CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Great news for y'all! CoC mod is now built on 1.0.2! I've merged the bug fixes from 1.0.2 as well.

And yes, you'll still be able to use lethicite staff. I'll consider adding a way to get one now that Lethice's whip has replaced the lethicite staff.

EDIT: I forgot to implement ascension quest. So in order to ascend in the meantime, just use Camp Actions then Ascend in the meantime.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gunna dream of Lustzerking around as a horny salamander now... oh i wish you got those transformatives out already so badly.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Great news for y'all! CoC mod is now built on 1.0.2! I've merged the bug fixes from 1.0.2 as well.

And yes, you'll still be able to use lethicite staff. I'll consider adding a way to get one now that Lethice's whip has replaced the lethicite staff.

EDIT: I forgot to implement ascension quest. So in order to ascend in the meantime, just use Camp Actions then Ascend in the meantime.

TY, brah!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
ive been dying for a working in game manticore phoenix and salamander

For manticore as revamp mod code is only missing thing to game recognise PC as manticore-morph would be having high enough manticorescore (now without scorpion tail that adds whole 2 pts to it it's really hard also not rewarding it with any bonuses to stats or anything else). phoenix and salamander bot are things that I would say are really close to Savin stuff so I feel those are much 'tender' to touch TF's so kitty maybe is just caucious about working on it atm. But moment salamander TF would be made adapting it to be used in phoenix should be matter of few copy-paste (we already got siren TF that is also another harpy+X species hybryd race like phoenix).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It doesn't take much knowledge to code additional scenes. You can study the source code and see how it works.

Here's an example.

public function exampleScene():void {
//This statement will clear the text on screen.
//These statement will add text. You can add sequences of texts, make sure to put \n\n to make a new paragraph.
outputText("Hello World! I'm an example sentence!");
outputText("\n\nI'm the second paragraph!");
//This will call the function exampleMenu

public function exampleMenu():void {
//This will clear the buttons at bottom of screen.
//These will add buttons. The first argument is position, second argument is text on button, third argument is function.
//Position can be between 0 and 9 in vanilla, 0 and 14 in mod.
addButton(0, "Herpderp", func1);
addButton(1, "ARGUMENTS!", func2, "Argument"); //The fourth argument to addButton is the first argument for the hooked function.
addButton(2, "MOAR ARGS!", func2, "Arg1", "Arg2," 9001); //Fifth and sixth argument will be second and third argument for func2.

It'll take some time for me to get my mod updated. Especially having to accommodate the mod contents.

I had a question iv been meaning to ask iv written and coded a scene for a character in game is like to add to into the game but I don't know how to merg the file into the flash itsel. I used JPEX to write these me in the sample code format you listed above but I'm not really familiar with the software and now my problem now is adding it. Care to help? 

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So quick Question, hope its not to hard to answer, but when you beat the game you can choose to export a file for COC2. I just wanted to know how will files with the mod possibly go to COC2 when it may(or may not) come out?  Love to know which version of the game I should actually focus on for a possible sequel.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So quick Question, hope its not to hard to answer, but when you beat the game you can choose to export a file for COC2. I just wanted to know how will files with the mod possibly go to COC2 when it may(or may not) come out?  Love to know which version of the game I should actually focus on for a possible sequel.

Assuming Kitteh has access to the CoC end-game code, there shouldn't be anything to stop him from setting that up -- the export function shouldn't be super sensitive. Naturally, CoC2 won't take any *new* actions the mod may or may not have created into account, though, so if you want to import from the mod to 2, make sure all your choices regarding the story are within the same parameters that the base game presents, or there's a chance something could get fucked up.

For example (hyptothetically), if Kitteh added an option to UrtaQuest where you murdered Taoth outright in some big boss fight, then doing that would probably glitch shit out if you tried to import to 2 with that data. Or cause your game-state to be reset to whatever "default" choice series we make up for people who don't import. Either/or.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Assuming Kitteh has access to the CoC end-game code, there shouldn't be anything to stop him from setting that up -- the export function shouldn't be super sensitive. Naturally, CoC2 won't take any *new* actions the mod may or may not have created into account, though, so if you want to import from the mod to 2, make sure all your choices regarding the story are within the same parameters that the base game presents, or there's a chance something could get fucked up.

For example (hyptothetically), if Kitteh added an option to UrtaQuest where you murdered Taoth outright in some big boss fight, then doing that would probably glitch shit out if you tried to import to 2 with that data. Or cause your game-state to be reset to whatever "default" choice series we make up for people who don't import. Either/or.

Thanks for clarification Savin. Appreciate it  :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The ending choices in the mod are still the same.

However, the additional choices provided by the mod won't be taken into account for CoC2. Killed corrupted Marae? That won't be accounted. Purified Minerva? Won't be accounted for. So in the best case situation, they'll be reset to default.

The mod uses the flags beyond 2000 so the original flags are left untouched.

However, I'll have to write additional code for backwards compatibility for export. The old factory status effects were replaced with flags in the mod and that might fuck up CoC2 import. Expect some resolution in 1.3.15 as I work to make sure the exported save is compatible. There are the additional TFs in the game like pig TFs, deer TFs, rhino TFs, echidna TFs, and satyr TFs. Beard is also in the game.

3 of the original NPCs can have offsprings that's not available in base game: Minerva, Kiha, and Isabella.

And oh yeah, I might throw in several extra in 1.3.15 that were originally slated for 1.4. And oh yeah, I'm going to buff Lethice to be much harder, including the ability to temporarily disable regeneration.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
However, the additional choices provided by the mod won't be taken into account for CoC2. Killed corrupted Marae? That won't be accounted. 

Oh, yeah, THAT'll bork things for sure since Marae's fate is one of the "cornerstone" decisions that'll likely be used to map out a lot of result-points. That said, if the mod keeps a distinction between her having been corrupted in the first place, and tracks her being dead/alive separately, it might not cause import issues directly if the flags are still the same. Obviously there's a continuity problem, but that's kind of inevitable.

There are the additional TFs in the game like pig TFs, deer TFs, rhino TFs, echidna TFs, and satyr TFs. Beard is also in the game.

While I can't say for sure until CoC2 is basically done, the PC's appearance will probably never come up directly, so as long as Name/Race/Sex gets exported in a way the sequel can read properly, you should be good? I can see [champion.race] or some such coming up occasionally, but since s/he grows old and dies in the epilogue, you can probably wrangle in the PC's appearance in any old way.

Also: mfw the Factory's fate is a status effect.  :magical:  Dat old code, tho. 


New Member
Mar 24, 2016
So I downloaded the newest version and when I try to open the swf file, it tells me "class not registered". I was wondering if anyone else was having this problem/had a solution?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So I downloaded the newest version and when I try to open the swf file, it tells me "class not registered". I was wondering if anyone else was having this problem/had a solution?

Are youusing standalone player?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm using the latest version of adobe flash if that's what you mean since i don't really know computers, I tried re downloading it already in case that had been the issue but to no avail.

You can open it with browser. This usually works best.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
So I'm curious. After defeating Lethice (official version) and recieving the multiple options to either go home, claim fort -> purge or conquer, there's the dialogue that the weather system was restored to Mareth. I wonder if that will be introduced in CoC2 (Fenoxo willing that becomes a thing) or if Kitteh will know of a way to randomly proc rainfall in the game via RNG...
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New Member
Mar 24, 2016
Are youusing standalone player?

I'm using the latest version of adobe flash if that's what you mean since i don't really know computers, I tried re downloading it already in case that had been the issue but to no avail.

You can open it with browser. This usually works best.

Oh if that's what you meant then no, I've been trying to open it with google chrome.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Weather will be introduced to CoC mod once you defeat Lethice.

Here's what will come in 1.3.15:

  • Gentle basilisk anal scene for low corruption. (DONE)
  • Implementation of unused Arian talisman effects. (DONE)
  • Items from Unnamed Text Game. (Heal Pill, Purity Philter, Hummus renamed to Hummanus) (DONE)
  • Some retro scenes from UTG. (DONE)
  • Randomized weather for post-game. The sky will also be changed to have stars at night. (Deferred)
  • New achievements: Off With Her Head!, Ultimate Noob, Nooooooooo! (All shadow, all related to Lethice) (DONE)

    Ultimate Noob will require you to beat Lethice at level 1. It will be under a new section: Challenges.

[*]Lethice's Whip will have its special effects. (DONE)

With the ability to continue playing after Lethice already in the game, it opens up a lot of possibilities, even though the canon cuts off after that point.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Simple interesting thing about lethice whip... beside doing 16 damage wich is lower then most end game weapon does the whip do anything special at all? Id have hoped for the whip to act like an improved version of the succubus whip and deal some lust damage but its actualy just another weapon with weaker stats then jeweled rapier or scarblade... does the weapon scale with corruption?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
... Not as such... though there will be weather other than "forever arid wasteland."

Sounds good!

Weather will be introduced to CoC mod once you defeat Lethice.

Here's what will come in 1.3.15:

  • Gentle basilisk anal scene for low corruption.
  • Implementation of unused Arian talisman effects.
  • Items from Unnamed Text Game. (Heal Pill, Purity Philter, Hummus renamed to Hummanus)
  • Randomized weather for post-game. The sky will also be changed to have stars at night.
  • New achievements: Off With Her Head!, Ultimate Noob, Nooooooooo! (All shadow, all related to Lethice)

    Ultimate Noob will require you to beat Lethice at level 1. It will be under a new section: Challenges.

[*]Lethice's Whip will have its special effects.

With the ability to continue playing after Lethice already in the game, it opens up a lot of possibilities, even though the canon cuts off after that point.

This was the answer I needed, lol. Thanks!!!


Nov 11, 2015
It finally happened!!! I got to have fought Excellia and do her and got a satisfying ending with Lethice. 8/10 to my ratings but I kind of wish we had more options or things to do with both Excellia and Lethice in the end. Might be hoping for something or that they could be in the next CoC2 or future contents. I purified Lethice and i kind of wanted her to be a Lover. Excellia well either like a Lover like Urta or as a slave. Didn’t she had kids with the Minotaur Kings two daughters and two sons? 


New Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, with the new CoC update out from Kitteh :3. What do the new option's do for the main boss in the game? What do the decisions entail?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Honestly i was level 24 and i still nearly lost to lethice so the last thing i hope for is a lethice buff xD


New Member
Oct 7, 2015
Kiha is going to be a confusing to deal with after the final dungeon. Considering a lot of her scenes have something to do with the "we're not ready to fight Lethice yadda yadda" shtick. 

1.3.15 sounds sick. Can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
Was anyone else hoping that you'd get to do something where you get to bring all of your allies (the people living in your campground, the sand witches, Urta and the Tel'Adre guards, etc. with you to storm Lethice's chamber and maybe hold off her followers while you fight her or was it just me?  All throughout the game so many characters talk about how they want to defeat Lethice and in the end they don't get to help out at all.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Was anyone else hoping that you'd get to do something where you get to bring all of your allies (the people living in your campground, the sand witches, Urta and the Tel'Adre guards, etc. with you to storm Lethice's chamber and maybe hold off her followers while you fight her or was it just me?  All throughout the game so many characters talk about how they want to defeat Lethice and in the end they don't get to help out at all.

They get to help.  Not killing her or dominating her.  But in the wrap up. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I'm not sure is anyone notice this bug or not, and I'm also not sure is this bug in the Revamp Mod only or it's in the original one (cause' I see it in the mod), but the damage of FoxFire move is broken, it's only show damage like 6 or 60 when it deals up to 1000 of damage. Can you check this out please


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
Very cool update, i was expecting to see the real ending since the introduction of the Stronghold dungeon xD
For a brief moment i believed that you could have Lethice as either a follower or a lover, i was hoping for it, too bad ç_ç
The ending is very cool even without it though, keep up the good work ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
So has anybody else hoped to use the large lethicite stone you get from the Stone Giant in Lethice's Stronghold to do what Marae's Lethicite can? I mean, the in-game text blatantly states that they are around the same size, so why not mod that stone to get the thorn canopy or the hellfire ability???


Mar 25, 2016
On what version can we expect each transformation (Bat, Echidna, Erlking, Faerie, Hyena, Phoenix, Salamander, Scorpion and Wolf)?