CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I know of someone who got the"contribute for 365 days" badge. I never thought anyone would be able to get it.
Sep 14, 2015
From what I know (never have had problems myself), place all files in the CoC dir where the game is. Launch CoCEd.exe. It will see which version you are running, original CoC or Mod, and it will use the appropriate xml. Here is a link on the wiki with all you need do, I hope.

Thank you for the info Rycharde. No idea why I didn't get an update about you answering my question when I got updates for every other comment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Forum notifications are a bit spotty right now. I've received notifications on people replying to my posts days after the fact, even though I come here at least once or twice a day, sometimes more often than that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Forum notifications are a bit spotty right now. I've received notifications on people replying to my posts days after the fact, even though I come here at least once or twice a day, sometimes more often than that.



Aug 27, 2015
have we descused the issue with Magic seed and golden seeds continuing to transform your penis to avian, even after its already transformed

Dragonman firebane

Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
so anyone thinking of adding more content like capturing faeries and keeping them at your camp to do horrible things to them? or hunting previous bosses to turn them into orgasmic living trophies?
Sep 14, 2015
so anyone thinking of adding more content like capturing faeries and keeping them at your camp to do horrible things to them? or hunting previous bosses to turn them into orgasmic living trophies?

I like this idea. Though as my name suggests, I would like to be able to make the 9th night dream a possibility(fem/herm pc domming mother, and mother loving every second of it).

Dragonman firebane

Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
I like this idea. Though as my name suggests, I would like to be able to make the 9th night dream a possibility(fem/herm pc domming mother, and mother loving every second of it).

also nice idea for a horny dream
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New Member
Sep 19, 2015
Is there any way to reset Urta doing her fertility quest with the save editor (or to bring her back if you failed her fertility quest by marking it as done)? I think I might've accidentally gotten her removed from losing a fight with her because I'm unable to find her and I'm pretty sure she's not pregnant or anything like that. 
Sep 14, 2015
Is there any way to reset Urta doing her fertility quest with the save editor (or to bring her back if you failed her fertility quest by marking it as done)? I think I might've accidentally gotten her removed from losing a fight with her because I'm unable to find her and I'm pretty sure she's not pregnant or anything like that. 

In the Raw Data section, type URTA_QUEST_STATUS  and change the value to 0. That should reset the quest, don't know if it will bring Urta back though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Is cum addiction broken? Or is my character just immune?

There is a point where the Champion becomes immune to its effects. I do believe it will be in your perks as Minotaur Cum Addiction Immunity or some such. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One of those hidden flag-only stats, I believe, though which flag controls it I'm not sure. If I recall, I know one of the flags governs which stage of addition you are in (0=normal, 1=addicted, etc.), maybe that one has an "immunity" stage?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Dropped the 200th article on the Revamp Wiki. Some do not have much info (no info to get at present), some are WIP (sometimes to due low info, some because I got burnt out, tired, etc. doing wiki stuff), MOST are looking good. Take a look. Praise me for all the good I've done. LOL Critique me on things you see wanting. Any corrections, etc. Leave in the comments at bottom of article.

One of those hidden flag-only stats, I believe, though which flag controls it I'm not sure. If I recall, I know one of the flags governs which stage of addition you are in (0=normal, 1=addicted, etc.), maybe that one has an "immunity" stage?

Possible. Kitteh is trying to make the code easier to read which I take it, as a SMALL part, is labelling flags for what they are. He's a busy boy. Doing university on top of it all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey guys I done a bit more on the crocodile-morphs. I know I got a long way to go but I would love some feedback on some of the scenes I wrote up.

I want to know if I'm on the right track with them, I feel like I'm in a bit of a corner. So please have a look and such, it would be great! :)

Added Croc to Wiki. Take a look. I think I carried over the feel you have for the them, and I know I will be updating it when it is implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've thought I would answer some posts.

You'll eventually gain immunity to minotaur cum if you take care not to get yourself too addicted and let percentage go down.

Incubus and succubus encounters will eventually come in the form of demon soldiers. You can find the card on Trello. Although I'm not very happy with how the document was written, especially the pronouns. NEVER refer a humanoid demon as it, only he/she.

With my development process slowing down, I'll have to move some of the stuff to 1.4 and implement the smaller things. I'll try my best to finish up the Black Cock and the smaller things first and focus on fixing the bugs.

Development is a bit of a slow going but I'll try my best to finish up rhino and echidna TFs. I've been sidetracked by a new game: DarkScape. It's an open-PvP version of Runescape and it's official. Nothing is really safe, you can even be attacked in banks and there are guards to protect the players from PvP. Basically Wilderness everywhere.

Expect 1.3 in a couple of weeks if I'm feeling well. And of course, a snapshot will come soon with the new additions and changes:

  • Fur colour being split from hair colour. Ever wanted to be like Katherine? You can.Transformative items that will give you fur will give you random fur colour.
  • All existing saves that have you being furry will allow you to choose fur colour.
[*]Killing an imp will reduce your corruption by 1 as you're cleansing Mareth of corrupted creatures.
[*]Having satyr traits will grant you Satyr Sexuality perk.
[*]Rhino Steak will grant you rhino TFs.
[*]39 new IDs for image pack.
[*]Avian cock TF fixes.
[*]More bug fixes, thanks Damien!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
  • Fur colour being split from hair colour. Ever wanted to be like Katherine? You can.Transformative items that will give you fur will give you random fur colour.
  • All existing saves that have you being furry will allow you to choose fur colour.

So one of the reasons why I don's make my Champions go (slightly) furry has been addressed at last. Thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Killing an imp will reduce your corruption by 1 as you're cleansing Mareth of corrupted creatures.
I disagree with this concept. While you're cleansing Mareth of corrupted creatures it cleanses the land, not yourself.

There are probably many demons and corrupted beings that have killed other demons and are unlikely to have lost their corruption.

This concept follows a strong killing the weak concept rather than purifying the land if you're already corrupted.


Aug 30, 2015
Added Croc to Wiki. Take a look. I think I carried over the feel you have for the them, and I know I will be updating it when it is implemented.

Oh wow, we got a wiki! Thanks for that Rycharde, it got covered very well :D

And also thanks for the feedback. I'll get started on the TF item after my eye op.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
[...] after my eye op.

Why for the eye op?


For those authors and developers out there, drop by the Revamp Mod Wiki to see if I've got the info correct. Anything missing leave a message in the comments where you find it: Authors and Credits.
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Aug 30, 2015
Why for the eye op?


Sorry for the late reply!

I have Coats' Disease, my right eye is going blind because of it. So to stem further loss of vision, I'm having laser surgery and cryotherapy - I've had laser before but have to have it again. Fingers crossed! :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Good luck. Hope everything works for you. 


EDIT: Just finished reading up on that disease. Wow! I take it you're in the early stages from what I read? Their working on both surgeries this time, or is laser-op and cryotherapy done at the same time?
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New Member
Sep 22, 2015
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but how do you start Marble's purification quest? She's been in my camp for weeks now and hasn't brought it up at all. And I know I should be able to do it because I have the Marble resistance perk.