CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think we posted at the same time messed it up. I hit post right as I heard the "new post" bloop sound.

Blasted internets getting all screwy again!

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
I tend to think of games like CoC being omnisexual. Btw, yes, I just made that word up; what of it?

Involving, related to, or characterized by a diverse sexual propensity.

Although knowing that omni means "all" I could've surmised the definition without googling it. I just wanted to show you that it's already a word.

Anyway, yeah, it is. Which is a bummer for people who aren't omnisexual. Hence my suggestions/requests.

Why yes, I do! I have a good memory! :D Now,  are you aware that, in CoC, you could technically be be a lesbian with a cock and a gay with female parts?

Aww, so it's an issue of understanding, not remembering.

Then let me further elaborate.

The gay/lesbian version I'm suggesting doesn't mean that your character is gay/lesbian,
it's referring to the player's preferences.

In other words, a homosexual man likely wouldn't want to play a game with a bunch of Orc/Troll/Demon females raping his character/hitting on him whatever,
and a homosexual woman would likely prefer not to be molested by an Incubus/Minotaur etc.

Make more sense now?

For those who don't like pussy, or those who don't like dick- those who prefer one or the other, and not both.

Get it? Hopefully that was a better explanation :D

(Resubmitted because for whatever reason it was a little wonky last time)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
CoC has a male as the sole orc and both incubi and succubi are featured. Sadly, there are no trolls or actual lacta bovines yet. But what I mean is that being homosexual doesn't really have to do with whatever you have between your legs in this game. Or elsewhere, for that matter: as a cuntboy enthusiast, I feel a bit down when, during my F-list weekly checks, every one of them is looking for a male to "breed them". :p

Either way... it'd be a ton of work. Not that it'd be nice if you could get exactly what you want.

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
CoC has a male as the sole orc and both incubi and succubi are featured. Sadly, there are no trolls or actual lacta bovines yet. But what I mean is that being homosexual doesn't really have to do with whatever you have between your legs in this game. Or elsewhere, for that matter: as a cuntboy enthusiast, I feel a bit down when, during my F-list weekly checks, every one of them is looking for a male to "breed them". :p

Either way... it'd be a ton of work. Not that it'd be nice if you could get exactly what you want.

Being homosexual means that you enjoy those of the same sex, and not the opposite sex. It has everything to do with what's between your legs and what you like to see between the legs of others.

To enjoy both male and female genitalia makes you a bisexual or a pansexual or an omnisexual etc. which is a completely separate set of sexual orientations.

Orcs could be female, lactating male bovines are an absolute must (considering there's that cow lady in the plains who ends up having a significant impact on the player's progress and bad ends, there would need to be a male version of her) and in the gay version succubuses would either be removed or replaced with Incubuses.

At any rate, here's some sample text, as promised:

"You slog through the shifting sands for a long time, not really seeming to get that close. Just when you’re about to give up, you crest a large dune and come upon the walls of the city you saw before. It’s definitely NOT a mirage. There are sandstone walls at least fifty feet tall ringing the entire settlement, and the only entrance you can see is a huge gate with thick wooden doors. The entrance appears to be guarded by a male gray fox who’s more busy sipping on something from a bottle than watching the desert.

As if detecting your thoughts, he drops the bottle and pulls out a halberd much longer than he is tall.

“Hold it!” barks the fox, his dark gray fur bristling in suspicion at your sudden appearance, “What’s your business in the city of Tel’Adre?”

You shrug and explain that you know nothing about this town, and just found it while exploring the desert. The man stares at you skeptically for a moment and then blows a shrill whistle. He orders loudly, “No sudden moves.”

Deciding you’ve nothing to lose by complying, you stand there, awaiting whatever reinforcements this handsome and intimidating vulpine-man has summoned. Within the minute, a relatively large-chested centaur emerges from a smaller door cut into the gate, holding a massive bow with an arrow already nocked.

“What’s the problem, Urtan? A demon make it through the barrier?” asks the imposing horse-man.

Urtan the fox shakes his head, replying, “I don’t think so, Edryn. He’s something else. We should use the crystal and see if he’s fit to be allowed entry to Tel’Adre.”

You watch the big centaur cautiously as he pulls out a pendant, and approaches you. “Hold still,” he says, “this will do you no harm.”

He places one hand on your shoulder and holds the crystal in the other. His eyes close, but his brow knits as he focuses on something. The crystal shines a pale white light. Edryn steps back and smiles broadly at you and says, “You’ve yet to be ruined by the demonic taint that suffuses the land of Mareth. Come, you may enter our city walls and find safety here, though only so long as the covenant’s white magic protects us from the demons' lapdogs.”

Urtan gestures towards the smaller door and asks, “Would you like a tour of Tel’Adre, newcomer?”

You remember your etiquette and nod, thankful to have a quick introduction to such a new place. Urtan leaves Edryn to watch the gate and leads you inside. You do notice his gait is a bit odd, and his fluffy fox-tail seems to be permanently wrapped around his right leg. The door closes behind you easily as you step into the city of Tel’Adre...

Urtan leads you into the streets of Tel’Adre, giving you a brief run-down of himself and his city, “You see, about two decades back, the demons were chewing their way through every settlement and civilization in Mareth. The covenant, a group of powerful magic-users, realized direct confrontation was doomed to fail. They hid us in the desert with their magic, and the demons can’t corrupt what they can’t find. So we’re safe, for now.”

The two of you find yourselves in the center of a busy intersection. Urtan explains that this is the main square of the city, and that, although the city is large, a good portion of it remains empty. Much of the population left to assist other settlements in resisting the demons and was lost. He brushes a lock of stray hair from his eye and guides you down the road, making sure to point out his favorite pub - “The Wet Bastard”. You blush at the rather suggestive name as Urtan turns around and says, “With how things are, we’ve all gotten a lot more comfortable with our sexuality. I hope it doesn’t bother you.”

A bit further on, you’re shown a piercing parlor, apparently another favorite of Urtan’s. A cute human boy with cat-like ears peeks out the front and gives you both a friendly wave. It’s so strange to see so many people together in one place, doing things OTHER than fucking. The whole thing makes you miss your hometown more than ever. Tears come to your eyes unbidden, and you wipe them away, glad to at least have this one reminder of normalcy. Urtan politely pretends not to notice, though the tail he keeps wrapped around his leg twitches as he wraps up the tour.

He gives you a friendly punch on the shoulder and says, “Okay, gotta go! Be good and stay out of trouble, alright?”

Before you can answer, he’s taken off back down the street, probably stopping off at 'The Wet Bastard' for a drink. Strange, his departure was rather sudden..."

I changed Urta's name in an attempt to make it more masculine, along with the name of the Pub.

Really, creating male versions of each character isn't necessarily all that hard- just switch she to he, her to him, hers to his, herself to himself, cute to intimidating, alluring to virile...etc. etc. etc.

"Tel’Adre is a massive city, though most of its inhabitants tend to hang around the front few city blocks. It seems the fall of Mareth did not leave the city of Tel’Adre totally unscathed. A massive tower rises up in the center of the city, shimmering oddly. From what you overhear in the streets, the covenant’s magic-users slave away in that tower, working to keep the city veiled from outside dangers. There does not seem to be a way to get into the unused portions of the city, but you’ll keep your eyes open.

A sign depicting a burly centaur covered in piercings hangs in front of one of the sandstone buildings, and bright pink lettering declares it to be the 'Piercing Studio'. You glance over and see the wooden facade of Urtan’s favorite bar, 'The Wet Bastard'. How strange that those would be what he talks about during a tour. In any event you can also spot some kind of wolf-man banging away on an anvil in a blacksmith’s stand, and a foppishly-dressed dog-man with large floppy ears seems to be running some kind of pawnshop in his stand. Steam boils from the top of a dome-shaped structure near the far end of the street, and simple lettering painted on the dome proclaims it to be a bakery. Perhaps those shops will be interesting as well."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sexuality can't be reduced to genitalia. Liking males might mean you like masculine shapes regardless of their intimates, and a male won't stop being a male because he suddenly grew a vagina or breasts. Not that cuntboys and breasted males are kinks of their own. Myself, I'm a straight female IRL, but I like (in games) female herms because because female ones have penises and male ones are, well, guys with an extra slit. just like how I am not into twinks or femboys becase there's a straight line between being a pretty boy and look like a female.

Lore wise, the race was once divided in lacta bovines and pre-minotaurs, so male "lacta bovines" would break canon unless you handwaved it with "demon magic!" or else.

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
Sexuality can't be reduced to genitalia. Liking males might mean you like masculine shapes regardless of their intimates, and a male won't stop being a male because he suddenly grew a vagina or breasts. Not that cuntboys and breasted males are kinks of their own. Myself, I'm a straight female IRL, but I like (in games) female herms because because female ones have penises and male ones are, well, guys with an extra slit. just like how I am not into twinks or femboys because there's a straight line between being a pretty boy and look like a female.

Lore wise, the race was once divided in lacta bovines and pre-minotaurs, so male "lacta bovines" would break canon unless you handwaved it with "demon magic!" or else.

Perhaps for you it can't be reduced to that, but for some people that's exactly what it is.

Even the words "female" "pussy" "boobs" "cunt" etc. are enough to make me frigid.

I'm not alone in that manner either, although perhaps only a few people are as turned off by the female gender as I am...
I imagine most just ignore those parts or brush them off and get to the parts they like.

As for the lacta bovines and pre-minotaurs, I'm afraid I'm not all too familiar with the lore or even what those are...
oddly enough, despite playing for years I've never truly gotten that deep into the endgame and sometimes I just play for awhile and then start over, and then start over again...

Perhaps the male version of whoever that feeder cow is WAS cursed by a demon to lactate (or ate something funny, as that tends to happen...)


Mar 27, 2016
Sexuality is a little harder to define than just vagina/penis.

For example...

This: NSFW, naturally.

If you chose vaginas, you'd get an obviously masculine man with a vagina, and if you're a lesbian who likes curves, then choosing the options of "vaginas only" still gives you him. Same with "dicks only", you get the girl.

My input is that I am more attracted to masculinity, so I would have sex with the man, even though he has a vagina. However, if both were to be implemented in the game, I would not mind the girl; I would just skip over her parts.

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
"You approach the bakery, but it appears to be sunk below the street level. The entrance isn’t even a set of doors – it’s a double-wide ramp that takes you below ground level. The passage leads directly into the bakery’s interior, allowing unobstructed traffic to flow in and out from the cozy, underground building. The smell of yeasty bread, sweet treats, and fluffy snacks seems to even permeate the bricks of this place. If it were shut down, you have no doubt it would smell delicious for weeks if not months. You get in line and look at the menu while you wait.

A cute human boy moves from table to table, bussing the empty ones and serving drinks to the occupied. He’s pretty flat chested, and wears a pink and white busboy uniform. When he turns his back to you, you can tell he’s not entirely human, what with the long red spaded tail slipping out from a strategically placed slit in his pants.

You see a bubblegum-pink boy at the bakery, walking around and eagerly trying to hand out fliers to people. His “uniform” is a yellow bikini brief. If this didn’t make him stand out from the crowd then his hair certainly would; it’s a big, poofy, curly, dark pink mess that reaches down to his ass with a huge cupcake hat sitting on top.

You approach the pink boy and as he sees you walking towards him, he immediately makes a beeline for you. Before you know it, the boy is right in front of you, jamming one of his fliers right in your face and speaking fast and hyperactivily to you. “Hello sir, would you like to come to ‘Frosty Cake’s Cupcake stand’? I’m Frosty- Nice to meet you- I recently opened a sweets-stand and can’t wait to have loyal customers such as you coming to my stand every day and buying all kinds of super delicious cupcakes!” You have to take a step back to process everything he just blurted out; you also take the flyer from him just so he stops pushing it against your face. “So do you wanna come to my stand, do ya, do ya, do ya!?” You answer him with an uncertain “yes”, still wondering what he just said.

However, you can’t think for long as he grabs you by the hand to lead and whisk you out the front door of the bakery and to his food-stand that is just outside. It’s a tiny little booth, decorated in bright happy colors and streamers. A sign on the front reads:
“Frosty Cake’s Cupcake Stand!!!!” in a bubbly rainbow colored chalk writing. He positions you right in front of it and jumps over the counter to the cashier side of it. “Hello customer, how may I help you? My first customer!” The last part comes out as a whispered squeal that doesn’t do much to hide his excitement.

You both share a moment of silence, his big pink eyes looking at you with a hopeful smile, then he looks down at the counter and sees it’s empty. Letting out a little “eep” he quickly ducks down under the counter, coming back up with a bunch of silver platter displays with glass lids, so you can see the tasty cupcakes on the inside, and in a blur the displays are organized right in front of you. All sorts of cupcakes are displayed with various frostings, toppings, colorful wrappings and all different kinds of flavors. Your mouth is just watering as your eyes wander across this colorful display of cupcakes but quickly dries up as your gaze comes to rest upon the pricing for these delicacies.

“30 GEMS A CUPCAKE!!!” Your shock causes you to yell this outrageous price out loud.

“Well duh-” he crosses his eyes with that last word. “-how else do you think the bakery would let someone run a stand outside their store, I give them 10% of my profits and they let me run this booth.” His explanation still makes you uncertain whether you should buy a cupcake or not and it shows like marker written across your face. He sees your look of uncertainty and now looks a bit hurt at your hesitance, but he does see where you’re coming from.

“Well, sir, I was thinking of a new business plan last night. You could... be a... beta tester for it. All you have to do is sign these agreement papers.”

He recklessly makes room on the counter to drop down a huge stack of papers with a loud pound and, with a flick of his wrist, a pen appears in his hand, being held up to your face with zeal. Whoa whoa whoa, you at least would like to know what you’re getting into before you sign any piece of paper.

“To be simple: You get to fuck me.”

With how bluntly he said that you probably would have spat a mouthful of water if you had some. How could he be so comfortable with that idea and seem so innocent too.

“Oh you couldn’t tell? I’m a Nymph.”

He brushes his big pink hair to the back of his ear and you can see it’s long and pointed.

“I’m surprised you couldn’t tell earlier, look at me, I’m just so adorable.”

He stands up to show off his “adorable” features. The cupcake hat didn’t make you see him as someone who was interested, or even knew, about sex but now that he’s giving you a display of his “sweets” you can see past the ridiculous thing now. He wears short-heeled sandals that lend a little swag to his step, his legs are long and elegant like a dancer. He does a little twirl and you get a quick glance at his gum pink bubble butt. Your gaze wanders up across his toned stomach and stops at his flat breasts; nipples a slightly darker pink, you feel strangely compelled to pinch them.

“Do we have a deal?” he waves a hand next to his chest to bring your attention back to his face.

Being rewarded with sex for buying cupcakes, what could be better? You take the pen from Frosty’s hand and ask where to sign. He lets out a joyful “YAY!” and does a little jump in the air. He zooms back behind the stand and points at the lines where your name, last name, initials, date of birth, mother’s maiden name and even your pet’s name should be written. You sign all these areas until you’re finally on the last page of the contract. Thank goodness too, your hand is beginning to cramp up. You put the pen down and rub your wrist. Frosty spins the stack a 180° with the tip of his finger, does a quick flipping through the papers, nods his head, puts the stack in a lock-box under the counter and pops back up.

“Congratulations! You are now a beta tester in Frosty’s “Sweets and Sex” program. Here are the basics:
1. You get a 20% discount on all final purchases.
2. You get a point for each cupcake you buy.
3. You can use these points to buy from my “special” menu.
4. What points you use are, of course, subtracted from your total of points.
That’s all ya need to know, can’t wait to see you around to buy some tasty cupcakes and maybe give me a creampie!” he gives you a wink as you walk away, hoping you know what you got yourself into. Before you get too far, you hear Frosty calling your name. You turn around and see him running up to you, waving an arm out.

“I forgot to mention, customers who join the beta got one free sample of my services but the offer is only good right after you join... so right now.”

Do you accept?

You follow Frosty to his booth. He goes behind the counter and spins the menu with his fingertip and stops it with the palm of his hand. He goes back to his business while you look over the menu. The lettering and style of it has changed into something more appealing and seductive.

“One banana-licking comin' right up.“ You roll your eyes at the comment as Frosty blurs away her display then vaults over the counter with ease and is suddenly behind you. You quickly turn around just as he pushes your backside against her stand and falls to his knees. He’s about to pull the lower half your full-body chainmail off but decides not to. You wonder what he’s going to do as he stretches his jaw and sticks out his tongue for a few minutes. After he’s done with that, he cracks his neck and looks at your pants, like it’s a challenge. Then, in an instant, he’s able to undo your full-body chainmail with just his tongue and teeth and has you standing waist-down naked. Now you have second thoughts of having any of your naughty bits near that mouth.

Just before Frosty starts his mouth sex, he raises a finger up like he’s remembering something and quickly crawls around to the back of the booth, wiggling his tush in the air. You hear him rummaging under the counter and then he’s suddenly back in front of you; did he even crawl back around? In his hands is a yellow bottle shaped like a bee-boy and a thin black rope. He plops back down on his ass and holds the black rope up and tells you what it’s for.

“Sometimes I forget to not use my hands when I do this, so I tie them behind my back. And the honey... well,” he giggles “you’ll find out soon.”

He takes a deep swig of the bee-boy bottle, pooling up the honey in both his cheeks. He swishes it around in there and then gulps down a portion of the honey, though you can tell there’s still some of it left in his mouth. Now he’s putting both hands behind his back, one with the black rope in it. His hands fiddle around there; one of his eyes is closed and his tongue sticks out between his lips as she tries to figure out how to tie himself up, but like the polar opposite of Houdini, he’s able to entrap himself in the most impossible way.

“See, nice and tight, just like my little pink pucker.” he does a little side-turn to show you his work. Both hands are tightly bound to each other with a complicated knot holding them there. If you hadn’t seen it, you wouldn’t believe he did this to himself.

“Now let’s get this party started!”

His honey-soaked tongue runs laps up and down your fair-sized prick, doing an extra few licks around your sensitive crown. His pink eyes look dreamily at it as he does so, covering your cock in his honey-spit mix. Your dick pulses with every lap of his tongue, wanting to plunge the whole way down his tight hot throat. He catches on to what you want and pulls back to open his mouth wide for you to see inside.

Stings of honey connect the roof of his mouth to his soft tongue and other tiny strings fall from his teeth, his mouth looks like the inside of a honey bee hive, all wet and sticky. Your ample cock eagerly throbs at this sight. He closes his mouth and smiles at you. Then his pink lips pucker up, giving him a blowjob face. He wraps them around your tip and circles his tongue around the head. You moan in satisfaction as you place a hand on top of his curly hair, giving him some guidance on where his tongue should be. The lip-seal around your cock loosens and Frosty has his mouth opened wide, your head just sitting on top of her honey soaked tongue. It takes you a moment to realize what he is doing or to put it in better words: What he wants you to do.

You put both hands behind his head and ram your cock down his throat, causing a streak of honey to shoot out the corner of his mouth. You hold your cock down his throat, feeling it's hot sticky honey-walls constrict around it as he wiggles his tongue on the underside, honey drooling out. You hear, or more likely feel, him trying to talk as his throat vibrates with speech and hot air travels through it. You pull your prick out of his mouth with a pop, Frosty doesn’t even look like he just had a dick in his throat, he looks like he normally does except for the spit and honey-mix glistening on his chest.

“Nymphs are made to be fucked Cody, you can be as rough as you want and I’ll smile and take it. Just for a loyal customer like you.”

“Made to be fucked...” Let’s see how true that is. You shove your cock back down his throat and bob his head up and down your ample shaft’s shaft, forcing him to make loud wet slurping noises every time you pull his head back. He seems more uncomfortable from having his head tossed back and forth than from a dick being thrusting down his throat.

He starts massaging the underside of your cock with his tongue, moving it in waves, hoping this will make you cum sooner and stop treating his head like a ball but just like a ball, when you let go of his head he continues to slurp up and down on your cock. You lean back, relax and enjoy this delicious mouth-fucking. His wet noises are like sweet pleasurable music to your ears. You let his mouth bring you to the edge of climax and when you feel like you’re about to blow your load, you shove your dick in as far as you can and deposit all your cream directly down his throat, thrusting your well-formed thighs a little in the afterglow.

You let go of Frosty and he slides his mouth off your cock, a trail of gooey honey still connecting his lips to your head. He sits there dazed, looking more dizzy than short of breath. “Oh! Look at the little birdies flying around my head.” he looks wondrously at nothing over his head while trying to keep his balance as his head moves in circles. His eyes locks onto one “birdie” and his spinning head tries to follow it. He keeps tracking it until he turns a full 180 degrees and sees that a queue of customers have formed behind him and he is now face-to-horse cock with one of the more “happier” ones. He lets out an “eep” and quickly worms his way behind his stand.

You hear him nomming on something and a “blah” of disgust. “I hate black licorice... ahhh...” You hear him mutter, then he pops back up to set himself on display in less than a second. The customer pushes you aside and asks about “getting some of what you got.”

 “Well, all you have to do is sign here and you’ll get a free sample of my services...” "

- and with that, I'm done for the night...maybe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jayk's point is what I wanted to bring. That, and "gating contents is a bad idea".

Perhaps for you it can't be reduced to that, but for some people that's exactly what it is.

Even the words "female" "pussy" "boobs" "cunt" etc. are enough to make me frigid.

I'm not alone in that manner either, although perhaps only a few people are as turned off by the female gender as I am...
I imagine most just ignore those parts or brush them off and get to the parts they like.

As for the lacta bovines and pre-minotaurs, I'm afraid I'm not all too familiar with the lore or even what those are...
oddly enough, despite playing for years I've never truly gotten that deep into the endgame and sometimes I just play for awhile and then start over, and then start over again...

In that case, you're not attracted to a sexuality, but genitalia.

I can't say i like those words either. Well, I have nothing against "female" :p

You are not the only one who uses mental barriers when confronted with smut contents you're not interested in, IRL wise.

Lore is what has to be kept story wise, even on a mod. Now, it's true that the various codex bits are not in the game, unlike TiTS', and I can't remember if any NPC does talk about the old bovine race.

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
Sexuality is a little harder to define than just vagina/penis.

For example...

This: NSFW, naturally.

If you chose vaginas, you'd get an obviously masculine man with a vagina, and if you're a lesbian who likes curves, then choosing the options of "vaginas only" still gives you him. Same with "dicks only", you get the girl.

My input is that I am more attracted to masculinity, so I would have sex with the man, even though he has a vagina. However, if both were to be implemented in the game, I would not mind the girl; I would just skip over her parts.

Pardon me for not having a more complicated and nuanced sexuality. We can't all be pan/bi/omniseuxals.

Hence why I'm suggesting a toggle/different version for those whose sexuality ISN'T harder to define.

Do you understand now? :(

Jayk's point is what I wanted to bring. That, and "gating contents is a bad idea".

In that case, you're not attracted to a sexuality, but genitalia.

I can't say i like those words either. Well, I have nothing against "female" :p

You are not the only one who uses mental barriers when confronted with smut contents you're not interested in, IRL wise.

Lore is what has to be kept story wise, even on a mod. Now, it's true that the various codex bits are not in the game, unlike TiTS', and I can't remember if any NPC does talk about the old bovine race.

It's not a mental barrier. It's just innate unrestrained preference. Like and dislike.

Also, can you tell me the lore on the bovine race? Where can I find it? Obviously I'd need to look it up and see exactly what the deal is so I can make it conform with the lore when I do get around to that part.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also, can you tell me the lore on the bovine race? Where can I find it? Obviously I'd need to look it up and see exactly what the deal is so I can make it conform with the lore when I do get around to that part.

There you go. Also, it seems you're in luck. The lacta bovine article says what follows: "Although all lacta bovines are born female, transformative potions can cause a male or genderless individual to become essentially a lacta bovine but without the female parts. A lacta bovine who is male or genderless with small or flat breasts, is referred to as a cow-boi."

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
There you go. Also, it seems you're in luck. The lacta bovine article says what follows: "Although all lacta bovines are born female, transformative potions can cause a male or genderless individual to become essentially a lacta bovine but without the female parts. A lacta bovine who is male or genderless with small or flat breasts, is referred to as a cow-boi."

Beautiful. The male counterpart had transformatives used on him then.

I'm working on converting the text from the Goblin encounter at the moment.

Here's what I have so far:

"You are fighting the goblin: 
The goblin before you is a typical example of his species, with dark green skin, pointed ears, and purple hair that would look more at home on a punk-rocker. He’s only about three feet tall and thus his weight shows more prominently, a thick waist and manboobs that would entice any of the men in your village. There isn’t a single scrap of clothing on him, just lewd leather straps and a few clinking pouches. He does sport quite a lot of piercings – the most noticeable being large studs hanging from his purple nipples. His eyes are fiery red, and practically glow with lust. This one isn’t going to be satisfied until he has his way with you. It shouldn’t be too hard to subdue such a fat little creature, right?

You see he is in perfect health. 

The goblin bends over, putting on a show and jiggling his bulbous ass at you. He looks over his shoulder and sucks on his finger, leering at you suggestively. The display distracts you long enough to prevent you from taking advantage of his awkward pose, leaving you more than a little flushed.

The goblin falls down, smashing his mantits flat on the ground and crying softly from the pain. He looks up at you with fear in his eyes..."

I haven't gotten around to translating the sex scene yet because I keep letting out my lust on the Imps *blush*

Thoughts? lol

Oh, right, forgot to say, thank ya! :D  for the lore.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're welcome. Now I wonder if there could be female imps and male goblins...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It ain't bad dude. :)  Also, I do sort of like male goblins a lot, so I've been writing the first follower whom I named Trevor. Excuse my art prowers since well... All I got is pencil, paper, and my phone for pictures.

Trevor the Goblin.jpg


Mar 27, 2016
Pardon me for not having a more complicated and nuanced sexuality. We can't all be pan/bi/omniseuxals.

Hence why I'm suggesting a toggle/different version for those whose sexuality ISN'T harder to define.

Do you understand now? :(

My point was, how do you create a toggle when those situations arise? Vagina toggle includes the man, penis toggle includes the girl, and maybe the person who wants vagina toggle is girls only, not guys with vaginas.

That is an actual thing in CoC. Katherine, Urta, literally all of the herms... funnily enough, I've never seen a vagina man in CoC (ass, vagina, masculine parts). 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I don't think there's a maleherm in the game either. Well, besides the houndmaster guy, but that's only for a bad end, and you don't really do stuff with him.

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
My point was, how do you create a toggle when those situations arise? Vagina toggle includes the man, penis toggle includes the girl, and maybe the person who wants vagina toggle is girls only, not guys with vaginas.

That is an actual thing in CoC. Katherine, Urta, literally all of the herms... funnily enough, I've never seen a vagina man in CoC (ass, vagina, masculine parts). 

Oh my word, are we still on this? :(  my head hurts.

I've been trying to do my best to explain this as best I can but now I'm getting kinda irritated,
so pardon me if I seem snappy...

Gay version/toggle has all male characters and only male characters. No women. No hermaphrodites.
The Lesbian version/toggle has all female. No men. No hermaphrodites.

- and then there was the third version/toggle which would have all hermaphrodites. No men. No women.

Simple enough? :( I hope so, I don't wanna be unsavory to people on my first day, but nobody likes having to repeat themselves over and over. Right? Fair nuff?


Mar 27, 2016
Okay. Now that you have that clearly defined, since it wasn't before, the question changes.

The new question is, what do you define as male? As female?

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
Okay. Now that you have that clearly defined, since it wasn't before, the question changes.

The new question is, what do you define as male? As female?

I am absolutely certain I was very clear, but nonetheless, glad you're finally on the same page.

As for what I define as a male? Are you one of THOSE types? The anti-gender binary keyboard warriors?

I'm really not in the mood for that, tonight or ever.

Male is male. Female is female. Hermaphrodite is hermaphrodite. Genderless is genderless. It's all very self explanatory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think it's rather quite simple:

Male = Penis (Y) Balls (Y) Vagina (N) Breasts (Flat)

Female = Penis (N) Balls (N) Vagina (Y) Breasts (A or bigger)

Herms are the only really questionable standard here since most people's definition of herm/futa/etc. tend to blur the line between each. In my opinion, a herm (fore instance) can either have balls or not, but must have both penis and vagina. Official or more educated definitions may differ.

Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
I think it's rather quite simple:

Male = Penis (Y) Balls (Y) Vagina (N) Breasts (Flat)

Female = Penis (N) Balls (N) Vagina (Y) Breasts (A or bigger)

Herms are the only really questionable standard here since most people's definition of herm/futa/etc. tend to blur the line between each. In my opinion, a herm (fore instance) can either have balls or not, but must have both penis and vagina. Official or more educated definitions may differ.

Basically, although a nod to can lactate, some are born able, and I don't think that makes them herm.

As for size, mine are bigger than As already. I didn't call myself Lazy Fatboy for nothing, hehe.

I really do think it's more about what's between the legs.


Mar 27, 2016
I am absolutely certain I was very clear, but nonetheless, glad you're finally on the same page.

As for what I define as a male? Are you one of THOSE types? The anti-gender binary keyboard warriors?

I'm really not in the mood for that, tonight or ever.

Male is male. Female is female. Hermaphrodite is hermaphrodite. Genderless is genderless. It's all very self explanatory.

Even if I were one of "those types", your response is incredibly aggressive. You were not clear, you just stated penis or vagina, and then when given a counterexample, expected everyone to realize what you meant. Luckily for you, I am not one of those. I am simply a gay man, if that tickles your fancy of knowing. Of course I could be lying and actually be a genderfluid mayonnaise alien shadowfox-kin, naturally, but if you think I am then you've got problems.

The question simply was, what do you define as male? As female? From a coding standpoint, or potentially in reality.

Sacredferro got it, though I was asking of your definition. For his example, I would change (Flat) to (A or smaller) since the character creation for male does accept that A is an acceptable breast size for men.

Back to the CoC Revamp mod; can there be a Satyr Sons stat in the menu, like the "Children with Tamani" one? Might be interesting seeing how many times Andy knocks you up or you've been knocked up in general.
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Lazy Fatboy

Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
Even if I were one of "those types", your response is incredibly aggressive. You were not clear, you just stated penis or vagina, and then when given a counterexample, expected everyone to realize what you meant. Luckily for you, I am not one of those. I am simply a gay man, if that tickles your fancy of knowing. Of course I could be lying and actually be a genderfluid mayonnaise alien shadowfox-kin, naturally, but if you think I am then you've got problems.

The question simply was, what do you define as male? As female? From a coding standpoint, or potentially in reality.

Sacredferro got it, though I was asking of your definition. For his example, I would change (Flat) to (A or smaller) since the character creation for male does accept that A is an acceptable breast size for men.

Penis and XY Chromosome? Male.
Vagina and XX Chromosome? Female.
Combo of both? Herm.

Got surgery because you weren't satisfied with your gender at birth?
Transexual who was born as ___ and identifies as ___

It's not calculus.

As for breast size:
your man tits could be slapping the floor and leaking viscous white fluids,
it holds no relevance.

There are medications that lead to men and boys developing mammaries, and estrogen levels tend to get higher as men gain weight and a variety of other factors that lead to having A+ breast sizes and/or lactation. If you have a penis though, you're a guy.

Even if for whatever reason your penis has been cut off *ouch* as has happened, then you're still a male.

Unless you got it cut off on purpose or otherwise surgically altered because your gender identity didn't align with your natural sex, in which case, again, you're a transexual.


Mar 27, 2016
Okay, so by your definitions, the penis girl above is male, and the vagina man is female. Good to know.