CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Will you add hellhounds as pets as it was to be according to wiki so that you can own like a hellhound pin? Plz:)

well there is an unfinished hellhound companion project but under normal circumstances a hellhound won't play pet to a non demon like the pc.

There are exceptions but the lore makes it hard for you make a hellhound harem


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the codex doesn't say they bow down to demons, but rather people who are powerful and corrupt enough. Perhaps, that would mean a hellhound would be recruitable if the Champion's corruption and stats are over, say, 75.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the codex doesn't say they bow down to demons, but rather people who are powerful and corrupt enough. Perhaps, that would mean a hellhound would be recruitable if the Champion's corruption and stats are over, say, 75.

Well this is based info I'd gathered when i took the various parts of the hellhound companion project and put them all together.

Still the exception does exist as the hellhound companion falls into the category of hellhounds willing to follow a non demon. I was just pointing ut that its rare 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I assume you have much more information than I do, which was why I wanted to be corrected. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think seen somewhere in hellhound follower part about how corruption affecting bond with him. As in, the more corrupt PC, the better bond and if more pure than weaker to point it break (think some below 40 corruption).


Aug 27, 2015
Will this mod be added to the online version ever?


Nor will it be mentioned on blog

Fen knows that sci-fi is unpopular compared to fantasy so he will never mention CoC again


New Member
Sep 24, 2015
hi sorry to be a bother but whenever i get a bad end and i click gameover nothing happens is there no more new game plus?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
hi sorry to be a bother but whenever i get a bad end and i click gameover nothing happens is there no more new game plus?

Difficulty level, maybe. Easy and Normal allows you to continue from bad ends, I think. Is it the same bad end or various ones? What buttons show up for you when you hit a bad end? Because I'm pretty sure you should have more than one option from what I can remember off the top of my head. Admittedly, I haven't hit a bad end in forever, so my memory is a bit cloudy on that subject.

Also, when you mentioned NG+, you're not referring to what happens after the final fight, are you? Because technically NG+ is only available once you've finished D3 and has nothing to do with bad ends since it's handled differently.


Aug 30, 2015
Understand. Good luck. (⌒▽⌒)☆
Many thanks Rycharde! It went alright, eye is fairly bloody and had dye injected into me but all good. Resting at a relatives house.

Splitting headaches aside I did some Crocodile TF item stuff - very early stuff - I got tail, scales and face down, working on the feet, ears and male parts (a bit stumped on descriptions  ¬¬ ) They will be drafted up in a bit.

Have a look if you wish, feedback always welcomed!


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
I'd like to apologize in advance if this has been addressed and I'm simply not finding it, but I notice on the wiki page it mentions that in ingnam it should be possible to do various jobs with levels to them but the only one I can find is working at the farm which has no levels. Am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'd like to apologize in advance if this has been addressed and I'm simply not finding it, but I notice on the wiki page it mentions that in ingnam it should be possible to do various jobs with levels to them but the only one I can find is working at the farm which has no levels. Am I missing something?

Not really... Well yes.  B|  Those are additions that Kitteh is working on. Due to him doing university thang he had to put that back to version 1.4. We are currently working on snapshots of 1.3. The full version 1.3 should be out in a few weeks... We do have few small projects still to put in. I will look at that Ingnam page seeing if I can make it clearer. 

Hope that helps and thanx for pointing that Ingnam thing out.


EDIT: Did a rewrite on Ingnam's page. Take a look.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015

Not really... Well yes.  B|  Those are additions that Kitteh is working on. Due to him doing university thang he had to put that back to version 1.4. We are currently working on snapshots of 1.3. The full version 1.3 should be out in a few weeks... We do have few small projects still to put in. I will look at that Ingnam page seeing if I can make it clearer. 

Hope that helps and thanx for pointing that Ingnam thing out.


EDIT: Did a rewrite on Ingnam's page. Take a look.

Oh yeah that's a huge help. Thanks. Sorry for misunderstanding that. I've been playing with the latest snapshot and I have to say it's incredible what you've done for the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Oh yeah that's a huge help. Thanks. Sorry for misunderstanding that. I've been playing with the latest snapshot and I have to say it's incredible what you've done for the game.

I haven't anything for the game... Yet... The credit goes to Kitteh and crew (that HAVE done a lot).

Soon some of my work will it the "screen". ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sorry about not replying.

Anyways, rhino TF is fully coded along with new special attack. Fur colour will also be implemented.

Attribute modifiers of rhino-morphs:

  • Strength: +15
  • Toughness: +15
  • Speed: -10
  • Intelligence: -10
  • Special ability: Upheaval (Physical special, damage based on strength, toughness, and speed but comes from strength mainly.)
Anyways, I've been playing RuneScape lately, all thanks to double XP weekend. #NoXPWaste

I'd like to apologize in advance if this has been addressed and I'm simply not finding it, but I notice on the wiki page it mentions that in ingnam it should be possible to do various jobs with levels to them but the only one I can find is working at the farm which has no levels. Am I missing something?

At the moment, only the farm job is implemented. Ingnam revamp will come in 1.4 due to how massive the expansion is going to be.

hi sorry to be a bother but whenever i get a bad end and i click gameover nothing happens is there no more new game plus?

You can continue from bad end at the cost of the following penalties:

  • You lose 2% of your current attributes, rounded up. On hard, nightmare, and extreme, you lose 3%, 4%, and 5% respectively.
  • You lose 10% of your gems. On extreme difficulty, this is increased to 25%.
  • You lose 10% of your XP progression to level up. On extreme difficulty, this will set you back 25%. (Percentage of XP required to level up, not current XP)
New Game+ had been removed from bad ends. The ability to continue is a compensation. You cannot continue from bad end if you're playing in Hardcore Mode. (Your save file gets deleted when bad end happens in hardcore mode)

To start New Game+, defeat Lethice and ascend. Before you ascend, go to the throne room and grab lethicite armor, the best armour for corrupt characters. Then you can choose to fight Marae for divine bark plates, the best armour for pure characters. At their maximum potential, they offer 30 defense.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
[...] go to the throne room and grab lethicite armor [...] Then you can choose to fight Marae for divine bark plates, the best armour for pure characters. [...]

So to get the best armor for a pure Champion is to do one of the highest corruptible things in the game, killing Marae for her bark armor? (Never have killed Marae, so I have no idea about the corruptibility of killing her, me usually play pure. Never blew up Demon Factory either so Marae is cool.)

Why do we not get the armor as we get the Lethicite staff after we off Lethice? I thought that was strange not getting the cool armor, even for a pure character like myself. LOL


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You don't have to blow up the factory. Once you reach level 30, you can challenge Marae for one of the hardest boss fights, after you defeat Lethice. This is probably the only post-game content currently.

If you blow up the factory, you get the tentacled bark plates. If you properly shut down the factory, you get divine bark plates.

Baobab Fruit is going to be in the game as secondary rhino TF. Unlike rhino steak, you can take the fruit with you and is consumed from inventory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you blow up the factory, you get the tentacled bark plates. If you properly shut down the factory, you get divine bark plates.
Thanx for explanation. Pity you cannot gain both armors. *wicked-grin*

Baobab Fruit is going to be in the game as secondary rhino TF. Unlike rhino steak, you can take the fruit with you and is consumed from inventory.
Thanx. (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So anyways, I've been making great progress with implementation of fur colour.

If you load up your save while you're already a furry, you'll get to choose a fur colour! This is a one-time offer only. The game will provide you with 19 different choices of fur colour!

If you're not happy with your fur colour, eat a small black egg to remove your fur then consume a TF that gives you fur.

Cat, dog, and horse TFs will give you a random fur colour upon getting fur. Fox TFs will result in orange and white fur while cow TFs that give you fur will result in black and white fur. Raccoon TFs will give you gray fur. Kangaroo, mouse and ferret TFs will also give you fur.

Rhino TFs will be listed in appearance as well.

Once I get the snapshot updated, I'll add a wiki entry for fur colour.

EDIT: The new snapshot is now live! Want to be a rhino-morph? You can. Want to have fur colour being different from your hair colour? You can, too!
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New Member
Sep 27, 2015
So I don't know if this problems been resolved or not but I'm having problems with the CoC ED. 

So essentially when I try to edit my save file, I save it like I normally would and go into the mod and attempt at loading my obviously cheaty character, but only succeed in loading my duplicate save file. When I click save to file and then attempt to load that edited file, it tells me this. !Unhandled Exception. Failed to Load Save. File may be corrupted. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Okay, So I just tried, as a test, to see if I could give myself max gems with my actual save, and it worked. If there's something preventing me from making a lot of changes then I don't know what it is.

Edit: I've figured it all out. 
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Aug 27, 2015
I just picked up a Pig Truffle and I'm curious if there are any plans to involve special .. flavor text, like the centaur with like say the Imps.

I'm thinking since your either a pig or a boar that there could be like bbm or like a emphasis on being smelly or generally unclean? :3


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It doesn't have to be that way. Those are just stereotypes, smell aside, but that's being an animal for you :p Not that I don't like those stereotypes at times, but as someone who likes pigs IRL (not that way!), it gets old. Overstuffed pigs might lead to a decline of meat quality due to the amounts of fat, and they are not unclean per se, apart frrom what being an omnivore and munch on everything around might entail. As per the rolling-in-mud issue, pigs need moisture due to how they cannot sweat, and mud works for them. Elephants do the same and no one would consider them as dirty beings!

Edit: now that I remember, Marethian pig morphs aren't exactly thin. From a Lottie scene: "Physique-wise, Lottie is definitely a bit chubbier than most girls, though you couldn’t call her fat - of the few pig people you have seen around Tel’Adre, she’s definitely the ‘thinnest’."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just a random request, any chance of a counter item to reverse the effects of herbal contraceptives? I know the brown pill in the desert dungeon reverses it, but the two pills in the same spot kind of renders the herbs a bit redundant when you think about it. Since both the pills are in the same location and are not consumed upon each use, why would anyone need to go through the hassle of getting the farm to grow more herbs (especially since it's once a week from my understanding and getting them seems like a much harder job then getting to the pills) after gaining access to them? I'm open to any thoughts.

Edit: I also just realized that only the corrupt farm can grow them.
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