CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Mar 26, 2016
         First and before continuing I want to note that I speak the Spanish language, and although I'm studying English, I find it very difficult to express in that language, so I helped a bit with the traslator google, if I make some misspelling or wording, I apologize and understanding.

        Secondly I send you a big thank you to the creator of the game, and especially those working with the revamp mod, really nice to see that some people still struggle to bring this project to improve it every day, for me thank you very much.

        And no more interruptions I want to suggest the idea of expanding the world champions of corruption by adding 3 new areas including new cities, new creatures and of course new quests.
The new areas are:

  • Underworld
  • Forest Bambo
  • Sky City (aka UFO).

         At the moment I'm still working on the mechanics of the Underworld, and when you have finished the posting in this forum, but I can say that is based on one of the stories of Dungeon and Dragons, will also be here five new cities, as well as some special mechanical for combat i want to propose.

new creatures to be are here:

  • New races of ants (courtesy of Phylla xD )
  • Dark Elf
  • Lust Elf
  • Red Drider (similar to those found in the swamp, but immune to fire)
  • Astral Cat
  • Illithid

Note: Do not confuse the Lust Elf with the High Elf, the Lust Elf is a corrupted version of Dark Elf

        I must say that in each of the races I just mentioned will exist variants, for example: the Dark Elves are the dark elf wizard, the dark elf hunter and the dark elf priestess, red driders this red drider male, the drider red female and hermaphrodite red drider if real fight (unlike its counterpart swamp rarely hits and only uses lust)

        Even though I do not start work on the Bamboo Forest, if them I can say that I have estimated that the environment will be based on feudal Japan and Chinese culture.
I think add creatures are here:

  • Panda-morph black (the panda we all know)
  • Panda-morph red (is a type of panda resembles a raccoon)
  • Hummingbird-morph
  • new Kitsunes
  • Tengu
  • Wizard Taoist
  • Jianshi
  • Onna (aka Yukionna)
  • Kirin

        As you can see there are many races, but it is very likely that when you start with the Bamboo Forest eliminate some, if they want to make a suggestion'm open to new ideas.

        The Sky city (aka UFO) has no relationship with the other projects Fexono, the idea is here simply add particular creatures that moment I think it is impossible elsewhere who are
I think add creatures are here:

  • Golem
  • Automaton
  • Alien
  • Mimics (chest, bottle, lamp, bag, in a few words, according to its shape)
  • Elementals

        The idea I have for this area is to address the issue of sexuality to characters without gender. but as I said before not even start with this project, new ideas are accepted.

        I changed the subject, I will not only make suggestions, I am currently working on creating images for all creatures in the game, to achieve this goal helped me with a program called Poser and use the model Aiko 3. In general I create all creatures with the only exception of the Sandwitch (although I do not get how to put an extra pair of breasts), by the time I leave two gift creatures I've done.

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Jan 19, 2016
Ok you guys have got to agree with me here Brooke is so fucking hot and sexy we should be able to make her pregnant with our child right guys who else here agrees with me oh and thanks for adding echdinas it bring  back memories of sonic will guys also add a hedgehog race and able to be a hedgehog morph and have a lover close to that of Amy rose or something?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh 3 new locations. Well their look interesting so maybe it would be done someday (nagh I totaly not try discourage as then would say less nice things). Also as long it won't strain suspend of belive more than mode already doing it here and there it would be fine.

Azgol you maybe living somewhere in spain or just happened to live elsewhere and merely having spanish as your native language?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey kitteh just a request could you make it so Anemone hair turns into snake hair when consuming Snake Oil? Hair keeps the same ability as Anemone but race changes to Medusa and maybe with future working grant defrent ability score? Code it the same way snake tongue convert to demonic tongue.

Id like to take the naga route further down
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Liadri t hat idea turned from my least favorite as a lover of anenome  hair to easily in my top 10. that's an awesome concept.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I do think naga could actualy be more then a 3 step transformation the same way other transformations work and medusa do feel like the way to do it.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Ok you guys have got to agree with me here Brooke is so fucking hot and sexy we should be able to make her pregnant with our child right guys who else here agrees with me oh and thanks for adding echdinas it bring  back memories of sonic will guys also add a hedgehog race and able to be a hedgehog morph and have a lover close to that of Amy rose or something?

Sweet heavens it's back



Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Gotta type fast! We have no time for punctuation! Also: What's with some people and Sonic chars?

I enjoy them from time to time without really viewing them as any different from furries. The attraction I imagine operates much the same way. As for their unusual traits... no clue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've once heard it described as being that most people discover the sannic fandom when they are still young and a bit cringey. By the time they've matured into more well adjusted individuals they tend to have moved onto other fandoms. While those who remain are able to get away with staying the same as ever due to a steady influx of new peers at their level of imaturity. 

That isn't neccisarily my stance on the matter. I don't really know much about the sannic fandom since I tend to avoid it and I suppose I can't really judge them fairly because of that. But yeah that description is interesting if accurate. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I love how the moment ideas and mechanics are proposed the community manage to cover it with nonsenses and out of topic talks. The best way to react to a troll isn't to cover the chat with replies but to actualy ignore him and continue as if he never existed while notifying an admin so said troll is removed.

More into the topic about Medusa hair it could also be a transformative made by rathazul and derived from an anemone tentacle and two snake oil.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
I love how the moment ideas and mechanics are proposed the community manage to cover it with nonsenses and out of topic talks. The best way to react to a troll isn't to cover the chat with replies but to actualy ignore him and continue as if he never existed while notifying an admin so said troll is removed.

More into the topic about Medusa hair it could also be a transformative made by rathazul and derived from an anemone tentacle and two snake oil.

While I'll certainly apologize for following the conversation and thus taking part in the momentary derailment, ideas have been coming up a lot on here without being covered in nonsense. I wasn't even aware you wanted to push the topic of snake hair farther.

As for snake hair, it seems less rathazul's territory with his focus on purification (tranforming the pc further seems outside of his wheelhouse) and more something you might get from Lumi. 


New Member
Mar 27, 2016
I have been trying to play this mod for a while now, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I got the latest version of Adobe Flash and yet for some reason it won't work, it keeps saying "class not registered" , any help will be grateful.


Jan 8, 2016
I'm playing on a kindle fire and the saves keep not saving and save to file keeps crashing Flash Game Played. I just downloaded the latest version (1.3.14). Sorry if this has already been addressed but I don't really have the patience to sift through 42 pages of posts. I definitely love this mod though so i'd love to know if  I have to get my fill one new game after another before I get really into it.

And before anyone asks yes FGP is able to save within each game the "CoC in TiTS" mod saves normally (as in I hit the save button not the save to file button) just fine.


Mar 27, 2016
If I were interested in writing content for this, where would I submit it?
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Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
While I'll certainly apologize for following the conversation and thus taking part in the momentary derailment, ideas have been coming up a lot on here without being covered in nonsense. I wasn't even aware you wanted to push the topic of snake hair farther.

As for snake hair, it seems less rathazul's territory with his focus on purification (tranforming the pc further seems outside of his wheelhouse) and more something you might get from Lumi. 

His focus isn't on purification, it's alchemy.  He already has the Taurinium and ProLactaid concoctions in his menu, as well as the various dyes, skin oils, and body lotions.  Adding a new tf recipe would certainly fit his profile.  Lumi on the other hand just boosts the power of various tf's...they don't change from causing one set of effects to adding new effects or causing a different set like Rath does with the Taurinium.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
His focus isn't on purification, it's alchemy.  He already has the Taurinium and ProLactaid concoctions in his menu, as well as the various dyes, skin oils, and body lotions.  Adding a new tf recipe would certainly fit his profile.

Though for specific kinky TF it could be more appropriate for Lumi.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Also to be fair Taurium is a mod added potion. By canon lore Rath is more purification centric. But the mod sort of tosses that out the window in favor of expanding his selection.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It would make sense for taurium to be a Lumi potion. The only reason Rath has it instead is cause he has a more convenient static location. But if Lumi were to be given her own location button like how the goblin salon does then she would be the best vendor for stuff like the medusa hair and taurium. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably not, it's been mentioned a couple of times already that Savin doesn't want his creations to be messed with in the mod.

Yes, sadly. Last thing I remember him saying was he's was going to tie up a few lose ends and remove some scenes that were to lead into other sections of content like helspawn incest and the gnoll hunt with the Hel's family. 

*sigh* sadly no precious daddy daughter time T-T


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Perhaps it's because I had no interest in Helia (no offense to Savin), but what's the big deal with Helspawn? I see her mentioned a LOT when it comes to CoC.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Perhaps it's ecause I had no interest in Helia  (no offense to Savin), but what's the big deal with Helspawn? I see her mentioned a LOT when it comes to CoC.

She lacks end quest content, so fans are dissatisfied that Helspawn doesnt have any intimate scenes. This is mainly due to the fact that Savin doesnt want anyone to alter his creations.

Does anyone remember who the writer for Marble is?
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