Some ideas for PC classes


New Member
Oct 2, 2015
Disclaimer: I accept that my idea will be mock and may not inspire anybody but damn it I'm putting it out there. There should be more content given the is time to shoe horn in some. please also note that these ideas are also basic and may be edited in the future for an in-depth idea how each class will work in game.​
We have three classes out there, but in the end would be pretty dull if we want to play PC class. So why not add more classes I may not have a good one but here's some ideas. 

Trader (Aka the Easy class)

Ok this class needs some explanation if your running low on funds or need to lower some of the prices, the trader class will be just for you. we all now that traders are gifted with the silver tongue so this class should be able to convince some traders to lower they're prices...well some of them. many Traders can defend themselves so the PC can do the same to an extent.


like the name suggest the Cybermancer classes will allow you to use nanobots of your own creation to hack other robots or make some of your own. the Cybermancer however is a glass-canon and should be use with caution you can easily get a game over if your not careful.


I'm not sorry but They really let themselves be open for this punch of anime reference. The outlaw is a dual gunslinger class that can mix melee weapons with range weaponry the outlaw can also out maneuver some opponents but have a suspicious eye cast over them. Outlaws are not trusted in some areas but can be made right at home with others.


yes I'm putting this out there I want to be a slaver in the game or have some option to be good buddies with a slaver faction if they are going to do that in the near future or so then i will gladly delete this Class from the idea list. as the name may incline you as a slaver can capture enemy's that are not consider necessary to the plot of the game and train them to the will of any slave market out there in space. you can also seduce some NPCs that what your doing is right and can easily get away with it you can also keep some slaves as pets.

So here are my Basic ideas of some classes that may or may not influence people to be added it's up to you or me i care not either way. I just wanted to get this out there. If you have some ideas too or maybe what to add some input on the classes I posted above please leave a reply would you kindly but let it be positive or negative like I said I care not which.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Three of those are professions a PC of any class, especially Smuggler, should be able to be. And certainly wouldn't make for interesting classes on their own (especially Trader). Cybermancer, as you described it, is already effectively a Tech Specialist build. 


New Member
Oct 2, 2015
I really sorry of being the master of redundancy, but thank you for clarifying things Savin

(Note to self make better ideas in future.) 


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
I have to admit that i like the idea of slaver though (just cause Imma twisted lil bastard) though no idea as to how that would work if someone were to put the time and effort into it. But I'm also interested cause if I'm able, i like to play villians in RPGs. Hell in COC it was actually pretty easy to play a very screwed up individual (Jojo, Marble, Sheila: lots of messed up things could go down with those 3, and thats just off the top of my head.)

Plus it would be kinda fun to play a character that makes you uncle Max and your cousin think "damn, thats mean..."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Cybermancer could of used drones and such to fight for PC (Mechromaner)


Aug 26, 2015
You mean like what Tech Specialist does?

The combat engine is not deep enough to support more than three or four meaningfully distinct classes.  Even adding a dedicated esper class that plays all that differently from the main three will be a big challenge.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You mean like what Tech Specialist does?

Had a different thing in mind but I see yer point, if anything Cybermancer would be a sub-class of tech specialist (That's if sub-classes were a thing)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If Techies become more machine-oriented as they go, makes me wonder if they'll get augment related perks later. Incentive to get all Deus-Ex-y, but those wanting to remain pure might have a time with that.


Aug 26, 2015
"Why do all the level 9 perks require me to get augmented?  I never asked for this!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Three classes for TiTS seems fine and well as others stated new classes will be okay wouldn't H-game but some well more serious RPG. But it isn't so for that what we got now is fine and maybe jsut need some tweaking but not adding new classes/sublasses (aside maybe fabled espers and "maybe" whole concentrated on tease/lust warefare subclass that on onld forum Savin once linked gdoc with some of first 5 lvl's perks - dancer was it name if I recall well).


New Member
Oct 9, 2015
I've an idea that falls under the same purview as improvements to add to character generation.

In CoC the character always started out human, so it was natural that the default stats for their race were always the same. In TiTS however we are able to start with a varied selection of species. Granted, they're half-human, but even so, I've often thought these should be accompanied by stat bonuses and penalties, based on race. While this wouldn't impair the player from building them to be any class or build they like, having naturally higher stats in certain areas might make each racial selection better suited to a certain kind of build than others.

Perhaps likewise, if the PC consumes TF items to assume a pure, instead of hybrid species form, those stat bonuses and/or penalties might be heightened, reflecting purity of species.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I've an idea that falls under the same purview as improvements to add to character generation.

In CoC the character always started out human, so it was natural that the default stats for their race were always the same. In TiTS however we are able to start with a varied selection of species. Granted, they're half-human, but even so, I've often thought these should be accompanied by stat bonuses and penalties, based on race. While this wouldn't impair the player from building them to be any class or build they like, having naturally higher stats in certain areas might make each racial selection better suited to a certain kind of build than others.

Perhaps likewise, if the PC consumes TF items to assume a pure, instead of hybrid species form, those stat bonuses and/or penalties might be heightened, reflecting purity of species.

Gameplay bonuses based on race or TFs is, as I have been informed, a big no-no in TiTS. Presumably because the devs don't want people to feel that they are missing out when they choose to not transform into something, or that they are being herded towards certain race/class combinations. So no bonuses to stats and almost no perk gaining.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jokes aside, I can't see augmentation being mandatory for anyone. But if any class were to synergize well with it, it would be techies. As far as balance, augmented fellows could grump over their waning soul or whatever for loss of potential as an esper. Techies are by far the weakest class, and I don't see that changing, which is fine(even though I main 'em). But I think this is an avenue worth thinking on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gameplay bonuses based on race or TFs is, as I have been informed, a big no-no in TiTS. Presumably because the devs don't want people to feel that they are missing out when they choose to not transform into something, or that they are being herded towards certain race/class combinations. So no bonuses to stats and almost no perk gaining.

Last I heard stat changes are fine, it's perks that they have a problem with.  Also, the stat changes have to be symmetrical or come with some other drawback.  So one race might have their max physique increased by 10%, but their max reflexes go down by 10%.  That said, this might not stay in effect and the TFs will only affect your basic stats, not the limits.  I do know that the general stat increases in the game will be dropped, possibly being replaced with stat re-balancing instead.


Aug 26, 2015
Last I heard stat changes are fine, it's perks that they have a problem with.  Also, the stat changes have to be symmetrical or come with some other drawback.  So one race might have their max physique increased by 10%, but their max reflexes go down by 10%.  That said, this might not stay in effect and the TFs will only affect your basic stats, not the limits.  I do know that the general stat increases in the game will be dropped, possibly being replaced with stat re-balancing instead.

Stat maxes are not and have never been adjusted.  That would be stupid and would make whatever race got +Aim The Best Race.  Stat values can be adjusted through TFs, and trainers, and working out.  Any character who puts level-up points in Willpower can max out all stats with enough time and effort.

Savin and I are of contrasting opinions on whether this is desirable or not.  I personally feel that as a single-player game meant to be kind of easy, Steele should absolutely be able to snowflake it up and get all the powers.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I personally feel that as a single-player game meant to be kind of easy, Steele should absolutely be able to snowflake it up and get all the powers.

...Which in turn makes your level-up choices meaningless and penalizes people who don't go in for grinding.


Aug 26, 2015
...Which in turn makes your level-up choices meaningless and penalizes people who don't go in for grinding.

If you want the game to be easy enough for people who have trouble with Lights Out puzzles to beat then you have three main options:

* You can make every choice equally valid to avoid any trap options, which is sufficiently hard that almost no games in the history of gaming have ever done it.

* You can make it so you can beat the game even while taking all the trap options, in which case your choices are meaningless except purely as efficiency.  Borderlands follows this model outside of raid bosses, since easy respawning means you can beat your head against the wall of a tough segment until it sticks if you want to.  Some bosses like the Warrior or Badassasaurus let you just cheese them outright if you fail the first time.  TiTS also currently follows this model, as the game can be beaten even if you do absolutely retarded shit like splitting your perks between melee and ranged.

* You can make it so players who have trouble or "need" to be overprepared can keep grinding to get the good abilities if they fuck up and take the shitty ones first, while players who know what they're doing don't have to spend that time grinding.  Most RPGs follow this model, since it simultaneously offers a time sink and ensures the game isn't too tough for people just there for the story, while those who want more of a challenge can skip the grind.  I personally enjoy gradually maxing out my vocations in games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy Tactics even though you only really need to go through two classes tops to beat the game.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
The classes are fairly interesting as is and will probably be much more fleshed out and distinctive by the time planet 6 or 7 makes it into the game.

That said, I think it would be cool to have a Bio-engineer class that can heal and summon life-forms, or maybe a high risk and reward class that is really good in melee combat and drains their own shields, armor, and or hit points for more effective attacks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you want the game to be easy enough for people who have trouble with Lights Out puzzles to beat then you have three main options:

* You can make every choice equally valid to avoid any trap options, which is sufficiently hard that almost no games in the history of gaming have ever done it.

* You can make it so you can beat the game even while taking all the trap options, in which case your choices are meaningless except purely as efficiency.  Borderlands follows this model outside of raid bosses, since easy respawning means you can beat your head against the wall of a tough segment until it sticks if you want to.  Some bosses like the Warrior or Badassasaurus let you just cheese them outright if you fail the first time.  TiTS also currently follows this model, as the game can be beaten even if you do absolutely retarded shit like splitting your perks between melee and ranged.

* You can make it so players who have trouble or "need" to be overprepared can keep grinding to get the good abilities if they fuck up and take the shitty ones first, while players who know what they're doing don't have to spend that time grinding.  Most RPGs follow this model, since it simultaneously offers a time sink and ensures the game isn't too tough for people just there for the story, while those who want more of a challenge can skip the grind.  I personally enjoy gradually maxing out my vocations in games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy Tactics even though you only really need to go through two classes tops to beat the game.

I think we have a thread for discussing the trade-offs of both systems, so the discussion is at least worth having.  Just because the game is an adult game doesn't mean we can't try and put an interesting/deep system into it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
* You can make it so players who have trouble or "need" to be overprepared can keep grinding to get the good abilities if they fuck up and take the shitty ones first, while players who know what they're doing don't have to spend that time grinding.  Most RPGs follow this model, since it simultaneously offers a time sink and ensures the game isn't too tough for people just there for the story, while those who want more of a challenge can skip the grind.  I personally enjoy gradually maxing out my vocations in games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy Tactics even though you only really need to go through two classes tops to beat the game.

not that its pertinent to this topic necessarily, but it reminded me of i question i had but completely forgotten about till now. Any chance that "new game +" will be returning from CoC? Or maybe an item that resets your levels and re-distribute the skill points and perks? If it were an item i dont imagine it would be very cheap...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
not that its pertinent to this topic necessarily, but it reminded me of i question i had but completely forgotten about till now. Any chance that "new game +" will be returning from CoC? Or maybe an item that resets your levels and re-distribute the skill points and perks? If it were an item i dont imagine it would be very cheap...

Dunno about Newgame+, but respec has been deliberated a bit on the older forums. I recall general consensus being that it would be available on an earlier planet. I imagine the cost would grow relative to the player's level, perhaps under the guise that more stats and skills to reset would cost more. This way new players could still afford it without breaking the bank.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Dunno about Newgame+, but respec has been deliberated a bit on the older forums. I recall general consensus being that it would be available on an earlier planet. I imagine the cost would grow relative to the player's level, perhaps under the guise that more stats and skills to reset would cost more. This way new players could still afford it without breaking the bank.

I could live with that. (Besides, I honestly used new game + as a long term cheat mode).

Maybe have one of the local quacks on Tarkus sell it (Lash or Badger). That would be fun, like a lobotomy! xD


Aug 26, 2015
Actually, thinking about it some more, the vocations comparison is a good explanation of why I'm in favor of the design method I am.

Several Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games use a vocation system basically like that in Fall of Eden, where you can go to the training place and change what class you're training each of your party members in.  Given arbitrary time, you can max out every party member's ranks in every vocation, teaching them all every ability and getting every stat boost from whatever.  Despite this, if you try to run through the main storyline with nothing but warriors, switching them all to mages when they're done with that, then priests, etc., you're going to have a bad time.

This is because it doesn't just matter what you can get, or even what you have.  It also matters what order you got those abilities in.  A character who you start off building as a mage, taking the mage classes and learning the mage abiliites, is probably going to stay primarily a mage even if you could go and grind them up in all the warrior classes too, because by the time you're actually done getting through all the mage classes the game is going to be over.  If they don't, it's because it's a game like Bravely Default where nearly all of the bosses are built around finding a combination of classes and abilities that can defeat their pattern, so sometimes you need four Spiritmasters or whatever.  Choices matter even with infinite room to grind vocations, because while you can go through all choices given enough time, unless you stop and don't progress with the game for ages to max out everything you're going to have a more limited subset of choices during the parts of the game that matter.  Usually most people will just pick their build, go through the game, and then if they feel like continuing to play they'll invest in the time sink of completionism.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Actually, thinking about it some more, the vocations comparison is a good explanation of why I'm in favor of the design method I am.

All the games you mentioned are party-based games where you can go balls to the wall on specialization because you know another character can cover your glaring weaknesses. This is why some mmos are frustrating, because your success is in part determined by other players. TiTS has you control a single character. A huge vocation system would only make it harder to balance encounters, since you can't know how players will develop their Steele. Played a mage since the start and ran into a boss that spanks mages? Well, get ready to grind because there is no alternative. This is why PCs in this sort of game tend to be a Jack of all Stats type, and why trying to introduce a varied class system into such an rpg tends to see homogenized, seemingly half-assed classes with little mechanical difference. They all need to be balanced, because they all need to be able to handle any situation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Trying put too much RPG into porn game like TiTS will turn it into RPG with porn additions. And not this is Fen intend I bet. Also one or two abilities are already made into buyable battle consumable items, that even if you not this particular class for a cash you can have limited access to other class special. It could be more expanded so we could still play our techno priests, rogues or warriors while able to use some of the other class specials. Plus so far non of enemies save Dr. Lash is made that way so one or more of classes have huge issues to fight them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Trying put too much RPG into porn game like TiTS will turn it into RPG with porn additions. And not this is Fen intend I bet.

Personally, I'm not sure what TiTS wants to be. Is it porn first? Or rpg?

Items giving access to class skills only serves to take away from the class. What's the point of the system if anyone can do anything anyway?

Discussions over the class system are about what it could be, rather than what it is. As it stands, you're right. Encounters are balanced enough that nothing poses a threat, so class talk is moot.


Aug 26, 2015
Personally, I'm not sure what TiTS wants to be. Is it porn first? Or rpg?

It does not have to be one over the other; rather, it's a smut-laden RPG game (meaning that it is essentially both--basically, the smut is the subject matter and the RPG is the medium/framework by which it is delivered). Judging by the character creation and the first possible combat encounter (Celise), the ease of accessing a sex scene, even the title acronym of the game itself, it's porn first--and will always be porn first. If it turns out to have some in-depth RPG elements, then that is just a byproduct of the creation.

I think the class system that is currently set is okay so far (for the sake of simplicity), and I don't mind the rebalancing tweaks and some some exaggerated diverging here and there. While I agree that having all the things is great for personal class customization, it might make the classes useless overall. Revamping the class system might be overdoing what the classes were originally intended for in this game, but I shouldn't be the one to say--only the developers can really prioritize that stuff.