CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

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Welcome to Corruption of Champions: Unofficially Expanded Edition!

Last Updated: June 08, 2020

How to run the mod: Download the SWF file through the Download button. You will need to have a standalone Flash player.

The Reasons for this Mod
CoC no longer gets many updates and if it's still updated, it's few and far between. This is because of TiTS. There are several unfinished content. Pure and Corrupted Minerva never got added.

I aim to keep CoC alive through this mod and bring in interesting and new content! Few submissions got implemented through this mod such as Lizan Rogue, Glacial Rift, and several more

Also, I find CoC not challenging enough at endgame. That's where the hunger and difficulty comes in so you can choose to make CoC harder. I even threw in Glacial Rift and Volcanic Crag for the endgame characters. If you're seeking a challenge, that's where Marae comes in.

Backstory of Mod
You are prepared for what is to come. Most of the last year has been spent honing your body and mind to prepare for the challenges ahead. You are the Champion of Ingnam. The one who will journey to the demon realm and guarantee the safety of your friends and family, even though you'll never see them again. You wipe away a tear as you enter the courtyard and see Elder Nomur waiting for you. You are ready.

The walk to the tainted cave is long and silent. Elder Nomur does not speak. There is nothing left to say. The two of you journey in companionable silence. Slowly the black rock of Mount Ilgast looms closer and closer, and the temperature of the air drops. You shiver and glance at the Elder, noticing he doesn't betray any sign of the cold. Despite his age of nearly 80, he maintains the vigor of a man half his age. You're glad for his strength, as assisting him across this distance would be draining, and you must save your energy for the trials ahead.

The entrance of the cave gapes open, sharp stalactites hanging over the entrance, giving it the appearance of a monstrous mouth. Elder Nomur stops and nods to you, gesturing for you to proceed alone.

Strangely, the cave isn't unusually warm and damp. You walk up to notice that the portal is... inactive? You examine the portal to find that a stone piece is missing. Surely there must be something to give you a clue?

You look around to notice the chest in the center of the cave. How could you have missed that? Curiosity gets the best of you as you approach the chest. What could be inside this chest? You slowly lift the lid and the glow flows through the opening. There must be something shiny inside! You lift the lid open and the glow fades to reveal five rectangular buttons each with text written on them and a couple of notes. One of them hints that the button labeled 'Download' will allow you to choose a magical stone to appear to complete the portal.

You lay the buttons and the notes on the floor. You weigh your options.

Milestones Achieved
Get things set up.
Reach 25,000 views.
Reach 50,000 views.
Reach 100,000 views.
Reach 250,000 views.
Reach 500,000 views.
Reach 1,000,000 views. (Ultimate Goal)
Have this thread featured.
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Aug 26, 2015
Kitteh check out the way back machine, it has a full look at the forums though its from march 20th


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Are they going to add another Coc submission section? Because it seems to me that in order to avoid the whole 'I wrote this whole tripple-cocked husbando in for coc, can he get in' and the ensuing 'coc dedgaem' reply storm, it'd be simpler not to. According to the powers that be, the last thing added to the main game would be the completion of the Third Dungeon. Making a spot for submissions would be rather silly if they don't plan to add them in.

Of course I could be wrong and they'll add it in anyway. You never know.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I not think this time will be submissions section. General part and bug report subpart will do the work. And well not to be suprised Kitteh claimed first uncharted piece of forum for CoC with his thread. I hope forum issues not affected your work on mod.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Most new CoC writers were writing for this Mod anyway, so I don't think we need a CoC submission section as they'll probably have the content located on this thread.

Mostly waiting for the Snapshot and Trello to come back up myself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
At the moment, I can't edit the original post as the edit post vanishes after 5 minutes.

Let's give a day or two. If the edit post comes back, I'll edit the first post.

Edit: We can now edit our own posts! Huzzah!
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Aug 27, 2015
I have horrible felling that not a single person has seen my amazing writing I posted right before site died

This writing was inspired by thread that was closed by this savage Savin with words that noone shall write it

So I wrote it to prove him wrong

Behold! The Thunderbird transformation!
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Aug 27, 2015
About the thunder bird thing is it really supposed to be only 9 lines?

Writing items is hard

And I wanted to post it in thunderbird thread but didn't realized it got closed


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was going to ask this on the other forum, but I don't think I need to tell you that's no longer a possibilty.
 So here goes:

How long does it take for Ember's eggs to hatch, if they even do that?


New Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey, so I posted this in the last thread, but it died not long after, so here I go again:

Thank you so much for all the work you and everyone else has done for what's likely my favorite text-based RPG.  I'm glad to see it getting some attention after the focus was shifted to TiTS.

I have a couple questions as well for the mod:

1) From what I can tell, the only major difference between Survival and Realistic is that you can be encumbered by overly-large appendages.  What I'm wondering is around when does the encumbrance kicks in?  I guess I'm asking is how realistic "Realistic Mode" is.  (While I've never been a fan of watermelon-sized breasticles, I am overly fond of phalli averaging 20 inches.)

2) I've got a (vanilla) save in which I'm currently at 100 days (I've done a lot of grinding and trying to meet every NPC).  How much would I be missing if I just keep playing instead of starting over?  I really don't have much of an issue either way, but I did get pretty lucky with some transformations (Not a fan of save scumming, so I was a bit surprised when I was able to hit it.)

I want to thank you again for everything that's been done so far.  I definitely look forward to playing through the mod and seeing everything that's been changed/what's new.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was going to ask this on the other forum, but I don't think I need to tell you that's no longer a possibilty.
 So here goes:

How long does it take for Ember's eggs to hatch, if they even do that?

As far as what? Ember being pregnant?

If you're talking about Ember's egg to hatch her, it's based off of "interacting" with her egg 5 times, then it hatches when you choose to hatch it.

If you're talking about her being pregnant with eggs, wiki states it's around 2 weeks. I personally can't verify that myself, though. I'll do some testing myself later today to see if I can come up with a better answer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, so just loaded a save I had with a Char that has her egg but I never even hatched her. I used the save editor to give me 48 hours rut to proc the mating scene and then spammed wait until she gave birth. Took 14 days, plus or minus a few hours. Margin of error is due to the fact that her and I did the dirty in the middle of the night and her birthing scene happen at 6 in the morning 14 days later, so I don't know if those extra hours matter or not.

Impregnated on day 53 at 0300 / gave birth at 0600 on day 67.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As far as what? Ember being pregnant?

If you're talking about Ember's egg to hatch her, it's based off of "interacting" with her egg 5 times, then it hatches when you choose to hatch it.

If you're talking about her being pregnant with eggs, wiki states it's around 2 weeks. I personally can't verify that myself, though. I'll do some testing myself later today to see if I can come up with a better answer.

I meant if the eggs Ember lay from mating with her ever hatch. There are 3 flags that leads me to believe that those eggs may in fact one day hatch(flags 554, 555, and 556).

The Stats menu says that Ember has about 3 eggs produced(2 from her, and 1 from my PC), but that's all.
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Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
I hope this helps 

How to run modded CoC on BlackBerry 10 devices. (Does not work in OS 10.3.1 due to lack of Flash unless a workaround is made first.) Use the Android version.
Make sure Flash player is enabled!
Type "file://" on address bar in Browser.
Go to a folder named 'sdcard' then a folder named 'download'. Look for the swf file and tap on that file to run.

Image Pack Instructions

How to set up the new images XML file for use with image pack
Click here to go to the XML file page.
Right-click on Raw then click "Save As". Save as "images.xml". Make sure to select "All Files" from "Save as type" dropdown!
Now copy the XML file over to the img folder that will house the pictures. Overwrite when prompted.
Add images to your heart content. If you're not sure what to name images, examine the XML file.

My Goals and Milestones
Reach 10,000 views (ACHIEVED)
Reach 25,000 views (ACHIEVED)
Reach 50,000 views (ACHIEVED)
Reach 100,000 views (ACHIEVED)
Reach 250,000 views (ACHIEVED)
Reach 500,000 views (ACHIEVED)
ULTIMATE: Reach 1,000,000 views (This is going to be insane!)
Have Fenoxo play and review the mod.
Have this mod featured on Fenoxo's blog!
 CoC Mod Snapshot - Test out any upcoming features.XML file for CoCEd - As of mod version 1.2.12 for CoC 0.9.4.Image Pack - Not my image pack. It's the same image pack from official CoC download page.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm kinda unhappy with how editing works.

Surely, standard forum formatting still works. But it's more awkward to align images just the way you want. I'm used to the old editing method.

Circular profile pictures are my pet peeves. I absolutely can't stand them either. What's with the trend of changing all the square icons to circle icons?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm kinda unhappy with how editing works.

Surely, standard forum formatting still works. But it's more awkward to align images just the way you want. I'm used to the old editing method.

Circular profile pictures are my pet peeves. I absolutely can't stand them either. What's with the trend of changing all the square icons to circle icons?

I HATE circular profile images. They're everywhere in this day and age. As per editing... is there any way to use spoilers and preview a message before sending it already?


New Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sorry guys, new here. I can't play the android apk, it goes black screen and some times it closes. Opening the .swf on the browser is not working either. I didn't know where to post this so i did it here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I HATE circular profile images. They're everywhere in this day and age. As per editing... is there any way to use spoilers and preview a message before sending it already?

Don't believe there's a preview feature yet, and I don't know how to do the spoiler/hidden text stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can still do spoiler the same way.

Stuff goes here.
The nice thing about the new forum is the nested spoiler. Although the colours need changing.

I'm a spoiler! Click the spoiler below for some spoilerception!

Yo dawg, I heard you like spoilers.
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Aug 27, 2015
The Trello just goes to the github. Sure I went to it often enough back during the old site but If any other newbies check it out they won't know whats going on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Trello link doesn't link to Trello, It links to Github. Needs to be fixed up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
DAMN! Everything except Behemoth Revamp is neck and neck. How likely for that to happen?

(Checks number of votes) (Facepalms)

No wonder. Only eight people, including me, voted.