'm using the mobile version.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Keep a bimbo liquor in your chest storage and wait 3 days. Jojo should then prompt you about a thief. Pick Catch Thief to go down the bimbo Jojo route after waiting 3 days. If you pick Guard Stash, you won't be able to bimbo Jojo (fun to say) ever again.

If you've already picked Guard Stash, you'll the save editor to reset and try again.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2016
Keep a bimbo liquor in your chest storage and wait 3 days. Jojo should then prompt you about a thief. Pick Catch Thief to go down the bimbo Jojo route after waiting 3 days. If you pick Guard Stash, you won't be able to bimbo Jojo (fun to say) ever again.

If you've already picked Guard Stash, you'll the save editor to reset and try again.

Oh... That sucks. Can I get a link to an editor that works?  I've tried to CoCEd, and it just crashes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Do you get any popups or the sort when you try to run the editor, Nythias? I use to have an issue where it wouldn't run unless I ran it as an admin, so maybe UAC is cock-blocking it on your comp?
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