CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This thread is pure Gold, I regret not following it sooner.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Male shark morphs should have their max libido increased at random by 10. If it reaches a certain point their reduced to a rutting animal and bad ended.
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Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Also, I'm pretty sure the only reason why so many people want to mod Savin's work is because he said you can't. (his shit's pretty complete, it's not like it needs any revamping)


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
Also, I'm pretty sure the only reason why so many people want to mod Savin's work is because he said you can't. (his shit's pretty complete, it's not like it needs any revamping)

Honestly I just really want to see some more Helspawn, hence why I decided to give the revamp mod a try. But I'm enjoying all the addition content while heavily struggling with the hardest difficulty~

Still it would be nice to see a scene or two with her, maybe involving Helia too


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's clear to me now. Everyone on the internet except me is a cat.

Beats my original theory that everyone on the internet is a guy...period. Also, maybe you're a cat too and don't even realize it. Ever think about that?

Outside of sarcasm, I'd actually be more surprised if there weren't any female players of CoC than if there were. Hell, aren't female players about to start outnumbering male players in the general gaming industry?
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Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Depends on your definition of "gamer". If you mean anyryone who plays any form of video game in any capacity: yes, males and females are about even in numbers. If you mean people who play video games as their main hobby: not quite, there are more male gamers than female gamers (though that margin is decreasing as time goes on)
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New Member
Jan 8, 2016
Hey folks,

Been lurking for a while to keep up to date, I'm a big fan of CoC and was never able to get into TiTS the same way.

I'm a little disappointed to learn that there's apparently no chance whatsoever of Helspawn being finished, but it looks like that's already been discussed to death so I'll put that topic aside. On a related note though, are there any plans for finishing the other incomplete content in CoC? At the moment I'm just thinking of Dominika... I'm not too fond of her as a character, but I get the impression that storyline has a lot of potential and I'd love to see where it goes. I'm sure there are other loose ends that need tying up too... wouldn't it make more sense to finish existing content first?

[edit] Just had a look at the "back alley" enslavement content for the first time and realized that's also unfinished. Also, doesn't look like it's possible for me to turn the tables on this lady, sadly :(
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As incomplete as it looks, that "back alley" content is actually in better shape than it was originally. For one, Prisoner Mod (the aforementioned "back alley" content) was never properly integrated into CoC, where as it actually has been in Revamp. There was even some headway made to fill in some of the missing parts of it. Haven't seen any further work on it being planned, too many other projects already on the back burner.

As far as Dominika's slice of CoC, I would say the same thing, that there just hasn't really been more of a push to finish/add to that particular area. There are even things strictly from the Revamp alone that are still WIP; the Ignam intro is still missing some things as well for instance.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
While the code pretend shark morph do gain bonus ive never seen them in game even when testing

Shark score

  • If the character has a shark-like face
  • If the character has a shark-like dorsal fin
  • If the character has a shark-like tail.
  • If the character has shark skin

This is straith from the page so why when achieving all those value does the PC still isnt considered a shark for the purpose of stats?

If shark score is 3 or greater, 'shark-morph' (yet no stat even with all this? Is there a hidden missing value like breast or heights?)

Thankfully Bee seems to work wich didnt seem to be the case before

Seems there is some missed thing in code since if I read right in code for mod you can got max shark score of 3 while the same mod code say to get bonuses for shark score you need 4 points thus...well we missing one more shark trait to count for score to actualy get it ingame. So it's kind of simple bug that will require just adding shark skin to list of trait adding point to shark score ^^

Well actualy few other TF using the same type skin that shark-moprh got would probably need patching to req any points in shark score to count skin as another point...still that is all doable ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This still wont do because siren only got tail jaw and skin dont forget that Siren has no dorsal fin and as such shark morph req should be reduced down to 3 not kept to 4 unless you add silvery hair as a shark score increaser


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
demon morph should get a special attach. Small amounts of lust damage over time?... stacking ability too

omnibus can get that over power lust attack the ceraph has but it takes 3 turns to cast and damage take increases drastically like 150%-300% and maybe perks and shield blocking ignored too. Just throwing out number and ideas...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Shark need for now shark face (that gives that bite attack additionaly), shark wings (but here it's just his fin not actual wings) and shark tail. I proposed to include skin that will count only when we got any other shark trait. Adding silver hair color as shark score increase... must look over code again to see if that would not break something else (well I not think it have many cases where even particular color of soe body part count as racial trait toward some racial score).

For siren cage as for now demand to have shark face, shark tail, harpy arms and harpy wings all posseses at the same time. There is no but like someone got 2 or 3 of those body parts. Till PC gather all those 4 specific body parts only then game in one sweep giving them enough score to be considered siren-morph. A little complicated but COC got a lil less I think body variables in some areas like skin type to make counting all those different morphs easy.

That attack you meantion from Ceraph is that this pink fireball? Well I was thinking about something like that but...we already got 3 other fire based attacks and this...I dunno it would be just another one and tied to race like dragofire to dragon-morphs. Other ideas on boosting prolly would req some work but they got some chance to seen the light of been included into the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As i already proposed once Demon could gain an addition M.Ability called Charm which deals lust damage based on your character libido and corruption maybe even add a small scalling bonus from your current lust score. Regardless of the ability let us not forget demons are suposed to be the masters of lust attacks.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah their supposed to be much lust oriented enemies yet...well they supposely should have more lust too like ok imps can have like all other enemies max 100 lust but all higher tier demonic enemies also have max 100 (but this one I think is due to game engine that not able to handle now enemies with more than 100 lust or fatigue). That Charm M.Ability sound interesting and we already got other races that along with bonus to stats (which is actualy mod thing not seen in vanilla version) granting some additional P./M. attacks to PC.

With this charm is some would manage get high enough socre to be considered crossbreed of dragon/kitsune/demon-morph... that some weird and probably OP combo would be made (dragons usualy are viewed as really strong monsters, kitsune depending on lore are very strong to god-like strong and demons...welll Mareth is suppose to be their home land so strong due to been in their native world) ^^

Luckly I think it not possible to get 4+ score for thsoe 3 races at the same time... or maybe it's possible mix body changes to get all of those.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Since forum double posted will keep it for next reply to use ^^

EDIT: And that moment to reply comed with Lia reply ^^

Two frist ones seems it could be needed some comlicated way coded in compare to 3rd one. Not that I not like any of them. I think any of them would be interesting and frankly 3rd one seems most close to what we already got ingame. So probably using similar existing attack of enemies can be made it for player. Maybe it just as simple as switching caster and target so it will be now PC casting and monster as target, this way it would be fastest one to make.

On thing of req for that skills to be accesable. Other perks like drag or kit perks req. or quite specific body modification or high enough morph score. Preventing specific templar from not mean kitsune-dragon mix? xD Well one of ideas you wrote down was as you noted similar to one of kitsune specials so...making req for demon skills to have demon tail would keep players from getting also kitsune one perks. As for corruption I just require it high enough to change small bat wings into large and later PC can lower corruption and still have those wings. But to tie skill to corruption score would somehow lay in line with demon-morph idea of been much closer to "real" demon than any other morphs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I proposed several time to give demon morph a magic special ability either named ''charm'' or ''seduce'' wich like the spider morph bite attack would deal a tease damage spike

There is three possibility as to how charm could work. Of course we could make it fonction like dragonfire and only appear when a certain number of body part is unlocked. Maybe give it two ability like kitsune but force the player to have a specific amount of body part to even work in the curent case i recommand the Stage 2 wings and tails to be a requirement as it force the player to always maintain a decent level of corruption as well as it prevent the adding of a few potentialy dangerous templates. I will post the possible combo one could make with demon morph as a second text later on.

-Option one: Reveal Fetishes

Description: The PC use dark magic to try and discover the target darkest fetishes in order to use them against it.

Effect: Charm/Seduce reduce the target tease resistance by a Severe amount while dealing minor lust enticing the target making it vulnerable to further lust attacks

Usage: While enlightened Kitsune possess such an ability already in a minor version this one instead of damaging your foe speed deals free lust damage and as such could be an interesting alternative

Note: An interesting option wich allows you to peek into your foe mind to figure out its kink. I always wondered how Demon managed to deal us so much tease damage anyway.

-Option two: Fascinate

Description: The PC does a sexy display capting the target attention and arrousing it altogueter.

Effect: Paralise the target for one round the same Terror/Whisper/Shield bash work this of course means this ability suffers from diminishing returns. The rest of the ability work as Lust spike cept that it will deal way less tease damage. A minor tease with a stun every now and then between tease attacks? Sure why not

Note: Obviously this ability needs to have diminishing returns to prevent abuses

-Option three: Lust strike

Description:Ever wanted to do what all the demon and Imp do by drawing symbols in the air and sending a lust spell at your foe?

Effect: Deals damage as the spell Arouse except that it scales on Libido/current lust/sensibility/level the higher those values are the more potent the attack will be however since having high libido and sensibility put yourself at risk when targeted with lust attack this turns into a very glass cannon ability as you will have to yourself be very vulnerable to lust effect to deal maximum damage.

Note: Inteligence or speed could also be added as a modifier to this recipe to give it a scaling post new game + i would personnaly subjest inteligence as Inteligence represent knowledge and the ability to use it properly... in the case of a demon knowledge include fetishes, dark desire and generaly all there is to know about making someone utherly horny.

I hope Kitteh read this it would be a shame for him to miss such a large text block of abilities
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
I'm curious to see if anyone has any genuine interest in seeing bird-morphs introduced to the game. They seem to be suspiciously absent from Corruption of Champions, but I'd imagine if they were introduced they would make the collection of existing races feel more complete; at least more so than some of the stranger additions I've seen such as rhinos and echidnas.

I'm willing to make a write-up for them with a transformative if people are interested.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Is it normal that i managed to mix lacta bovine harpy and centaur togueter into an abomination called a bovine pegataur? 120 str 100 thoughness and 135 speed is utherly scary for a non new game + character


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hum let me see.

For centaur you need lower body of taur and hoofed feet to count as centaur for speed bonus, for lacta bovine need cow face/ears/tail/enough height/vagina/big enough tits/lactation and for harpy needed harpy wings/arms/hair/tail/face/ears. Looking on that I think it's possible to mix all those triat in right way to get centaur and harpy/cow scores > 4

Heh creativity of mixing various raceScores is ineed still quite big outside already set up races. But that race...dunno it not have any int bonuses :p Jk  that speed is quite scary to begin with. Things like bow dmg should have now a lil more punch than with normal around 100 stats.

Also about demon-morphs count trait for demonic score corruption is needed only with face or skin parts that with insufficient corruption won't count toward demonScore. Wings or tail only need be demonic type to count without any corruption backing it up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm curious to see if anyone has any genuine interest in seeing bird-morphs introduced to the game. They seem to be suspiciously absent from Corruption of Champions, but I'd imagine if they were introduced they would make the collection of existing races feel more complete; at least more so than some of the stranger additions I've seen such as rhinos and echidnas.

I'm willing to make a write-up for them with a transformative if people are interested.

I was looking forward to a bird-morph Ft to be added in-game, maybe with a couple of variants that would add some nice bonus to the stats, like gryphon-morph (bird with feline lower body) of hippogryph (same, but with equine lower body)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of bird-morphs and TF stuff I realize that some of parts of code for body parts are really limited like...we got only 3 types of arms. Some of body part options should be slight expand while adding bird-morph (I could see issues to pick current existing options for use in racial score counting - code already starting look really complicated on how we count racial scores -_- )

As for stats bonuses bird-morph first ring bells of more speed cap than any other stat after...then...hmm maybe toughness due to their endurance needed during flying. Also would bird-morphs arms be turned into wing-ish like body parts or well we will get wings as new subtypes of normal wings. With wing arms could be some issues how to handle PC been still able to wield normal weapon and shield or using hands during scenes when it's meantioned. Typical bird wings would mean PC won;t have any fingers similar to humans thus making interactions quite troublesome.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
@Ormael: My intention was to use existing assets from the harpy transformation for bird-morphs, rather than redundantly create new ones. Therefore, bird-morphs would have the same feathered arms that harpies have and their wings would be located separately on their backs. It's much simpler this way.

It would be interesting though to see more arm transformations added to the game. But I think it's a struggle to determine how to change the arms in a way that feels meaningful without breaking the game. It's not really possible to change a characters arms into tentacles, hooves, or even claws without adjusting tons of scenes to account for them.

@Coalsack: I hadn't thought about adding hippogryphs or gryphons. That's actually a great idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@Ormael: My intention was to use existing assets from the harpy transformation for bird-morphs, rather than redundantly create new ones. Therefore, bird-morphs would have the same feathered arms that harpies have and their wings would be located separately on their backs. It's much simpler this way.

It would be interesting though to see more arm transformations added to the game. But I think it's a struggle to determine how to change the arms in a way that feels meaningful without breaking the game. It's not really possible to change a characters arms into tentacles, hooves, or even claws without adjusting tons of scenes to account for them.

@Coalsack: I hadn't thought about adding hippogryphs or gryphons. That's actually a great idea.

And same thing with beaks, btw. There are ton of scenes mentioning character's mouth or lips.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Heh I think the biggest barrier for bird morphs is that beaks can't give very good blowjobs and would probably break any scenes in which the player performs oral...
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