CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sphinx was pretty awesome too, wish she'd gotten the full waifu treatment as well


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sphinx was pretty awesome too, wish she'd gotten the full waifu treatment as well

One thing that sucks about her is that if you scare her off, she leaves permanently and you never see/find her ever again.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One thing that sucks about her is that if you scare her off, she leaves permanently.

yeah, a positive side-effect of having my cache [and save files] deleted and having to restart was learning that and never fighting her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've decided to establish how you would become a sphinx.

  1. Become a centaur in any way. Taurinum will help a lot.
  2. Eat whisker fruits (placeholder until I add some enhanced versions, probably lion TFs) until your lower body turns into a sphinx body.
  3. Enjoy being a sphinx. Or not.

For all intents and purposes, sphinxes have the same advantages and disadvantages as centaur with some minor alterations.

Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Neat, I kinda felt like there should be some racial recognition of players with features from multiple species. Seeing as the world is full of mutagens, one would think that certain areas might see unique types of creature with the traits of two or more species.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nobody here care to give a niche role to demon morph? I seriously think Demon morph should be given a stat or special power to make it an interesting choice to play beside the fact you need 70+ corruption for large wings wich in itself is detrimental

Also how do you name a draconic kitsune spider girl? Seems its doable grant 130 intel 115 thougness and 110 speed... mage god anyone?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nobody here care to give a niche role to demon morph? I seriously think Demon morph should be given a stat or special power to make it an interesting choice to play beside the fact you need 70+ corruption for large wings wich in itself is detrimental

Also how do you name a draconic kitsune spider girl? Seems its doable grant 130 intel 115 thougness and 110 speed... mage god anyone?

Pretty sure that would make the PC overpowered.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
Don't know if this has been addressed, for me there's a glitch where after I do Urta's fertility quest and impregnate her it goes through the normal messages when you see her at the bar and the normal scenes, but after a few days she goes back to normal without inviting you to her house and there isn't a counter for how many kids you have with her. Is this a glitch or do I have to raise a flag?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The PC ends up overpowered anyway.  You can kill basically anything at level 7 with the right perks.

And you not menationed it just require a bit luck and not blind smashing attack button ^^ Well maybe then some put as point of honor to make some OP enemy for mod so we won't need lvl up above that lvl 7 to beat it ;) (As lvl 7 you mean even Marae you can beat by then? o_O)

Don't know if this has been addressed, for me there's a glitch where after I do Urta's fertility quest and impregnate her it goes through the normal messages when you see her at the bar and the normal scenes, but after a few days she goes back to normal without inviting you to her house and there isn't a counter for how many kids you have with her. Is this a glitch or do I have to raise a flag?

I think it's most likely bug imho.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
And you not menationed it just require a bit luck and not blind smashing attack button ^^

Actually you can pretty much just smash the attack button.  Double Attack+Brutal Blows is really all you need for most fights assuming you have a decent weapon. 

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Hey there.

Stop bringing up Savin. It's not important and doing reach around posting saying "OH NO DON'T MAKE HIM MAD HE HATES US" or whatever - or with anyone but he's become your big target - is shockingly more grating then the actual shitflinging. It's not important, you won't get his affection, shitty people will get banned not the mod-whole sale and he doesn't want his content messed around with by poor writers. Nor do quite a few people that have stated their disdain, it's a common negative comment!

More importantly, though, when we get right down to it let's be honest here; it's not going to get written. The people who will sit down and chug through a submission in full are few in number, as proven over the years and that's ignoring ~~~quality control~~~ and petty editing needs. Until someone actually gets to work on a project you can stop the "OH NOOOO X WILL GET MAD!" routine or the "Let's say fuck 'em and burn all our bridges and take our stuff else where!" routine or whatever else. Make sure something is actually happening first, which it isn't!

Geez. In all likelihood if some administrative action does happen it won't be Savin doing it, anyway, it will be myself or Fenoxo. The latter if he gets tired of hearing it.

You don't need to hide on some Trello """"""""board""""""" just act like reasonable human beings and submit content as you like, as normal. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Any plan to give siren a special stat bonus like + 5 strength because shark morph/harpy siren combo is kind of messy stat wise

Also any plan to stat up demon morph and shark morph?

Humm siren stats are indeed messy. As I bet it mix of shard and harpy morph bonuses that makes it...welll 4 different stats or bosted or nerfed. What you think about those specialy picked for that shak/harpy hybrid (well sirenScore code say siren is mix of those two morphs anyway) +5 Str, +20 Spd, -5 Tou (a lil weaker than shark morph but without his int penatly, alos pently to toughness form hapry part lessened and speed much higher than eiter sharks or hapies? Somehow when I try to think...hapries got already nice speed bonus and sharks are kind also quite fast ones so sirens would be something like sharks swimming into water but since air ius less dense they can attain much higher speed.

As for I noticed each other morph got similar bonuses to those stats that their respective TF giving in case of demons beoth male and female TF giving two diff boosts (one gender of demons are getting faster while other more inteligent...a lil suprising as I though since they need good "stamina" for fucking anything that walks toughness would be preff stat for their TF to increase of all 4 combat related stats). Other things that could be given them would be something like bonus to tease dmg (a lil weaker version of History perk that giving 15% bonus tease dmg) and as you meantioned bonus to max lust. But value 50 I seen may be a lil too big so what you think about...say +20 to max Lust?

Actually you can pretty much just smash the attack button.  Double Attack+Brutal Blows is really all you need for most fights assuming you have a decent weapon. 

Decent weapon and decent defence too. Well some fights you can't do this at lvl 6 like I think Ceraph with simple smashing atk button at lvl 6 will be highly unwinnable unless you count been hit by her pink fireball as win too. Well it would be winnable if you get probably one of best armors and weapon from endgame but then....why you stayed at lvl 6 went to all endgame zones to get gear to just atk smash Ceraph like she's trash?

Also some other side question: Does Izumi (that Oni gal from mountains) grabbing PC nect to choke him/her is count as she grabbed armor that was also covering neck too or it was already unprotected by armor bare skin?


Jan 7, 2016
No, however Im not sure any other reason not to do your work other than that or you said so, is there another reason? 


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
Morality's sake? If you work on something against the wishes of someone, just because they can't do anything about it, it would earn you some disdain yknow? Especially when people like the person and their work


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
No, however Im not sure any other reason not to do your work other than that or you said so, is there another reason? 


Morality's sake? If you work on something against the wishes of someone, just because they can't do anything about it, it would earn you some disdain yknow? Especially when people like the person and their work

Sep 14, 2015
The ONLY reason why I started playing the revamp mod, was because I wanted to have something fresh with CoC, and was/am mildly interested in seeing the level of ability other writers/programmers have. What the original team chooses to allow or not should be taken as the word of God(and for me to say that should let everyone know that I am pissed that this argument is still going on as I am a Pagan and worship life, no gods involved). Savin and possibly others have stated that they do not want their creations meddled with. Kitteh has accepted it, several others have accepted it, why can't the rest of you? On a personal level I would love to see Helia and Helspawn completed, but I accept Savin's decision because it was Savin whom created them. Please everyone, stop beating this dead and decayed mare because she isn't gonna get up and present her cunt to you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Humm siren stats are indeed messy. As I bet it mix of shard and harpy morph bonuses that makes it...welll 4 different stats or bosted or nerfed. What you think about those specialy picked for that shak/harpy hybrid (well sirenScore code say siren is mix of those two morphs anyway) +5 Str, +20 Spd, -5 Tou (a lil weaker than shark morph but without his int penatly, alos pently to toughness form hapry part lessened and speed much higher than eiter sharks or hapies? Somehow when I try to think...hapries got already nice speed bonus and sharks are kind also quite fast ones so sirens would be something like sharks swimming into water but since air ius less dense they can attain much higher speed.

As for I noticed each other morph got similar bonuses to those stats that their respective TF giving in case of demons beoth male and female TF giving two diff boosts (one gender of demons are getting faster while other more inteligent...a lil suprising as I though since they need good "stamina" for fucking anything that walks toughness would be preff stat for their TF to increase of all 4 combat related stats). Other things that could be given them would be something like bonus to tease dmg (a lil weaker version of History perk that giving 15% bonus tease dmg) and as you meantioned bonus to max lust. But value 50 I seen may be a lil too big so what you think about...say +20 to max Lust?

Decent weapon and decent defence too. Well some fights you can't do this at lvl 6 like I think Ceraph with simple smashing atk button at lvl 6 will be highly unwinnable unless you count been hit by her pink fireball as win too. Well it would be winnable if you get probably one of best armors and weapon from endgame but then....why you stayed at lvl 6 went to all endgame zones to get gear to just atk smash Ceraph like she's trash?

Also some other side question: Does Izumi (that Oni gal from mountains) grabbing PC nect to choke him/her is count as she grabbed armor that was also covering neck too or it was already unprotected by armor bare skin?---

+20 to max lust sound like something reasonable as Demon morph are by their nature resiliant to lust effect (heck they spend so much time doing bed stuff I'm surprised they can even get aroused by anything since they basicaly already are in constant arousal).
Improving the tease damage to demon morph would grant the spec a purpose because let's face it curently our hard tease damage strikers are Nagas (Constrict tease is a 2 shot killer) and Kitsunes.

In this way a demon morph could by end game reach 175 max lust (with perk and all) and deal a decent amount of tease damage if using the succubi whip or the tease attack. While i love cat-taurs and speed doublestrike spammer we need to give some love to our lust users as well.

Shark morph would be cool if it even had a stat bonus in the first place wich it for some weird reason does not have. Shark morph currently gives no bonus to any stat...weither it is tiger shark or shark morph it realy gives nothing so yea the only bonus you even get as siren is harpy.

Ill be blunt I think shark deserve more then just a +5 to strength as dragon and satyr already fill this role... how about +10 to strenght -10 to intelligence and +5 to speed? (if -10 to inteligence hurts to much it is always possible to change it to -5). Builds that weaken intelligence aren't actualy present at the time I think we got Cowgirl/Minotaur which weakens speed and Drider wich weakens strenght along with kitsune and fox which also weakens strength but... intelligence? no such thing around yet... not to mention there is no race with +10 strenght currently availlable in the game

In this fashion Siren would end up with +10 strenght +20 speed -10 thoughness -10 inteligence

Again Shark morph aren't Notorious for their fortitude so a shark morph mixed with a harpy having a weakness in both toughness and intelligence still make senses and while this does contradict the fact minerva can use whitefire I'll remind everyone can actualy use spellcasting regardless of race it just happen some are less gifted then others.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
+20 to max lust sound like something reasonable as Demon morph are by their nature resiliant to lust effect (heck they fuck so much im surprised they can even get aroused by anything since they basicaly already are in constant arousal
Improving the tease damage to demon morph would grant the spec a purpose because lets face it at the moment our hard tease damage strikers is Naga (Constrict tease is a 2 shot killer) and Kitsune wich considering how adept demon are at lust damage attack doesnt make any sense.

In this way a demon morph could by end game reach 175 max lust (with perk and all) and deal a decent amount of tease damage if using the succubi whip or the tease attack. While i love cat taurs and dex doublestrike spammer we need to give some love to our lust users as well.

One way I'm sure to make tease (aka lust) dmg on enemies is taking history perk that giving 15% more. There is that perk that req. corrupted Jojo and high enough corruption (above 50 but actualy in code only req for corruption is but not for corrupted jojo) that change our tease with stronger lust attack. And about stats. Other all morphs getting when add all +value and -value around 10-20 additional points. So here for demons if we made some bonus dmg to tease could be hard to balance on term much like 5 pts more lust dmg are worth to 5 more str limit... or to 20 more max lust? So we could accidently make demons too OP that will with proper perks and gear make like around 1,5-2 stronger than others builds.

About max lust...since this is mod thread we got 20 max lust from Improved Self-Control perk, up to 50 max lust from Ascension: Desires perk, another 15 max lust from Omnibus Gift perk and at the end 20 max lust for having one of Bro / Bimbo / Futa Body perks. So without NG+ we got 155 max lust and with NG+ at least it rise to even 205 max lust. So taking into account enemies can have just 100 max lust while PC can even hit over 2 times more...yup 20 lust for been demon-morph seems fair from my pov too ^^ Unless we dunno make demonic enemies in game have higher max lust...but that will require some work and not sure if it worth to have reason to give more than +20 max lust to demon-morphs.

About Naga and Kitsune...well frankly both of those enemies never risen in my eyes to enemeis classified as heavy lust hitting enemies. Former I was always easy beatin even if constricted for some turns and latter...think I always only fought with that imp first time then all other times or been leaving or talking then going to mansion to boost cum production ^^ Maybe I should try once or twice fight them to check it myself...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well you've not played a bimbo seductress Naga lust striker have you... Naga constrict tease will always regardless of ennemy level and current character level deal max damage as it doesn't use the same tease damage calculation as the regular tease... as such you could likely two shot about anything in the game should you manage to grapple it first using the Naga constrict tease.

Hiting Kiha for 65 lust damage in ng+++ two shoting her with naga as a lvl 28 is funny and only the fact ember can't be defeated by lust prevents me from doing her the same thing heck I think I've turned Izumi into a mess to. I've started to two shot things in NG+ the moment my naga got there because this tease doesnt actualy suffer from reductions and constantly deals the same damage regardless of levels and or ennemy resistance. Truly the stronguest lust striker in the game is currently Naga with it's resistance ignoring two shot 65 tease strikes.

Heck Couatl my Naga/Harpy is prety much unstoppable... whatever I cant defeat by lust ill just squeeze to death while regenerating health passively (Naga has no need for a weapon all it needs is constrict as it will deal percentage damage and quickly put any foe out of its misery so you might as well run the lethicite staff with might active and do a few heal when getting nuked if it ever happens in the first place)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nope I usualy play dragon-kitsune tall PC's (be it vanilla or modded CoC ^^) since they got two specials I like most -_-' I really wish dragon breath do more dmg since now I found as long I got huge supply of ember eggs I not need care for dragonfire cd anymore...well still it's not like I can breath fire all day each day yet....well yet as what will future bring to us.

Heh poor Kiha...well blame that on that NG+ and higher enemies still have max 100 lust.

EDIT: actualy acording to game code shark-moprh do have bonuses now same as harpies. (here I put it along with that proposition for sirens.

if (sharkScore() >= 4) {maxStr += 10; maxSpe += 5; maxInt -= 5;}
if (harpyScore() >= 4) {maxSpe += 15;  maxTou -= 10;}
if (sirenScore() >= 4) {maxStr += 5; maxSpe += 20; maxTou -= 5;}

Also at most changes are for 1 to 3 stats never all 4 base combat stats so with your propose for sirens have 4 diff it would be too much of all at once (but I still see you made it that after adding all values it's just +10 points).

Additionaly looked now for all races that weaken any atribute and it's: Minotaur -10 int, Dog -10 int, Fox/Kitsune -10 str/-2 to -10 str, Horse (think that mean not nage or drider lower body not even centaur) - 10 int, Goo -10 spd, Spider -10 str, Shark -5 int, Harpy -10 tou, Rhino -10 to spd and -10 to int. So actualy like half of all animal-moprh got penalties to some stat.

Ohh and looking actualy we DO have morph that change in some way all 4 stats so it's my bad to not notice's Rhino-morph that got +15 to str and tou and -10 to spd and int. So there you got someone who got not only +5 but even +15 to str. SOrry for making you confused with earlier part of my post edit -_-'

But...only Satyr, Bee and Dragon all of them giving only positive bonuses to 2-3 stats. I could argue that with all hype in popculture about dragon been so OP monsters they should be giving most OP boosts but well they still not so bad as they are now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
While the code pretend shark morph do gain bonus ive never seen them in game even when testing

Shark score

  • If the character has a shark-like face
  • If the character has a shark-like dorsal fin
  • If the character has a shark-like tail.
  • If the character has shark skin

This is straith from the page so why when achieving all those value does the PC still isnt considered a shark for the purpose of stats?

If shark score is 3 or greater, 'shark-morph' (yet no stat even with all this? Is there a hidden missing value like breast or heights?)

Thankfully Bee seems to work wich didnt seem to be the case before
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hum well that pretty good thing...since I got nice save to be used as test subject I could start checking each morph that got altered stats. So when I got some data about each TF change will add/post them and now time I go catch some sleep ^^

That way I will be sure which one morph giving or not those supposely bonuses/penalties to max stats.

EDIT: Technicaly code-wise speaking siren score can't be build one feature at once like harpy or shark. It say that only when you got at once shark face, shark tail, harpy wing and harpy arms you magicaly jump from siren score 0 to 4 fulfilling req to be counted as siren-morph. It also say that having vagina give one more point toward siren score thou...and even unused atm +1 to that score for anemone penis, which all togheter would give score of 6 for siren.
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't want to sound like a dick or make anyone mad but, Savin has and maintains no rights to any of his work and content, you don't need his permission to do anything, as long as Fenoxo has made any specific claim saying you cant, you can totally work on his shit. I love savins work but its not his anymore, its the games. If he wants to be pissy about it fine but who cares, Im not saying this to hurt him but its the truth legally.

Outside of a few instances, I did a pretty got job of respecting the wishes of my authors. I also had a big flashy block of text above event submissions letting them know that they were giving up control of their characters to me when they were submitting them to my game on the rare off-chance that I had to go against their wishes. I'd like to think other people would have the same courtesy, particularly when they're modding someone else's game to do it.

So I'll just come out and say it - don't fuck with any of Savin's shit he doesn't want you to fuck with. I'm pretty content to let him have some leeway in handling the CoC license while he's employed here, so it would be wise not to make an enemy of him.

Additionally, please quit making ill informed statements. I almost dropped a sack of warning points on your head.
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Jan 7, 2016
I calls em as I sees em dont get mad at me; and as you said this now the issue is resolved. I again meant no disrespect